bool RegisterComDLL(HINSTANCE hin,LPCTSTR dll) { TCHAR curpath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName( hin, curpath, MAX_PATH ); PathRemoveFileSpec(curpath); ATL::CString file; file += "regsvr32 \""; file += curpath; file += "\\"; file += dll; file += "\" /s"; STARTUPINFO si={0}; si.cb = sizeof(si); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi={0}; if(!CreateProcess( NULL,(LPWSTR)file.GetString(), NULL,NULL,FALSE,0, NULL,NULL,&si, &pi )) { DebugOutF(filelog::log_error,"CreateProcess failed with %d",GetLastError() ); return false; } WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess,-1); DWORD exitcode = 0; GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess,&exitcode); if(pi.hProcess)CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); if(pi.hThread)CloseHandle(pi.hThread); return exitcode == 0; }
///process based init /// todo - destructor order(I am not sure if it is correct!!) bool PluginMng::InitPlugins(){ if (plugins_.empty()){ LoadPlugins(); uuiterator vb=plugins_.begin(),ve=plugins_.end(); for (uuiterator i=vb;i!=ve;++i){ uuplugin* p= *i; CRegKey crk; long rk=crk.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _6bees_const::kplugindisabled, KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE); if (rk==ERROR_SUCCESS){ DWORD i=0; ATL::CString menuid; menuid.Format(_T("%d"),p->menuwID_); if (crk.QueryDWORDValue(menuid,i)==ERROR_SUCCESS){ p->enabled_ = false; } } if (p->enabled_){ p->init(); }else{ disabled_plugins_.push_back(p); } } fillpartswidth(); } return true; }
int CSetProxServer::readInt(ATL::CString str) { int nValue = 0; // if (str.Compare(PROX_SERVER_TYPE_IE) == 0) // { // nValue = 1; // } if (str.Compare(PROX_SERVER_TYPE_NONE) == 0) { nValue = 0; } else if (str.Compare(PROX_SERVER_TYPE_HTTP) == 0) { nValue = 1; } else if (str.Compare(PROX_SERVER_TYPE_SOCK) == 0) { nValue = 2; } else if (str.Compare(PROX_SERVER_VERIFY_NO) == 0)//验证过程 { nValue = 0; } else if (str.Compare(PROX_SERVER_VERIFY_YES) == 0) { nValue = 1; } else { nValue = -1; } return nValue; }
LRESULT CH_HBarWnd::OnHBarSearchPrev(UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam,BOOL& bHandled){ if(newpage){ return 0; } CComBSTR search_words = NULL; m_BandEditCtrl.GetWindowText(&search_words); ATL::CString sw = search_words.m_str; if(sw.IsEmpty()){ return 0; } newpage = FALSE; if(currentRange2==NULL){ CComQIPtr<IHTMLBodyElement,&IID_IHTMLBodyElement> bodyElement(body); if(FAILED(bodyElement->createTextRange(¤tRange2)) && currentRange2==NULL){return 0;} } VARIANT_BOOL bSuccess; long t=0; if(wParam == HBAR_SEARCHPREVFAILED && lParam==HBAR_SEARCHPREVFAILED){//at the beginning CComQIPtr<IHTMLBodyElement,&IID_IHTMLBodyElement> bodyElement(body); if(FAILED(bodyElement->createTextRange(¤tRange2)) && currentRange2==NULL){return 0;} }else{ currentRange2->setEndPoint(_T("EndToStart"),currentRange); currentRange2->moveEnd(_T("Character"),-1*search_words.Length(),&t); } DWORD flag = (m_case.GetCheck()==BST_UNCHECKED?0:FINDTEXT_MATCHCASE); if(currentRange2!=NULL && SUCCEEDED(currentRange2->findText(search_words,-1,flag,&bSuccess)) && bSuccess==VARIANT_TRUE){ int a=0; if(FAILED(currentRange2->select())){a=1;} currentRange->setEndPoint(_T("StartToEnd"),currentRange2); if(a==1){::PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_HBAR_SEARCH_PREV, 0, 0);} }else{ ::PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_HBAR_SEARCH_PREV, HBAR_SEARCHPREVFAILED, HBAR_SEARCHPREVFAILED); } return 0; }
