Ejemplo n.º 1
    void checkPoints(size_t start, size_t end) const
      float radius = 0.0f;
      float distToBoundary = 0.0f;
      int64_t numPoints = m_Points->getNumberOfVertices();
      FloatArrayType::Pointer llPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Lower");
      FloatArrayType::Pointer urPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Upper_Right");
      float* ll = llPtr->getPointer(0);
      float* ur = urPtr->getPointer(0);
      float* point = NULL;
      char code = ' ';

      for (size_t iter = start; iter < end; iter++)
        // find bounding box for current feature
        GeometryMath::FindBoundingBoxOfFaces(m_Faces, m_FaceIds->getElementList(iter), ll, ur);
        GeometryMath::FindDistanceBetweenPoints(ll, ur, radius);

        // check points in vertex array to see if they are in the bounding box of the feature
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
          point = m_Points->getVertexPointer(i);
          if (m_PolyIds[i] == 0 && GeometryMath::PointInBox(point, ll, ur) == true)
            code = GeometryMath::PointInPolyhedron(m_Faces, m_FaceIds->getElementList(iter), m_FaceBBs, point, ll, ur, radius, distToBoundary);
            if (code == 'i' || code == 'V' || code == 'E' || code == 'F') { m_PolyIds[i] = iter; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void checkPoints(size_t start, size_t end) const
      float radius = 0.0f;
      FloatArrayType::Pointer llPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Lower_Left");
      FloatArrayType::Pointer urPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Upper_Right");
      FloatArrayType::Pointer ll_rotPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Lower_Left_Rotated");
      FloatArrayType::Pointer ur_rotPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Upper_Right_Rotated");
      float* ll = llPtr->getPointer(0);
      float* ur = urPtr->getPointer(0);
      float* ll_rot = ll_rotPtr->getPointer(0);
      float* ur_rot = ur_rotPtr->getPointer(0);
      float* point = NULL;
      char code = ' ';
      float g[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };

      for (size_t iter = start; iter < end; iter++)
        Int32Int32DynamicListArray::ElementList& faceIds = m_FaceIds->getElementList(iter);

        FOrientArrayType om(9, 0.0);
        FOrientTransformsType::qu2om(FOrientArrayType(m_AvgQuats[iter]), om);

        // find bounding box for current feature
        GeometryMath::FindBoundingBoxOfFaces(m_Faces, faceIds, ll, ur);
        GeometryMath::FindBoundingBoxOfRotatedFaces(m_Faces, faceIds, g, ll_rot, ur_rot);
        GeometryMath::FindDistanceBetweenPoints(ll, ur, radius);

        generatePoints(iter, m_Points, m_InFeature, m_AvgQuats, m_LatticeConstants, m_Basis, ll_rot, ur_rot);

        // check points in vertex array to see if they are in the bounding box of the feature
        int64_t numPoints = m_Points[iter]->getNumberOfVertices();
        VertexGeom::Pointer vertArray = m_Points[iter];
        BoolArrayType::Pointer boolArray = m_InFeature[iter];
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
          point = vertArray->getVertexPointer(i);
          if (boolArray->getValue(i) == false)
            code = GeometryMath::PointInPolyhedron(m_Faces, faceIds, m_FaceBBs, point, ll, ur, radius);
            if (code == 'i' || code == 'V' || code == 'E' || code == 'F') { m_InFeature[start]->setValue(i, true); }
Ejemplo n.º 3
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InsertAtoms::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Validate that the selected AvgQuats array has tuples equal to the largest
  // Feature Id; the filter would not crash otherwise, but the user should
  // be notified of unanticipated behavior ; this cannot be done in the dataCheck since
  // we don't have acces to the data yet
  int32_t numFeaturesIn = static_cast<int32_t>(m_AvgQuatsPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples());
  bool mismatchedFeatures = true;
  int32_t largestFeature = 0;
  size_t numTuples = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numTuples; i++)
    if (m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i] > largestFeature)
      largestFeature = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i];
      if (largestFeature >= numFeaturesIn)
        mismatchedFeatures = true;
    else if (m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i + 1] > largestFeature)
      largestFeature = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i + 1];
      if (largestFeature >= numFeaturesIn)
        mismatchedFeatures = true;

  if (mismatchedFeatures == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The number of Features in the AvgQuats array (%1) is larger than the largest Feature Id in the SurfaceMeshFaceLabels array").arg(numFeaturesIn);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  if (largestFeature != (numFeaturesIn - 1))
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The number of Features in the AvgQuats array (%1) does not match the largest Feature Id in the SurfaceMeshFaceLabels array").arg(numFeaturesIn);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  FloatVec3_t latticeConstants;
  latticeConstants.x = m_LatticeConstants.x / 10000.0;
  latticeConstants.y = m_LatticeConstants.y / 10000.0;
  latticeConstants.z = m_LatticeConstants.z / 10000.0;

  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getSurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath().getDataContainerName());

  tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
  bool doParallel = true;

  // pull down faces
  TriangleGeom::Pointer triangleGeom = sm->getGeometryAs<TriangleGeom>();
  int64_t numFaces = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();

  // create array to hold bounding vertices for each face
  FloatArrayType::Pointer llPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "Lower_Left_Internal_Use_Only");
  FloatArrayType::Pointer urPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "Upper_Right_Internal_Use_Only");
  float* ll = llPtr->getPointer(0);
  float* ur = urPtr->getPointer(0);
  VertexGeom::Pointer faceBBs = VertexGeom::CreateGeometry(2 * numFaces, "faceBBs");

  // walk through faces to see how many features there are
  int32_t g1 = 0, g2 = 0;
  int32_t maxFeatureId = 0;
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
    g1 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i];
    g2 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i + 1];
    if (g1 > maxFeatureId) { maxFeatureId = g1; }
    if (g2 > maxFeatureId) { maxFeatureId = g2; }

  // add one to account for feature 0
  int32_t numFeatures = maxFeatureId + 1;

  // create a dynamic list array to hold face lists
  Int32Int32DynamicListArray::Pointer faceLists = Int32Int32DynamicListArray::New();
  QVector<int32_t> linkCount(numFeatures, 0);

  // fill out lists with number of references to cells
  typedef boost::shared_array<int32_t> SharedInt32Array_t;
  SharedInt32Array_t linkLocPtr(new int32_t[numFaces]);
  int32_t* linkLoc = linkLocPtr.get();

