std::pair<int, int> NGramsDBMS::FindRawNGramsID( const lem::FString &suffix, const lem::FString &sgm, const lem::UCString &w1, const lem::UCString &w2, const lem::UCString &w3, const lem::UCString &w4, const lem::UCString &w5 ) { FString sql = lem::format_str("SELECT w," " FROM NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd1, NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd2, NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd3, NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd4, NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd5, NGRAM5%s%s N" " WHERE wrd1.word='%s' AND wrd2.word='%s' AND wrd3.word='%s' AND wrd4.word='%s' AND wrd5.word='%s' AND AND AND AND AND" , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , to_utf8(w1.c_str()).c_str(), to_utf8(w2.c_str()).c_str() , to_utf8(w3.c_str()).c_str() , to_utf8(w4.c_str()).c_str(), to_utf8(w5.c_str()).c_str()); std::pair<int, int> r = SelectIntPair(sql); return r; }
SG_EntryGroup::KEY SG_EntryGroup::BuildKey( const lem::UCString &str ) { switch( str.length() ) { case 1: return KEY( str.front(), 0, 0 ); case 2: return KEY( str.front(), str[1], 0 ); default: return KEY( str.front(), str[1], str[2] ); } }
bool LA_PreprocessorRules::Crop( const lem::UCString &word, lem::MCollect<lem::UCString> &results, lem::MCollect<lem::Real1> &rels, LA_RecognitionTrace *trace ) const { bool applied = false; if (!crop_rules.empty()) { // сначала применяем префиксные правила typedef CROP_RULES::const_iterator IT; LA_CropRule::HashType prefix_hash = LA_CropRule::CalcHash(word.c_str(), true, false); std::pair<IT, IT> pp = prefix_crop_rules.equal_range(prefix_hash); lem::UCString result; for (auto it = pp.first; it != pp.second; ++it) { const LA_CropRule *r = it->second; if (r->Apply(word, result)) { applied = true; results.push_back(result); rels.push_back(r->GetRel()); if (trace != nullptr) { trace->CropRuleApplied(word, result, r); } } } // теперь отсекаем аффикс LA_CropRule::HashType affix_hash = LA_CropRule::CalcHash(word.c_str(), false, true); pp = affix_crop_rules.equal_range(affix_hash); for (auto it = pp.first; it != pp.second; ++it) { const LA_CropRule *r = it->second; if (r->Apply(word, result)) { applied = true; results.push_back(result); rels.push_back(r->GetRel()); if (trace != nullptr) { trace->CropRuleApplied(word, result, r); } } } } return applied; }
void Lemmatizator::DecodeWord1( const lem::CString & a, lem::UCString & u ) const { for( int i=0; i<a.length(); ++i ) u.ptr()[i] = i2wchar[ unsigned(a[i]) ]; u.ptr()[ a.length() ] = 0; u.calc_hash(); return; }
const lem::CString lem::to_ascii( const lem::UCString &str, const CodeConverter *cp ) { if( str.empty() ) return CString(); lem::CString ascii; lem_unicode_to_ascii( ascii.ptr(), str.c_str(), cp ? cp : &lem::UI::get_UI().GetSessionCp() ); ascii.ptr()[str.length()] = 0; ascii.calc_hash(); return ascii; }
void Lemmatizator::EncodeWord1( const lem::UCString & u, lem::CString & a ) const { for( int i=0; i<u.length(); ++i ) { std::map<wchar_t,int>::const_iterator it = wchar2i.find(u[i]); if( it==wchar2i.end() ) a.ptr()[i] = (char)0xff; else a.ptr()[i] = it->second; } a.ptr()[ u.length() ] = 0; a.calc_hash(); return; }
lem::UCString Lemmatizator::GetSuffix( const lem::UCString & word ) const { LEM_CHECKIT_Z( !word.empty() ); lem::UCString uword(word); uword.to_lower(); if( word.length()==7 && uword==L"~~end~~" ) return word; else if( word.length()==9 && uword==L"~~begin~~" ) return word; else if( word.length()<=model_suffix_len ) return uword; else return lem::UCString(L'~')+lem::right( uword, model_suffix_len ); }
void TreeScorerBoundVariables::AddVariable( const lem::UCString & upper_name, const Solarix::Word_Form * wordform ) { LEM_CHECKIT_Z( !upper_name.empty() ); LEM_CHECKIT_Z( wordform!=NULL ); bound_variables[ upper_name ] = wordform; return; }
std::pair<int, int> NGramsDBMS::FindRawNGramsID( const lem::FString &suffix, const lem::FString &segment, const lem::UCString &left, const lem::UCString &right ) { FString sql = lem::format_str("SELECT w," " FROM NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd1, NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd2, NGRAM2%s%s N" " WHERE wrd1.word='%s' AND wrd2.word='%s' AND AND" , suffix.c_str(), segment.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), segment.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), segment.c_str() , lem::to_utf8(left.c_str()).c_str(), to_utf8(right.c_str()).c_str()); std::pair<int, int> r = SelectIntPair(sql); return r; }
void NGramsDBMS::InsertWord( const lem::FString &suffix, int id, const lem::UCString &word ) { FString an(to_utf8(word.c_str())); FString sql = lem::format_str("INSERT INTO NGRAM_WORDS%s( id, word ) VALUES ( %d, '%s' )", suffix.c_str(), id, an.c_str()); ExecuteSql(sql); return; }
