Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Runs <code>xcrun -f clang</code> in order to find the location of Clang for
/// the currently active Xcode.
/// We get the "currently active" part by passing through the DEVELOPER_DIR
/// environment variable (along with the rest of the environment).
static bool findXcodeClangPath(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &path) {

  auto xcrunPath = llvm::sys::findProgramByName("xcrun");
  if (!xcrunPath.getError()) {
    const char *args[] = {"-f", "clang", nullptr};
    sys::TaskQueue queue;
    queue.addTask(xcrunPath->c_str(), args, /*Env=*/llvm::None,
                  [&path](sys::ProcessId PID, int returnCode, StringRef output,
                          StringRef errors,
                          sys::TaskProcessInformation ProcInfo,
                          void *unused) -> sys::TaskFinishedResponse {
                    if (returnCode == 0) {
                      output = output.rtrim();
                      path.append(output.begin(), output.end());
                    return sys::TaskFinishedResponse::ContinueExecution;

  return !path.empty();
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void appendCodePoint(unsigned Codepoint,
                            llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &Str) {
  char ResultBuf[4];
  char *ResultPtr = ResultBuf;
  bool Res = llvm::ConvertCodePointToUTF8(Codepoint, ResultPtr);
  assert(Res && "Unexpected conversion failure");
  Str.append(ResultBuf, ResultPtr);
Ejemplo n.º 3
ParserImpl::MergeTokensUntil(const unsigned int* toks,
                             unsigned int num_toks,
                             SourceLocation* start,
                             SourceLocation* end,
                             llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char>& buffer,
                             bool stop_at_eos,
                             bool stop_at_ws)
    *start = *end = m_token.getLocation();
    for (;;)
        // If we found one of the tokens, stop.
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_toks; ++i)
            if (m_token.is(toks[i]))
                goto done;

        // If we hit end of statement, stop.
        if (stop_at_eos && m_token.isEndOfStatement())

        // Turn the token back into characters.
        // The first if's are optimizations for common cases.
        llvm::StringRef data;
        if (m_token.isLiteral())
            data = m_token.getLiteral();
        else if (m_token.is(Token::identifier) || m_token.is(Token::label))
            IdentifierInfo* ii = m_token.getIdentifierInfo();
            data = ii->getName();
            // Get the raw data from the source manager.
            SourceManager& smgr = m_preproc.getSourceManager();
            data =
        buffer.append(data.begin(), data.end());
        *end = m_token.getEndLocation();

        // If we hit a token with leading space, stop.
        // We do this down here in case the first token had preceding ws.
        if (stop_at_ws && m_token.hasLeadingSpace())
    return llvm::StringRef(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void DummyArgToStringFn(Diagnostic::ArgumentKind AK, intptr_t QT,
                               const char *Modifier, unsigned ML,
                               const char *Argument, unsigned ArgLen,
                               const Diagnostic::ArgumentValue *PrevArgs,
                               unsigned NumPrevArgs,
                               llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output,
                               void *Cookie) {
  const char *Str = "<can't format argument>";
  Output.append(Str, Str+strlen(Str));
Ejemplo n.º 5
HostThreadLinux::GetName(lldb::thread_t thread, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &name)
    // Read /proc/$TID/comm file.
    lldb::DataBufferSP buf_sp = process_linux::ProcFileReader::ReadIntoDataBuffer(thread, "comm");
    const char *comm_str = (const char *)buf_sp->GetBytes();
    const char *cr_str = ::strchr(comm_str, '\n');
    size_t length = cr_str ? (cr_str - comm_str) : strlen(comm_str);

    name.append(comm_str, comm_str + length);
Ejemplo n.º 6
/// FormatDiagnostic - Format this diagnostic into a string, substituting the
/// formal arguments into the %0 slots.  The result is appended onto the Str
/// array.
void DiagnosticInfo::
FormatDiagnostic(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) const {
    if (!StoredDiagMessage.empty()) {
        OutStr.append(StoredDiagMessage.begin(), StoredDiagMessage.end());

    llvm::StringRef Diag =

    FormatDiagnostic(Diag.begin(), Diag.end(), OutStr);
Ejemplo n.º 7
/// HandleSelectModifier - Handle the integer 'select' modifier.  This is used
/// like this:  %select{foo|bar|baz}2.  This means that the integer argument
/// "%2" has a value from 0-2.  If the value is 0, the diagnostic prints 'foo'.
/// If the value is 1, it prints 'bar'.  If it has the value 2, it prints 'baz'.
/// This is very useful for certain classes of variant diagnostics.
static void HandleSelectModifier(unsigned ValNo,
                                 const char *Argument, unsigned ArgumentLen,
                                 llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
  const char *ArgumentEnd = Argument+ArgumentLen;

  // Skip over 'ValNo' |'s.
  while (ValNo) {
    const char *NextVal = std::find(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
    assert(NextVal != ArgumentEnd && "Value for integer select modifier was"
           " larger than the number of options in the diagnostic string!");
    Argument = NextVal+1;  // Skip this string.