  ::memset(linkLoc, 0, numFaces * sizeof(int32_t));

  // traverse data to determine number of faces belonging to each feature
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
    g1 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i];
    g2 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i + 1];
    if (g1 > 0) { linkCount[g1]++; }
    if (g2 > 0) { linkCount[g2]++; }

  // now allocate storage for the faces

  // traverse data again to get the faces belonging to each feature
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
    g1 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i];
    g2 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i + 1];
    if (g1 > 0) { faceLists->insertCellReference(g1, (linkLoc[g1])++, i); }
    if (g2 > 0) { faceLists->insertCellReference(g2, (linkLoc[g2])++, i); }
    // find bounding box for each face
    GeometryMath::FindBoundingBoxOfFace(triangleGeom, i, ll, ur);
    faceBBs->setCoords(2 * i, ll);
    faceBBs->setCoords(2 * i + 1, ur);

  // generate the list of sampling points fom subclass
  QVector<VertexGeom::Pointer> points(numFeatures);
  QVector<BoolArrayType::Pointer> inFeature(numFeatures);
  for (int32_t i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
    points[i] = VertexGeom::CreateGeometry(0, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_points");
    inFeature[i] = BoolArrayType::CreateArray(0, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_inside");

  QuatF* avgQuats = reinterpret_cast<QuatF*>(m_AvgQuats);

  if (doParallel == true)
    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, numFeatures),
                      InsertAtomsImpl(triangleGeom, faceLists, faceBBs, avgQuats, latticeConstants, m_Basis, points, inFeature), tbb::auto_partitioner());

    InsertAtomsImpl serial(triangleGeom, faceLists, faceBBs, avgQuats, latticeConstants, m_Basis, points, inFeature);
    serial.checkPoints(0, numFeatures);

  assign_points(points, inFeature);

  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Ejemplo n.º 4
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VisualizeGBCDGMT::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getGBCDArrayPath().getDataContainerName());

  // Make sure any directory path is also available as the user may have just typed
  // in a path without actually creating the full path
  QFileInfo fi(getOutputFile());

  QDir dir(fi.path());
  if (!dir.mkpath("."))
    QString ss;
    ss = QObject::tr("Error creating parent path '%1'").arg(dir.path());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  QFile file(getOutputFile());
  if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(getOutputFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  FloatArrayType::Pointer gbcdDeltasArray = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(5, "GBCDDeltas");

  FloatArrayType::Pointer gbcdLimitsArray = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(10, "GBCDLimits");

  Int32ArrayType::Pointer gbcdSizesArray = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray(5, "GBCDSizes");

  float* gbcdDeltas = gbcdDeltasArray->getPointer(0);
  int32_t* gbcdSizes = gbcdSizesArray->getPointer(0);
  float* gbcdLimits = gbcdLimitsArray->getPointer(0);

  // Original Ranges from Dave R.
  //m_GBCDlimits[0] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[1] = cosf(1.0f*m_pi);
  //m_GBCDlimits[2] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[3] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[4] = cosf(1.0f*m_pi);
  //m_GBCDlimits[5] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[6] = cosf(0.0f);
  //m_GBCDlimits[7] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[8] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[9] = cosf(0.0f);

  // Greg R. Ranges
  gbcdLimits[0] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[1] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[2] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[3] = -sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f);
  gbcdLimits[4] = -sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f);
  gbcdLimits[5] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f;
  gbcdLimits[6] = 1.0f;
  gbcdLimits[7] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f;
  gbcdLimits[8] = sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f);
  gbcdLimits[9] = sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_Pi / 2.0f);

  // get num components of GBCD
  QVector<size_t> cDims = m_GBCDPtr.lock()->getComponentDimensions();

  gbcdSizes[0] = cDims[0];
  gbcdSizes[1] = cDims[1];
  gbcdSizes[2] = cDims[2];
  gbcdSizes[3] = cDims[3];
  gbcdSizes[4] = cDims[4];

  gbcdDeltas[0] = (gbcdLimits[5] - gbcdLimits[0]) / float(gbcdSizes[0]);
  gbcdDeltas[1] = (gbcdLimits[6] - gbcdLimits[1]) / float(gbcdSizes[1]);
  gbcdDeltas[2] = (gbcdLimits[7] - gbcdLimits[2]) / float(gbcdSizes[2]);
  gbcdDeltas[3] = (gbcdLimits[8] - gbcdLimits[3]) / float(gbcdSizes[3]);
  gbcdDeltas[4] = (gbcdLimits[9] - gbcdLimits[4]) / float(gbcdSizes[4]);

  float vec[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float vec2[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float rotNormal[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float rotNormal2[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float sqCoord[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float dg[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dgt[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dg1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dg2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym2t[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float mis_euler1[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

  float misAngle = m_MisorientationRotation.angle * SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver180;
  float normAxis[3] = { m_MisorientationRotation.h, m_MisorientationRotation.k, m_MisorientationRotation.l };
  // convert axis angle to matrix representation of misorientation
  FOrientArrayType om(9, 0.0f);
  FOrientTransformsType::ax2om(FOrientArrayType(normAxis[0], normAxis[1], normAxis[2], misAngle), om);

  // take inverse of misorientation variable to use for switching symmetry
  MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(dg, dgt);

  // Get our SpaceGroupOps pointer for the selected crystal structure
  SpaceGroupOps::Pointer orientOps = m_OrientationOps[m_CrystalStructures[m_PhaseOfInterest]];

  // get number of symmetry operators
  int32_t n_sym = orientOps->getNumSymOps();

  int32_t thetaPoints = 120;
  int32_t phiPoints = 30;
  float thetaRes = 360.0f / float(thetaPoints);
  float phiRes = 90.0f / float(phiPoints);
  float theta = 0.0f, phi = 0.0f;
  float thetaRad = 0.0f, phiRad = 0.0f;
  float degToRad = SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver180;
  float sum = 0.0f;
  int32_t count = 0;
  bool nhCheck = false;
  int32_t hemisphere = 0;

  int32_t shift1 = gbcdSizes[0];
  int32_t shift2 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1];
  int32_t shift3 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2];
  int32_t shift4 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2] * gbcdSizes[3];

  int64_t totalGBCDBins = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2] * gbcdSizes[3] * gbcdSizes[4] * 2;

  std::vector<float> gmtValues;

  for (int32_t k = 0; k < phiPoints + 1; k++)
    for (int32_t l = 0; l < thetaPoints + 1; l++)
      // get (x,y) for stereographic projection pixel
      theta = float(l) * thetaRes;
      phi = float(k) * phiRes;
      thetaRad = theta * degToRad;
      phiRad = phi * degToRad;
      sum = 0.0f;
      count = 0;
      vec[0] = sinf(phiRad) * cosf(thetaRad);
      vec[1] = sinf(phiRad) * sinf(thetaRad);
      vec[2] = cosf(phiRad);
      MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(dgt, vec, vec2);