BOOL CSetProxServer::CheckIp( ATL::CString& str )//检查IP地址是否合法 { LPCWSTR lpIpString = str.GetBuffer(-1); str.ReleaseBuffer(-1); int nStrLen = 0; int nDotCount = 0; nStrLen = wcslen(lpIpString); if((nStrLen > 15) || (nStrLen < 7)) return FALSE; for(int i=0; i < nStrLen; ++i) { if( lpIpString[i] == L'.' ) { if( (lpIpString[i+1] == '.') || (i==0) || (i==nStrLen-1)) return FALSE; nDotCount++; continue; } if( (lpIpString[i] < L'0') || (lpIpString[i] > L'9') ) return FALSE; } if( nDotCount == 3) { if(inet_addr(CW2A(str.GetBuffer(-1))) != INADDR_NONE) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //时间与字符串互相转换函数 ATL::CString GlobeFuns::TimeToString(const CTime &t) { ATL::CString strDateTime; strDateTime.Format("%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", t.GetYear(), t.GetMonth(), t.GetDay(), t.GetHour(), t.GetMinute(), t.GetSecond()); return strDateTime; }
ATL::CString GetStringValue(CRegKey& rk, const ATL::CString& valueName) { ATL::CString result; DWORD dwLen = 1024; rk.QueryStringValue(valueName, result.GetBuffer(dwLen), &dwLen); result.ReleaseBuffer(); return result; }
void MainDialog::OnDropFiles(HDROP hdrop) { ATL::CString path; UINT len = DragQueryFile(hdrop, 0, NULL, 0); char *pch = path.GetBufferSetLength(len); if(DragQueryFile(hdrop, 0, pch, len + 1)) { m_xml = pch; DoDataExchange(false, IDC_XML); EnableDlgItem(IDC_START); } DragFinish(hdrop); }
PluginMng::~PluginMng(){ for (int i=0;i<(int)plugins_.size();i++){ uuplugin* uup =; CRegKey crk; long rk=crk.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _6bees_const::kplugindisabled, KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE); if (rk==ERROR_SUCCESS){ ATL::CString menuid; menuid.Format(_T("%d"),uup->menuwID_); if(uup->enabled_){ crk.DeleteValue(menuid); }else{ crk.SetDWORDValue(menuid,1); } } } }
UINT WINAPI alexa::thread_getalexa(LPVOID p){ alexainfo* pas = static_cast<alexainfo*>(p); int alexarank = 0; std::wstring hostname(pas->hostname.c_str()); if(url2alexa.find(hostname)==url2alexa.end()){ alexarank = GetAlexaRank(pas->hostname.c_str()); url2alexa[hostname] = alexarank; }else{ alexarank = url2alexa[hostname]; } ATL::CString stralexa; stralexa.Format(L"%d",alexarank); pas->alexaptr->tid2panetext_[pas->tid] = stralexa; if(IsWindow(pas->psb->m_hWnd)) pas->psb->SetText(pas->paneid,stralexa); return 0; }
HRESULT TimeToString( __time64_t nTime, ATL::CString& strTime ) { ATL::CTime time(nTime); strTime.Format( TEXT("%d %d %d %d:%d:%d"), time.GetYear(), time.GetMonth(), time.GetDay(), time.GetHour(), time.GetMinute(),time.GetSecond()); return S_OK; }
bool alexa::OnNavigateComplete2(int paneid,const wchar_t* url){ C6BeeMenuStatusBar* pSB = GetC6BeeMenuStatusBarPtr(); if (pSB==NULL){ return false; } ATL::CString myurl = url; if(myurl.Find(_T("http://"))!=0){ return false; } int cut=myurl.Find(_T("/"),8); if (cut<0){return false;} myurl.Truncate(cut); alexa_info.paneid = paneid; alexa_info.hostname = myurl; alexa_info.psb = pSB; alexa_info.tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); alexa_info.alexaptr = this; ::_beginthreadex(NULL,0,thread_getalexa, (LPVOID)&alexa::alexa_info,0,NULL); return true; }