int NGramsDBMS::FindWord( const lem::FString &suffix, const lem::FString &sgm, const lem::UCString &word ) { FString sql = lem::format_str("SELECT id FROM NGRAM_WORDS%s%s WHERE word='%s'" , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str(), to_utf8(word.c_str()).c_str() ); const int id = SelectInt(sql, -1); return id; }
int Lemmatizator::MatchSuffix( const lem::UCString & suffix ) const { LEM_CHECKIT_Z( !suffix.empty() ); int id = -1; std::map<lem::UCString,int>::const_iterator it = suffix2id.find(suffix); if( it!=suffix2id.end() ) id = it->second; return id; }
SyllabContext::SyllabContext(GraphGram &alphabet, const lem::UCString &word, int id_language) { LEM_CHECKIT_Z(id_language != UNKNOWN); const SG_Language &lang = alphabet.GetDict().GetSynGram().languages()[id_language]; const lem::MCollect<int> & id_alphabets = lang.GetAlphabets(); points.push_back(new SyllabContextLeftBoundary()); // Разбираем исходное слово по символам, каждый символ ищем в алфавите и создаем по результатам одну точку контекста lem::WideStringUcs4 ucs4(word.c_str()); lem::uint32_t c; while ((c = ucs4.Fetch()) != 0) { const Word_Coord wc = alphabet.entries().FindSymbol(c, id_alphabets); if (wc.IsUnknown()) { SyllabContextUnknownSymbol *point = new SyllabContextUnknownSymbol(c); points.push_back(point); } else { const GG_Entry &e = alphabet.entries()[wc.GetEntry()]; const int id_class = e.GetClass(); const GG_EntryForm & f = e.forms()[wc.GetForm()]; lem::MCollect<GramCoordPair> coords = f.dims(); for (lem::Container::size_type k = 0; k < e.attrs().size(); ++k) coords.push_back(e.attrs()[k]); SyllabContextSymbol *point = new SyllabContextSymbol(c, e.GetName(), wc.GetEntry(), id_class, coords); points.push_back(point); } } points.push_back(new SyllabContextRightBoundary()); return; }
void NGramsDBMS::FindRaw3GramsWithCenter( const lem::FString &suffix, const lem::FString &sgm, float max_w3, const lem::UCString ¢er, int min_freq, std::map< std::pair<lem::UCString, lem::UCString>, float > & reslist ) { FString sql = lem::format_str( "SELECT wrd1.word, wrd3.word, w" " FROM NGRAM3%s%s, NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd1, NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd2, NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd3" " WHERE wrd2.word='%s' AND AND AND" , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , to_utf8(center.c_str()).c_str()); std::unique_ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs(Select(sql)); while (rs->Fetch()) { const int f = rs->GetInt(2); if (f >= min_freq) { UCString cw1(rs->GetUCString(0)); UCString cw3(rs->GetUCString(1)); const float ff = float(f) / max_w3; auto it = reslist.find(std::make_pair(cw1, cw3)); if (it == reslist.end()) reslist.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(cw1, cw3), ff)); else it->second += ff; } } return; }
void NGramsDBMS::Find2GramsWithRight( const lem::FString &suffix, const lem::FString &sgm, float max_w2, const lem::UCString &right, int min_freq, std::map< lem::UCString, float > & reslist ) { FString sql = lem::format_str( "SELECT wrd2.word, w" " FROM NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd1, NGRAM2%s%s, NGRAM_WORDS%s%s wrd2" " WHERE wrd1.word='%s' AND AND" , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , suffix.c_str(), sgm.c_str() , to_utf8(right.c_str()).c_str()); std::unique_ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs(Select(sql)); while (rs->Fetch()) { const int f = rs->GetInt(1); if (f >= min_freq) { UCString cs(rs->GetUCString(0)); const float ff = float(f) / max_w2; auto it = reslist.find(cs); if (it == reslist.end()) reslist.insert(std::make_pair(cs, ff)); else it->second += ff; } } return; }
SG_calibrator::SG_calibrator(const lem::UCString & keyword, const SynGram &sg, const Sol_IO &io, Macro_Parser &txtfile) { if (keyword.eqi(L"wordentry_freq")) freq_type = WordEntryFreq; else if (keyword.eqi(L"wordform_score")) freq_type = WordFormScore; else if (keyword.eqi(L"wordforms_score")) freq_type = WordFormsScore; id_class = UNKNOWN; freq = 0; word =; word.strip(L'"'); // если далее идет открывающая фигурная скобка, то значит конкретизируется словоформа (или несколько // словоформ). if (txtfile.probe(B_OFIGPAREN)) { while (!txtfile.eof()) { if (txtfile.pick().GetToken() == B_CFIGPAREN) {; break; } // для обычных: координата:состояние // для бистабильных: координата lem::Iridium::BethToken coord_name =; if (id_class == UNKNOWN) { const int id_class0 = sg.FindClass(coord_name); if (id_class0 != UNKNOWN) { id_class = id_class0; continue; } } bool AFFIRM = true; if (coord_name.GetToken() == B_NEGATIVE) { // Оператор отрицания перед определением координаты! AFFIRM = false; coord_name =; } const GramCoordAdr iglob_coord = sg.FindCoord(coord_name.string()); if (!iglob_coord.IsDefined()) { sg.GetIO().merr().printf("Unknown coordinate %us\n", coord_name.c_str()); lem::Iridium::Print_Error(coord_name, txtfile); throw lem::E_BaseException(); } if (sg.coords()[iglob_coord.GetIndex()].IsBistable()) { // Имя состояния не может быть указано. coords.push_back(GramCoordPair(iglob_coord, AFFIRM)); } else { // После двоеточия должно идти имя состояния для координаты. txtfile.read_it(B_COLON); // Имя состояния. BethToken state_name =; // Получим индекс состояния для определенной координаты. const int istate = sg.coords()[iglob_coord.GetIndex()] .FindState(state_name.string()); if (istate == UNKNOWN) { // Нет такого состояния для этого измерения. lem::Iridium::Print_Error(state_name, txtfile); sg.GetIO().merr().printf( "State [%vfE%us%vn] is not declared for coordinate [%vfE%us%vn]\n" , state_name.c_str(), coord_name.c_str() ); throw E_ParserError(); } coords.push_back(GramCoordEx(iglob_coord, istate, AFFIRM)); } } } txtfile.read_it(B_EQUAL); if (txtfile.probe(B_SUB)) freq = -txtfile.read_int(); else freq = txtfile.read_int(); return; }
void LexicalAutomat::SaveRules_SQL( OFormatter &out, OFormatter &alters, const SQL_Production &sql_version ) { if( sql_version.norules ) return; PM_Automat::SaveRules_SQL( "la", out, alters, sql_version ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_predicates( GetStorage().ListPredicateTemplate() ); while( rs_predicates->Fetch() ) { int id = rs_predicates->GetInt(0); lem::Ptr<PredicateTemplate> t( GetStorage().LoadPredicateTemplate(id) ); lem::UFString src( sql_version.SqlStr(t->GetSrc()) ); lem::UFString params; for( lem::Container::size_type i=0; i<t->GetParams().size(); ++i ) if( i>0 ) { params.Add_Dirty( L"," ); params.Add_Dirty( t->GetParams()[i].c_str() ); } else { params.Add_Dirty( t->GetParams()[i].c_str() ); } out.printf( "INSERT INTO predicate_template( src, params ) VALUES ( '%us', '%us' );\n", src.c_str(), params.c_str() ); } rs_predicates.Delete(); out.eol(); out.flush(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_assocs( GetStorage().ListAssociatedEntries() ); while( rs_assocs->Fetch() ) { const int id = rs_assocs->GetInt(0); lem::Ptr<WordAssociation> assoc( GetStorage().LoadAssocitation(id) ); assoc->SaveSQL( out, sql_version ); } rs_assocs.Delete(); out.flush(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> misspelling( GetStorage().ListMisspelling() ); while( misspelling->Fetch() ) { int id_language = misspelling->GetInt(1); UFString old_word = sql_version.SqlStr(misspelling->GetUFString(2)); UFString new_word = sql_version.SqlStr(misspelling->GetUFString(3)); old_word = sql_version.SqlStr(old_word); new_word = sql_version.SqlStr(new_word); out.printf( "INSERT INTO misspelling( id_language, original_word, substitution ) VALUES ( %d, '%us', '%us' );\n", id_language, old_word.c_str(), new_word.c_str() ); } misspelling.Delete(); out.eol(); lem::Ptr<WordEntrySetEnumerator> wordentry_sets( wordentry_set->ListWordEntrySets() ); while( wordentry_sets->Fetch() ) { const WordEntrySetItem &wes = wordentry_sets->GetItem(); lem::UFString s; for( std::set<int>::const_iterator it=wes.ies.begin(); it!=wes.ies.end(); ++it ) { if( !s.empty() ) s.Add_Dirty(L' '); s.Add_Dirty( lem::to_ustr(*it).c_str() ); } out.printf( "INSERT INTO word_entry_set( id, name, ies ) VALUES ( %d, '%us', '%us' );\n", wes.GetId(), lem::to_upper(wes.GetName()).c_str(), s.c_str() ); } wordentry_sets.Delete(); out.eol(); lem::Ptr<WordSetEnumerator> word_sets( wordentry_set->ListWordSets() ); while( word_sets->Fetch() ) { const WordSetItem &wes = word_sets->GetItem(); lem::UFString s; for( std::set<lem::UCString>::const_iterator it=wes.words.begin(); it!=wes.words.end(); ++it ) { if( !s.empty() ) s.Add_Dirty(LexiconStorage::WORD_SET_DELIMITER); s.Add_Dirty( sql_version.SqlStr(*it) ); } out.printf( "INSERT INTO word_set( id, name, words, case_sensitive ) VALUES ( %d, '%us', '%us', %d );\n", wes.GetId(), lem::to_upper(wes.GetName()).c_str(), s.c_str(), wes.case_sensitive ? 