Ejemplo n.º 1
  \since 4.5

  Adds the given \a object to the front of this context's scope chain.

  If \a object is not an object, this function does nothing.
void QScriptContext::pushScope(const QScriptValue &object)
    activationObject(); //ensure the creation of the normal scope for native context
    if (!object.isObject())
    else if (object.engine() != engine()) {
        qWarning("QScriptContext::pushScope() failed: "
                 "cannot push an object created in "
                 "a different engine");
    JSC::CallFrame *frame = QScriptEnginePrivate::frameForContext(this);
    QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame);
    QScript::APIShim shim(engine);
    JSC::JSObject *jscObject = JSC::asObject(engine->scriptValueToJSCValue(object));
    if (jscObject == engine->originalGlobalObjectProxy)
        jscObject = engine->originalGlobalObject();
    JSC::ScopeChainNode *scope = frame->scopeChain();
    Q_ASSERT(scope != 0);
    if (!scope->object) {
        // pushing to an "empty" chain
        if (!jscObject->isGlobalObject()) {
            qWarning("QScriptContext::pushScope() failed: initial object in scope chain has to be the Global Object");
        scope->object = jscObject;
String getEventListenerHandlerBody(ScriptExecutionContext* context, ScriptState* scriptState, EventListener* eventListener)
    const JSEventListener* jsListener = JSEventListener::cast(eventListener);
    if (!jsListener)
        return "";
    JSC::JSObject* jsFunction = jsListener->jsFunction(context);
    if (!jsFunction)
        return "";
    return jsFunction->toString(scriptState);
String eventListenerHandlerBody(Document* document, EventListener* eventListener)
    const JSEventListener* jsListener = JSEventListener::cast(eventListener);
    if (!jsListener)
        return "";
    JSC::JSObject* jsFunction = jsListener->jsFunction(document);
    if (!jsFunction)
        return "";
    return ustringToString(jsFunction->toString(scriptStateFromNode(jsListener->isolatedWorld(), document)));
Ejemplo n.º 4
WebFrame* WebFrame::frameForContext(JSContextRef context)
    JSObjectRef globalObjectRef = JSContextGetGlobalObject(context);
    JSC::JSObject* globalObjectObj = toJS(globalObjectRef);
    if (strcmp(globalObjectObj->classInfo()->className, "JSDOMWindowShell") != 0)
        return 0;

    Frame* coreFrame = static_cast<JSDOMWindowShell*>(globalObjectObj)->window()->impl()->frame();
    return static_cast<WebFrameLoaderClient*>(coreFrame->loader()->client())->webFrame();
Ejemplo n.º 5
WebFrame* WebFrame::frameForContext(JSContextRef context)
    JSObjectRef globalObjectRef = JSContextGetGlobalObject(context);
    JSC::JSObject* globalObjectObj = toJS(globalObjectRef);
    if (strcmp(globalObjectObj->classInfo()->className, "JSDOMWindowShell") != 0)
        return 0;

    Frame* frame = static_cast<JSDOMWindowShell*>(globalObjectObj)->window()->impl().frame();
    return WebFrame::fromCoreFrame(*frame);
String eventListenerHandlerBody(Document* document, EventListener* eventListener)
    const JSEventListener* jsListener = JSEventListener::cast(eventListener);
    if (!jsListener)
        return "";
    JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly);
    JSC::JSObject* jsFunction = jsListener->jsFunction(document);
    if (!jsFunction)
        return "";
    ScriptState* scriptState = scriptStateFromNode(jsListener->isolatedWorld(), document);
    return ustringToString(jsFunction->toString(scriptState)->value(scriptState));
Ejemplo n.º 7
String eventListenerHandlerBody(Document* document, EventListener* eventListener)
    const JSEventListener* jsListener = JSEventListener::cast(eventListener);
    if (!jsListener)
        return "";
    JSLockHolder lock(jsListener->isolatedWorld()->globalData());
    JSC::JSObject* jsFunction = jsListener->jsFunction(document);
    if (!jsFunction)
        return "";
    ScriptState* scriptState = scriptStateFromNode(jsListener->isolatedWorld(), document);
    return jsFunction->toString(scriptState)->value(scriptState);
void HTMLPlugInImageElement::didAddUserAgentShadowRoot(ShadowRoot* root)
    if (displayState() >= PreparingPluginReplacement)

