Ejemplo n.º 1
/** Add a creature by template name to the roster list. */
bool Roster::addRosterMemberByTemplate(Common::UString name, Common::UString cTemplate) {
	// Disallow null strings
	if (name.size() == 0 || cTemplate.size() == 0)
		return false;

	// Don't permit duplicate roster names
	auto match = std::find_if(_members.begin(), _members.end(), [&](const Member &m) {
		return m.rosterName == name;
	if (match != _members.end())
		return false;

	// A matching template file must exist
	if (!ResMan.hasResource(cTemplate, Aurora::kFileTypeUTC)) {
		// HACK: Check for custom unit test token "[GTEST]" at start
		if (!cTemplate.beginsWith("[GTEST]"))
			return false;

	// Add roster member to the list
	Member member;
	member.rosterName = name;
	member.cTemplate = cTemplate;
	// TODO: Template is not stored in ROSTER.rst, so load creature into game for saving, but don't spawn
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Game::loadTalkTables(const Common::UString &dir, uint32 priority, ChangeList &res,
                          Aurora::Language language) {

	if (EventMan.quitRequested())

	const Common::UString tlkDir =
		Common::FilePath::findSubDirectory(ResMan.getDataBase(), dir + "/data/talktables", true);

	Common::FileList files(tlkDir, 0);


	const Common::UString languageTLK  = DragonAge2Engine::getLanguageString(language) +   ".tlk";
	const Common::UString languageTLKP = DragonAge2Engine::getLanguageString(language) + "_p.tlk";
	for (Common::FileList::const_iterator f = files.begin(); f != files.end(); ++f) {
		if        (f->toLower().endsWith(languageTLK)) {
			Common::UString tlk = *f;
			tlk.truncate(tlk.size() - languageTLK.size());

			loadTalkTable(tlk, "", language, priority++, res);
		} else if (f->toLower().endsWith(languageTLKP)) {
			Common::UString tlk = *f;
			tlk.truncate(tlk.size() - languageTLKP.size());

			loadTalkTable(tlk, "_p", language, priority++, res);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void parsePassword(const Common::UString &arg, std::vector<byte> &password) {
    const size_t length = arg.size();

    password.reserve(length / 2);

    size_t i = 0;
    byte c = 0x00;
    for (Common::UString::iterator s = arg.begin(); s != arg.end(); ++s, i++) {
        byte d = 0;

        if      (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
            d = *s - '0';
        else if (*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f')
            d = *s - 'a' + 10;
        else if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F')
            d = *s - 'A' + 10;
            throw Common::Exception("0x%08X is not a valid hex digit", (uint) *s);

        if ((i % 2) == 1) {
            c |= d;


            c = 0x00;
        } else
            c |= d << 4;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void TwoDAFile::writeASCII(Common::WriteStream &out) const {
	// Write header

	out.writeString("2DA V2.0\n");
	if (!_defaultString.empty())
		out.writeString(Common::UString::format("DEFAULT: %s", _defaultString.c_str()));

	// Calculate column lengths

	std::vector<size_t> colLength;
	colLength.resize(_headers.size() + 1, 0);

	const Common::UString maxRow = Common::UString::format("%d", (int)_rows.size() - 1);
	colLength[0] = maxRow.size();

	for (size_t i = 0; i < _headers.size(); i++)
		colLength[i + 1] = _headers[i].size();

	for (size_t i = 0; i < _rows.size(); i++) {
		for (size_t j = 0; j < _rows[i]->_data.size(); j++) {
			const bool   needQuote = _rows[i]->_data[j].contains(' ');
			const size_t length    = needQuote ? _rows[i]->_data[j].size() + 2 : _rows[i]->_data[j].size();

			colLength[j + 1] = MAX<size_t>(colLength[j + 1], length);

	// Write column headers

	out.writeString(Common::UString::format("%-*s", (int)colLength[0], ""));

	for (size_t i = 0; i < _headers.size(); i++)
		out.writeString(Common::UString::format(" %-*s", (int)colLength[i + 1], _headers[i].c_str()));