LRESULT CH_HBarWnd::OnCtlColorEdit(UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam,BOOL& bHandled){ HDC hdcEdit = (HDC) wParam; // handle to display context HWND hwndEdit = (HWND) lParam; // handle to static control if (hwndEdit==m_BandEditCtrl.m_hWnd) { CComBSTR search_words = NULL; m_BandEditCtrl.GetWindowText(&search_words); ATL::CString sw = search_words.m_str; if(sw.IsEmpty() && bkcolor!=kGreen){ bkcolor = kGreen; m_hBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(bkcolor); RECT rc; m_BandEditCtrl.GetClientRect(&rc); m_BandEditCtrl.InvalidateRect(&rc,TRUE); } if (m_hBrush == NULL) m_hBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(bkcolor); SetBkColor(hdcEdit,bkcolor); SetTextColor(hdcEdit, RGB(0,20,245)); return ((LRESULT) m_hBrush); } return 0; }
LRESULT CSiteSelectedBoxWnd::OnClicked_BtnOK(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { ATL::CString strName; m_ctrlSiteCombo.GetLBText(m_ctrlSiteCombo.GetCurSel(), strName); map<TSTLSTRING, TSTLSTRING>::iterator iterSite = m_SiteMap.find(strName.GetString()); if(iterSite == m_SiteMap.end()) { MessageBox(TEXT("您没有选择站点?"), TEXT("提示"), MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); bHandled = TRUE; return 0; } try { ConfigureManager::GetInstance().SetSettingValue(TEXT("sitename"), iterSite->second); ConfigureManager::GetInstance().Save(); } catch(Exception& error) { MessageBox(error.GetMessage().c_str(), TEXT("错误"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } DestroyWindow(); if(!OnSelected.m_EventList.empty()) { Event< SiteSelected >::EventIterator iter; for( iter = OnSelected.m_EventList.begin(); iter != OnSelected.m_EventList.end(); ++iter ) { InvokeEvent(true, iterSite->second); } } bHandled = TRUE; return 0; }
IUnknownPtr GenericCLRLoader::WSCoCreateDotNetInstancePtr(const CLSID& clsid) { LPOLESTR szClsid; HRESULT hr = StringFromCLSID(clsid, &szClsid); if (FAILED(hr)) throw _com_error(hr); ATL::CString sClsid = szClsid; CoTaskMemFree(szClsid); CRegKey rkCLSID; hr = rkCLSID.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"CLSID\\" + sClsid + L"\\InprocServer32", KEY_READ); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) throw _com_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr)); ATL::CString sAssembly = GetStringValue(rkCLSID, L"Assembly"); ATL::CString sClass = GetStringValue(rkCLSID, L"Class"); ATL::CString sCodeBase = GetStringValue(rkCLSID, L"CodeBase"); if (sAssembly.GetLength() == 0 || sClass.GetLength() == 0 || sCodeBase.GetLength() == 0) throw _com_error(REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG); ATL::CString dllPath; ATL::CString strFilePrefix(_T("file:///")); if (sCodeBase.Left(strFilePrefix.GetLength()).MakeLower() == strFilePrefix) { dllPath = sCodeBase.Mid(strFilePrefix.GetLength()); // discard 'file:///' } else { dllPath = sCodeBase; } IUnknownPtr result; hr = TheInstance()->CreateCOMObject(dllPath, sAssembly, sClass, &result); if (FAILED(hr)) throw _com_error(hr); return result; }
// an instance of the requested add-in in that AppDomain. HRESULT GenericCLRLoader::CreateObject(const ATL::CString& sAssemblyFile, const ATL::CString& sAssemblyName, const ATL::CString& sTypeName, mscorlib::_ObjectHandle** ppObject, const ATL::CString& sConfigFile, const ATL::CString& sDomainName, int LocaleID) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; try { m_skipCleanup = true; // Ensure the common language runtime is running ... IfFailGo( LoadCLR(sAssemblyFile) ); // In order to securely load an assembly, its fully qualified strong name // and not the filename must be used. To do that, the target AppDomain's // base directory needs to point to the directory where the assembly is // residing. CreateLocalAppDomain() ensures that such AppDomain exists. // // VE3580 "Error:0x8000ffff is seen only