      // Loop over all the symetry operators in the given cystal symmetry
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_sym; i++)
        // get symmetry operator1
        orientOps->getMatSymOp(i, sym1);
        for (int32_t j = 0; j < n_sym; j++)
          // get symmetry operator2
          orientOps->getMatSymOp(j, sym2);
          MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(sym2, sym2t);
          // calculate symmetric misorientation
          MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(dg, sym2t, dg1);
          MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym1, dg1, dg2);
          // convert to euler angle
          FOrientArrayType mEuler(mis_euler1, 3);
          FOrientTransformsType::om2eu(FOrientArrayType(dg2), mEuler);
          if (mis_euler1[0] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[1] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[2] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2)
            mis_euler1[1] = cosf(mis_euler1[1]);
            // find bins in GBCD
            int32_t location1 = int32_t((mis_euler1[0] - gbcdLimits[0]) / gbcdDeltas[0]);
            int32_t location2 = int32_t((mis_euler1[1] - gbcdLimits[1]) / gbcdDeltas[1]);
            int32_t location3 = int32_t((mis_euler1[2] - gbcdLimits[2]) / gbcdDeltas[2]);
            // find symmetric poles using the first symmetry operator
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(sym1, vec, rotNormal);
            // get coordinates in square projection of crystal normal parallel to boundary normal
            nhCheck = getSquareCoord(rotNormal, sqCoord);
            // Note the switch to have theta in the 4 slot and cos(Phi) int he 3 slot
            int32_t location4 = int32_t((sqCoord[0] - gbcdLimits[3]) / gbcdDeltas[3]);
            int32_t location5 = int32_t((sqCoord[1] - gbcdLimits[4]) / gbcdDeltas[4]);
            if (location1 >= 0 && location2 >= 0 && location3 >= 0 && location4 >= 0 && location5 >= 0 &&
                location1 < gbcdSizes[0] && location2 < gbcdSizes[1] && location3 < gbcdSizes[2] && location4 < gbcdSizes[3] && location5 < gbcdSizes[4])
              hemisphere = 0;
              if (nhCheck == false) { hemisphere = 1; }
              sum += m_GBCD[(m_PhaseOfInterest * totalGBCDBins) + 2 * ((location5 * shift4) + (location4 * shift3) + (location3 * shift2) + (location2 * shift1) + location1) + hemisphere];

          // again in second crystal reference frame
          // calculate symmetric misorientation
          MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(dgt, sym2, dg1);
          MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym1, dg1, dg2);
          // convert to euler angle
          FOrientTransformsType::om2eu(FOrientArrayType(dg2), mEuler);
          if (mis_euler1[0] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[1] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[2] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2)
            mis_euler1[1] = cosf(mis_euler1[1]);
            // find bins in GBCD
            int32_t location1 = int32_t((mis_euler1[0] - gbcdLimits[0]) / gbcdDeltas[0]);
            int32_t location2 = int32_t((mis_euler1[1] - gbcdLimits[1]) / gbcdDeltas[1]);
            int32_t location3 = int32_t((mis_euler1[2] - gbcdLimits[2]) / gbcdDeltas[2]);
            // find symmetric poles using the first symmetry operator
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(sym1, vec2, rotNormal2);
            // get coordinates in square projection of crystal normal parallel to boundary normal
            nhCheck = getSquareCoord(rotNormal2, sqCoord);
            // Note the switch to have theta in the 4 slot and cos(Phi) int he 3 slot
            int32_t location4 = int32_t((sqCoord[0] - gbcdLimits[3]) / gbcdDeltas[3]);
            int32_t location5 = int32_t((sqCoord[1] - gbcdLimits[4]) / gbcdDeltas[4]);
            if (location1 >= 0 && location2 >= 0 && location3 >= 0 && location4 >= 0 && location5 >= 0 &&
                location1 < gbcdSizes[0] && location2 < gbcdSizes[1] && location3 < gbcdSizes[2] && location4 < gbcdSizes[3] && location5 < gbcdSizes[4])
              hemisphere = 0;
              if (nhCheck == false) { hemisphere = 1; }
              sum += m_GBCD[(m_PhaseOfInterest * totalGBCDBins) + 2 * ((location5 * shift4) + (location4 * shift3) + (location3 * shift2) + (location2 * shift1) + location1) + hemisphere];
      gmtValues.push_back((90.0f - phi));
      gmtValues.push_back(sum / float(count));

  FILE* f = NULL;
  f = fopen(m_OutputFile.toLatin1().data(), "wb");
  if (NULL == f)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  // Remember to use the original Angle in Degrees!!!!
  fprintf(f, "%.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f\n", m_MisorientationRotation.h, m_MisorientationRotation.k, m_MisorientationRotation.l, m_MisorientationRotation.angle);
  size_t size = gmtValues.size() / 3;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
    fprintf(f, "%f %f %f\n", gmtValues[3 * i], gmtValues[3 * i + 1], gmtValues[3 * i + 2]);

  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Ejemplo n.º 5
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void StatsGenODFWidget::on_m_CalculateODFBtn_clicked()
  int err = 0;

  QwtArray<float> e1s;
  QwtArray<float> e2s;
  QwtArray<float> e3s;
  QwtArray<float> weights;
  QwtArray<float> sigmas;
  QwtArray<float> odf;
  SGODFTableModel* tableModel = NULL;

  if(weightSpreadGroupBox->isChecked() )
    tableModel = m_ODFTableModel;
    tableModel = m_OdfBulkTableModel;

  e1s = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Euler1);
  e2s = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Euler2);
  e3s = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Euler3);
  weights = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Weight);
  sigmas = tableModel->getData(SGODFTableModel::Sigma);