    Page* page = document().page();
    if (!page)

    // Reset any author styles that may apply as we only want explicit
    // styles defined in the injected user agents stylesheets to specify
    // the look-and-feel of the snapshotted plug-in overlay. 
    String mimeType = loadedMimeType();

    DOMWrapperWorld& isolatedWorld = plugInImageElementIsolatedWorld();

    ScriptController& scriptController = document().frame()->script();
    JSDOMGlobalObject* globalObject = JSC::jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(scriptController.globalObject(isolatedWorld));
    JSC::ExecState* exec = globalObject->globalExec();

    JSC::JSLockHolder lock(exec);

    JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer argList;
    argList.append(toJS(exec, globalObject, root));
    argList.append(jsString(exec, titleText(page, mimeType)));
    argList.append(jsString(exec, subtitleText(page, mimeType)));
    // This parameter determines whether or not the snapshot overlay should always be visible over the plugin snapshot.
    // If no snapshot was found then we want the overlay to be visible.

    // It is expected the JS file provides a createOverlay(shadowRoot, title, subtitle) function.
    JSC::JSObject* overlay = globalObject->get(exec, JSC::Identifier::fromString(exec, "createOverlay")).toObject(exec);
    if (!overlay) {
    JSC::CallData callData;
    JSC::CallType callType = overlay->methodTable()->getCallData(overlay, callData);
    if (callType == JSC::CallType::None)

    JSC::call(exec, overlay, callType, callData, globalObject, argList);
Ejemplo n.º 9
QScriptValue QScriptContext::activationObject() const
    JSC::CallFrame *frame = const_cast<JSC::ExecState*>(QScriptEnginePrivate::frameForContext(this));
    QScript::APIShim shim(QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame));
    JSC::JSObject *result = 0;

    uint flags = QScriptEnginePrivate::contextFlags(frame);
    if ((flags & QScriptEnginePrivate::NativeContext) && !(flags & QScriptEnginePrivate::HasScopeContext)) {
        //For native functions, lazily create it if needed
        QScript::QScriptActivationObject *scope = new (frame) QScript::QScriptActivationObject(frame);
        result = scope;
        QScriptEnginePrivate::setContextFlags(frame, flags | QScriptEnginePrivate::HasScopeContext);
    } else {
        // look in scope chain
        JSC::ScopeChainNode *node = frame->scopeChain();
        JSC::ScopeChainIterator it(node);
        for (it = node->begin(); it != node->end(); ++it) {
            if ((*it) && (*it)->isVariableObject()) {
                result = *it;
    if (!result) {
        if (!parentContext())
            return engine()->globalObject();

        qWarning("QScriptContext::activationObject:  could not get activation object for frame");
        return QScriptValue();
        /*JSC::CodeBlock *codeBlock = frame->codeBlock();
        if (!codeBlock) {
            // non-Qt native function 
            Q_ASSERT(true); //### this should in theorry not happen
            result = new (frame)QScript::QScriptActivationObject(frame);
        } else {
            // ### this is wrong
            JSC::FunctionBodyNode *body = static_cast<JSC::FunctionBodyNode*>(codeBlock->ownerNode());
            result = new (frame)JSC::JSActivation(frame, body);

    if (result && result->inherits(&QScript::QScriptActivationObject::info)
        && (static_cast<QScript::QScriptActivationObject*>(result)->delegate() != 0)) {
        // Return the object that property access is being delegated to
        result = static_cast<QScript::QScriptActivationObject*>(result)->delegate();

    return QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame)->scriptValueFromJSCValue(result);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  Sets the activation object of this QScriptContext to be the given \a

  If \a activation is not an object, this function does nothing.

