Ejemplo n.º 1
bool validateCSRFForm(const http::Request& request, 
                      http::Response* pResponse)
   // extract token from HTTP cookie (set above)
   std::string headerToken = request.cookieValue(kCSRFTokenName);
   http::Fields fields;

   // parse the form and check for a matching token
   http::util::parseForm(request.body(), &fields);
   std::string bodyToken = http::util::fieldValue<std::string>(fields,
         kCSRFTokenName, "");

   // report an error if they don't match
   if (headerToken.empty() || bodyToken != headerToken) 
      pResponse->setBody("Missing or incorrect token.");
      return false;

   // all is well
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Error getGridData(const http::Request& request,
                  http::Response* pResponse)
   json::Value result;
   http::status::Code status = http::status::Ok;

      // find the data frame we're going to be pulling data from
      http::Fields fields;
      http::util::parseForm(request.body(), &fields);
      std::string envName = http::util::urlDecode(
            http::util::fieldValue<std::string>(fields, "env", ""));
      std::string objName = http::util::urlDecode(
            http::util::fieldValue<std::string>(fields, "obj", ""));
      std::string cacheKey = http::util::urlDecode(
            http::util::fieldValue<std::string>(fields, "cache_key", ""));
      std::string show = http::util::fieldValue<std::string>(
            fields, "show", "data");
      if (objName.empty() && cacheKey.empty()) 
         return Success();

      r::sexp::Protect protect;

      // begin observing if we aren't already
      if (envName != kNoBoundEnv) 
         SEXP objSEXP = findInNamedEnvir(envName, objName);
         std::map<std::string, CachedFrame>::iterator it = 
         if (it == s_cachedFrames.end())
            s_cachedFrames[cacheKey] = CachedFrame(envName, objName, objSEXP);

      // attempt to find the original copy of the object (loads from cache key
      // if necessary)
      SEXP dataSEXP = R_NilValue;
      Error error = r::exec::RFunction(".rs.findDataFrame", envName, objName, 
            cacheKey, viewerCacheDir()).call(&dataSEXP, &protect);
      if (error) 

      // couldn't find the original object
      if (dataSEXP == nullptr || dataSEXP == R_UnboundValue || 
          Rf_isNull(dataSEXP) || TYPEOF(dataSEXP) == NILSXP)
         json::Object err;
         err["error"] = "The object no longer exists.";
         status = http::status::NotFound;
         result = err;
         // if the data is a promise (happens for built-in data), the value is
         // what we're looking for
         if (TYPEOF(dataSEXP) == PROMSXP) 
            dataSEXP = PRVALUE(dataSEXP);
         if (show == "cols")
            result = getCols(dataSEXP);
         else if (show == "data")
            result = getData(dataSEXP, fields);
   catch(r::exec::RErrorException& e)
      // marshal R errors to the client in the format DataTables (and our own
      // error handling code) expects
      json::Object err;
      err["error"] = e.message();
      result = err;
      status = http::status::InternalServerError;

   std::ostringstream ostr;
   json::write(result, ostr);

   // There are some unprintable ASCII control characters that are written
   // verbatim by json::write, but that won't parse in most Javascript JSON
   // parsing implementations, even if contained in a string literal. Scan the
   // output data for these characters and replace them with spaces. Escaping
   // is another option here for some character ranges but since (a) these are
   // unprintable and (b) some characters are invalid *even if escaped* e.g.
   // \v, there's little to be gained here in trying to marshal them to the
   // viewer.
   std::string output = ostr.str();
   for (size_t i = 0; i < output.size(); i++)
      char c = output[i];
      // These ranges for control character values come from empirical testing
      if ((c >= 1 && c <= 7) || c == 11 || (c >= 14 && c <= 31))
         output[i] = ' ';

   pResponse->setNoCacheHeaders();    // don't cache data/grid shape

   return Success();
Ejemplo n.º 3
void handleLogRequest(const std::string& username,
                      const http::Request& request, 
                      http::Response* pResponse)
   // parse log method
   json::JsonRpcRequest jsonRpcRequest;
   if (!parseJsonRpcRequestForMethod(request.body(),
                                     pResponse) )
   // read params
   int level = 0;
   std::string message ;
   Error error = json::readParams(jsonRpcRequest.params, &level, &message);
   if (error)
      json::setJsonRpcError(error, pResponse);
   // convert level to appropriate enum and str
   using namespace core::system;
   LogLevel logLevel;
   std::string logLevelStr;
      case 0:
         logLevel = kLogLevelError; 
         logLevelStr = "ERROR";
      case 1:
         logLevel = kLogLevelWarning;
         logLevelStr = "WARNING";
      case 2:
         logLevel = kLogLevelInfo;
         logLevelStr = "INFO";
         LOG_WARNING_MESSAGE("Unexpected log level: " + 
         logLevel = kLogLevelError; 
         logLevelStr = "ERROR";
   // form the log entry
   boost::format fmt("CLIENT %1% (%2%-%3%): %4%; USER-AGENT: %5%");
   std::string logEntry = boost::str(fmt % logLevelStr %
                                           username %
                                           jsonRpcRequest.clientId %
                                           message %
   // log it
   core::system::log(logLevel, logEntry);
   // set void result