1 : 0 ); } word_sets.Delete(); out.eol(); // именованные наборы словосочетаний lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_collocation_sets( storage->ListCollocationSets() ); while( rs_collocation_sets->Fetch() ) { int id = rs_collocation_sets->GetInt(0); lem::UFString name = sql_version.SqlStr(rs_collocation_sets->GetUFString(1)); int case_sensitive = rs_collocation_sets->GetInt(2); out.printf( "INSERT INTO collocation_set( id, name, case_sensitive ) VALUES ( %d, '%us', %d );\n", id, name.c_str(), case_sensitive ); } rs_collocation_sets.Delete(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_collocation_items( storage->ListCollocationSetItems() ); while( rs_collocation_items->Fetch() ) { int id = rs_collocation_items->GetInt(0); int id_set = rs_collocation_items->GetInt(1); lem::UFString words = sql_version.SqlStr(rs_collocation_items->GetUFString(2)); int n_word = rs_collocation_items->GetInt(3); lem::UFString headword = sql_version.SqlStr(rs_collocation_items->GetUFString(4)); out.printf( "INSERT INTO collocation_set_item( id, id_set, words, n_word, headword ) VALUES ( %d, %d, '%us', %d, '%us' );\n", id, id_set, words.c_str(), n_word, headword.c_str() ); } rs_collocation_items.Delete(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_collocation_headwords( storage->ListCollocationSetHeadwords() ); while( rs_collocation_headwords->Fetch() ) { int id = rs_collocation_headwords->GetInt(0); lem::UFString headword = sql_version.SqlStr(rs_collocation_headwords->GetUFString(1)); int min_len = rs_collocation_headwords->GetInt(2); int max_len = rs_collocation_headwords->GetInt(3); out.printf( "INSERT INTO collocation_headword( id, headword, min_len, max_len ) VALUES ( %d, '%us', %d, %d );\n", id, headword.c_str(), min_len, max_len ); } rs_collocation_headwords.Delete(); // -------------------------------------------- lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_wordform_sets( storage->ListWordformSets() ); while( rs_wordform_sets->Fetch() ) { int id = rs_wordform_sets->GetInt(0); lem::UFString name = sql_version.SqlStr(rs_wordform_sets->GetUFString(1)); out.printf( "INSERT INTO wordform_set( id, name ) VALUES ( %d, '%us' );\n", id, name.c_str() ); } rs_wordform_sets.Delete(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_wordform_set_coords( storage->ListWordformSetCoords() ); while( rs_wordform_set_coords->Fetch() ) { int id = rs_wordform_set_coords->GetInt(0); lem::UFString coords = rs_wordform_set_coords->GetUFString(1); out.printf( "INSERT INTO wordform_set_coords( id, coords ) VALUES ( %d, '%us' );\n", id, coords.c_str() ); } rs_wordform_set_coords.Delete(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_wordform_set_items( storage->ListWordformSetItems() ); while( rs_wordform_set_items->Fetch() ) { const int id = rs_wordform_set_items->GetInt(0); const int id_set = rs_wordform_set_items->GetInt(1); lem::UFString word = sql_version.SqlStr( rs_wordform_set_items->GetUFString(2) ); const int id_entry = rs_wordform_set_items->GetInt(3); const int id_coords = rs_wordform_set_items->GetInt(4); out.printf( "INSERT INTO wordform_set_item( id, id_set, word, id_entry, id_coords ) VALUES ( %d, %d, '%us', %d, %d );\n", id, id_set, word.c_str(), id_entry, id_coords ); } rs_wordform_set_items.Delete(); // -------------------------------------------- lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_unb( storage->ListUnbreakableRules(ANY_STATE) ); while( rs_unb->Fetch() ) { const int id_rule = rs_unb->GetInt(0); lem::Ptr<LA_UnbreakableRule> rule( storage->GetUnbreakableRule(id_rule) ); lem::UFString pattern(rule->GetPattern()); pattern = sql_version.SqlStr(pattern); out.printf( "INSERT INTO unbreakable( id, name, id_language, is_regex," " pattern, id_src ) VALUES ( %d, '%us', %d, %d, '%us', %d );\n", rule->GetId(), lem::to_upper(rule->GetName()).c_str(), rule->GetLanguage(), rule->IsRegex() ? 1 : 0, pattern.c_str(), rule->GetSourceLocation() ); } out.eol(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_recog = storage->ListRecognitionRules(ANY_STATE,true); while( rs_recog->Fetch() ) { const int id = rs_recog->GetInt(0); lem::Ptr<LA_RecognitionRule> rule = storage->GetRecognitionRule(id); lem::UFString condition(rule->GetCondition()); condition = sql_version.SqlStr(condition); lem::UFString word; if( rule->IsWordMatcher() ) { word = sql_version.SqlStr(condition); word.dress(L'\''); } else word = L"NULL"; lem::UFString coords; coords.reserve(64); for( lem::Container::size_type i=0; i<rule->GetCoords().size(); ++i ) { if( i>0 ) coords.Add_Dirty(L' '); coords.Add_Dirty( to_ustr( rule->GetCoords()[i].GetCoord().GetIndex() ).c_str() ); coords.Add_Dirty( L':' ); coords.Add_Dirty( to_ustr( rule->GetCoords()[i].GetState() ).c_str() ); } out.printf( "INSERT INTO recog_rule( id, name, id_language, is_syllab, is_regex, is_prefix, is_affix," " r_condition, id_entry, rel, coords, id_src, word ) VALUES ( %d, '%us', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, '%us', %d, %d, '%us', %d, %us );\n", rule->GetId(), lem::to_upper(rule->GetName()).c_str(), rule->GetLanguage(), rule->IsSyllab() ? 