  \note For a context corresponding to a JavaScript function, this is only
  guaranteed to work if there was an QScriptEngineAgent active on the
  engine while the function was evaluated.
void QScriptContext::setActivationObject(const QScriptValue &activation)
    if (!activation.isObject())
    else if (activation.engine() != engine()) {
        qWarning("QScriptContext::setActivationObject() failed: "
                 "cannot set an object created in "
                 "a different engine");
    JSC::CallFrame *frame = QScriptEnginePrivate::frameForContext(this);
    QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame);
    QScript::APIShim shim(engine);
    JSC::JSObject *object = JSC::asObject(engine->scriptValueToJSCValue(activation));
    if (object == engine->originalGlobalObjectProxy)
        object = engine->originalGlobalObject();

    uint flags = QScriptEnginePrivate::contextFlags(frame);
    if ((flags & QScriptEnginePrivate::NativeContext) && !(flags & QScriptEnginePrivate::HasScopeContext)) {
        //For native functions, we create a scope node
        JSC::JSObject *scope = object;
        if (!scope->isVariableObject()) {
            // Create a QScriptActivationObject that acts as a proxy
            scope = new (frame) QScript::QScriptActivationObject(frame, scope);
        QScriptEnginePrivate::setContextFlags(frame, flags | QScriptEnginePrivate::HasScopeContext);

    // else replace the first activation object in the scope chain
    JSC::ScopeChainNode *node = frame->scopeChain();
    while (node != 0) {
        if (node->object && node->object->isVariableObject()) {
            if (!object->isVariableObject()) {
                if (node->object->inherits(&QScript::QScriptActivationObject::info)) {
                } else {
                    // Create a QScriptActivationObject that acts as a proxy
                    node->object = new (frame) QScript::QScriptActivationObject(frame, object);
            } else {
                node->object = object;
        node = node->next;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void setDocumentEventHandlerAttribute(JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::JSObject& wrapper, HTMLElement& element, const AtomicString& eventType, JSC::JSValue value)
    auto& document = element.document();
    auto* documentWrapper = jsDocumentCast(toJS(&state, JSC::jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(wrapper.globalObject()), document));
    document.setAttributeEventListener(eventType, createEventListenerForEventHandlerAttribute(state, value, *documentWrapper));
Ejemplo n.º 12
WebFrame* WebFrame::frameForContext(JSContextRef context)
#if USE(JSC)
    JSObjectRef globalObjectRef = JSContextGetGlobalObject(context);
    JSC::JSObject* globalObjectObj = toJS(globalObjectRef);
    if (strcmp(globalObjectObj->classInfo()->className, "JSDOMWindowShell") != 0)
        return 0;

    Frame* coreFrame = static_cast<JSDOMWindowShell*>(globalObjectObj)->window()->impl()->frame();
#elif USE(V8)
    Frame* coreFrame = V8Proxy::retrieveFrame(toV8(context));
    if (!coreFrame)
        return 0;

    return static_cast<WebFrameLoaderClient*>(coreFrame->loader()->client())->webFrame();
bool toVector(JSC::ExecState* exec, JSC::JSValue value, Vector<T, inlineCapacity>& vector)
    if (!value.isObject())
        return false;

    JSC::JSObject* object = asObject(value);
    int32_t length = object->get(exec, JSC::Identifier(exec, "length")).toInt32(exec);

    for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        JSC::JSValue v = object->get(exec, i);
        if (exec->hadException())
            return false;
        vector[i] = static_cast<T>(v.toNumber(exec));

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
Returns the scope chain entry at \a index.  If index is less than 0, returns
entries starting at the end.  For example, scopeChainValue(context, -1) will return
the value last in the scope chain.
QScriptValue QScriptDeclarativeClass::scopeChainValue(QScriptContext *context, int index)
    context->activationObject(); //ensure the creation of the normal scope for native context
    const JSC::CallFrame *frame = QScriptEnginePrivate::frameForContext(context);
    QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame);
    QScript::APIShim shim(engine);

