Ejemplo n.º 1
TSubgoal FindObj::whatToDoToAchieve()
	const CGObjectInstance * o = nullptr;
	if (resID > -1) //specified
		for(const CGObjectInstance *obj : ai->visitableObjs)
			if(obj->ID == objid && obj->subID == resID)
				o = obj;
				break; //TODO: consider multiple objects and choose best
		for(const CGObjectInstance *obj : ai->visitableObjs)
			if(obj->ID == objid)
				o = obj;
				break; //TODO: consider multiple objects and choose best
	if (o && ai->isAccessible(o->pos)) //we don't use isAccessibleForHero as we don't know which hero it is
		return sptr (Goals::GetObj(o->id.getNum()));
		return sptr (Goals::Explore());
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: Goals.cpp Proyecto: szpak/vcmi
TSubgoal CollectRes::whatToDoToAchieve()
	std::vector<const IMarket*> markets;

	std::vector<const CGObjectInstance*> visObjs;
	ai->retreiveVisitableObjs(visObjs, true);
	for(const CGObjectInstance *obj : visObjs)
		if(const IMarket *m = IMarket::castFrom(obj, false))
			if(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN && obj->tempOwner == ai->playerID && m->allowsTrade(EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE))
			else if(obj->ID == Obj::TRADING_POST) //TODO a moze po prostu test na pozwalanie handlu?

	boost::sort(markets, [](const IMarket *m1, const IMarket *m2) -> bool
		return m1->getMarketEfficiency() < m2->getMarketEfficiency();

	markets.erase(boost::remove_if(markets, [](const IMarket *market) -> bool
		return !(market->o->ID == Obj::TOWN && market->o->tempOwner == ai->playerID)
			&& !ai->isAccessible(market->o->visitablePos());

		for(const CGTownInstance *t : cb->getTownsInfo())
			if(cb->canBuildStructure(t, BuildingID::MARKETPLACE) == EBuildingState::ALLOWED)
				return sptr (Goals::BuildThis(BuildingID::MARKETPLACE, t));
		const IMarket *m = markets.back();
		//attempt trade at back (best prices)
		int howManyCanWeBuy = 0;
		for(Res::ERes i = Res::WOOD; i <= Res::GOLD; vstd::advance(i, 1))
			if(i == resID) continue;
			int toGive = -1, toReceive = -1;
			m->getOffer(i, resID, toGive, toReceive, EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE);
			assert(toGive > 0 && toReceive > 0);
			howManyCanWeBuy += toReceive * (cb->getResourceAmount(i) / toGive);

		if(howManyCanWeBuy + cb->getResourceAmount(static_cast<Res::ERes>(resID)) >= value)
			auto backObj = cb->getTopObj(m->o->visitablePos()); //it'll be a hero if we have one there; otherwise marketplace
			if (backObj->tempOwner != ai->playerID)
				return sptr (Goals::GetObj(m->o->id.getNum()));
				return sptr (Goals::GetObj(m->o->id.getNum()).setisElementar(true));
	return sptr (setisElementar(true)); //all the conditions for trade are met
Ejemplo n.º 3
TSubgoal CollectRes::whatToDoToTrade()
	std::vector<const IMarket *> markets;

	std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> visObjs;
	ai->retrieveVisitableObjs(visObjs, true);
	for (const CGObjectInstance * obj : visObjs)
		if (const IMarket * m = IMarket::castFrom(obj, false))
			if (obj->ID == Obj::TOWN && obj->tempOwner == ai->playerID && m->allowsTrade(EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE))
			else if (obj->ID == Obj::TRADING_POST)

	boost::sort(markets, [](const IMarket * m1, const IMarket * m2) -> bool
		return m1->getMarketEfficiency() < m2->getMarketEfficiency();

	markets.erase(boost::remove_if(markets, [](const IMarket * market) -> bool
		if (!(market->o->ID == Obj::TOWN && market->o->tempOwner == ai->playerID))
			if (!ai->isAccessible(market->o->visitablePos()))
				return true;
		return false;
	}), markets.end());

	if (!markets.size())
		for (const CGTownInstance * t : cb->getTownsInfo())
			if (cb->canBuildStructure(t, BuildingID::MARKETPLACE) == EBuildingState::ALLOWED)
				return sptr(BuildThis(BuildingID::MARKETPLACE, t).setpriority(2));
		const IMarket * m = markets.back();
		//attempt trade at back (best prices)
		int howManyCanWeBuy = 0;
		for (Res::ERes i = Res::WOOD; i <= Res::GOLD; vstd::advance(i, 1))
			if (i == resID)
			int toGive = -1, toReceive = -1;
			m->getOffer(i, resID, toGive, toReceive, EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE);
			assert(toGive > 0 && toReceive > 0);
			howManyCanWeBuy += toReceive * (ai->ah->freeResources()[i] / toGive);

		if (howManyCanWeBuy >= value)
			auto backObj = cb->getTopObj(m->o->visitablePos()); //it'll be a hero if we have one there; otherwise marketplace
			auto objid = m->o->id.getNum();
			if (backObj->tempOwner != ai->playerID) //top object not owned
				return sptr(VisitObj(objid)); //just go there
			else //either it's our town, or we have hero there
				return sptr(Trade(resID, value, objid).setisElementar(true)); //we can do this immediately
	return sptr(Invalid()); //cannot trade