  // Convert from Degrees to Radians
  for(int i = 0; i < e1s.size(); i++)
    e1s[i] = e1s[i] * M_PI / 180.0;
    e2s[i] = e2s[i] * M_PI / 180.0;
    e3s[i] = e3s[i] * M_PI / 180.0;
  size_t numEntries = e1s.size();

  int imageSize = pfImageSize->value();
  int lamberSize = pfLambertSize->value();
  int numColors = 16;
  int npoints = pfSamplePoints->value();
  QVector<size_t> dims(1, 3);
  FloatArrayType::Pointer eulers = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(npoints, dims, "Eulers");
  PoleFigureConfiguration_t config;
  QVector<UInt8ArrayType::Pointer> figures;

  if ( Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Cubic_High == m_CrystalStructure)
    // We now need to resize all the arrays here to make sure they are all allocated
    Texture::CalculateCubicODFData(e1s.data(), e2s.data(), e3s.data(),
                                   weights.data(), sigmas.data(), true,
                                   odf.data(), numEntries);

    err = StatsGen::GenCubicODFPlotData(odf.data(), eulers->getPointer(0), npoints);

    CubicOps ops;
    config.eulers = eulers.get();
    config.imageDim = imageSize;
    config.lambertDim = lamberSize;
    config.numColors = numColors;

    figures = ops.generatePoleFigure(config);
  else if ( Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Hexagonal_High == m_CrystalStructure)
    // We now need to resize all the arrays here to make sure they are all allocated
    Texture::CalculateHexODFData(e1s.data(), e2s.data(), e3s.data(),
                                 weights.data(), sigmas.data(), true,
                                 odf.data(), numEntries);

    err = StatsGen::GenHexODFPlotData(odf.data(), eulers->getPointer(0), npoints);

    HexagonalOps ops;
    config.eulers = eulers.get();
    config.imageDim = imageSize;
    config.lambertDim = lamberSize;
    config.numColors = numColors;

    figures = ops.generatePoleFigure(config);
  else if ( Ebsd::CrystalStructure::OrthoRhombic == m_CrystalStructure)
    //    // We now need to resize all the arrays here to make sure they are all allocated
    Texture::CalculateOrthoRhombicODFData(e1s.data(), e2s.data(), e3s.data(),
                                          weights.data(), sigmas.data(), true,
                                          odf.data(), numEntries);

    err = StatsGen::GenOrthoRhombicODFPlotData(odf.data(), eulers->getPointer(0), npoints);

    OrthoRhombicOps ops;
    config.eulers = eulers.get();
    config.imageDim = imageSize;
    config.lambertDim = lamberSize;
    config.numColors = numColors;

    figures = ops.generatePoleFigure(config);

  if (err == 1)
    //TODO: Present Error Message

  QImage image = PoleFigureImageUtilities::Create3ImagePoleFigure(figures[0].get(), figures[1].get(), figures[2].get(), config, imageLayout->currentIndex());

  // Enable the MDF tab
  if (m_MDFWidget != NULL)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VisualizeGBCDPoleFigure::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Make sure any directory path is also available as the user may have just typed
  // in a path without actually creating the full path
  QFileInfo fi(getOutputFile());

  QDir dir(fi.path());
    QString ss;
    ss = QObject::tr("Error creating parent path '%1'").arg(dir.path());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  QFile file(getOutputFile());
  if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(getOutputFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  FloatArrayType::Pointer gbcdDeltasArray = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(5, "GBCDDeltas");

  FloatArrayType::Pointer gbcdLimitsArray = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(10, "GBCDLimits");

  Int32ArrayType::Pointer gbcdSizesArray = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray(5, "GBCDSizes");

  float* gbcdDeltas = gbcdDeltasArray->getPointer(0);
  int* gbcdSizes = gbcdSizesArray->getPointer(0);
  float* gbcdLimits = gbcdLimitsArray->getPointer(0);

  // Original Ranges from Dave R.
  //m_GBCDlimits[0] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[1] = cosf(1.0f*m_pi);
  //m_GBCDlimits[2] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[3] = 0.0f;
  //m_GBCDlimits[4] = cosf(1.0f*m_pi);
  //m_GBCDlimits[5] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[6] = cosf(0.0f);
  //m_GBCDlimits[7] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[8] = 2.0f*m_pi;
  //m_GBCDlimits[9] = cosf(0.0f);

  // Greg R. Ranges
  gbcdLimits[0] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[1] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[2] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[3] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[4] = 0.0f;
  gbcdLimits[5] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2;
  gbcdLimits[6] = 1.0f;
  gbcdLimits[7] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2;
  gbcdLimits[8] = 1.0f;
  gbcdLimits[9] = SIMPLib::Constants::k_2Pi;

  // reset the 3rd and 4th dimensions using the square grid approach
  gbcdLimits[3] = -sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2);
  gbcdLimits[4] = -sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2);
  gbcdLimits[8] = sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2);
  gbcdLimits[9] = sqrtf(SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2);

  // get num components of GBCD
  QVector<size_t> cDims = m_GBCDPtr.lock()->getComponentDimensions();

  gbcdSizes[0] = cDims[0];
  gbcdSizes[1] = cDims[1];
  gbcdSizes[2] = cDims[2];
  gbcdSizes[3] = cDims[3];
  gbcdSizes[4] = cDims[4];

  gbcdDeltas[0] = (gbcdLimits[5] - gbcdLimits[0]) / float(gbcdSizes[0]);
  gbcdDeltas[1] = (gbcdLimits[6] - gbcdLimits[1]) / float(gbcdSizes[1]);
  gbcdDeltas[2] = (gbcdLimits[7] - gbcdLimits[2]) / float(gbcdSizes[2]);
  gbcdDeltas[3] = (gbcdLimits[8] - gbcdLimits[3]) / float(gbcdSizes[3]);
  gbcdDeltas[4] = (gbcdLimits[9] - gbcdLimits[4]) / float(gbcdSizes[4]);

  float vec[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float vec2[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float rotNormal[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float rotNormal2[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float sqCoord[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
  float dg[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dgt[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dg1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float dg2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float sym2t[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float mis_euler1[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

  float misAngle = m_MisorientationRotation.angle * SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver180;
  float normAxis[3] = { m_MisorientationRotation.h, m_MisorientationRotation.k, m_MisorientationRotation.l };
  // convert axis angle to matrix representation of misorientation
  FOrientArrayType om(9, 0.0f);
  FOrientTransformsType::ax2om(FOrientArrayType(normAxis[0], normAxis[1], normAxis[2], misAngle), om);