  // Get the end of the value.  This is either the } or the |.
  const char *EndPtr = std::find(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
  // Add the value to the output string.
  OutStr.append(Argument, EndPtr);
Ejemplo n.º 8
HostThreadFreeBSD::GetName(lldb::tid_t tid, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &name)
    int pid = Host::GetCurrentProcessID();

    struct kinfo_proc *kp = nullptr, *nkp;
    size_t len = 0;
    int error;
    int ctl[4] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID | KERN_PROC_INC_THREAD, (int)pid};

    while (1)
        error = sysctl(ctl, 4, kp, &len, nullptr, 0);
        if (kp == nullptr || (error != 0 && errno == ENOMEM))
            // Add extra space in case threads are added before next call.
            len += sizeof(*kp) + len / 10;
            nkp = (struct kinfo_proc *)realloc(kp, len);
            if (nkp == nullptr)
            kp = nkp;
        if (error != 0)
            len = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < len / sizeof(*kp); i++)
        if (kp[i].ki_tid == (lwpid_t)tid)
            name.append(kp[i].ki_tdname, kp[i].ki_tdname + strlen(kp[i].ki_tdname));
Ejemplo n.º 9
void FunctionSignatureTransformDescriptor::addThunkArgument(
    ArgumentDescriptor &AD, SILBuilder &Builder, SILBasicBlock *BB,
    llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &NewArgs) {
  // Dead argument.
  if (AD.IsEntirelyDead) {

  // Explode the argument.
  if (AD.Explode) {
    llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 4> LeafValues;
    AD.ProjTree.createTreeFromValue(Builder, BB->getParent()->getLocation(),
                                    BB->getArgument(AD.Index), LeafValues);
    NewArgs.append(LeafValues.begin(), LeafValues.end());