    JSC::ScopeChainNode *node = frame->scopeChain();
    JSC::ScopeChainIterator it(node);

    if (index < 0) {
        int count = 0;
        for (it = node->begin(); it != node->end(); ++it) 

        index = qAbs(index);
        if (index > count)
            return QScriptValue();
            index = count - index;

    for (it = node->begin(); it != node->end(); ++it) {

        if (index == 0) {

            JSC::JSObject *object = *it;
            if (!object) return QScriptValue();

            if (object->inherits(&QScript::QScriptActivationObject::info)
                    && (static_cast<QScript::QScriptActivationObject*>(object)->delegate() != 0)) {
                // Return the object that property access is being delegated to
                object = static_cast<QScript::QScriptActivationObject*>(object)->delegate();
            return engine->scriptValueFromJSCValue(object);

        } else {


    return QScriptValue();
Ejemplo n.º 15
void DumpRenderTreeSupportEfl::evaluateScriptInIsolatedWorld(const Evas_Object* ewkFrame, int worldID, JSObjectRef globalObject, const String& script)
    WebCore::Frame* coreFrame = EWKPrivate::coreFrame(ewkFrame);
    if (!coreFrame)

    // Comment from mac: Start off with some guess at a frame and a global object, we'll try to do better...!
    WebCore::JSDOMWindow* anyWorldGlobalObject = coreFrame->script()->globalObject(WebCore::mainThreadNormalWorld());

    // Comment from mac: The global object is probably a shell object? - if so, we know how to use this!
    JSC::JSObject* globalObjectObj = toJS(globalObject);
    if (!strcmp(globalObjectObj->classInfo()->className, "JSDOMWindowShell"))
        anyWorldGlobalObject = static_cast<WebCore::JSDOMWindowShell*>(globalObjectObj)->window();

    // Comment from mac: Get the frame from the global object we've settled on.
    WebCore::Frame* globalFrame = anyWorldGlobalObject->impl()->frame();
    if (!globalFrame)

    WebCore::ScriptController* proxy = globalFrame->script();
    if (!proxy)

    static WTF::HashMap<int, WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld > > worldMap;

    WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld> scriptWorld;
    if (!worldID)
        scriptWorld = WebCore::ScriptController::createWorld();
    else {
        WTF::HashMap<int, RefPtr<WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld > >::const_iterator it = worldMap.find(worldID);
        if (it != worldMap.end())
            scriptWorld = (*it).second;
        else {
            scriptWorld = WebCore::ScriptController::createWorld();
            worldMap.set(worldID, scriptWorld);

    // The code below is only valid for JSC, V8 specific code is to be added
    // when V8 will be supported in EFL port. See Qt implemenation.
    proxy->executeScriptInWorld(scriptWorld.get(), script, true);
bool toVector(JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::JSValue value, Vector<T, inlineCapacity>& vector)
    if (!value.isObject())
        return false;
    JSC::JSObject* object = asObject(value);
    int32_t length = object->get(&state, state.vm().propertyNames->length).toInt32(&state);
    if (!vector.tryReserveCapacity(length))
        return false;
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        JSC::JSValue v = object->get(&state, i);
        if (state.hadException())
            return false;
        vector[i] = static_cast<T>(v.toNumber(&state));
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  \since 4.5

  Returns the scope chain of this QScriptContext.
QScriptValueList QScriptContext::scopeChain() const
    activationObject(); //ensure the creation of the normal scope for native context
    const JSC::CallFrame *frame = QScriptEnginePrivate::frameForContext(this);
    QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame);
    QScript::APIShim shim(engine);
    QScriptValueList result;
    JSC::ScopeChainNode *node = frame->scopeChain();
    JSC::ScopeChainIterator it(node);
    for (it = node->begin(); it != node->end(); ++it) {
        JSC::JSObject *object = *it;
        if (!object)
        if (object->inherits(&QScript::QScriptActivationObject::info)
            && (static_cast<QScript::QScriptActivationObject*>(object)->delegate() != 0)) {
            // Return the object that property access is being delegated to
            object = static_cast<QScript::QScriptActivationObject*>(object)->delegate();
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 18
bool WebFrame::stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptInScriptWorld(WebScriptWorld* world, void* jsGlobalObject, const char* script, const char** evaluationResult)
    if (!world || !jsGlobalObject || !evaluationResult)
        return false;
    *evaluationResult = 0;