  // take inverse of misorientation variable to use for switching symmetry
  MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(dg, dgt);

  // Get our SpaceGroupOps pointer for the selected crystal structure
  SpaceGroupOps::Pointer orientOps = m_OrientationOps[m_CrystalStructures[m_PhaseOfInterest]];

  // get number of symmetry operators
  int32_t n_sym = orientOps->getNumSymOps();

  int32_t xpoints = 100;
  int32_t ypoints = 100;
  int32_t zpoints = 1;
  int32_t xpointshalf = xpoints / 2;
  int32_t ypointshalf = ypoints / 2;
  float xres = 2.0f / float(xpoints);
  float yres = 2.0f / float(ypoints);
  float zres = (xres + yres) / 2.0;
  float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f;
  float sum = 0;
  int32_t count = 0;
  bool nhCheck = false;
  int32_t hemisphere = 0;

  int32_t shift1 = gbcdSizes[0];
  int32_t shift2 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1];
  int32_t shift3 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2];
  int32_t shift4 = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2] * gbcdSizes[3];

  int64_t totalGBCDBins = gbcdSizes[0] * gbcdSizes[1] * gbcdSizes[2] * gbcdSizes[3] * gbcdSizes[4] * 2;

  QVector<size_t> dims(1, 1);
  DoubleArrayType::Pointer poleFigureArray = DoubleArrayType::NullPointer();
  poleFigureArray = DoubleArrayType::CreateArray(xpoints * ypoints, dims, "PoleFigure");
  double* poleFigure = poleFigureArray->getPointer(0);

  for (int32_t k = 0; k < ypoints; k++)
    for (int32_t l = 0; l < xpoints; l++)
      // get (x,y) for stereographic projection pixel
      x = float(l - xpointshalf) * xres + (xres / 2.0);
      y = float(k - ypointshalf) * yres + (yres / 2.0);
      if ((x * x + y * y) <= 1.0)
        sum = 0.0f;
        count = 0;
        vec[2] = -((x * x + y * y) - 1) / ((x * x + y * y) + 1);
        vec[0] = x * (1 + vec[2]);
        vec[1] = y * (1 + vec[2]);
        MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(dgt, vec, vec2);

        // Loop over all the symetry operators in the given cystal symmetry
        for (int32_t i = 0; i < n_sym; i++)
          //get symmetry operator1
          orientOps->getMatSymOp(i, sym1);
          for (int32_t j = 0; j < n_sym; j++)
            // get symmetry operator2
            orientOps->getMatSymOp(j, sym2);
            MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(sym2, sym2t);
            // calculate symmetric misorientation
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(dg, sym2t, dg1);
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym1, dg1, dg2);
            // convert to euler angle
            FOrientArrayType eu(mis_euler1, 3);
            FOrientTransformsType::om2eu(FOrientArrayType(dg2), eu);
            if (mis_euler1[0] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[1] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[2] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2)
              mis_euler1[1] = cosf(mis_euler1[1]);
              // find bins in GBCD
              int32_t location1 = int32_t((mis_euler1[0] - gbcdLimits[0]) / gbcdDeltas[0]);
              int32_t location2 = int32_t((mis_euler1[1] - gbcdLimits[1]) / gbcdDeltas[1]);
              int32_t location3 = int32_t((mis_euler1[2] - gbcdLimits[2]) / gbcdDeltas[2]);
              //find symmetric poles using the first symmetry operator
              MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(sym1, vec, rotNormal);
              //get coordinates in square projection of crystal normal parallel to boundary normal
              nhCheck = getSquareCoord(rotNormal, sqCoord);
              // Note the switch to have theta in the 4 slot and cos(Phi) int he 3 slot
              int32_t location4 = int32_t((sqCoord[0] - gbcdLimits[3]) / gbcdDeltas[3]);
              int32_t location5 = int32_t((sqCoord[1] - gbcdLimits[4]) / gbcdDeltas[4]);
              if (location1 >= 0 && location2 >= 0 && location3 >= 0 && location4 >= 0 && location5 >= 0 &&
                  location1 < gbcdSizes[0] && location2 < gbcdSizes[1] && location3 < gbcdSizes[2] && location4 < gbcdSizes[3] && location5 < gbcdSizes[4])
                hemisphere = 0;
                if (nhCheck == false) { hemisphere = 1; }
                sum += m_GBCD[(m_PhaseOfInterest * totalGBCDBins) + 2 * ((location5 * shift4) + (location4 * shift3) + (location3 * shift2) + (location2 * shift1) + location1) + hemisphere];

            // again in second crystal reference frame
            // calculate symmetric misorientation
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(dgt, sym2, dg1);
            MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym1, dg1, dg2);
            // convert to euler angle
            FOrientTransformsType::om2eu(FOrientArrayType(dg2), eu);
            if (mis_euler1[0] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[1] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && mis_euler1[2] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2)
              mis_euler1[1] = cosf(mis_euler1[1]);
              // find bins in GBCD
              int32_t location1 = int32_t((mis_euler1[0] - gbcdLimits[0]) / gbcdDeltas[0]);
              int32_t location2 = int32_t((mis_euler1[1] - gbcdLimits[1]) / gbcdDeltas[1]);
              int32_t location3 = int32_t((mis_euler1[2] - gbcdLimits[2]) / gbcdDeltas[2]);
              // find symmetric poles using the first symmetry operator
              MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(sym1, vec2, rotNormal2);
              // get coordinates in square projection of crystal normal parallel to boundary normal
              nhCheck = getSquareCoord(rotNormal2, sqCoord);
              // Note the switch to have theta in the 4 slot and cos(Phi) int he 3 slot
              int32_t location4 = int32_t((sqCoord[0] - gbcdLimits[3]) / gbcdDeltas[3]);
              int32_t location5 = int32_t((sqCoord[1] - gbcdLimits[4]) / gbcdDeltas[4]);
              if (location1 >= 0 && location2 >= 0 && location3 >= 0 && location4 >= 0 && location5 >= 0 &&
                  location1 < gbcdSizes[0] && location2 < gbcdSizes[1] && location3 < gbcdSizes[2] && location4 < gbcdSizes[3] && location5 < gbcdSizes[4])
                hemisphere = 0;
                if (nhCheck == false) { hemisphere = 1; }
                sum += m_GBCD[(m_PhaseOfInterest * totalGBCDBins) + 2 * ((location5 * shift4) + (location4 * shift3) + (location3 * shift2) + (location2 * shift1) + location1) + hemisphere];
        if (count > 0)
          poleFigure[(k * xpoints) + l] = sum / float(count);