	// Write array

	for (size_t i = 0; i < _rows.size(); i++) {
		out.writeString(Common::UString::format("%*u", (int)colLength[0], (uint)i));

		for (size_t j = 0; j < _rows[i]->_data.size(); j++) {
			const bool needQuote = _rows[i]->_data[j].contains(' ');

			Common::UString cellString;
			if (needQuote)
				cellString = Common::UString::format("\"%s\"", _rows[i]->_data[j].c_str());
				cellString = _rows[i]->_data[j];

			out.writeString(Common::UString::format(" %-*s", (int)colLength[j + 1], cellString.c_str()));



Ejemplo n.º 5
UString FilePath::relativize(const UString &basePath, const UString &path) {
	const Common::UString normPath = normalize(path, false);
	const Common::UString normBase = normalize(basePath, false);

	UString relative = "";

	if (normPath.beginsWith(normBase))
		relative = normPath.substr(normPath.getPosition(normBase.size() + 1), normPath.end());

	return relative;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool TwoDAFile::dumpASCII(const Common::UString &fileName) const {
	Common::DumpFile file;
	if (!file.open(fileName))
		return false;

	// Write header

	file.writeString("2DA V2.0\n");
	file.writeString(_defaultString); file.writeByte('\n');

	// Calculate column lengths

	std::vector<uint32> colLength;
	colLength.resize(_headers.size() + 1);

	const Common::UString maxRow = Common::UString::sprintf("%d", (int)_rows.size() - 1);
	colLength[0] = maxRow.size();

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _headers.size(); i++)
		colLength[i + 1] = _headers[i].size();

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _rows.size(); i++)
		for (uint32 j = 0; j < _rows[i]->_data.size(); j++)
			colLength[j + 1] = MAX<uint32>(colLength[j + 1], _rows[i]->_data[j].size());

	// Write column headers

	file.writeString(Common::UString::sprintf("%-*s", colLength[0], ""));

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _headers.size(); i++)
		file.writeString(Common::UString::sprintf(" %-*s", colLength[i + 1], _headers[i].c_str()));


	// Write array

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _rows.size(); i++) {
		file.writeString(Common::UString::sprintf("%*d", colLength[0], i));

		for (uint32 j = 0; j < _rows[i]->_data.size(); j++)
			file.writeString(Common::UString::sprintf(" %-*s", colLength[j + 1], _rows[i]->_data[j].c_str()));



	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static bool parseOption(const Common::UString &arg, Common::UString &key) {
	if (arg.size() < 2) {
		warning("Unrecognized command line argument \"%s\"", arg.c_str());
		return false;

	Common::UString::iterator start = arg.begin();

	Common::UString value;
	if (*start == '-') {
		// Long option


		Common::UString::iterator e = arg.findFirst('=');
		if (e != arg.end()) {
			key = arg.substr(start, e++);
			value = arg.substr(e, arg.end());
		} else
			key = arg.substr(start, arg.end());

	} else {
		// Short option

		key   = convertShortToLongOption(*start++);
		value = arg.substr(start, arg.end());

	if (key.empty()) {
		warning("Unrecognized command line argument \"%s\"", arg.c_str());
		return false;

	if (value.empty())
		return true;

	if (!setOption(key, value))
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void Console::printList(const std::list<Common::UString> &list, uint32 maxSize) {
	const uint32 columns = getColumns();

	if (maxSize > 0)
		maxSize = MAX<uint32>(maxSize, 3);

	uint32 lineSize = 1;
	if      (maxSize >= (columns - 2))
		maxSize  = columns;
	else if (maxSize > 0)
		lineSize = columns / (maxSize + 2);

	std::list<Common::UString>::const_iterator l = list.begin();
	while (l != list.end()) {
		Common::UString line;

		for (uint32 i = 0; (i < lineSize) && (l != list.end()); i++, ++l) {
			Common::UString item = *l;

			uint32 itemSize = item.size();

			if (itemSize > maxSize) {
				item.truncate(maxSize - 3);
				item += "...";
				itemSize = maxSize;

			uint32 pad = (maxSize + 2) - itemSize;
			while (pad-- > 0)
				item += ' ';

			line += item;