on the first save to SharePoint. Windows XP SP3 with Office 2003" // If no config file is specified when creating the appdomain the first time a Uri object is created an exception is thrown, // Its trying to read a config file that is NULL. So specify a dummy file name to prevent this. IfFailGo( CreateLocalAppDomain(sDomainName, sConfigFile.IsEmpty() ? "app.config" : sConfigFile) ); // Create an instance of the managed class if (LocaleID != -1) m_pLocalDomain->SetData(CComBSTR("LocaleID"), CComVariant(LocaleID)); IfFailGo(m_pLocalDomain->CreateInstance(CComBSTR(sAssemblyName), CComBSTR(sTypeName), ppObject)); } catch(...) { LOG_WS_INFO(_T("Unable to load clr, create app domain, run CLRPolicyReader")); } Error: return hr; }
//---------------------------------------------- //modified by BOOL HasChineseChar(const ATL::CString &destStr) { BOOL bHasChinsesChar = FALSE; int nLen = destStr.GetLength(); unsigned char c1,c2; BOOL bFirstSpace = TRUE; for(int i=0; i<nLen; i++) { c1 = destStr[i]; if((i+1) >= nLen) { if (bFirstSpace && (c1 == ' ' || c1 == '\t')) { } else { //strConv += destStr[i]; bFirstSpace = FALSE; } break; } else { c2 = destStr[i+1]; if(c1 == 163) //ÅжÏÊÇ·ñΪȫ½Ç×Ö·û { //strConv += TCHAR(c2-128); i++; bFirstSpace = FALSE; } else if((int)c1 > 163) //ÅжÏÊÇ·ñΪÎÄ×Ö { //strConv += (TCHAR)c1; //strConv += (TCHAR)c2; i++; bFirstSpace = FALSE; bHasChinsesChar = TRUE; break; } else if((c1 == 161) && (c2 == 161)) //ȫΪ¿Õ¸ñ { i++; } else //Èç¹ûÊÇ°ë½Ç×Ö·û { if (bFirstSpace && (c1 == ' ' || c1 == '\t')) { } else { //strConv += (TCHAR)c1; bFirstSpace = FALSE; } }//endi } } return bHasChinsesChar; }
void CSetProxServer::ReadSettingsAndSet(int nFlag = -1) { int nType; TCHAR sUser[256] = {0}; TCHAR sPass[256] = {0}; TCHAR sHost[256] = {0}; int nPort = 80; int nValidate; ATL::CString strPort = L""; CIniFile iniFile(m_strFilePath); iniFile.GetIntValue(L"proxy", L"type", nType); if (nFlag == -1)// { if (nType == -1)//第一次使用的情况 { nType = 1; m_bChanged = TRUE; } } else { nType = nFlag; } m_ComBoHttp.SetCurSel(nType); iniFile.GetIntValue(L"proxy", L"validate", nValidate); if (nValidate == -1) { nValidate = 1;//默认情况下是需要验证的 } iniFile.GetStrValue(L"proxy", L"host", sHost, sizeof(sHost)); iniFile.GetIntValue(L"proxy", L"port", nPort); iniFile.GetStrValue(L"proxy", L"user", sUser, sizeof(sUser)); iniFile.GetStrValue(L"proxy", L"password", sPass, sizeof(sPass)); HWND hWndVerify = ::GetDlgItem(GetViewHWND(), IDC_COMBO_PROX_SERVER_VERIFY); HWND hWndAddr = ::GetDlgItem(GetViewHWND(), IDC_EDITBOX_PROX_SERVER_ADDR); HWND hWndPort = ::GetDlgItem(GetViewHWND(), IDC_EDITBOX_PROX_SERVER_PORT); HWND hWndAccount = ::GetDlgItem(GetViewHWND(), IDC_EDITBOX_PROX_SERVER_ACCOUNT); HWND hWndPass = ::GetDlgItem(GetViewHWND(), IDC_EDITBOX_PROX_SERVER_PASS); if (nType == 0)//不使用的情况 { ::EnableWindow(hWndVerify, FALSE); ::EnableWindow(hWndAddr, FALSE); ::EnableWindow(hWndPort, FALSE); ::EnableWindow(hWndAccount, FALSE); ::EnableWindow(hWndPass, FALSE); ReSet(); } else { if (nPort == -1) { if (nType == 1) nPort = 80; else if (nType == 2) nPort = 1080; } strPort.Format(L"%d", nPort); ::EnableWindow(hWndVerify, TRUE); ::EnableWindow(hWndAddr, TRUE); ::EnableWindow(hWndPort, TRUE); ::EnableWindow(hWndAccount, nValidate); ::EnableWindow(hWndPass, nValidate); if (nValidate <= 0)//不需要验证的时候 { memset(sUser, 0, sizeof(sUser)); memset(sPass, 0, sizeof(sUser)); } m_ComBoVerify.SetCurSel(nValidate); m_wndEditAddr.SetWindowText(sHost); m_wndEditPort.SetWindowText(strPort); m_wndEditAccount.SetWindowText(sUser); m_wndEditPass.SetWindowText(sPass); } return; }