  FILE* f = NULL;
  f = fopen(m_OutputFile.toLatin1().data(), "wb");
  if (NULL == f)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  // Write the correct header
  fprintf(f, "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n");
  fprintf(f, "data set from DREAM3D\n");
  fprintf(f, "BINARY");
  fprintf(f, "\n");
  fprintf(f, "DIMENSIONS %d %d %d\n", xpoints + 1, ypoints + 1, zpoints + 1);

  // Write the Coords
  writeCoords(f, "X_COORDINATES", "float", xpoints + 1, (-float(xpoints)*xres / 2.0f), xres);
  writeCoords(f, "Y_COORDINATES", "float", ypoints + 1, (-float(ypoints)*yres / 2.0f), yres);
  writeCoords(f, "Z_COORDINATES", "float", zpoints + 1, (-float(zpoints)*zres / 2.0f), zres);

  int32_t total = xpoints * ypoints * zpoints;
  fprintf(f, "CELL_DATA %d\n", total);

  fprintf(f, "SCALARS %s %s 1\n", "Intensity", "float");
  fprintf(f, "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");
    float* gn = new float[total];
    float t;
    count = 0;
    for (int32_t j = 0; j < ypoints; j++)
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < xpoints; i++)
        t = float(poleFigure[(j * xpoints) + i]);
        gn[count] = t;
    size_t totalWritten = fwrite(gn, sizeof(float), (total), f);
    delete[] gn;
    if (totalWritten != (total))
      QString ss = QObject::tr("Error writing binary VTK data to file '%1'").arg(m_OutputFile);
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Ejemplo n.º 7
    void generate(size_t start, size_t end) const

      // We want to work with the raw pointers for speed so get those pointers.
      float* m_GBCDdeltas = m_GbcdDeltasArray->getPointer(0);
      float* m_GBCDlimits = m_GbcdLimitsArray->getPointer(0);
      int* m_GBCDsizes = m_GbcdSizesArray->getPointer(0);
      int32_t* m_Bins = m_GbcdBinsArray->getPointer(0);
      bool* m_HemiCheck = m_GbcdHemiCheckArray->getPointer(0);

      int32_t* m_Labels = m_LabelsArray->getPointer(0);
      double* m_Normals = m_NormalsArray->getPointer(0);
      int32_t* m_Phases = m_PhasesArray->getPointer(0);
      float* m_Eulers = m_EulersArray->getPointer(0);
      uint32_t* m_CrystalStructures = m_CrystalStructuresArray->getPointer(0);

      int32_t j = 0;//, j4;
      int32_t k = 0;//, k4;
      int32_t m = 0;
      int32_t temp = 0;
      //bool gbcd_indices_good;
      int32_t feature1 = 0, feature2 = 0;
      int32_t inversion = 1;
      float g1ea[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, g2ea[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
      float g1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } }, g2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
      float g1s[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } }, g2s[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
      float sym1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } }, sym2[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
      float g2t[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } }, dg[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
      float euler_mis[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
      float normal[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
      float xstl1_norm1[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
      int32_t gbcd_index = 0;
      float sqCoord[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f }, sqCoordInv[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
      bool nhCheck = false, nhCheckInv = true;
      int32_t SYMcounter = 0;
      int64_t TRIcounter = static_cast<int64_t>(start - startOffset);
      int64_t TRIcounterShift = 0;

      for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++)
        SYMcounter = 0;
        feature1 = m_Labels[2 * i];
        feature2 = m_Labels[2 * i + 1];
        normal[0] = m_Normals[3 * i];
        normal[1] = m_Normals[3 * i + 1];
        normal[2] = m_Normals[3 * i + 2];

        if (feature1 < 0 || feature2 < 0) { continue; }

        if (m_Phases[feature1] == m_Phases[feature2] && m_Phases[feature1] > 0)
          TRIcounterShift = (TRIcounter * numEntriesPerTri);
          uint32_t cryst = m_CrystalStructures[m_Phases[feature1]];
          for (int32_t q = 0; q < 2; q++)
            if (q == 1)
              temp = feature1;
              feature1 = feature2;
              feature2 = temp;
              normal[0] = -normal[0];
              normal[1] = -normal[1];
              normal[2] = -normal[2];
            for (m = 0; m < 3; m++)
              g1ea[m] = m_Eulers[3 * feature1 + m];
              g2ea[m] = m_Eulers[3 * feature2 + m];

            FOrientArrayType om(9, 0.0f);
            FOrientTransformsType::eu2om(FOrientArrayType(g1ea, 3), om);

            FOrientTransformsType::eu2om(FOrientArrayType(g2ea, 3), om);

            int32_t nsym = m_OrientationOps[cryst]->getNumSymOps();
            for (j = 0; j < nsym; j++)
              // rotate g1 by symOp
              m_OrientationOps[cryst]->getMatSymOp(j, sym1);
              MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym1, g1, g1s);
              // get the crystal directions along the triangle normals
              MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(g1s, normal, xstl1_norm1);
              // get coordinates in square projection of crystal normal parallel to boundary normal
              nhCheck = getSquareCoord(xstl1_norm1, sqCoord);
              if (inversion == 1)
                sqCoordInv[0] = -sqCoord[0];
                sqCoordInv[1] = -sqCoord[1];
                if (nhCheck == false) { nhCheckInv = true; }
                else { nhCheckInv = false; }

              for (k = 0; k < nsym; k++)
                // calculate the symmetric misorienation
                m_OrientationOps[cryst]->getMatSymOp(k, sym2);
                // rotate g2 by symOp
                MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(sym2, g2, g2s);
                // transpose rotated g2
                MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(g2s, g2t);
                // calculate delta g
                MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x3(g1s, g2t, dg);
                // translate matrix to euler angles
                FOrientArrayType om(dg);

