std::string makeAxisName(const Kernel::V3D &Dir, const std::vector<std::string> &QNames) { double eps(1.e-3); Kernel::V3D absDir(fabs(Dir.X()), fabs(Dir.Y()), fabs(Dir.Z())); std::string mainName; if ((absDir[0] >= absDir[1]) && (absDir[0] >= absDir[2])) { mainName = QNames[0]; } else if (absDir[1] >= absDir[2]) { mainName = QNames[1]; } else { mainName = QNames[2]; } std::string name("["), separator = ","; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i == 2) separator = "]"; if (absDir[i] < eps) { name += "0" + separator; continue; } if (Dir[i] < 0) { name += "-"; } if (std::fabs(absDir[i] - 1) < eps) { name.append(mainName).append(separator); continue; } name.append(sprintfd(absDir[i], eps)).append(mainName).append(separator); } return name; }
/** * Return the XML for a sphere. */ std::string sphereXML(double radius, const Kernel::V3D ¢re, const std::string &id) { std::ostringstream xml; xml << "<sphere id=\"" << id << "\">" << "<centre x=\"" << centre.X() << "\" y=\"" << centre.Y() << "\" z=\"" << centre.Z() << "\" />" << "<radius val=\"" << radius << "\" />" << "</sphere>"; return xml.str(); }
/** * Return a local point in a cylinder shape * * @param basis a basis vector * @param alongAxis symmetry axis vector of a cylinder * @param polarAngle a polar angle (in radians) of a point in a cylinder * @param radialLength radial position of point in a cylinder * @return a local point inside the cylinder */ Kernel::V3D localPointInCylinder(const Kernel::V3D &basis, const Kernel::V3D &alongAxis, double polarAngle, double radialLength) { // Use basis to get a second perpendicular vector to define basis2 Kernel::V3D basis2; if (basis.X() == 0) { basis2.setX(1.); } else if (basis.Y() == 0) { basis2.setY(1.); } else if (basis.Z() == 0) { basis2.setZ(1.); } else { basis2.setX(-basis.Y()); basis2.setY(basis.X()); basis2.normalize(); } const Kernel::V3D basis3{basis.cross_prod(basis2)}; const Kernel::V3D localPoint{ ((basis2 * std::cos(polarAngle) + basis3 * std::sin(polarAngle)) * radialLength) + alongAxis}; return localPoint; }
/** * Returns the symmetry axis for the given matrix * * According to ITA, 11.2 the axis of a symmetry operation can be determined by * solving the Eigenvalue problem \f$Wu = u\f$ for rotations or \f$Wu = -u\f$ * for rotoinversions. This is implemented using the general real non-symmetric * eigen-problem solver provided by the GSL. * * @param matrix :: Matrix of a SymmetryOperation * @return Axis of symmetry element. */ V3R SymmetryElementWithAxisGenerator::determineAxis( const Kernel::IntMatrix &matrix) const { gsl_matrix *eigenMatrix = getGSLMatrix(matrix); gsl_matrix *identityMatrix = getGSLIdentityMatrix(matrix.numRows(), matrix.numCols()); gsl_eigen_genv_workspace *eigenWs = gsl_eigen_genv_alloc(matrix.numRows()); gsl_vector_complex *alpha = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(3); gsl_vector *beta = gsl_vector_alloc(3); gsl_matrix_complex *eigenVectors = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(3, 3); gsl_eigen_genv(eigenMatrix, identityMatrix, alpha, beta, eigenVectors, eigenWs); gsl_eigen_genv_sort(alpha, beta, eigenVectors, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_DESC); double determinant = matrix.determinant(); Kernel::V3D eigenVector; for (size_t i = 0; i < matrix.numCols(); ++i) { double eigenValue = GSL_REAL(gsl_complex_div_real( gsl_vector_complex_get(alpha, i), gsl_vector_get(beta, i))); if (fabs(eigenValue - determinant) < 1e-9) { for (size_t j = 0; j < matrix.numRows(); ++j) { double element = GSL_REAL(gsl_matrix_complex_get(eigenVectors, j, i)); eigenVector[j] = element; } } } eigenVector *= determinant; double sumOfElements = eigenVector.X() + eigenVector.Y() + eigenVector.Z(); if (sumOfElements < 0) { eigenVector *= -1.0; } gsl_matrix_free(eigenMatrix); gsl_matrix_free(identityMatrix); gsl_eigen_genv_free(eigenWs); gsl_vector_complex_free(alpha); gsl_vector_free(beta); gsl_matrix_complex_free(eigenVectors); double min = 1.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { double absoluteValue = fabs(eigenVector[i]); if (absoluteValue != 0.0 && (eigenVector[i] < min && (absoluteValue - fabs(min)) < 1e-9)) { min = eigenVector[i]; } } V3R axis; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { axis[i] = static_cast<int>(boost::math::round(eigenVector[i] / min)); } return axis; }
