Ejemplo n.º 1
void wxBookCtrlBase::OnHelp(wxHelpEvent& event)
    // determine where does this even originate from to avoid redirecting it
    // back to the page which generated it (resulting in an infinite loop)

    // notice that we have to check in the hard(er) way instead of just testing
    // if the event object == this because the book control can have other
    // subcontrols inside it (e.g. wxSpinButton in case of a notebook in wxUniv)
    wxWindow *source = wxStaticCast(event.GetEventObject(), wxWindow);
    while ( source && source != this && source->GetParent() != this )
        source = source->GetParent();

    if ( source && m_pages.Index(source) == wxNOT_FOUND )
        // this event is for the book control itself, redirect it to the
        // corresponding page
        wxWindow *page = NULL;

        if ( event.GetOrigin() == wxHelpEvent::Origin_HelpButton )
            // show help for the page under the mouse
            const int pagePos = HitTest(ScreenToClient(event.GetPosition()));

            if ( pagePos != wxNOT_FOUND)
                page = GetPage((size_t)pagePos);
        else // event from keyboard or unknown source
            // otherwise show the current page help
            page = GetCurrentPage();

        if ( page )
            // change event object to the page to avoid infinite recursion if
            // we get this event ourselves if the page doesn't handle it

            if ( page->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) )
                // don't call event.Skip()
    //else: event coming from one of our pages already