1 : 0, rule->IsRegex() ? 1 : 0, rule->IsPrefix() ? 1 : 0, rule->IsAffix() ? 1 : 0, condition.c_str(), rule->GetEntryKey(), rule->GetRel().GetInt(), coords.c_str(), rule->GetSourceLocation(), word.c_str() ); } out.eol(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_ph( storage->ListPhoneticRules(ANY_STATE) ); while( rs_ph->Fetch() ) { int id = rs_ph->GetInt(0); lem::Ptr<LA_PhoneticRule> rule = storage->GetPhoneticRule(id); lem::UFString condition(rule->GetCondition().GetContext().c_str()); condition = sql_version.SqlStr(condition); lem::UFString result(rule->GetResult().GetContext().c_str()); result = sql_version.SqlStr(result); out.printf( "INSERT INTO ph_rule( id, name, id_language, is_prefix, is_affix," " r_condition, r_result, rel, id_src ) VALUES ( %d, '%us', %d, %d, %d, '%us', '%us', %d, %d );\n", rule->GetId(), lem::to_upper(rule->GetName()).c_str(), rule->GetLanguage(), rule->IsPrefix() ? 1 : 0, rule->IsAffix() ? 1 : 0, condition.c_str(), result.c_str(), rule->GetVal().GetInt(), rule->GetSourceLocation() ); } out.eol(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_syn = storage->ListSynPatternTrees(); while( rs_syn->Fetch() ) { const int id_tree = rs_syn->GetInt(0); const lem::UCString name = rs_syn->GetUCString(1); const lem::UCString uname = rs_syn->GetUCString(2); const int id_language = rs_syn->GetInt(3); const int pattern_type = rs_syn->GetInt(4); std::pair<SynPatternTreeNode*,lem::UCString> tree_name = storage->GetSynPatternTree(id_tree); lem::Ptr<SynPatternTreeNode> tree = tree_name.first; lem::MemStream mem(true); tree->SaveBin(mem); const int sz = mem.tellp(); const char* bytes = mem.get_Block(); lem::FString hex; Storage_Data2Hex( bytes, sz, hex ); if( sql_version.type==SQL_Production::SQLite ) { int id0=-1; int segment_no=0; out.printf( "INSERT INTO SynPatternTree( id_tree, id0, segment_no, name, uname, id_language, pattern_type, bin )" " VALUES ( %d, %d, %d, '%us', '%us', %d, %d, X'%s' );\n", id_tree, id0, segment_no, name.c_str(), uname.c_str(), id_language, pattern_type, hex.c_str() ); } else { out.printf( "INSERT INTO SynPatternTree( id_tree, name, uname, id_language, pattern_type, bin )" " VALUES ( %d, '%us', '%us', %d, %d, 0x%s );\n", id_tree, name.c_str(), uname.c_str(), id_language, pattern_type, hex.c_str() ); } } out.eol(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_c = storage->ListCropRules(ANY_STATE); while( rs_c->Fetch() ) { const int id = rs_c->GetInt(0); lem::Ptr<LA_CropRule> rule = storage->GetPreprocessorCropRule(id); lem::UFString condition(rule->GetCondition()); condition = sql_version.SqlStr(condition); lem::UFString result(rule->GetResult()); result = sql_version.SqlStr(result); out.printf( "INSERT INTO crop_rule( id, name, id_language, is_prefix, is_affix," " r_condition, r_result, is_regex, case_sensitive, id_src, rel )" " VALUES ( %d, '%us', %d, %d, %d, '%us', '%us', %d, %d, %d, %d );\n", id, lem::to_upper(rule->GetName()).c_str(), rule->GetLanguage(), rule->IsPrefix() ? 1 : 0, rule->IsAffix() ? 1 : 0, condition.c_str(), result.c_str(), rule->IsRegex() ? 1 : 0, rule->IsCaseSensitive() ? 1 : 0, rule->GetSourceLocation(), rule->GetRel().GetInt() ); } out.eol(); // ------------------ // база знаний // ------------------ lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_kb1 = storage->ListFactGroups(); while( rs_kb1->Fetch() ) { const int id = rs_kb1->GetInt(0); const int id_language = rs_kb1->GetInt(1); lem::UCString name = rs_kb1->GetUCString(2); const int n_arg = rs_kb1->GetInt(3); const int n_ret = rs_kb1->GetInt(4); const int query_mode = rs_kb1->GetInt(5); const int ret_type = rs_kb1->GetInt(6); const int violation_score = rs_kb1->GetInt(7); const int violation_handler = rs_kb1->GetInt(8); out.printf( "INSERT INTO kb_facts( id, id_language, name, n_arg, n_ret, query_mode, ret_type, violation_score, violation_handler ) VALUES ( %d, %d, '%us', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d );\n" , id, id_language, name.c_str(), n_arg, n_ret, query_mode, ret_type, violation_score, violation_handler ); } rs_kb1.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_kb2 = storage->ListFacts(); lem::UCString null_str(L"NULL"); while( rs_kb2->Fetch() ) { const int id = rs_kb2->GetInt(0); const int id_group = rs_kb2->GetInt(1); const int boolean_return = rs_kb2->GetInt(2); const int integer_return = rs_kb2->GetInt(3); lem::CString bool_ret, int_ret; if( boolean_return==-1 ) bool_ret = "NULL"; else bool_ret = lem::to_str(boolean_return); if( integer_return==-1 ) int_ret = "NULL"; else int_ret = lem::to_str(integer_return); const int false_score = rs_kb2->GetInt(14); out.printf( "INSERT INTO kb_fact( id, id_group, boolean_return, integer_return, false_score )" " VALUES ( %d, %d, %d, %d, %d );\n" , id, id_group, bool_ret.c_str(), int_ret.c_str(), false_score ); } rs_kb2.