KeyRange::KeyRange(FB::variant left, FB::variant right, int flags) : flags(flags), left(left), right(right) { if(left.get_type() != right.get_type() && !left.empty() && !right.empty()) throw new DatabaseException("NOT_ALLOWED_ERR", DatabaseException::NOT_ALLOWED_ERR); initializeMethods(); }
KeyRangePtr KeyRange::bound(FB::variant left, FB::variant right, const bool openLeft, const bool openRight) { int flags(!left.empty() ? LEFT_BOUND : 0); if (!right.empty()) flags |= RIGHT_BOUND; if (openLeft) flags |= LEFT_OPEN; if (openRight) flags |= RIGHT_OPEN; return boost::make_shared<KeyRange>(left, right, flags); }
FB::variant BracExtenssionProviderAPI::getLogMessage(const FB::variant& msg) { int max_id = m_log_messages.size() - 1; if (msg.empty() && max_id >= 0) return m_log_messages[max_id]; else { int msg_id = msg.convert_cast<int>(); if (msg_id >= 0 && msg_id <= max_id) return m_log_messages[max_id - msg_id]; } return "Invalid index"; }
FB::variant BracExtenssionProviderAPI::getSysCallResult(const FB::variant& msg) { int max_id = m_syscall_results.size() - 1; if (msg.empty() && max_id >= 0) return m_syscall_results[max_id]; else { int msg_id = msg.convert_cast<int>(); if (msg_id >= 0 && msg_id <= max_id) return m_syscall_results[max_id - msg_id]; } return "Invalid index"; }
void NpapiBrowserHost::getNPVariant(NPVariant *dst, const FB::variant &var) { assertMainThread(); const NPVariantBuilderMap& builderMap = getNPVariantBuilderMap(); const std::type_info& type = var.get_type(); NPVariantBuilderMap::const_iterator it = builderMap.find(&type); if (it == builderMap.end()) { // unhandled type :( return; } *dst = (it->second)(FB::ptr_cast<NpapiBrowserHost>(shared_from_this()), var); }
std::string Convert::stringify(const FB::BrowserHostPtr& host, const FB::JSObjectPtr& object) { if(host == NULL) throw DatabaseException("Browser host was null.", DatabaseException::NOT_FOUND_ERR); else if(!host->getDOMWindow()->getProperty<FB::variant>("JSON").is_of_type<FB::JSObjectPtr>()) throw DatabaseException("Could not cast window.JSON to type object.", DatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR); FB::JSObjectPtr json = host->getDOMWindow()->getProperty<FB::JSObjectPtr>("JSON"); if(json == NULL) throw DatabaseException("window.JSON support not available.", DatabaseException::NOT_FOUND_ERR); else if(json->HasMethod("stringify")) { FB::VariantList arguments(1, object); FB::variant result = json->Invoke("stringify", arguments); if(result.empty()) throw DatabaseException("JSON Stringification failed.", DatabaseException::RECOVERABLE_ERR); else return result.cast<std::string>(); } else throw DatabaseException("window.JSON missing method stringify().", DatabaseException::NOT_FOUND_ERR); }
Data::ECMAType Convert::getType(const FB::variant& variant) { if(variant.is_of_type<wstring>()) return Data::String; else if(variant.is_of_type<string>()) return Data::String; else if (variant.can_be_type<int>()) return Data::Integer; else if(variant.is_of_type<double>()) return Data::Number; else if(variant.is_of_type<FB::JSObjectPtr>()) return Data::Object; else if(variant.empty()) return Data::Undefined; else throw DatabaseException("An unexpected variant type was encountered.", DatabaseException::UNKNOWN_ERR); }
void ActiveXBrowserHost::getComVariant(VARIANT *dest, const FB::variant &var) { CComVariant outVar; ::VariantInit(dest); const ComVariantBuilderMap& builderMap = getComVariantBuilderMap(); const std::type_info& type = var.get_type(); ComVariantBuilderMap::const_iterator it = builderMap.find(&type); if (it == builderMap.end()) { // unhandled type :( return; } outVar = (it->second)(FB::ptr_cast<ActiveXBrowserHost>(shared_ptr()), var); outVar.Detach(dest); }