inline void MakeFilterString(ATL::CString& str) { char *pch = str.GetBuffer(); for(int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); ++i) if(pch[i] == '|') pch[i] = '\0'; }
bool CFilterElementHide::IsMatchFilterElementHide(IHTMLElement* pEl) const { HRESULT hr; if (!m_tagId.IsEmpty()) { CComBSTR id; hr = pEl->get_id(&id); if ((hr != S_OK) || (id != CComBSTR(m_tagId))) { return false; } } if (!m_tagClassName.IsEmpty()) { CComBSTR classNameBSTR; hr = pEl->get_className(&classNameBSTR); if (hr == S_OK) { CString className = classNameBSTR; int start = 0; CString specificClass; bool foundMatch = false; while ((specificClass = className.Tokenize(L" ", start)) != L"") { // TODO: Consider case of multiple classes. (m_tagClassName can be something like "") if (specificClass == m_tagClassName) { foundMatch = true; } } if (!foundMatch) { return false; } } } if (!m_tag.IsEmpty()) { CComBSTR tagName; hr = pEl->get_tagName(&tagName); tagName.ToLower(); if ((hr != S_OK) || (tagName != CComBSTR(m_tag))) { return false; } } // Check attributes for (std::vector<CFilterElementHideAttrSelector>::const_iterator attrIt = m_attributeSelectors.begin(); attrIt != m_attributeSelectors.end(); ++ attrIt) { ATL::CString value; bool attrFound = false; if (attrIt->m_type == CFilterElementHideAttrType::STYLE) { CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> pStyle; if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->get_style(&pStyle)) && pStyle) { CComBSTR bstrStyle; if (SUCCEEDED(pStyle->get_cssText(&bstrStyle)) && bstrStyle) { value = bstrStyle; value.MakeLower(); attrFound = true; } } } else if (attrIt->m_type == CFilterElementHideAttrType::CLASS) { CComBSTR bstrClassNames; if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->get_className(&bstrClassNames)) && bstrClassNames) { value = bstrClassNames; attrFound = true; } } else if (attrIt->m_type == CFilterElementHideAttrType::ID) { CComBSTR bstrId; if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->get_id(&bstrId)) && bstrId) { value = bstrId; attrFound = true; } } else { auto attributeValue = GetHtmlElementAttribute(*pEl, attrIt->m_bstrAttr); if (attrFound = attributeValue.isAttributeFound) { value = ToCString(attributeValue.attributeValue); } } if (attrFound) { if (attrIt->m_pos == CFilterElementHideAttrPos::EXACT) { // TODO: IE rearranges the style attribute completely. Figure out if anything can be done about it. if (value != attrIt->m_value) return false; } else if (attrIt->m_pos == CFilterElementHideAttrPos::STARTING) { if (value.Left(attrIt->m_value.GetLength()) != attrIt->m_value) return false; } else if (attrIt->m_pos == CFilterElementHideAttrPos::ENDING) { if (value.Right(attrIt->m_value.GetLength()) != attrIt->m_value) return false; } else if (attrIt->m_pos == CFilterElementHideAttrPos::ANYWHERE) { if (value.Find(attrIt->m_value) < 0) return false; } else if (attrIt->m_value.IsEmpty()) { return true; } } else { return false; } } if (m_predecessor) { CComPtr<IHTMLElement> pDomPredecessor; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; switch (m_predecessor->m_type) { case ETraverserComplexType::TRAVERSER_TYPE_PARENT: hr = pEl->get_parentElement(&pDomPredecessor); break; case ETraverserComplexType::TRAVERSER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE: hr = S_FALSE; CComQIPtr<IHTMLDOMNode> pPrevSiblingNode = pEl; long type = 0; while (pPrevSiblingNode && type != 1) { IHTMLDOMNode* tmpNode; pPrevSiblingNode->get_previousSibling(&tmpNode); pPrevSiblingNode.Attach(tmpNode); if (pPrevSiblingNode) { hr = pPrevSiblingNode->get_nodeType(&type); if (hr != S_OK) pPrevSiblingNode.Release(); } } if (pPrevSiblingNode) hr = pPrevSiblingNode.QueryInterface(&pDomPredecessor); else return false; break; } if (hr != S_OK) return false; return m_predecessor->IsMatchFilterElementHide(pDomPredecessor); } return true; }