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_kbi1 = storage->ListFactIndex1(); while( rs_kbi1->Fetch() ) { const int id = rs_kbi1->GetInt(0); const int id_group = rs_kbi1->GetInt(1); const int id_fact = rs_kbi1->GetInt(2); lem::UCString word1 = rs_kbi1->GetUCString(9); lem::UCString word2 = rs_kbi1->GetUCString(10); lem::UCString word3 = rs_kbi1->GetUCString(11); lem::UCString word4 = rs_kbi1->GetUCString(12); lem::UCString word5 = rs_kbi1->GetUCString(13); if( word1.empty() ) word1 = null_str; else word1.dress_apostrophes(); if( word2.empty() ) word2 = null_str; else word2.dress_apostrophes(); if( word3.empty() ) word3 = null_str; else word3.dress_apostrophes(); if( word4.empty() ) word4 = null_str; else word4.dress_apostrophes(); if( word5.empty() ) word5 = null_str; else word5.dress_apostrophes(); const int false_score = rs_kbi1->GetInt(14); out.printf( "INSERT INTO kb_fact_index1( id, id_group, id_fact," " word1, word2, word3, word4, word5" " ) VALUES ( %d, %d, %d," " %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );\n" , id, id_group, id_fact , word1.c_str(), word2.c_str(), word3.c_str(), word4.c_str(), word5.c_str() ); } rs_kbi1.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_kbi2 = storage->ListFactIndex2(); while( rs_kbi2->Fetch() ) { const int id = rs_kbi2->GetInt(0); const int id_group = rs_kbi2->GetInt(1); const int id_fact = rs_kbi2->GetInt(2); const int id_entry1 = rs_kbi2->GetInt(4); const int id_entry2 = rs_kbi2->GetInt(5); const int id_entry3 = rs_kbi2->GetInt(6); const int id_entry4 = rs_kbi2->GetInt(7); const int id_entry5 = rs_kbi2->GetInt(8); CString entry1("NULL"), entry2("NULL"), entry3("NULL"), entry4("NULL"), entry5("NULL"); if( id_entry1!=-1 ) entry1 = lem::to_str(id_entry1); if( id_entry2!=-1 ) entry2 = lem::to_str(id_entry2); if( id_entry3!=-1 ) entry3 = lem::to_str(id_entry3); if( id_entry4!=-1 ) entry4 = lem::to_str(id_entry4); if( id_entry5!=-1 ) entry5 = lem::to_str(id_entry5); out.printf( "INSERT INTO kb_fact_index2( id, id_group, id_fact," " id_entry1, id_entry2, id_entry3, id_entry4, id_entry5" " ) VALUES ( %d, %d, %d," " %s, %s, %s, %s, %s );\n" , id, id_group, id_fact , entry1.c_str(), entry2.c_str(), entry3.c_str(), entry4.c_str(), entry5.c_str() ); } rs_kbi2.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> rs_kb3 = storage->ListFactArguments(); while( rs_kb3->Fetch() ) { const int id = rs_kb3->GetInt(0); const int id_fact = rs_kb3->GetInt(1); const int argument_index = rs_kb3->GetInt(2); lem::UFString word_text( sql_version.SqlStr(rs_kb3->GetUFString(3)) ); const int id_entry = rs_kb3->GetInt(4); const int id_class = rs_kb3->GetInt(5); lem::UFString wordentryset_name( sql_version.SqlStr(rs_kb3->GetUFString(6)) ); lem::UFString wordset_name( sql_version.SqlStr(rs_kb3->GetUFString(7)) ); const int n_coords = rs_kb3->GetInt(8); const int id_coord1 = rs_kb3->GetInt(9); const int id_state1 = rs_kb3->GetInt(10); const int affirm1 = rs_kb3->GetInt(11); const int id_coord2 = rs_kb3->GetInt(12); const int id_state2 = rs_kb3->GetInt(13); const int affirm2 = rs_kb3->GetInt(14); const int id_coord3 = rs_kb3->GetInt(15); const int id_state3 = rs_kb3->GetInt(16); const int affirm3 = rs_kb3->GetInt(17); const int id_coord4 = rs_kb3->GetInt(18); const int id_state4 = rs_kb3->GetInt(19); const int affirm4 = rs_kb3->GetInt(20); const int thesauruscheck_link = rs_kb3->GetInt(21); const int thesauruscheck_entry = rs_kb3->GetInt(22); const int is_positive = rs_kb3->GetInt(23); const int is_regex = rs_kb3->GetInt(24); const int case_sensitive = rs_kb3->GetInt(25); const int id_metaentry = rs_kb3->GetInt(26); out.printf( "INSERT INTO kb_argument_point(" " id, id_fact, argument_index, word_text, id_entry," " id_class, wordentryset_name, wordset_name, n_coords, id_coord1," " id_state1, affirm1, id_coord2, id_state2, affirm2," " id_coord3, id_state3, affirm3, id_coord4, id_state4," " affirm4, thesauruscheck_link, thesauruscheck_entry, is_positive," " is_regex, case_sensitive, id_metaentry" " ) VALUES (" " %d, %d, %d, '%us', %d," " %d, '%us', '%us', %d, %d," " %d, %d, %d, %d, %d," " %d, %d, %d, %d, %d," " %d, %d, %d, %d," " %d, %d, %d );\n", id, id_fact, argument_index, word_text.c_str(), id_entry, id_class, wordentryset_name.c_str(), wordset_name.c_str(), n_coords, id_coord1, id_state1, affirm1, id_coord2, id_state2, affirm2, id_coord3, id_state3, affirm3, id_coord4, id_state4, affirm4, thesauruscheck_link, thesauruscheck_entry, is_positive, is_regex, case_sensitive, id_metaentry ); } rs_kb3.