    Frame* coreFrame = core(this);
    JSObjectRef globalObjectRef = reinterpret_cast<JSObjectRef>(jsGlobalObject);
    String string = String(script);

    // Start off with some guess at a frame and a global object, we'll try to do better...!
    JSDOMWindow* anyWorldGlobalObject = coreFrame->script()->globalObject(mainThreadNormalWorld());

    // The global object is probably a shell object? - if so, we know how to use this!
    JSC::JSObject* globalObjectObj = toJS(globalObjectRef);
    if (!strcmp(globalObjectObj->classInfo()->className, "JSDOMWindowShell"))
        anyWorldGlobalObject = static_cast<JSDOMWindowShell*>(globalObjectObj)->window();

    // Get the frame from the global object we've settled on.
    Frame* frame = anyWorldGlobalObject->impl()->frame();
    JSC::JSValue result = frame->script()->executeScriptInWorld(world->world(), string, true).jsValue();

    if (!frame) // In case the script removed our frame from the page.
        return true;

    // This bizarre set of rules matches behavior from WebKit for Safari 2.0.
    // If you don't like it, use -[WebScriptObject evaluateWebScript:] or 
    // JSEvaluateScript instead, since they have less surprising semantics.
    if (!result || !result.isBoolean() && !result.isString() && !result.isNumber())
        return true;

    JSC::JSLock lock(JSC::SilenceAssertionsOnly);
    String resultString = ustringToString(result.toString(anyWorldGlobalObject->globalExec()));
    *evaluationResult = strdup(resultString.utf8().data());

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void DragData::asFilenames(Vector<String>& result) const
    bool success;
    JSC::JSValue data = m_platformDragData->getData(ClipboardApolloHelper::FILE_LIST_TYPE, success);
    JSC::ExecState *exec = m_platformDragData->execState();
    if (success && data.isObject()) {
        JSC::JSObject* filenameArray = data.toObject(exec);
        uint32_t length = filenameArray->get(exec, JSC::Identifier(exec, "length")).toUInt32(exec);
        for (uint32_t i=0; i<length; i++) {
            JSC::JSValue fileValue = filenameArray->get(exec, i);
            if (fileValue.isObject()) {
                JSC::JSObject* file = fileValue.toObject(exec);
                JSC::JSValue pathValue = file->get(exec, JSC::Identifier(exec, "nativePath"));
                if (pathValue.isString()) {
                    String path = ustringToString(pathValue.toString(exec));
    if (exec->hadException())
void toArray(JSC::ExecState* exec, JSC::JSValue value, T*& array, int& size)
    array = 0;
    if (!value.isObject())
    JSC::JSObject* object = asObject(value);
    int length = object->get(exec, JSC::Identifier(exec, "length")).toInt32(exec);
    void* tempValues;
    if (!tryFastMalloc(length * sizeof(T)).getValue(tempValues))
    T* values = static_cast<T*>(tempValues);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        JSC::JSValue v = object->get(exec, i);
        if (exec->hadException())
        values[i] = static_cast<T>(v.toNumber(exec));

    array = values;
    size = length;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::JSObject& wrapper, HTMLElement& element, const AtomicString& eventType, JSC::JSValue value)
    element.document().setWindowAttributeEventListener(eventType, createEventListenerForEventHandlerAttribute(state, value, *wrapper.globalObject()));
Ejemplo n.º 22
QScriptContextInfoPrivate::QScriptContextInfoPrivate(const QScriptContext *context)
    functionType = QScriptContextInfo::NativeFunction;
    functionMetaIndex = -1;
    functionStartLineNumber = -1;
    functionEndLineNumber = -1;
    scriptId = -1;
    lineNumber = -1;
    columnNumber = -1;

