Ejemplo n.º 1
void PixarDemo2012::update()
    if ( mFullScreen != isFullScreen() ) {
//        mCamera->setAspectRatio(getWindowAspectRatio());
//        mySurface = cairo::SurfaceImage(getWindowWidth(),getWindowHeight(),true);
        if ( isFullScreen() == true ) {
        } else {

    mTime += 0.01f;
    float kFudge = 0.1; // ten times our step

    if(mAutoCut && mTime > mCuts[mCurrentCut] && mTime < mCuts[mCurrentCut] + kFudge )
        doFade = true;
        mCurrentCut = mCurrentCut + 1;
        if(mCurrentCut >= mCuts.size())
            mCurrentCut = mCuts.size()-1;


    if ( drawTitle ) {

    if ( drawCloth ) {
        theCloth.Update(  );

    if ( drawCubes ) {

    if ( drawMindField ) {

    // Check if track is playing and has a PCM buffer available
    if ( mTrack->isPlaying() && mTrack->isPcmBuffering() ) {

        // Get buffer
        mBuffer = mTrack->getPcmBuffer();
        if ( mBuffer && mBuffer->getInterleavedData() ) {

            // Get sample count
            uint32_t sampleCount = mBuffer->getInterleavedData()->mSampleCount;
            if ( sampleCount > 0 ) {

                // Initialize analyzer
                if ( !mFft ) {
                    mFft = Kiss::create( sampleCount );

                // Analyze data
                if ( mBuffer->getInterleavedData()->mData != 0 ) {
                    mFft->setData( mBuffer->getInterleavedData()->mData );




Ejemplo n.º 2
// Runs update logic
void KissTempoApp::update() 

	// Don't evaluate right away or unrealistically 
	// high numbers will pop up
	if ( getElapsedSeconds() < 0.5 ) {

	// Check if track is playing and has a PCM buffer available
	if ( mTrack && mTrack->isPlaying() && mTrack->isPcmBuffering() ) {

		// Get buffer
		mBuffer = mTrack->getPcmBuffer();
		if ( mBuffer && mBuffer->getInterleavedData() ) {

			// Get sample count
			uint32_t sampleCount = mBuffer->getInterleavedData()->mSampleCount;
			if ( sampleCount > 0 ) {

				// Kiss is not initialized
				if ( !mFft ) {

					// Initialize analyzer
					mFft = Kiss::create( sampleCount );

					// Set filter on FFT to calculate tempo based on beats
					mFft->setFilter( 0.2f, Kiss::Filter::LOW_PASS );


				// Analyze data
				if ( mBuffer->getInterleavedData()->mData != 0 ) {

					// Set FFT data
					mInputData = mBuffer->getInterleavedData()->mData;
					mInputSize = mBuffer->getInterleavedData()->mSampleCount;
					mFft->setData( mInputData );

					// Get data
					mTimeData = mFft->getData();
					mDataSize = mFft->getBinSize();

					// Iterate through amplitude data
					for ( int32_t i = 0; i < mDataSize; i++, mSampleDistance++ ) {

						// Check value against threshold
						if ( mTimeData[ i ] >= mThreshold ) {

							// Determine neighbor range
							int32_t start = math<int32_t>::max( i - mNeighbors, 0 );
							int32_t end = math<int32_t>::min( i + mNeighbors, mDataSize - 1 );

							// Compare this value with neighbors to find peak
							bool peak = true;
							for ( int32_t j = start; j < end; j++ ) {
								if ( j != i && mTimeData[ i ] <= mTimeData[ j ] ) {
									peak = false;

							// This is a peak
							if ( peak ) {

								// Add distance between this peak and last into the 
								// list. Just note position if this is the first peak.
								if ( mFirstPeak >= 0 ) {
									mPeakDistances.push_back( mSampleDistance );
								} else {
									mFirstPeak = mSampleDistance;
								// Reset distance counter
								mSampleDistance = 0;






			// We have multiple peaks to compare
			if ( mPeakDistances.size() > 1 ) {

				// Add distances
				int32_t total = 0;
				uint32_t peakCount = mPeakDistances.size();
				for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < peakCount; i++ ) {
					total += mPeakDistances[ i ];

				// Determine tempo based on average peak distance
				mTempo = total > 0 ? ( 44100.0f / ( (float)total / (float)mPeakDistances.size() ) ) * 60.0f / 1000.0f : 0.0f;


			// Get current window height
			int32_t windowHeight = getWindowHeight() / 8;

			// Add up values, combine input and filtered values
			// to emphasize bass
			float total = 0.0f;
			for ( int32_t i = 0; i < mDataSize; i++ ) {
				if ( i * 8 < mInputSize ) {
					total += mTimeData[ i ] * 2.0f * mInputData[ i * 8 ];
			// Add average to drawing line
			mWaveform.push_back( total / (float)mDataSize );

			// Remove points when vector is wider than screen
			while ( mWaveform.size() >= (uint32_t)windowHeight ) {
				mWaveform.erase( mWaveform.begin() );