                FOrientArrayType eu(euler_mis, 3);
                FOrientTransformsType::om2eu(om, eu);

                if (euler_mis[0] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && euler_mis[1] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2 && euler_mis[2] < SIMPLib::Constants::k_PiOver2)
                  // PHI euler angle is stored in GBCD as cos(PHI)
                  euler_mis[1] = cosf(euler_mis[1]);
                  //get the indexes that this point would be in the GBCD histogram
                  gbcd_index = GBCDIndex(m_GBCDdeltas, m_GBCDsizes, m_GBCDlimits, euler_mis, sqCoord);
                  if (gbcd_index != -1)
                    m_HemiCheck[TRIcounterShift + SYMcounter] = nhCheck;
                    m_Bins[TRIcounterShift + SYMcounter] = gbcd_index;
                  if (inversion == 1)
                    gbcd_index = GBCDIndex(m_GBCDdeltas, m_GBCDsizes, m_GBCDlimits, euler_mis, sqCoordInv);
                    if (gbcd_index != -1)
                      m_HemiCheck[TRIcounterShift + SYMcounter] = nhCheckInv;
                      m_Bins[TRIcounterShift + SYMcounter] = gbcd_index;
                else { SYMcounter += 2; }
Ejemplo n.º 8
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WritePoleFigure::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(m_CellPhasesArrayPath.getDataContainerName());

  size_t dims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };

  // Make sure any directory path is also available as the user may have just typed
  // in a path without actually creating the full path
  QDir path(getOutputPath());

  if (!path.mkpath(".") )
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error creating parent path '%1'").arg(path.absolutePath());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  bool missingGoodVoxels = true;

  if (NULL != m_GoodVoxels)
    missingGoodVoxels = false;

  // Find how many phases we have by getting the number of Crystal Structures
  size_t numPoints = m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getNumberOfElements();
  size_t numPhases = m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();

  // Loop over all the voxels gathering the Eulers for a specific phase into an array
  for (size_t phase = 1; phase < numPhases; ++phase)
    size_t count = 0;
    // First find out how many voxels we are going to have. This is probably faster to loop twice than to
    // keep allocating memory everytime we find one.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
      if (m_CellPhases[i] == phase)
        if (missingGoodVoxels == true || m_GoodVoxels[i] == true)
    QVector<size_t> eulerCompDim(1, 3);
    FloatArrayType::Pointer subEulers = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(count, eulerCompDim, "Eulers_Per_Phase");
    float* eu = subEulers->getPointer(0);

    // Now loop through the eulers again and this time add them to the subEulers Array
    count = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
      if (m_CellPhases[i] == phase)
        if (missingGoodVoxels == true || m_GoodVoxels[i] == true)
          eu[count * 3] = m_CellEulerAngles[i * 3];
          eu[count * 3 + 1] = m_CellEulerAngles[i * 3 + 1];
          eu[count * 3 + 2] = m_CellEulerAngles[i * 3 + 2];
    if (subEulers->getNumberOfTuples() == 0) { continue; } // Skip because we have no Pole Figure data

    QVector<UInt8ArrayType::Pointer> figures;

    PoleFigureConfiguration_t config;
    config.eulers = subEulers.get();
    config.imageDim = getImageSize();
    config.lambertDim = getLambertSize();
    config.numColors = getNumColors();

    QString label("Phase_");

    QString ss = QObject::tr("Generating Pole Figures for Phase %1").arg(phase);
    notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);

      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Cubic_High:
        figures = makePoleFigures<CubicOps>(config);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Cubic_Low:
        figures = makePoleFigures<CubicLowOps>(config);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Hexagonal_High:
        figures = makePoleFigures<HexagonalOps>(config);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Hexagonal_Low:
        figures = makePoleFigures<HexagonalLowOps>(config);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Trigonal_High:
        //   figures = makePoleFigures<TrigonalOps>(config);
        notifyWarningMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Trigonal High Symmetry is not supported for Pole figures. This phase will be omitted from results", -1010);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Trigonal_Low:
        //  figures = makePoleFigures<TrigonalLowOps>(config);
        notifyWarningMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Trigonal Low Symmetry is not supported for Pole figures. This phase will be omitted from results", -1010);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Tetragonal_High:
        //  figures = makePoleFigures<TetragonalOps>(config);
        notifyWarningMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Tetragonal High Symmetry is not supported for Pole figures. This phase will be omitted from results", -1010);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Tetragonal_Low:
        //  figures = makePoleFigures<TetragonalLowOps>(config);
        notifyWarningMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Tetragonal Low Symmetry is not supported for Pole figures. This phase will be omitted from results", -1010);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::OrthoRhombic:
        figures = makePoleFigures<OrthoRhombicOps>(config);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Monoclinic:
        figures = makePoleFigures<MonoclinicOps>(config);
      case Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Triclinic:
        figures = makePoleFigures<TriclinicOps>(config);


    if (figures.size() == 3)
      QImage combinedImage = PoleFigureImageUtilities::Create3ImagePoleFigure(figures[0].get(), figures[1].get(), figures[2].get(), config, getImageLayout());
      writeImage(combinedImage, label);

  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Ejemplo n.º 9
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SampleSurfaceMesh::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer sm = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsArrayPath.getDataContainerName());

  tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
  bool doParallel = true;

  TriangleGeom::Pointer triangleGeom = sm->getGeometryAs<TriangleGeom>();

  // pull down faces
  int64_t numFaces = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabelsPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();

  // create array to hold bounding vertices for each face
  FloatArrayType::Pointer llPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Lower_Left");
  FloatArrayType::Pointer urPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(3, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_Upper_Right");
  float* ll = llPtr->getPointer(0);
  float* ur = urPtr->getPointer(0);
  VertexGeom::Pointer faceBBs = VertexGeom::CreateGeometry(2 * numFaces, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_faceBBs");

  // walk through faces to see how many features there are
  int32_t g1 = 0, g2 = 0;
  int32_t maxFeatureId = 0;
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
    g1 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i];
    g2 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i + 1];
    if (g1 > maxFeatureId) { maxFeatureId = g1; }
    if (g2 > maxFeatureId) { maxFeatureId = g2; }
  // add one to account for feature 0
  int32_t numFeatures = maxFeatureId + 1;

  // create a dynamic list array to hold face lists
  Int32Int32DynamicListArray::Pointer faceLists = Int32Int32DynamicListArray::New();
  std::vector<int32_t> linkCount(numFeatures, 0);