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); // ---- Выгружаем tree scorers lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> ts_head_lemma( GetStorage().ListTreeScorerLemmas() ); while( ts_head_lemma->Fetch() ) { int id_entry = ts_head_lemma->GetInt(0); int id_head_point = ts_head_lemma->GetInt(1); int score_type = ts_head_lemma->GetInt(2); UFString score_expr = ts_head_lemma->GetUFString(3); int root_node = ts_head_lemma->GetInt(4); int id_group = ts_head_lemma->GetInt(5); out.printf( "INSERT INTO ts_head_lemma( id_entry, id_head_point, score_type, score_expr, root_node, id_group ) VALUES ( %d, %d, %d, '%us', %d, %d );\n", id_entry, id_head_point, score_type, score_expr.c_str(), root_node, id_group ); } ts_head_lemma.Delete(); out.eol(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> ts_head_word( GetStorage().ListTreeScorerWords() ); while( ts_head_word->Fetch() ) { lem::UFString word_text( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_head_word->GetUFString(0)) ); int id_head_point = ts_head_word->GetInt(1); int score_type = ts_head_word->GetInt(2); UFString score_expr = ts_head_word->GetUFString(3); int root_node = ts_head_word->GetInt(4); int id_group = ts_head_word->GetInt(5); out.printf( "INSERT INTO ts_head_word( word, id_head_point, score_type, score_expr, root_node, id_group ) VALUES ( '%us', %d, %d, '%us', %d, %d );\n", word_text.c_str(), id_head_point, score_type, score_expr.c_str(), root_node, id_group ); } ts_head_word.Delete(); out.eol(); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> ts_point = storage->ListTreeScorerPoints(); while( ts_point->Fetch() ) { const int id = ts_point->GetInt(0); const int id_parent = ts_point->GetInt(1); lem::UFString word_text( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(2)) ); const int id_entry = ts_point->GetInt(3); const int id_class = ts_point->GetInt(4); lem::UFString wordentryset_name( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(5)) ); lem::UFString wordset_name( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(6)) ); lem::UFString wordformset_name( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(7)) ); const int n_coords = ts_point->GetInt(8); const int id_coord1 = ts_point->GetInt(9); const int id_state1 = ts_point->GetInt(10); const int affirm1 = ts_point->GetInt(11); const int id_coord2 = ts_point->GetInt(12); const int id_state2 = ts_point->GetInt(13); const int affirm2 = ts_point->GetInt(14); const int id_coord3 = ts_point->GetInt(15); const int id_state3 = ts_point->GetInt(16); const int affirm3 = ts_point->GetInt(17); const int id_coord4 = ts_point->GetInt(18); const int id_state4 = ts_point->GetInt(19); const int affirm4 = ts_point->GetInt(20); const int thesauruscheck_link = ts_point->GetInt(21); const int thesauruscheck_entry = ts_point->GetInt(22); const int is_positive = ts_point->GetInt(23); const int children_quantification_min_count = ts_point->GetInt(24); const int children_quantification_max_count = ts_point->GetInt(25); const int n_set_checkers = ts_point->GetInt(26); lem::UFString set_name1( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(27)) ); const int set_type1 = ts_point->GetInt(28); const int set_affirm1 = ts_point->GetInt(29); lem::UFString set_name2( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(30)) ); const int set_type2 = ts_point->GetInt(31); const int set_affirm2 = ts_point->GetInt(32); lem::UFString set_name3( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(33)) ); const int set_type3 = ts_point->GetInt(34); const int set_affirm3 = ts_point->GetInt(35); const int link_type = ts_point->GetInt(36); const int id_metaentry = ts_point->GetInt(37); const int relative_position = ts_point->GetInt(38); const int id_src = ts_point->GetInt(39); const int id_group = ts_point->GetInt(40); const int quantification_min_count = ts_point->GetInt(41); const int quantification_max_count = ts_point->GetInt(42); lem::UFString marker( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(43)) ); const int n_backref = ts_point->GetInt(44); int br_affirm_0 = -1; int br_coord0_0 = -1; lem::UFString br_marker_0; int br_coord1_0 = -1; int br_for_group_0 = -1; int br_affirm_1 = -1; int br_coord0_1 = -1; lem::UFString br_marker_1; int br_coord1_1 = -1; int br_for_group_1 = -1; int br_affirm_2 = -1; int br_coord0_2 = -1; lem::UFString br_marker_2; int br_coord1_2 = -1; int br_for_group_2 = -1; if( n_backref>0 ) { br_affirm_0 = ts_point->GetInt(45); br_coord0_0 = ts_point->GetInt(46); br_marker_0 = sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(47)); br_coord1_0 = ts_point->GetInt(48); br_for_group_0 = ts_point->GetInt(49); } if( n_backref>1 ) { br_affirm_1 = ts_point->GetInt(50); br_coord0_1 = ts_point->GetInt(51); br_marker_1 = sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(52)); br_coord1_1 = ts_point->GetInt(53); br_for_group_1 = ts_point->GetInt(54); } if( n_backref>2 ) { br_affirm_2 = ts_point->GetInt(55); br_coord0_2 = ts_point->GetInt(56); br_marker_2 = sql_version.SqlStr(ts_point->GetUFString(57)); br_coord1_2 = ts_point->GetInt(58); br_for_group_2 = ts_point->GetInt(59); } LEM_CHECKIT_Z( n_backref<=3 ); out.printf( "INSERT INTO ts_point(" " id, id_parent, word_text, id_entry," " id_class, wordentryset_name, wordset_name, wordformset_name, " " n_coords, id_coord1, id_state1, affirm1," " id_coord2, id_state2, affirm2, id_coord3, id_state3," " affirm3, thesauruscheck_link, thesauruscheck_entry, is_positive, children_quantification_min_count, children_quantification_max_count," " id_coord4, id_state4, affirm4," " n_setcheckers, set_name1, set_type1, set_affirm1, set_name2," " set_type2, set_affirm2, set_name3, set_type3, set_affirm3," " link_type, id_metaentry, relative_position, id_src, id_group," " quantification_min_count, quantification_max_count, marker," "n_backref," "br_affirm_0, br_coord0_0, br_marker_0, br_coord1_0, br_for_group_0," "br_affirm_1, br_coord0_1, br_marker_1, br_coord1_1, br_for_group_1," "br_affirm_2, br_coord0_2, br_marker_2, br_coord1_2, br_for_group_2" " ) VALUES (" " %d, %d, '%us', %d," " %d, '%us', '%us', '%us'," " %d, %d, %d, %d," " %d, %d, %d, %d, %d," " %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d," " %d, %d, %d," " %d, '%us', %d, %d, '%us'," " %d, %d, '%us', %d, %d," " %d, %d, %d, %d, %d," " %d, %d, '%us'," " %d," " %d, %d, '%us', %d, %d," " %d, %d, '%us', %d, %d," " %d, %d, '%us', %d, %d" " );\n", id, id_parent, word_text.c_str(), id_entry, id_class, wordentryset_name.c_str(), wordset_name.c_str(), wordformset_name.c_str(), n_coords, id_coord1, id_state1, affirm1, id_coord2, id_state2, affirm2, id_coord3, id_state3, affirm3, thesauruscheck_link, thesauruscheck_entry, is_positive, children_quantification_min_count, children_quantification_max_count, id_coord4, id_state4, affirm4, n_set_checkers, set_name1.c_str(), set_type1, set_affirm1, set_name2.c_str(), set_type2, set_affirm2, set_name3.c_str(), set_type3, set_affirm3, link_type, id_metaentry, relative_position, id_src, id_group, quantification_min_count, quantification_max_count, marker.c_str(), n_backref, br_affirm_0, br_coord0_0, br_marker_0.c_str(), br_coord1_0, br_for_group_0, br_affirm_1, br_coord0_1, br_marker_1.c_str(), br_coord1_1, br_for_group_1, br_affirm_2, br_coord0_2, br_marker_2.c_str(), br_coord1_2, br_for_group_2 ); } ts_point.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> ts_group = storage->ListTreeScorerGroups(); while( ts_group->Fetch() ) { const int id = ts_group->GetInt(0); lem::UFString name( sql_version.SqlStr(ts_group->GetUFString(1)) ); const int allow_unmatched_children = ts_group->GetInt(2); out.printf( "INSERT INTO ts_group(id,name,allow_unmatched_children) VALUES (%d,'%us',%d);\n", id, name.c_str(), allow_unmatched_children ); } ts_group.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> ts_group2root = storage->ListTreeScoreGroupMembers(); while( ts_group2root->Fetch() ) { const int id_group = ts_group2root->GetInt(0); const int id_root = ts_group2root->GetInt(1); out.printf( "INSERT INTO ts_group2root(id_group,id_root) VALUES (%d,%d);\n", id_group, id_root ); } ts_group2root.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> ts_gts = storage->ListGenericTreeScorers(); while( ts_gts->Fetch() ) { const int id = ts_gts->GetInt(0); const int id_head_point = ts_gts->GetInt(1); const int id_group = ts_gts->GetInt(2); lem::UFString score_expr = sql_version.SqlStr(ts_gts->GetUFString(3)); const int score_type = ts_gts->GetInt(4); out.printf( "INSERT INTO generic_tree_scorer(id,id_head_point,id_group,score_type,score_expr) VALUES (%d,%d,%d,%d,'%us');\n", id, id_head_point, id_group, score_type, score_expr.c_str() ); } ts_gts.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); lem::Ptr<LS_ResultSet> ts_pr = storage->ListTreeScorerPredicates(); while( ts_pr->Fetch() ) { const int id = ts_pr->GetInt(0); const int id_point = ts_pr->GetInt(1); UCString func_name = ts_pr->GetUCString(2); const int narg = ts_pr->GetInt(3); const int id_class1 = ts_pr->GetInt(4); out.printf( "INSERT INTO ts_predicate(id,id_point,func_name,narg,id_class1) VALUES (%d,%d,'%us',%d,%d);\n", id, id_point, func_name.c_str(), narg, id_class1 ); } ts_pr.Delete(); out.printf( "\n\n" ); out.printf( "\n\n" ); return; }
bool lem::is_udelim( const lem::UCString &s ) { return s.size()==1 && lem::is_udelim(s.front()); }