    JSC::CallFrame *frame = const_cast<JSC::CallFrame *>(QScriptEnginePrivate::frameForContext(context));

    // Get the line number:

    //We need to know the context directly up in the backtrace, in order to get the line number, and adjust the global context
    JSC::CallFrame *rewindContext = QScriptEnginePrivate::get(context->engine())->currentFrame;
    if (QScriptEnginePrivate::contextForFrame(rewindContext) == context) {  //top context
        frame = rewindContext; //for retreiving the global context's "fake" frame
        // An agent might have provided the line number.
        lineNumber = QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame)->agentLineNumber;
        if (lineNumber == -1)
            lineNumber = QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(frame)->uncaughtExceptionLineNumber;
    } else {
        // rewind the stack from the top in order to find the frame from the caller where the returnPC is stored
        while (rewindContext && QScriptEnginePrivate::contextForFrame(rewindContext->callerFrame()->removeHostCallFrameFlag()) != context)
            rewindContext = rewindContext->callerFrame()->removeHostCallFrameFlag();
        if (rewindContext) {
            frame = rewindContext->callerFrame()->removeHostCallFrameFlag(); //for retreiving the global context's "fake" frame

            JSC::Instruction *returnPC = rewindContext->returnPC();
            JSC::CodeBlock *codeBlock = frame->codeBlock();
            if (returnPC && codeBlock && QScriptEnginePrivate::hasValidCodeBlockRegister(frame)) {
                JSC::JITCode code = codeBlock->getJITCode();
                uintptr_t jitOffset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(JSC::ReturnAddressPtr(returnPC).value()) - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(code.addressForCall().executableAddress());
                // We can only use the JIT code offset if it's smaller than the JIT size;
                // otherwise calling getBytecodeIndex() is meaningless.
                if (jitOffset < code.size()) {
                    unsigned bytecodeOffset = codeBlock->getBytecodeIndex(frame, JSC::ReturnAddressPtr(returnPC));
                unsigned bytecodeOffset = returnPC - codeBlock->instructions().begin();
                bytecodeOffset--; //because returnPC is on the next instruction. We want the current one
                lineNumber = codeBlock->lineNumberForBytecodeOffset(const_cast<JSC::ExecState *>(frame), bytecodeOffset);

    // Get the filename and the scriptId:
    JSC::CodeBlock *codeBlock = frame->codeBlock();
    if (codeBlock && QScriptEnginePrivate::hasValidCodeBlockRegister(frame)) {
           JSC::SourceProvider *source = codeBlock->source();
           scriptId = source->asID();
           fileName = source->url();

    // Get the others information:
    JSC::JSObject *callee = frame->callee();
    if (callee && callee->inherits(&JSC::InternalFunction::info))
        functionName = JSC::asInternalFunction(callee)->name(frame);
    if (callee && callee->inherits(&JSC::JSFunction::info)
        && !JSC::asFunction(callee)->isHostFunction()) {
        functionType = QScriptContextInfo::ScriptFunction;
        JSC::FunctionExecutable *body = JSC::asFunction(callee)->jsExecutable();
        functionStartLineNumber = body->lineNo();
        functionEndLineNumber = body->lastLine();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < body->parameterCount(); ++i)
        // ### get the function name from the AST
    } else if (callee && callee->inherits(&QScript::QtFunction::info)) {
        functionType = QScriptContextInfo::QtFunction;
        functionMetaIndex = static_cast<QScript::QtFunction*>(callee)->specificIndex(context);
        const QMetaObject *meta = static_cast<QScript::QtFunction*>(callee)->metaObject();
        if (meta != 0) {
            QMetaMethod method = meta->method(functionMetaIndex);
            QList<QByteArray> formals = method.parameterNames();
            for (int i = 0; i < formals.count(); ++i)
    else if (callee && callee->inherits(&QScript::QtPropertyFunction::info)) {
        functionType = QScriptContextInfo::QtPropertyFunction;
        functionMetaIndex = static_cast<QScript::QtPropertyFunction*>(callee)->propertyIndex();