Ejemplo n.º 1
void BlendScreen(cv::Mat3b& target_image, const cv::Mat1b& binary_image, cv::Vec3b color) {

	assert(target_image.size() == binary_image.size());

	cv::Size loop_size = target_image.size();
	if(target_image.isContinuous() && binary_image.isContinuous()) {
		loop_size.width *= loop_size.height;
		loop_size.height = 1;
	for(int i = 0; i < loop_size.height; ++i) {
		cv::Vec3b* target = target_image.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);
		const unsigned char* binary = binary_image.ptr<unsigned char>(i);
		for(int j = 0; j < loop_size.width; ++j) {
			if(!binary[j]) {
				target[j][0] = target[j][0] + color[0] - (target[j][0] * color[0]) / 255;
				target[j][1] = target[j][1] + color[1] - (target[j][1] * color[1]) / 255;
				target[j][2] = target[j][2] + color[2] - (target[j][2] * color[2]) / 255;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void DisjointSets2::process_image(cv::Mat1b & img) {

    if (img.isContinuous() == false)
        maggieError("process_image() only works with continuous images");

    // resizem but with no initial filling
    resize(img.cols * img.rows);

#ifdef TIMER_ON
#endif // TIMER_ON

    // make the disjoint sets loop
    nb_comp = 0;
    //bool is_left_non_null, is_up_non_null;
    CompIndex idx_current = 0, idx_left = -1, idx_up = -img.cols;
    CompIndex* roots_ptr = roots;

    for (CompIndex row = 0; row < img.rows; ++row) {
        // get the address of row
        uchar* data = img.ptr<uchar>(row);
        for (CompIndex col = 0; col < img.cols; ++col) {
            if (*data++ != 0) { // pixel non black
                // init roots
                //*roots_ptr = img.cols * y + x;
                *roots_ptr = idx_current;

                // check neighbours
                //                bool is_left_non_null = (x > 0 && roots[idx_left] != NO_NODE);
                //                bool is_up_non_null = (y > 0 && roots[idx_up] != NO_NODE);

                if (col > 0 && roots[idx_left] != NO_NODE) { // left non null
                    if (row > 0 && roots[idx_up] != NO_NODE) { // up non-null
                        maggieDebug3("%i: case 1", idx_current);
                        //idx_current_father =
                              Union(FindSet(idx_up), idx_current));
                    } // end up non-null

                    else { // up null
                        maggieDebug3("%i: case 2", idx_current);
                        //idx_current_father =
                        Union(FindSet(idx_left), idx_current);
                    } // end up null

                else { // left null
                    if (row > 0 && roots[idx_up] != NO_NODE) { // up non-null
                        maggieDebug3("%i: case 3", idx_current);
                        //idx_current_father =
                        Union(FindSet(idx_up), idx_current);
                    } // end up non-null

                    else { // up null
                        maggieDebug3("%i: case 4", idx_current);
                        //idx_current_father = idx_current;
                    } // end up null
                } // end left null

            } // end pixel non black

            else { // pixel black
                *roots_ptr = NO_NODE;
            } // end pixel non black

        } // end loop col
    } // end loop row

#ifdef TIMER_ON
#endif // TIMER_ON
