Ejemplo n.º 1
void BatchPage::build()

	BatchedGeometry::SubBatchIterator it = batch->getSubBatchIterator();
	while (it.hasMoreElements()){
		BatchedGeometry::SubBatch *subBatch = it.getNext();
		MaterialPtr mat = subBatch->getMaterial();

		//Disable specular unless a custom shader is being used.
		//This is done because the default shader applied by BatchPage
		//doesn't support specular, and fixed-function needs to look
		//the same as the shader (for computers with no shader support)
		for (int t = 0; t < mat->getNumTechniques(); ++t){
			Technique *tech = mat->getTechnique(t);
			for (int p = 0; p < tech->getNumPasses(); ++p){
				Pass *pass = tech->getPass(p);
				if (pass->getVertexProgramName() == "")
					pass->setSpecular(0, 0, 0, 1);

		//Store the original materials

Ejemplo n.º 2
void BatchPage::build()
	BatchedGeometry::TSubBatchIterator it = m_pBatchGeom->getSubBatchIterator();

	while (it.hasMoreElements())
		BatchedGeometry::SubBatch *subBatch = it.getNext();
		const MaterialPtr &ptrMat = subBatch->getMaterial();

		//Disable specular unless a custom shader is being used.
		//This is done because the default shader applied by BatchPage
		//doesn't support specular, and fixed-function needs to look
		//the same as the shader (for computers with no shader support)
		for (unsigned short t = 0, tCnt = ptrMat->getNumTechniques(); t < tCnt; ++t)
			Technique *tech = ptrMat->getTechnique(t);
			for (unsigned short p = 0, pCnt = tech->getNumPasses(); p < pCnt; ++p)
				Pass *pass = tech->getPass(p);
				//if (pass->getVertexProgramName() == "")
				//	pass->setSpecular(0, 0, 0, 1);
            if (!pass->hasVertexProgram())
               pass->setSpecular(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);

		//Store the original materials