/** method to cacluate the detectors parameters and add them to the detectors *averages *@param spDet -- shared pointer to the Mantid Detector *@param Observer -- sample position or the centre of the polar system of *coordinates to calculate detector's parameters. */ void AvrgDetector::addDetInfo(const Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr &spDet, const Kernel::V3D &Observer) { m_nComponents++; Kernel::V3D detPos = spDet->getPos(); Kernel::V3D toDet = (detPos - Observer); double dist2Det, Polar, Azimut, ringPolar, ringAzim; // identify the detector' position in the beam coordinate system: toDet.getSpherical(dist2Det, Polar, Azimut); if (m_nComponents <= 1) { m_FlightPathSum = dist2Det; m_PolarSum = Polar; m_AzimutSum = Azimut; m_AzimBase = Polar; m_PolarBase = Azimut; ringPolar = Polar; ringAzim = Azimut; } else { ringPolar = nearAngle(m_AzimBase, Polar); ringAzim = nearAngle(m_PolarBase, Azimut); m_FlightPathSum += dist2Det; m_PolarSum += ringPolar; m_AzimutSum += ringAzim; } // centre of the azimuthal ring (the ring detectors form around the beam) Kernel::V3D ringCentre(0, 0, toDet.Z()); // Get the bounding box Geometry::BoundingBox bbox; std::vector<Kernel::V3D> coord(3); Kernel::V3D er(0, 1, 0), e_th, ez(0, 0, 1); // ez along beamline, which is always oz; if (dist2Det) er = toDet / dist2Det; // direction to the detector Kernel::V3D e_tg = er.cross_prod(ez); // tangential to the ring and anticloakwise; e_tg.normalize(); // make orthogonal -- projections are calculated in this coordinate system ez = e_tg.cross_prod(er); coord[0] = er; // new X coord[1] = ez; // new y coord[2] = e_tg; // new z bbox.setBoxAlignment(ringCentre, coord); spDet->getBoundingBox(bbox); // linear extensions of the bounding box orientied tangentially to the equal // scattering angle circle double azimMin = bbox.zMin(); double azimMax = bbox.zMax(); double polarMin = bbox.yMin(); // bounding box has been rotated according to // coord above, so z is along e_tg double polarMax = bbox.yMax(); if (m_useSphericalSizes) { if (dist2Det == 0) dist2Det = 1; // convert to angular units double polarHalfSize = rad2deg * atan2(0.5 * (polarMax - polarMin), dist2Det); double azimHalfSize = rad2deg * atan2(0.5 * (azimMax - azimMin), dist2Det); polarMin = ringPolar - polarHalfSize; polarMax = ringPolar + polarHalfSize; azimMin = ringAzim - azimHalfSize; azimMax = ringAzim + azimHalfSize; } if (m_AzimMin > azimMin) m_AzimMin = azimMin; if (m_AzimMax < azimMax) m_AzimMax = azimMax; if (m_PolarMin > polarMin) m_PolarMin = polarMin; if (m_PolarMax < polarMax) m_PolarMax = polarMax; }
/** Create output workspace * @brief ConvertCWSDExpToMomentum::createExperimentMDWorkspace * @return */ API::IMDEventWorkspace_sptr ConvertCWSDMDtoHKL::createHKLMDWorkspace( const std::vector<Kernel::V3D> &vec_hkl, const std::vector<signal_t> &vec_signal, const std::vector<detid_t> &vec_detid) { // Check if (vec_hkl.size() != vec_signal.size() || vec_signal.size() != vec_detid.size()) throw std::invalid_argument("Input vectors for HKL, signal and detector " "IDs are of different size!"); // Create workspace in Q_sample with dimenion as 3 size_t nDimension = 3; IMDEventWorkspace_sptr mdws = MDEventFactory::CreateMDWorkspace(nDimension, "MDEvent"); // Extract Dimensions and add to the output workspace. std::vector<std::string> vec_ID(3); vec_ID[0] = "H"; vec_ID[1] = "K"; vec_ID[2] = "L"; std::vector<std::string> dimensionNames(3); dimensionNames[0] = "H"; dimensionNames[1] = "K"; dimensionNames[2] = "L"; Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = Mantid::Kernel::HKL; // Add dimensions std::vector<double> m_extentMins(3); std::vector<double> m_extentMaxs(3); std::vector<size_t> m_numBins(3, 100); getRange(vec_hkl, m_extentMins, m_extentMaxs); // Get MDFrame of HKL type with RLU auto unitFactory = makeMDUnitFactoryChain(); auto unit = unitFactory->create(Units::Symbol::RLU.ascii()); Mantid::Geometry::HKL frame(unit); for (size_t i = 0; i < nDimension; ++i) { std::string id = vec_ID[i]; std::string name = dimensionNames[i]; // std::string units = "A^-1"; mdws->addDimension( Geometry::MDHistoDimension_sptr(new Geometry::MDHistoDimension( id, name, frame, static_cast<coord_t>(m_extentMins[i]), static_cast<coord_t>(m_extentMaxs[i]), m_numBins[i]))); } // Set coordinate system mdws->setCoordinateSystem(coordinateSystem); // Creates a new instance of the MDEventInserter to output workspace MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<3>, 3>::sptr mdws_mdevt_3 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<3>, 3>>(mdws); MDEventInserter<MDEventWorkspace<MDEvent<3>, 3>::sptr> inserter(mdws_mdevt_3); // Go though each spectrum to conver to MDEvent for (size_t iq = 0; iq < vec_hkl.size(); ++iq) { Kernel::V3D hkl = vec_hkl[iq]; std::vector<Mantid::coord_t> millerindex(3); millerindex[0] = static_cast<float>(hkl.X()); millerindex[1] = static_cast<float>(hkl.Y()); millerindex[2] = static_cast<float>(hkl.Z()); signal_t signal = vec_signal[iq]; signal_t error = std::sqrt(signal); uint16_t runnumber = 1; detid_t detid = vec_detid[iq]; // Insert inserter.insertMDEvent( static_cast<float>(signal), static_cast<float>(error * error), static_cast<uint16_t>(runnumber), detid,; } return mdws; }
double MeshObject2D::distanceToPlane(const Kernel::V3D &point) const { return ((point.X() * m_planeParameters.a) + (point.Y() * m_planeParameters.b) + (point.Z() * m_planeParameters.c) + m_planeParameters.k); }