BOOL CSetProxServer::doApplySetting() { //写配置文件 CIniFile IniFile(m_strFilePath); ATL::CString strHttp = L""; int nType; ATL::CString strVerify = L""; int nVerify; ATL::CString strAddr = L""; ATL::CString strPort = L""; int nPort; ATL::CString strAccount = L""; ATL::CString strPass = L""; HRESULT hr; EM_KXE_NETPROXY_TYPE emType; int nIndex = m_ComBoHttp.GetCurSel(); if ( nIndex!= -1) { int n = m_ComBoHttp.GetLBTextLen( nIndex ); m_ComBoHttp.GetLBText( nIndex, strHttp.GetBuffer(n) ); strHttp.ReleaseBuffer(); } nIndex = m_ComBoVerify.GetCurSel(); if (nIndex != -1) { int n = m_ComBoVerify.GetLBTextLen( nIndex ); m_ComBoVerify.GetLBText( nIndex, strVerify.GetBuffer(n) ); strVerify.ReleaseBuffer(); } //获得地址 m_wndEditAddr.GetWindowText(strAddr); //ip地址过滤 if ((strAddr == L"" || !CheckIp(strAddr)) && m_ComBoHttp.GetCurSel() != 0) { CBkSafeMsgBox2::ShowMultLine( L"IP地址为空或者不合法,请您重新输入!", L"金山卫士", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); return FALSE; } m_wndEditPort.GetWindowText(strPort); //port检测 if (strPort == L"" && m_ComBoHttp.GetCurSel() != 0) { CBkSafeMsgBox2::ShowMultLine( L"端口设置不能为空,请您重新输入!", L"金山卫士", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); return FALSE; } m_wndEditAccount.GetWindowText(strAccount); m_wndEditPass.GetWindowText(strPass); nType = readInt(strHttp); nVerify = readInt(strVerify); if (strPort == L"") nPort = -1; else nPort = _ttoi(strPort); //判断验证情况下 用户名和密码是否为空 if (nVerify == 1)//需要验证的情况 { if (strAccount == L"" || strPass == L"") { CBkSafeMsgBox2::ShowMultLine( L"用户名或者密码不能为空,请您重新输入!", L"金山卫士", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); return FALSE; } } //写配置 if (CBkSafeMsgBox2::ShowMultLine( L"您确定要对您刚修改的配置进行保存吗?", L"金山卫士", MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONWARNING) == IDOK) { //向后台进行设置 if (nType == 0) emType = EM_KXE_NETPROXY_TYPE_NOPROXY; if (nType == 1) emType = EM_KXE_NETPROXY_TYPE_HTTP; else if (nType == 2) emType = EM_KXE_NETPROXY_TYPE_SOCKET5; std::wstring sHost(strAddr); std::wstring sUser(strAccount); std::wstring sPass(strPass); KXE_CLOUD_PROXY_INFO ProxInfo; ProxInfo.emProxyType = emType; ProxInfo.strProxyHost = sHost; ProxInfo.dwProxyPort = nPort; ProxInfo.strProxyUsername = sUser; ProxInfo.strProxyPassword = sPass; hr = m_kwsScanner.SetCloudProxyInfo(ProxInfo); if (hr != 0)//设置失败 { CBkSafeMsgBox2::ShowMultLine( L"保存失败,请您重新设置?", L"金山卫士", MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONWARNING); return FALSE; } //后台设置成功后 再写配置文件 IniFile.SetIntValue(TEXT("proxy"),TEXT("type"), nType); IniFile.SetStrValue(TEXT("proxy"),TEXT("host"), strAddr); IniFile.SetIntValue(TEXT("proxy"),TEXT("port"), nPort); IniFile.SetIntValue(TEXT("proxy"),TEXT("validate"), nVerify); IniFile.SetStrValue(TEXT("proxy"),TEXT("user"), strAccount); IniFile.SetStrValue(TEXT("proxy"),TEXT("password"), strPass); NotifyDownModuleProxyChange( nType, strAddr, nPort, (BOOL)nVerify, strAccount, strPass ); GetParent().PostMessage( MSG_PROXY_CHANGE, NULL, NULL ); } else { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }