Ejemplo n.º 1
void EdgeDetector::search_for_edge_point( EdgeData& ed, std::vector<TooN::Vector<3> > & vv3EdgeStrs, const CVD::Image<REAL_TYPE> & image,
        const TooN::Vector<2> & v2ImagePoint, const TooN::Vector<2>& v2Normal )
  TooN::Vector<3> edgeStr;
  TooN::Vector<2> v2Xn;
  ed.v2ExpectedImagePoint = v2ImagePoint;
  ed.v2Normal = v2Normal;
  register int i, j, k, chkpt, nSearch, nSearch_2nw, nSearch_nw, TwoiMaxSearchRange;
  TwoiMaxSearchRange = 2*miMaxSearchRange;
  // apply mask to find edgeStr in both magnitude and direction for a whole range of search path.
  for( nSearch = 0; nSearch <= TwoiMaxSearchRange; ++nSearch )
    v2Xn = v2ImagePoint + ( nSearch - miMaxSearchRange ) * v2Normal;
    if( !image.in_image_with_border( CVD::ir( v2Xn ), 10 ) ) break; // reach boundary.
    edgeStrength( edgeStr, image, int( v2Xn[0] ), int( v2Xn[1] ) );
    vv3EdgeStrs[nSearch] = edgeStr;
  // 1D NMS for (2nw+1)-Neighborhood
  // Efficient Non-Maximum Suppression, Alexander Neubeck and Luc Van Gool, ICPR, 2006
  REAL_TYPE subpixel, distance;
  const int nw = 2; // test nw = 2, must be more than or equal to 2;
  i = nw;
  CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, 0, i - 1 );
  chkpt = -1;
  nSearch_2nw = nSearch - 2*nw;
  nSearch_nw = nSearch - nw;
  while( i <= nSearch_2nw )
    j = CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, i, i + nw );
    k = CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, i + nw + 1, j + nw );
    if( i == j || vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] > vv3EdgeStrs[k][0] )
      if( ( chkpt <= j - nw || vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] >= mvrPMAX[chkpt] )
          && ( j - nw == i || vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] >= mvrPMAX[j - nw] ) )
        if( vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] > mfEdgeThreshold ) // found edge
          if( fabs(v2Normal*vv3EdgeStrs[j].slice(1,2) ) > COSANGLE ) // check angle
            distance = j - miMaxSearchRange;
// subpixel m = a-c/(2*(a-2b-c) where the parabola passing though (-1,a), (0,b), (1,c)
// A Non-Maxima Suppression Method for Edge Detection with Sub-Pixel Accuracy.
            REAL_TYPE den = ( 2.0 * ( vv3EdgeStrs[j - 1][0] - 2.0 * vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] + vv3EdgeStrs[j + 1][0] ) );
            if( j >= 1 && den != 0 )
              subpixel = ( vv3EdgeStrs[j - 1][0] - vv3EdgeStrs[j + 1][0] ) / den;
            else subpixel = 0.0;
            distance += subpixel;
            ed.vrDistance.push_back( distance );
            ed.vrDistanceSquared.push_back( distance*distance );
      if( i < j ) chkpt = i + nw + 1;
      i = j + nw + 1;
      i = k;
      chkpt = j + nw + 1;
      while( i <= nSearch_nw )
        j = CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, chkpt, i + nw );
        if( vv3EdgeStrs[i][0] > vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] )
          if( vv3EdgeStrs[i][0] > mfEdgeThreshold ) // found edge
            if( fabs(v2Normal*vv3EdgeStrs[i].slice(1,2)) > COSANGLE ) // check angle
              distance = i - miMaxSearchRange;
// subpixel m = a-c/(2*(a-2b-c) where the parabola passing though (-1,a), (0,b), (1,c)
// A Non-Maxima Suppression Method for Edge Detection with Sub-Pixel Accuracy.
              REAL_TYPE den = ( 2.0 * ( vv3EdgeStrs[i - 1][0] - 2.0 * vv3EdgeStrs[i][0] + vv3EdgeStrs[i + 1][0] ) );
              if( i >= 1 && den != 0 )
                subpixel = ( vv3EdgeStrs[i - 1][0] - vv3EdgeStrs[i + 1][0] ) / den;
              else subpixel = 0.0;
              distance += subpixel;
              ed.vrDistance.push_back( distance );
              ed.vrDistanceSquared.push_back( distance*distance );
          i = i + nw + 1; // in the paper, it is i = i + nw - 1, it is wrong.
          chkpt = i + nw - 1;
          i = j;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void EdgeDetector::mark_edge_point_along_search_path( std::vector<int>& viEdgeIndex,
    std::vector<TooN::Vector<3> > & vv3EdgeStrs, const CVD::Image<REAL_TYPE>& image,
    const TooN::Vector<2>& v2ImagePoint, const TooN::Vector<2>& v2Normal )
  TooN::Vector<3> edgeStr;
  int i, j;
  register int k, chkpt, nSearch, nSearch_2nw, nSearch_nw, TwoiMaxSearchRange;
  TooN::Vector<2> v2Xn;
  TwoiMaxSearchRange = 2*miMaxSearchRange;
  // apply mask to find edgeStr in both magnitude and direction for a whole range of search path.
  for( nSearch = 0; nSearch <= TwoiMaxSearchRange; ++nSearch )
    v2Xn = v2ImagePoint + ( nSearch - miMaxSearchRange ) * v2Normal;
    if( !image.in_image_with_border( CVD::ir( v2Xn ), 10 ) ) break;
    edgeStrength( edgeStr, image, int( v2Xn[0] ), int( v2Xn[1] ) );
    vv3EdgeStrs[nSearch] = edgeStr;
  // 1D NMS for (2nw+1)-Neighborhood
  // Efficient Non-Maximum Suppression, Alexander Neubeck and Luc Van Gool, ICPR, 2006
  const int nw = 2; // test nw = 2, must be more than or equal to 2;
  i = nw;
  CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, 0, i - 1 );
  chkpt = -1;
  nSearch_2nw = nSearch - 2*nw; // nSearch may not be equal to TwoiMaxSearchRange if it is reach an image border.
  nSearch_nw = nSearch - nw;
  while( i <= nSearch_2nw )
    j = CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, i, i + nw );
    k = CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, i + nw + 1, j + nw );
    if( i == j || vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] > vv3EdgeStrs[k][0] )
      if( ( chkpt <= j - nw || vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] >= mvrPMAX[chkpt] )
          && ( j - nw == i || vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] >= mvrPMAX[j - nw] ) )
        if( vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] > mfEdgeThreshold ) viEdgeIndex.push_back( j );
      if( i < j ) chkpt = i + nw + 1;
      i = j + nw + 1;
      i = k;
      chkpt = j + nw + 1;
      while( i <= nSearch_nw )
        j = CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, chkpt, i + nw );
        if( vv3EdgeStrs[i][0] > vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] )
          if( vv3EdgeStrs[i][0] > mfEdgeThreshold ) viEdgeIndex.push_back( i );
          i = i + nw + 1;
          chkpt = i + nw - 1;
          i = j;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void EdgeDetector::search_for_closest_edge_point_with_pole( ClosestEdge& result, std::vector<TooN::Vector<3> > & vv3EdgeStrs, 
    const EdgeFeature & edgeFeature, const CVD::Image<REAL_TYPE>& image, const TooN::Vector<2> & v2ImagePoint, const TooN::Vector<2>& v2Normal )
  TooN::Vector<3> edgeStr;
  TooN::Vector<2> v2Xn;
  register int i, j, k, chkpt, nSearch, nSearch_2nw, nSearch_nw, TwoiMaxSearchRange;
  // apply mask to find edgeStr in both magnitude and direction for a whole range of search path.
