Ejemplo n.º 1
void OutputJob::startOutput()
    IPlugin* i = ICore::self()->pluginController()->pluginForExtension(QStringLiteral("org.kdevelop.IOutputView"));
    if( i )
        KDevelop::IOutputView* view = i->extension<KDevelop::IOutputView>();
        if( view )
            int tvid;
            if (m_standardToolView != -1) {
                tvid = view->standardToolView( static_cast<IOutputView::StandardToolView>(m_standardToolView) );
            } else {
                tvid = view->registerToolView(m_toolTitle, m_type, m_toolIcon);

            if (m_title.isEmpty())
                m_title = objectName();

            m_outputId = view->registerOutputInToolView( tvid, m_title, m_behaviours );

            if (!m_outputModel) {
                m_outputModel = new QStandardItemModel(0);

            // Keep the item model around after the job is gone
            view->setModel(m_outputId, m_outputModel);

            if (!m_outputDelegate) {
                m_outputDelegate = new QItemDelegate(0);

            view->setDelegate(m_outputId, m_outputDelegate);

            if (m_killJobOnOutputClose) {
                // can't use qt5 signal slot syntax here, IOutputView is no a QObject
                connect(i, SIGNAL(outputRemoved(int,int)), this, SLOT(outputViewRemoved(int,int)));

            if (m_verbosity == OutputJob::Verbose)