  // fill out lists with number of references to cells
  typedef boost::shared_array<int32_t> SharedInt32Array_t;
  SharedInt32Array_t linkLocPtr(new int32_t[numFaces]);
  int32_t* linkLoc = linkLocPtr.get();

  ::memset(linkLoc, 0, numFaces * sizeof(int32_t));

  // traverse data to determine number of faces belonging to each feature
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
    g1 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i];
    g2 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i + 1];
    if (g1 > 0) { linkCount[g1]++; }
    if (g2 > 0) { linkCount[g2]++; }

  // now allocate storage for the faces

  // traverse data again to get the faces belonging to each feature
  for (int64_t i = 0; i < numFaces; i++)
    g1 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i];
    g2 = m_SurfaceMeshFaceLabels[2 * i + 1];
    if (g1 > 0) { faceLists->insertCellReference(g1, (linkLoc[g1])++, i); }
    if (g2 > 0) { faceLists->insertCellReference(g2, (linkLoc[g2])++, i); }
    // find bounding box for each face
    GeometryMath::FindBoundingBoxOfFace(triangleGeom, i, ll, ur);
    faceBBs->setCoords(2 * i, ll);
    faceBBs->setCoords(2 * i + 1, ur);

  // generate the list of sampling points from subclass
  VertexGeom::Pointer points = generate_points();
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 || NULL == points.get()) { return; }
  int64_t numPoints = points->getNumberOfVertices();

  // create array to hold which polyhedron (feature) each point falls in
  Int32ArrayType::Pointer iArray = Int32ArrayType::NullPointer();
  iArray = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray(numPoints, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_polyhedronIds");
  int32_t* polyIds = iArray->getPointer(0);

  if (doParallel == true)
    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, numFeatures),
                      SampleSurfaceMeshImpl(triangleGeom, faceLists, faceBBs, points, polyIds), tbb::auto_partitioner());
    SampleSurfaceMeshImpl serial(triangleGeom, faceLists, faceBBs, points, polyIds);
    serial.checkPoints(0, numFeatures);


  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FindFeatureReferenceCAxisMisorientations::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(m_FeatureIdsArrayPath.getDataContainerName());
  size_t totalPoints = m_FeatureIdsPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();
  size_t totalFeatures = m_AvgCAxesPtr.lock()->getNumberOfTuples();

  int32_t avgMisoComps = 3;
  QVector<size_t> dims(1, avgMisoComps);
  FloatArrayType::Pointer avgmisoPtr = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(totalFeatures, dims, "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_AvgMiso_Temp");
  float* avgmiso = avgmisoPtr->getPointer(0);

  QuatF q1 = QuaternionMathF::New();
  QuatF* quats = reinterpret_cast<QuatF*>(m_Quats);

  float w = 0.0f;
  size_t udims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
#if (CMP_SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4)
  typedef uint32_t DimType;
  uint32_t maxUInt32 = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
  // We have more points than can be allocated on a 32 bit machine. Assert Now.
  if(totalPoints > maxUInt32)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The volume is too large for a 32 bit machine. Try reducing the input volume size. Total Voxels: %1").arg(totalPoints);
    notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
  typedef int64_t DimType;

  DimType xPoints = static_cast<DimType>(udims[0]);
  DimType yPoints = static_cast<DimType>(udims[1]);
  DimType zPoints = static_cast<DimType>(udims[2]);
  DimType point = 0;

  float g1[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float g1t[3][3] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
  float caxis[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
  float c1[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
  float AvgCAxis[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
  size_t index = 0;

  for (DimType col = 0; col < xPoints; col++)
    for (DimType row = 0; row < yPoints; row++)
      for (DimType plane = 0; plane < zPoints; plane++)
        point = (plane * xPoints * yPoints) + (row * xPoints) + col;
        if (m_FeatureIds[point] > 0 && m_CellPhases[point] > 0)
          QuaternionMathF::Copy(quats[point], q1);
          FOrientArrayType om(9);
          FOrientTransformsType::qu2om(FOrientArrayType(q1), om);
          // transpose the g matricies so when caxis is multiplied by it
          // it will give the sample direction that the caxis is along
          MatrixMath::Transpose3x3(g1, g1t);
          MatrixMath::Multiply3x3with3x1(g1t, caxis, c1);
          // normalize so that the magnitude is 1

          AvgCAxis[0] = m_AvgCAxes[3 * m_FeatureIds[point]];
          AvgCAxis[1] = m_AvgCAxes[3 * m_FeatureIds[point] + 1];
          AvgCAxis[2] = m_AvgCAxes[3 * m_FeatureIds[point] + 2];
          // normalize so that the magnitude is 1
          w = GeometryMath::CosThetaBetweenVectors(c1, AvgCAxis);
          DREAM3DMath::boundF(w, -1, 1);
          w = acosf(w);
          w = w * DREAM3D::Constants::k_180OverPi;
          if (w > 90.0) { w = 180.0 - w; }

          m_FeatureReferenceCAxisMisorientations[point] = w;
          index = m_FeatureIds[point] * avgMisoComps;
          avgmiso[index + 1] += w;
        if (m_FeatureIds[point] == 0 || m_CellPhases[point] == 0)
          m_FeatureReferenceCAxisMisorientations[point] = 0;

  for (size_t i = 1; i < totalFeatures; i++)
    if (i % 1000 == 0)
      QString ss = QObject::tr("Working On Feature %1 of %2").arg(i).arg(totalFeatures);
      notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
    index = i * avgMisoComps;
    m_FeatureAvgCAxisMisorientations[i] = avgmiso[index + 1] / avgmiso[index];
    if (avgmiso[index] == 0) { m_FeatureAvgCAxisMisorientations[i] = 0.0; }

  int32_t gNum = 0;
  for (size_t j = 0; j < totalPoints; j++)
    gNum = m_FeatureIds[j];
    avgmiso[(gNum * avgMisoComps) + 2] += ((m_FeatureReferenceCAxisMisorientations[j] - m_FeatureAvgCAxisMisorientations[gNum]) * (m_FeatureReferenceCAxisMisorientations[j] - m_FeatureAvgCAxisMisorientations[gNum]));

  for (size_t i = 1; i < totalFeatures; i++)
    index = i * avgMisoComps;
    m_FeatureStdevCAxisMisorientations[i] = sqrtf((1 / avgmiso[index]) * avgmiso[index + 2]);

  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");