FB::variant BracExtenssionProviderAPI::saveToBracFile(const FB::variant& msg) { std::string command = ""; if (msg.empty()) log("Received message is empty."); std::string msg_str = msg.cast<std::string>(); std::istringstream input(msg_str); jsonxx::Object o; if(!jsonxx::Object::parse(input, o)) { log("Couldn't parse the JSON message."); return "error"; } if(!o.has<jsonxx::Object>("brac")) { log("Couldn't find the brac JSON object."); return "error"; } jsonxx::Object & brac_info = o.get<jsonxx::Object>("brac"); jsonxx::Object & bric_info = o.get<jsonxx::Object>("bric"); std::string path = brac_info.get<std::string>("filepath"); std::string path_orig = path; path += ".zip"; #if defined _WIN32 char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[_MAX_DIR]; char fname[_MAX_FNAME]; char ext[_MAX_EXT]; _splitpath(path.c_str(), drive, dir, fname, ext); command = "rename \"" + path_orig + "\" \"" + fname + ext + "\""; #elif defined __APPLE__ std::string escaped_path = escape_path(path); std::string escaped_path_orig = escape_path(path_orig); command = "mv " + escaped_path_orig + " " + escaped_path; #endif systemCall(command); #if defined _WIN32 command = "cd /d \"" + m_extension_path + "\" & bin\\7za.exe e -y \"" + path + "\" brac.xml"; #elif defined __APPLE__ std::string escaped_extension_path = escape_path(m_extension_path); command = "cd " + escaped_extension_path + "; bin/7za e -y " + escaped_path + " brac.xml"; #endif systemCall(command); std::string in_file = m_extension_path + "/brac.xml"; pugi::xml_document brac_xml; pugi::xml_parse_result result = brac_xml.load_file(in_file.c_str()); if (!result) log(result.description()); pugi::xml_node brac_node = brac_xml.child("brac"); if (brac_node.empty()) { log("brac node could not be found"); return "error"; } pugi::xml_node layers_node = brac_node.child("layers"); if (layers_node.empty()) { log("layers node could not be found"); return "error"; } pugi::xml_object_range<pugi::xml_node_iterator> layers = layers_node.children(); int max_id = -1; if (layers.begin() != layers.end()) for (pugi::xml_node_iterator itr = layers.begin(); itr != layers.end(); ++itr) if (max_id < itr->attribute("id").as_int()) max_id = itr->attribute("id").as_int(); int new_brac_num = max_id + 1; pugi::xml_node bric_node = layers_node.append_child("bric"); time_t t = time(0); // get current time struct tm * now = localtime( &t ); char time_now[50]; sprintf(time_now, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", now->tm_year + 1900, now->tm_mon + 1, now->tm_mday, now->tm_hour, now->tm_min, now->tm_sec ); bric_node.append_attribute("revision" ).set_value(1); bric_node.append_attribute("lastupdate" ).set_value(time_now); bric_node.append_attribute("id" ).set_value(new_brac_num); bric_node.append_attribute("alpha" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("alpha" ).c_str()); bric_node.append_attribute("order" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("order" ).c_str()); bric_node.append_attribute("resolution" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("resolution" ).c_str()); bric_node.append_attribute("position" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("position" ).c_str()); bric_node.append_attribute("maskposition").set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("maskposition").c_str()); bric_node.append_attribute("rotate" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("rotation" ).c_str()); bric_node.append_attribute("scale" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("scale" ).c_str()); bric_node.append_attribute("timeinterval").set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("timeInterval").c_str()); bric_node.