Ejemplo n.º 9
void Game::getModules(std::vector<Common::UString> &modules) {

	Common::UString moduleDir = ConfigMan.getString("KOTOR_moduleDir");
	if (moduleDir.empty())

	Common::FileList mods;

	for (Common::FileList::const_iterator m = mods.begin(); m != mods.end(); ++m) {
		Common::UString file = m->toLower();
		if (!file.endsWith("_s.rim"))

		file = Common::FilePath::getStem(file);
		file.truncate(file.size() - Common::UString("_s").size());


	std::sort(modules.begin(), modules.end(), Common::UString::iless());
Ejemplo n.º 10
void listVerboseFiles(Aurora::ERFFile &erf, Aurora::GameID game) {
    const Aurora::Archive::ResourceList &resources = erf.getResources();
    const size_t fileCount = resources.size();

    std::printf("Number of files: %u\n\n", (uint)fileCount);

    std::vector<FileEntry> fileEntries;

    size_t nameLength = 10;
    for (Aurora::Archive::ResourceList::const_iterator r = resources.begin(); r != resources.end(); ++r) {
        const Aurora::FileType type = TypeMan.aliasFileType(r->type, game);

        Common::UString name = r->name;
        if (name.empty())
            findHashedName(r->hash, name);

        name.replaceAll('\\', '/');

        name = TypeMan.addFileType(name, type);

        nameLength = MAX<size_t>(nameLength, name.size() + 1);

        fileEntries.push_back(FileEntry(name, erf.getResourceSize(r->index)));

    if ((nameLength % 2) == 1)

    std::printf("%sFileName%s|    Size\n", Common::UString(' ', (nameLength - 8) / 2).c_str(),
                Common::UString(' ', (nameLength - 8) / 2).c_str());
    std::printf("%s|===========\n", Common::UString('=', nameLength).c_str());

    for (std::vector<FileEntry>::const_iterator f = fileEntries.begin(); f != fileEntries.end(); ++f)
        std::printf("%-*s| %10d\n", (int)nameLength, f->file.c_str(), f->size);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void Text::parseColors(const Common::UString &str, Common::UString &parsed,
                       ColorPositions &colors) {


	ColorPosition color;

	// Split by text tokens. They will have a strictly interleaving plain/token order
	std::vector<Common::UString> tokens;
	Common::UString::splitTextTokens(str, tokens);

	bool plain = false;
	for (std::vector<Common::UString>::iterator t = tokens.begin(); t != tokens.end(); ++t) {
		plain = !plain;

		if (plain) {
			// Plain text, add it verbatim

			parsed += *t;

		if ((t->size() == 11) && t->beginsWith("<c") && t->endsWith(">")) {
			// Color start token

			uint8 colorValue[4];

			Common::UString::iterator it = t->begin();

			// Skip "<c"

			for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++, ++it) {
				uint32 c = *it;

				// Convert the hex values into true nibble values
				if      ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
					c =  c - '0';
				else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F'))
					c = (c - 'A') + 10;
				else if ((c >= 'f') && (c <= 'f'))
					c = (c - 'a') + 10;
					c = 15;

				// Merge two nibbles into one color value byte
				uint8 &value = colorValue[i / 2];
				bool  high   = (i % 2) == 0;

				if (high)
					value  = c << 4;
					value |= c;

			// Add the color change

			color.position     = parsed.size();
			color.defaultColor = false;

			color.r = colorValue[0] / 255.0f;
			color.g = colorValue[1] / 255.0f;
			color.b = colorValue[2] / 255.0f;
			color.a = colorValue[3] / 255.0f;


		} else if (*t == "</c>") {
			// Color end token, add a "uncolor" / default color change

			color.position     = parsed.size();
			color.defaultColor = true;


		} else
			// Ignore non-color tokens
			parsed += *t;
