Ejemplo n.º 1
void VcsAnnotateTaskHandler::handle(const ProjectExplorer::Task &task)
    QFileInfo fi(task.file);
    Core::IVersionControl *vc = Core::ICore::instance()->vcsManager()->findVersionControlForDirectory(fi.absolutePath());
    vc->vcsAnnotate(fi.absoluteFilePath(), task.line);
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool VcsAnnotateTaskHandler::canHandle(const ProjectExplorer::Task &task)
    QFileInfo fi(task.file);
    if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isFile() || !fi.isReadable())
        return false;
    Core::IVersionControl *vc = Core::ICore::instance()->vcsManager()->findVersionControlForDirectory(fi.absolutePath());
    if (!vc)
        return false;
    return vc->supportsOperation(Core::IVersionControl::AnnotateOperation);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void DocumentManager::addFileToVersionControl(const QString &directoryPath, const QString &newFilePath)
    Core::IVersionControl *versionControl = Core::VcsManager::findVersionControlForDirectory(directoryPath);
    if (versionControl && versionControl->supportsOperation(Core::IVersionControl::AddOperation)) {
        const QMessageBox::StandardButton button =
                                      Core::VcsManager::msgPromptToAddToVcs(QStringList(newFilePath), versionControl),
                                      QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
        if (button == QMessageBox::Yes && !versionControl->vcsAdd(newFilePath)) {
                                                   Core::VcsManager::msgToAddToVcsFailed(QStringList(newFilePath), versionControl));
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool FileUtils::renameFile(const QString &orgFilePath, const QString &newFilePath)
    if (orgFilePath == newFilePath)
        return false;

    QString dir = QFileInfo(orgFilePath).absolutePath();
    Core::IVersionControl *vc = Core::ICore::vcsManager()->findVersionControlForDirectory(dir);

    bool result = false;
    if (vc && vc->supportsOperation(Core::IVersionControl::MoveOperation))
        result = vc->vcsMove(orgFilePath, newFilePath);
    if (!result) // The moving via vcs failed or the vcs does not support moving, fall back
        result = fileSystemRenameFile(orgFilePath, newFilePath);
    if (result) {
        // yeah we moved, tell the filemanager about it
        Core::DocumentManager::renamedFile(orgFilePath, newFilePath);
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void StateListener::slotStateChanged()
    // Get the current file. Are we on a temporary submit editor indicated by
    // temporary path prefix or does the file contains a hash, indicating a project
    // folder?
    State state;
    Core::IDocument *currentDocument = Core::EditorManager::currentDocument();
    if (!currentDocument) {
    } else {
        state.currentFile = currentDocument->filePath();
        if (state.currentFile.isEmpty()) {
            state.currentFile = VcsBasePlugin::source(currentDocument);
    QScopedPointer<QFileInfo> currentFileInfo; // Instantiate QFileInfo only once if required.
    if (!state.currentFile.isEmpty()) {
        const bool isTempFile = state.currentFile.startsWith(QDir::tempPath());
        // Quick check: Does it look like a patch?
        const bool isPatch = state.currentFile.endsWith(QLatin1String(".patch"))
                             || state.currentFile.endsWith(QLatin1String(".diff"));
        if (isPatch) {
            // Patch: Figure out a name to display. If it is a temp file, it could be
            // Codepaster. Use the display name of the editor.
            state.currentPatchFile = state.currentFile;
            if (isTempFile)
                state.currentPatchFileDisplayName = displayNameOfEditor(state.currentPatchFile);
            if (state.currentPatchFileDisplayName.isEmpty()) {
                currentFileInfo.reset(new QFileInfo(state.currentFile));
                state.currentPatchFileDisplayName = currentFileInfo->fileName();
        // For actual version control operations on it:
        // Do not show temporary files and project folders ('#')
        if (isTempFile || state.currentFile.contains(QLatin1Char('#')))

    // Get the file and its control. Do not use the file unless we find one
    Core::IVersionControl *fileControl = 0;
    if (!state.currentFile.isEmpty()) {
        if (currentFileInfo.isNull())
            currentFileInfo.reset(new QFileInfo(state.currentFile));
        if (currentFileInfo->isDir()) {
            state.currentFileDirectory = currentFileInfo->absoluteFilePath();
        } else {
            state.currentFileDirectory = currentFileInfo->absolutePath();
            state.currentFileName = currentFileInfo->fileName();
        fileControl = Core::VcsManager::findVersionControlForDirectory(
        if (!fileControl)
    // Check for project, find the control
    Core::IVersionControl *projectControl = 0;
    if (const ProjectExplorer::Project *currentProject = ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::currentProject()) {
        state.currentProjectPath = currentProject->projectDirectory().toString();
        state.currentProjectName = currentProject->displayName();
        projectControl = Core::VcsManager::findVersionControlForDirectory(state.currentProjectPath,
        if (projectControl) {
            // If we have both, let the file's one take preference
            if (fileControl && projectControl != fileControl)
        } else {
            state.clearProject(); // No control found
    // Assemble state and emit signal.
    Core::IVersionControl *vc = fileControl;
    if (!vc)
        vc = projectControl;
    if (!vc) {
        state.clearPatchFile(); // Need a repository to patch
    if (debug)
        qDebug() << state << (vc ? vc->displayName() : QLatin1String("No version control"));
    emit stateChanged(state, vc);