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("comment").c_str()); brac_node.attribute("name") .set_value(brac_info.get<std::string>("name").c_str()); brac_node.attribute("artist").set_value(brac_info.get<std::string>("artist").c_str()); brac_node.attribute("tags") .set_value(brac_info.get<std::string>("tags").c_str()); pugi::xml_object_range<pugi::xml_node_iterator> children = brac_node.children(); for (pugi::xml_node_iterator itr = children.begin(); itr != children.end(); ++itr) if (itr->type() == pugi::node_pcdata) { brac_node.remove_child(*itr); itr = children.begin(); } brac_node.append_child(pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(brac_info.get<std::string>("comment").c_str()); std::string out_file = m_extension_path + "/brac.xml"; if (!brac_xml.save_file(out_file.c_str())) log("Error occurred while creating the new brac file: " + out_file); #if defined _WIN32 command = "cd /d \"" + m_extension_path + "\" & bin\\7za.exe u \"" + path + "\" brac.xml & del /F /Q brac.xml"; #elif defined __APPLE__ command = "cd " + escaped_extension_path + "; bin/7za u " + escaped_path + " brac.xml; rm -f brac.xml"; #endif systemCall(command); std::stringstream stm; stm << new_brac_num; std::string new_bric_path = m_extension_path + "/temp/bric." + stm.str(); #if defined _WIN32 command = "mkdir \"" + new_bric_path + "\""; #elif defined __APPLE__ std::string escaped_new_bric_path = escape_path(new_bric_path); command = "mkdir -p " + escaped_new_bric_path; #endif systemCall(command); pugi::xml_document bric_xml; pugi::xml_node root_node = bric_xml.append_child("bric"); root_node.append_attribute("version" ).set_value("1.0"); root_node.append_attribute("title" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("title" ).c_str()); root_node.append_attribute("timeinterval").set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("timeInterval").c_str()); root_node.append_attribute("startdate" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("startDate" ).c_str()); root_node.append_attribute("url" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("url" ).c_str()); root_node.append_attribute("region" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("region" ).c_str()); root_node.append_attribute("tags" ).set_value(bric_info.get<std::string>("tags" ).c_str()); pugi::xml_node snapshot_node = root_node.append_child("snapshot"); snapshot_node.append_attribute("revision").set_value("1"); snapshot_node.append_attribute("date").set_value(time_now); std::string new_bric_filepath = new_bric_path + "/bric.xml"; std::string bric_screenshot_filename = "1.png"; std::string bric_screenshot = new_bric_path + "/" + bric_screenshot_filename; std::string bric_thumbnail = "thumb.png"; std::string bric_thumbnail_path = new_bric_path + "/" + bric_thumbnail; if (!bric_xml.save_file(new_bric_filepath.c_str())) log("Error occurred while creating the new bric file: " + new_bric_filepath); std::vector<std::string> brac_resolution = split(brac_info.get<std::string>("resolution"), ' '); if (brac_resolution.size() != 2) log("Brac resolution should be a pair of integer numbers, separated by space character."); std::vector<std::string> bric_region = split(bric_info.get<std::string>("local_region"), ' '); if (bric_region.size() != 4) log("Bric region should be four integer numbers, separated by space character."); std::string mask_layer_b64 = bric_info.get<std::string>("mask_b64").c_str(); bool mask_created = false; std::string mask_filename = new_bric_path + "/mask.png"; if (!mask_layer_b64.empty()) { std::string decoded = base64_decode(mask_layer_b64); mask_created = saveBinaryFile(mask_filename.c_str(), decoded.c_str(), decoded.size()); } #if defined _WIN32 command = "cd /d \"" + m_extension_path + "\" & move \"" + m_screenshot_dir + "\\" + m_screenshot_filename + "\" \"" + bric_screenshot + "\""; systemCall(command); //*/ command = "cd /d \"" + m_extension_path + "\" & bin\\clg-crop.exe" + " \"" + bric_screenshot + "\" " + bric_region[0] + " " + bric_region[1] + " " + bric_region[2] + " " + bric_region[3]; /*/ command = "cd /d \"" + m_extension_path + "\" & python bin\\" + " \"" + bric_screenshot + "\" " + bric_region[0] + " " + bric_region[1] + " " + bric_region[2] + " " + bric_region[3]; //*/ systemCall(command); command = "cd /d \"" + new_bric_path + "\" & copy " + bric_screenshot_filename + " " + bric_thumbnail; systemCall(command); command = "cd /d \"" + m_extension_path + "\" & bin\\7za.exe a \"" + path + "\" \"" + new_bric_path + "\""; systemCall(command); command = "rmdir /S /Q \"" + m_extension_path + "\\temp\""; systemCall(command); _splitpath(path_orig.c_str(), drive, dir, fname, ext); command = "rename \"" + path + "\" \"" + fname + ext + "\""; systemCall(command); #elif defined __APPLE__ std::string escaped_bric_screenshot = escape_path(bric_screenshot); std::string escaped_screenshot_dir = escape_path(m_screenshot_dir); command = "mv " + escaped_screenshot_dir + "/" + m_screenshot_filename + " " + escaped_bric_screenshot; systemCall(command); //*/ command = "cd " + escaped_extension_path + "; open -gW bin/ --args " + " " + escaped_bric_screenshot + " " + bric_region[0] + " " + bric_region[1] + " " + bric_region[2] + " " + bric_region[3]; /*/ command = "cd " + escaped_extension_path + "; bin/" + " " + escaped_bric_screenshot + " " + bric_region[0] + " " + bric_region[1] + " " + bric_region[2] + " " + bric_region[3]; //*/ systemCall(command); std::string escaped_bric_thumbnail = escape_path(bric_thumbnail_path); command = "cp \"" + escaped_bric_screenshot + "\" \"" + escaped_bric_thumbnail + "\""; systemCall(command); command = "cd " + escaped_extension_path + "; bin/7za a " + escaped_path + " " + escaped_new_bric_path; systemCall(command); command = "rm -Rf " + escaped_extension_path + "/temp"; systemCall(command); command = "mv " + escaped_path + " " + escaped_path_orig; systemCall(command); #endif fire_cleanup(); return "done!"; }
FB::variant BracExtenssionProviderAPI::takeSnapShot(const FB::variant& msg) { if (msg.empty()) { log("Received message is empty."); return false; } std::string msg_str = msg.cast<std::string>(); std::istringstream input(msg_str); jsonxx::Object o; if(!jsonxx::Object::parse(input, o)) log("Couldn't parse the JSON message."); std::string url = o.get<std::string>("url"); std::string width = o.get<std::string>("width"); std::string height = o.get<std::string>("height"); std::string scrollLeft = o.get<std::string>("scrollLeft"); std::string scrollTop = o.get<std::string>("scrollTop"); m_screenshot_dir = m_extension_path + "/img/screenshot"; m_screenshot_filename = o.get<std::string>("filename"); std::string command = ""; #if defined _WIN32 command = "mkdir \"" + escape_path(m_screenshot_dir) + "\""; systemCall(command); std::string filepath = m_screenshot_dir + "/" + m_screenshot_filename; //*/ command = "cd /d \"" + m_extension_path + "\" & bin\\clg-snapshot.exe " + "\"" + url + "\" " // target url + "\"" + filepath + "\" " // target filepath + width + " " // window width + height + " " // window height + scrollLeft + " " // scrollLeft + scrollTop // scrollTop ;// using default timeout /*/ command = "cd /d \"" + m_extension_path + "\" & python bin\\ " + "\"" + url + "\" " // target url + "\"" + filepath + "\" " // target filepath + width + " " // window width + height + " " // window height + scrollLeft + " " // scrollLeft + scrollTop // scrollTop ;// using default timeout //*/ systemCall(command); #elif defined __APPLE__ std::string escaped_extension_path = escape_path(m_extension_path); std::string escaped_dir = escape_path(m_screenshot_dir); command = "mkdir -p " + escaped_dir; systemCall(command); std::string filepath = escaped_dir + "/" + m_screenshot_filename; //*/ command = "cd " + escaped_extension_path + "; " + "open -gW bin/ --args " + "'" + url + "' " // target url + "'" + filepath + "' " // target filepath + width + " " // window width + height + " " // window height + scrollLeft + " " // scrollLeft + scrollTop // scrollTop ;// using default timeout /*/ command = "cd " + escaped_extension_path + "; " + "bin/ " + "'" + url + "' " // target url + "'" + filepath + "' " // target filepath + width + " " // window width + height + " " // window height + scrollLeft + " " // scrollLeft + scrollTop // scrollTop ;// using default timeout //*/ systemCall(command); #endif return "done!"; }
