Ejemplo n.º 1
const kvs::Real32 QuadraticTetrahedralCell::volume() const
    const kvs::Vec3 v0(   0,  0,  0 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v1(   1,  0,  0 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v2(   0,  0,  1 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v3(   0,  1,  0 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v4( 0.5,  0,  0 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v5(   0,  0,0.5 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v6(   0,0.5,  0 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v7( 0.5,  0,0.5 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v8(   0,0.5,0.5 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v9( 0.5,0.5,  0 );

    const kvs::Vec3 c[8] = {
        ( v0 + v4 + v5 + v6 ) * 0.25,
        ( v4 + v1 + v7 + v9 ) * 0.25,
        ( v5 + v7 + v2 + v8 ) * 0.25,
        ( v6 + v9 + v8 + v3 ) * 0.25,
        ( v4 + v7 + v5 + v6 ) * 0.25,
        ( v4 + v9 + v7 + v6 ) * 0.25,
        ( v8 + v6 + v5 + v7 ) * 0.25,
        ( v8 + v7 + v9 + v6 ) * 0.25 };

    float sum_metric = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
        BaseClass::setLocalPoint( c[i] );
        const kvs::Mat3 J = BaseClass::JacobiMatrix();
        const float metric_element = J.determinant();

        sum_metric += kvs::Math::Abs<float>( metric_element );

    return sum_metric / ( 6.0f * 8.0f );
Ejemplo n.º 2
const kvs::Mat3 CellBase::gradientTensor() const
    KVS_ASSERT( m_veclen == 3 );

    // Calculate a gradient tensor in the local coordinate.
    const kvs::UInt32 nnodes = m_nnodes;
    const float* dNdp = m_differential_functions;
    const float* dNdq = m_differential_functions + nnodes;
    const float* dNdr = m_differential_functions + nnodes + nnodes;
    const kvs::Real32* Su = m_values;
    const kvs::Real32* Sv = Su + nnodes;
    const kvs::Real32* Sw = Sv + nnodes;

    const float dudp = this->interpolateValue( Su, dNdp, nnodes );
    const float dudq = this->interpolateValue( Su, dNdq, nnodes );
    const float dudr = this->interpolateValue( Su, dNdr, nnodes );
    const float dvdp = this->interpolateValue( Sv, dNdp, nnodes );
    const float dvdq = this->interpolateValue( Sv, dNdq, nnodes );
    const float dvdr = this->interpolateValue( Sv, dNdr, nnodes );
    const float dwdp = this->interpolateValue( Sw, dNdp, nnodes );
    const float dwdq = this->interpolateValue( Sw, dNdq, nnodes );
    const float dwdr = this->interpolateValue( Sw, dNdr, nnodes );
    const kvs::Mat3 t( dudp, dvdp, dwdp, dudq, dvdq, dwdq, dudr, dvdr, dwdr );

    // Calculate a gradient tensor in the global coordinate.
    const kvs::Mat3 J = this->JacobiMatrix();

    float determinant = 0.0f;
    const kvs::Mat3 T = 3.0f * J.inverted( &determinant ) * t;
    return kvs::Math::IsZero( determinant ) ? kvs::Mat3::Zero() : T;
Ejemplo n.º 3
kvs::Mat3 PrismCell::gradient()
    const kvs::Mat3 t = this->localGradient();
    const kvs::Mat3 J = this->JacobiMatrix();

    kvs::Real32 det = 0.0f;
    const kvs::Mat3 T = 3.0f * J.inverted( &det ) * t;

    return kvs::Math::IsZero( det ) ? kvs::Mat3::Zero() : T;
Ejemplo n.º 4
kvs::Vec3 TetrahedralCell::globalToLocal( const kvs::Vec3& global ) const
    const kvs::Vec3 v3( BaseClass::coord(3) );
    const kvs::Vec3 v03( BaseClass::coord(0) - v3 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v13( BaseClass::coord(1) - v3 );
    const kvs::Vec3 v23( BaseClass::coord(2) - v3 );

    const kvs::Mat3 M(
        v03.x(), v13.x(), v23.x(),
        v03.y(), v13.y(), v23.y(),
        v03.z(), v13.z(), v23.z() );

    return M.inverted() * ( global - v3 );
Ejemplo n.º 5
kvs::Vec3 PrismCell::globalToLocal( const kvs::Vec3 point )
    const kvs::Vec3 X( point );

    const float TinyValue = static_cast<float>( 1.e-6 );
    const size_t MaxLoop = 100;
    kvs::Vec3 x0( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.5f );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < MaxLoop; i++ )
        this->setLocalPoint( x0 );
        const kvs::Vec3 X0( this->localToGlobal( x0 ) );
        const kvs::Vec3 dX( X - X0 );

        const kvs::Mat3 J( this->JacobiMatrix() );
        const kvs::Vec3 dx = J.transposed().inverted() * dX;
        if ( dx.length() < TinyValue ) break; // Converged.

        x0 += dx;

    return x0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
const kvs::Vec3 CellBase::gradientVector() const
    KVS_ASSERT( m_veclen == 1 );

    // Calculate a gradient vector in the local coordinate.
    const kvs::UInt32 nnodes = m_nnodes;
    const float* dNdp = m_differential_functions;
    const float* dNdq = m_differential_functions + nnodes;
    const float* dNdr = m_differential_functions + nnodes + nnodes;
    const kvs::Real32* S = m_values;

    const float dSdp = this->interpolateValue( S, dNdp, nnodes );
    const float dSdq = this->interpolateValue( S, dNdq, nnodes );
    const float dSdr = this->interpolateValue( S, dNdr, nnodes );
    const kvs::Vec3 g( dSdp, dSdq, dSdr );

    // Calculate a gradient vector in the global coordinate.
    const kvs::Mat3 J = this->JacobiMatrix();

    float determinant = 0.0f;
    const kvs::Vec3 G = 3.0f * J.inverted( &determinant ) * g;
    return kvs::Math::IsZero( determinant ) ? kvs::Vec3::Zero() : G;
Ejemplo n.º 7
const kvs::Vec3 CellBase::globalToLocal( const kvs::Vec3& global ) const
    const kvs::Vec3 X( global );

    // Calculate the coordinate of 'global' in the local coordinate
    // by using Newton-Raphson method.
    const float TinyValue = static_cast<float>( 1.e-6 );
    const size_t MaxLoop = 100;
    kvs::Vec3 x0( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ); // Initial point in local coordinate.
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < MaxLoop; i++ )
        const kvs::Vec3 X0( this->localToGlobal( x0 ) );
        const kvs::Vec3 dX( X - X0 );

        const kvs::Mat3 J( this->JacobiMatrix() );
        const kvs::Vec3 dx = J.transposed().inverted() * dX;
        if ( dx.length() < TinyValue ) break; // Converged.

        x0 += dx;

    return x0;