Ejemplo n.º 1
bool AnnotationRect::read(cv::FileNode& obj) {
	if (!obj.isMap())
		return false;

	cv::FileNodeIterator it;

	cv::Point2f center;
	cv::Size2f size;
	float angle;

	obj["targetWidth"] >> targetWidth;
	obj["targetHeight"] >> targetHeight;
	obj["targetHeight"] >> targetHeight;
	obj["annotationAngle"] >> angle;
	it = obj["annotationCenter"].begin();
	it >> center.x >> center.y;
	it = obj["annotationSize"].begin();
	it >> size.width >> size.height;
	obj["id"] >> id;

	annotation = cv::RotatedRect(center, size, angle);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  void SequenceAnalyzer::read( const cv::FileNode& node, SequenceAnalyzer& me )
    std::string myName=node.name( );
    if( myName != "SequenceAnalyzer" )
      std::string error = "FileNode is not correct!\nExpected \"SequenceAnalyzer\", got ";
      error += node.name();
      CV_Error( CV_StsError, error.c_str() );
    if( node.empty( ) || !node.isMap( ) )
      CV_Error( CV_StsError, "SequenceAnalyzer FileNode is not correct!" );

    int nb_pictures = ( int ) node[ "nbPictures" ];
    //initialisation of all empty vectors
    for( int i=0; i<nb_pictures; i++ )
      Ptr<PointsToTrack> ptt;
      if( i<me.images_.size() )
        ptt = Ptr<PointsToTrack>( 
          new PointsToTrackWithImage( i, me.images_[i] ));
        ptt = Ptr<PointsToTrack>( new PointsToTrack( i ));
      me.points_to_track_.push_back( ptt );

      Ptr<PointsMatcher> p_m = Ptr<PointsMatcher>( new PointsMatcher(
        *me.match_algorithm_ ) );
      p_m->add( ptt );

      me.matches_.push_back( p_m );

    cv::FileNode node_TrackPoints = node[ "TrackPoints" ];

    //tracks are stored in the following form:
    //list of track where a track is stored like this:
    // nbPoints idImage1 point1  idImage2 point2 ...
    if( node_TrackPoints.empty( ) || !node_TrackPoints.isSeq() )
      CV_Error( CV_StsError, "SequenceAnalyzer FileNode is not correct!" );
    cv::FileNodeIterator it = node_TrackPoints.begin( ),
      it_end = node_TrackPoints.end( );
    while( it != it_end )
      cv::FileNode it_track = ( *it )[ 0 ];
      int nbPoints,track_consistance;
      it_track[ "nbPoints" ] >> nbPoints;
      it_track[ "track_consistance" ] >> track_consistance;
      bool has_3d_point = false;
      it_track[ "has_3d_position" ] >> has_3d_point;
      TrackOfPoints track;
      if( has_3d_point )
        cv::Vec3d point;
        point[ 0 ] = it_track[ "point3D_triangulated" ][ 0 ];
        point[ 1 ] = it_track[ "point3D_triangulated" ][ 1 ];
        point[ 2 ] = it_track[ "point3D_triangulated" ][ 2 ];
        track.point3D = Ptr<cv::Vec3d>( new cv::Vec3d( point ) );
      int color;
      it_track[ "color" ] >> color;
      track.setColor( *((unsigned int*)&color) );
      cv::FileNodeIterator itPoints = it_track[ "list_of_points" ].begin( ),
        itPoints_end = it_track[ "list_of_points" ].end( );
      while( itPoints != itPoints_end )
        int idImage;
        cv::KeyPoint kpt;
        idImage = ( *itPoints )[ 0 ];
        kpt.pt.x = ( *itPoints )[ 0 ];
        kpt.pt.y = ( *itPoints )[ 1 ];
        kpt.size = ( *itPoints )[ 2 ];
        kpt.angle = ( *itPoints )[ 3 ];
        kpt.response = ( *itPoints )[ 4 ];
        kpt.octave = ( *itPoints )[ 5 ];
        kpt.class_id = ( *itPoints )[ 6 ];

        unsigned int point_index = me.points_to_track_[ idImage ]->
          addKeypoint( kpt );
        track.addMatch( idImage,point_index );

      track.track_consistance = track_consistance;
      me.tracks_.push_back( track );