FB::AutoPtr<KeyRange> KeyRange::bound(FB::variant left, FB::variant right, const bool openLeft, const bool openRight) { return new KeyRange(left, right, (!left.empty() ? KeyRange::LEFT_BOUND : 0) | (!right.empty() ? KeyRange::RIGHT_BOUND : 0) | (openLeft ? KeyRange::LEFT_OPEN : 0) | (openRight ? KeyRange::RIGHT_OPEN : 0)); }
void NpapiBrowserHost::getNPVariant(NPVariant *dst, const FB::variant &var) { if (var.get_type() == typeid(FB::Npapi::NpapiNull)) { dst->type = NPVariantType_Null; } else if (var.get_type() == typeid(int) || var.get_type() == typeid(long) || var.get_type() == typeid(short) || var.get_type() == typeid(char) || var.get_type() == typeid(unsigned int) || var.get_type() == typeid(unsigned short) || var.get_type() == typeid(unsigned char)) { // Integer type dst->type = NPVariantType_Int32; dst->value.intValue = var.convert_cast<long>(); } else if (var.get_type() == typeid(double) || var.get_type() == typeid(float)) { dst->type = NPVariantType_Double; dst->value.doubleValue = var.convert_cast<double>(); } else if (var.get_type() == typeid(bool)) { dst->type = NPVariantType_Bool; dst->value.boolValue = var.convert_cast<bool>(); } else if (var.get_type() == typeid(std::string)) { std::string str = var.convert_cast<std::string>(); char *outStr = (char*)this->MemAlloc(str.size() + 1); memcpy(outStr, str.c_str(), str.size() + 1); dst->type = NPVariantType_String; dst->value.stringValue.UTF8Characters = outStr; dst->value.stringValue.UTF8Length = str.size(); } else if (var.get_type() == typeid(FB::VariantList)) { JSAPI_DOMNode outArr = this->getDOMWindow().createArray(); FB::VariantList inArr = var.cast<FB::VariantList>(); for (FB::VariantList::iterator it = inArr.begin(); it != inArr.end(); it++) { outArr.callMethod<void>("push", variant_list_of(*it)); } FB::AutoPtr<NPObjectAPI> api = dynamic_cast<NPObjectAPI*>(outArr.getJSObject().ptr()); if (api.ptr() != NULL) { dst->type = NPVariantType_Object; dst->value.objectValue = api->getNPObject(); this->RetainObject(dst->value.objectValue); } } else if (var.get_type() == typeid(FB::VariantMap)) { JSAPI_DOMNode out = this->getDOMWindow().createMap(); FB::VariantMap inMap = var.cast<FB::VariantMap>(); for (FB::VariantMap::iterator it = inMap.begin(); it != inMap.end(); it++) { out.setProperty(it->first, it->second); } FB::AutoPtr<NPObjectAPI> api = dynamic_cast<NPObjectAPI*>(out.getJSObject().ptr()); if (api.ptr() != NULL) { dst->type = NPVariantType_Object; dst->value.objectValue = api->getNPObject(); this->RetainObject(dst->value.objectValue); } } else if (var.get_type() == typeid(FB::JSOutObject)) { NPObject *outObj = NULL; FB::JSOutObject obj = var.cast<FB::JSOutObject>(); NPObjectAPI *tmpObj = dynamic_cast<NPObjectAPI *>(obj.ptr()); if (tmpObj == NULL) { outObj = NPJavascriptObject::NewObject(this, obj); } else { outObj = tmpObj->getNPObject(); this->RetainObject(outObj); } dst->type = NPVariantType_Object; dst->value.objectValue = outObj; } else if (var.get_type() == typeid(FB::JSObject)) { NPObject *outObj = NULL; FB::JSObject obj = var.cast<JSObject>(); NPObjectAPI *tmpObj = dynamic_cast<NPObjectAPI *>(obj.ptr()); if (tmpObj == NULL) { outObj = NPJavascriptObject::NewObject(this, obj); } else { outObj = tmpObj->getNPObject(); this->RetainObject(outObj); } dst->type = NPVariantType_Object; dst->value.objectValue = outObj; } // TODO: implement object types }