  TwoiMaxSearchRange = 2*miMaxSearchRange;
  for( nSearch = 0; nSearch <= TwoiMaxSearchRange; ++nSearch )
    v2Xn = v2ImagePoint + ( nSearch - miMaxSearchRange ) * v2Normal;
    if( !image.in_image_with_border( CVD::ir( v2Xn ), 10 ) ) break;
    edgeStrength( edgeStr, image, int( v2Xn[0] ), int( v2Xn[1] ) );
    vv3EdgeStrs[nSearch] = edgeStr;
  // 1D NMS for (2nw+1)-Neighborhood
  // Efficient Non-Maximum Suppression, Alexander Neubeck and Luc Van Gool, ICPR, 2006
  result.bNotFound = true;
  REAL_TYPE subpixel, distance, test;
  result.rDistance = 2 * miMaxSearchRange + 1.f; 
  const int nw = 2; // test nw = 2, must be more than or equal to 2;
  i = nw;
  CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, 0, i - 1 );
  chkpt = -1;
  nSearch_2nw = nSearch - 2*nw;
  nSearch_nw = nSearch - nw;
  while( i <= nSearch_2nw )
    j = CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, i, i + nw );
    k = CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, i + nw + 1, j + nw );
    if( i == j || vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] > vv3EdgeStrs[k][0] )
      if( ( chkpt <= j - nw || vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] >= mvrPMAX[chkpt] )
          && ( j - nw == i || vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] >= mvrPMAX[j - nw] ) )
        if( vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] > mfEdgeThreshold ) // found edge
          test = v2Normal*vv3EdgeStrs[j].slice(1,2);
          if( ( IS_SET_BIT( edgeFeature.ucBits, EDGE_POLE ) && test > 0 ) || ( !IS_SET_BIT( edgeFeature.ucBits, EDGE_POLE ) && test <= 0 ) )
            if( fabs(test) > COSANGLE ) // check angle
              distance = j - miMaxSearchRange;
              if( fabs( result.rDistance ) >= fabs( distance ) )
                result.rDistance = distance;
                result.iEdgeIndex = j;
                result.bNotFound = false;
                goto exit_label;
      if( i < j ) chkpt = i + nw + 1;
      i = j + nw + 1;
      i = k;
      chkpt = j + nw + 1;
      while( i <= nSearch_nw )
        j = CompPartialMax( vv3EdgeStrs, chkpt, i + nw );
        if( vv3EdgeStrs[i][0] > vv3EdgeStrs[j][0] )
          if( vv3EdgeStrs[i][0] > mfEdgeThreshold ) // found edge
            test = v2Normal*vv3EdgeStrs[i].slice(1,2);
            if( ( IS_SET_BIT( edgeFeature.ucBits, EDGE_POLE ) && test > 0 ) || ( !IS_SET_BIT( edgeFeature.ucBits, EDGE_POLE ) && test <= 0 ) )
              if( fabs(test) > COSANGLE ) // check angle
                distance = i - miMaxSearchRange;
                if( fabs( result.rDistance ) >= fabs( distance) )
                  result.rDistance = distance;
                  result.iEdgeIndex = i;
                  result.bNotFound = false;
                  goto exit_label;
          i = i + nw + 1;
          chkpt = i + nw - 1;
          i = j;
  if( !result.bNotFound )
// subpixel m = a-c/(2*(a-2b-c) where the parabola passing though (-1,a), (0,b), (1,c)
// A Non-Maxima Suppression Method for Edge Detection with Sub-Pixel Accuracy.
    REAL_TYPE den = ( 2.0 * ( vv3EdgeStrs[result.iEdgeIndex - 1][0] - 2.0 * vv3EdgeStrs[result.iEdgeIndex][0] + vv3EdgeStrs[result.iEdgeIndex + 1][0] ) );
    if( result.iEdgeIndex >= 1 && den != 0 )
      subpixel = ( vv3EdgeStrs[result.iEdgeIndex - 1][0] - vv3EdgeStrs[result.iEdgeIndex + 1][0] ) / den;
    else subpixel = 0.0;
    result.rDistance += subpixel;