  // All other arguments get pushed as what they are.
Ejemplo n.º 10
/// HandlePluralModifier - Handle the integer 'plural' modifier. This is used
/// for complex plural forms, or in languages where all plurals are complex.
/// The syntax is: %plural{cond1:form1|cond2:form2|:form3}, where condn are
/// conditions that are tested in order, the form corresponding to the first
/// that applies being emitted. The empty condition is always true, making the
/// last form a default case.
/// Conditions are simple boolean expressions, where n is the number argument.
/// Here are the rules.
/// condition  := expression | empty
/// empty      :=                             -> always true
/// expression := numeric [',' expression]    -> logical or
/// numeric    := range                       -> true if n in range
///             | '%' number '=' range        -> true if n % number in range
/// range      := number
///             | '[' number ',' number ']'   -> ranges are inclusive both ends
/// Here are some examples from the GNU gettext manual written in this form:
/// English:
/// {1:form0|:form1}
/// Latvian:
/// {0:form2|%100=11,%10=0,%10=[2,9]:form1|:form0}
/// Gaeilge:
/// {1:form0|2:form1|:form2}
/// Romanian:
/// {1:form0|0,%100=[1,19]:form1|:form2}
/// Lithuanian:
/// {%10=0,%100=[10,19]:form2|%10=1:form0|:form1}
/// Russian (requires repeated form):
/// {%100=[11,14]:form2|%10=1:form0|%10=[2,4]:form1|:form2}
/// Slovak
/// {1:form0|[2,4]:form1|:form2}
/// Polish (requires repeated form):
/// {1:form0|%100=[10,20]:form2|%10=[2,4]:form1|:form2}
static void HandlePluralModifier(unsigned ValNo,
                                 const char *Argument, unsigned ArgumentLen,
                                 llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
  const char *ArgumentEnd = Argument + ArgumentLen;
  while (1) {
    assert(Argument < ArgumentEnd && "Plural expression didn't match.");
    const char *ExprEnd = Argument;
    while (*ExprEnd != ':') {
      assert(ExprEnd != ArgumentEnd && "Plural missing expression end");
    if (EvalPluralExpr(ValNo, Argument, ExprEnd)) {
      Argument = ExprEnd + 1;
      ExprEnd = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
      OutStr.append(Argument, ExprEnd);
    Argument = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd - 1, '|') + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void clang::FormatASTNodeDiagnosticArgument(Diagnostic::ArgumentKind Kind, 
                                            intptr_t Val,
                                            const char *Modifier, 
                                            unsigned ModLen,
                                            const char *Argument, 
                                            unsigned ArgLen,
                                    const Diagnostic::ArgumentValue *PrevArgs,
                                            unsigned NumPrevArgs,
                                            llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output,
                                            void *Cookie) {
  ASTContext &Context = *static_cast<ASTContext*>(Cookie);
  std::string S;
  bool NeedQuotes = true;
  switch (Kind) {
    default: assert(0 && "unknown ArgumentKind");
    case Diagnostic::ak_qualtype: {
      assert(ModLen == 0 && ArgLen == 0 &&
             "Invalid modifier for QualType argument");
      QualType Ty(QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(Val)));
      S = ConvertTypeToDiagnosticString(Context, Ty, PrevArgs, NumPrevArgs);
      NeedQuotes = false;
    case Diagnostic::ak_declarationname: {
      DeclarationName N = DeclarationName::getFromOpaqueInteger(Val);
      S = N.getAsString();
      if (ModLen == 9 && !memcmp(Modifier, "objcclass", 9) && ArgLen == 0)
        S = '+' + S;
      else if (ModLen == 12 && !memcmp(Modifier, "objcinstance", 12)
                && ArgLen==0)
        S = '-' + S;
        assert(ModLen == 0 && ArgLen == 0 &&
               "Invalid modifier for DeclarationName argument");
    case Diagnostic::ak_nameddecl: {
      bool Qualified;
      if (ModLen == 1 && Modifier[0] == 'q' && ArgLen == 0)
        Qualified = true;
      else {
        assert(ModLen == 0 && ArgLen == 0 &&
               "Invalid modifier for NamedDecl* argument");
        Qualified = false;
      getNameForDiagnostic(S, Context.PrintingPolicy, Qualified);
    case Diagnostic::ak_nestednamespec: {
      llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(S);
      NeedQuotes = false;
    case Diagnostic::ak_declcontext: {
      DeclContext *DC = reinterpret_cast<DeclContext *> (Val);
      assert(DC && "Should never have a null declaration context");
      if (DC->isTranslationUnit()) {
        // FIXME: Get these strings from some localized place
        if (Context.getLangOptions().CPlusPlus)
          S = "the global namespace";
          S = "the global scope";
      } else if (TypeDecl *Type = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(DC)) {
        S = ConvertTypeToDiagnosticString(Context, 
                                          PrevArgs, NumPrevArgs);
      } else {
        // FIXME: Get these strings from some localized place
        NamedDecl *ND = cast<NamedDecl>(DC);
        if (isa<NamespaceDecl>(ND))
          S += "namespace ";
        else if (isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(ND))
          S += "method ";
        else if (isa<FunctionDecl>(ND))
          S += "function ";
        S += "'";
        ND->getNameForDiagnostic(S, Context.PrintingPolicy, true);
        S += "'";
      NeedQuotes = false;
  if (NeedQuotes)
  Output.append(S.begin(), S.end());
  if (NeedQuotes)
Ejemplo n.º 12
void DiagnosticInfo::
FormatDiagnostic(const char *DiagStr, const char *DiagEnd,
                 llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) const {

  /// FormattedArgs - Keep track of all of the arguments formatted by
  /// ConvertArgToString and pass them into subsequent calls to
  /// ConvertArgToString, allowing the implementation to avoid redundancies in
  /// obvious cases.
  llvm::SmallVector<Diagnostic::ArgumentValue, 8> FormattedArgs;
  while (DiagStr != DiagEnd) {
    if (DiagStr[0] != '%') {
      // Append non-%0 substrings to Str if we have one.
      const char *StrEnd = std::find(DiagStr, DiagEnd, '%');
      OutStr.append(DiagStr, StrEnd);
      DiagStr = StrEnd;
    } else if (ispunct(DiagStr[1])) {
      OutStr.push_back(DiagStr[1]);  // %% -> %.
      DiagStr += 2;

    // Skip the %.

    // This must be a placeholder for a diagnostic argument.  The format for a
    // placeholder is one of "%0", "%modifier0", or "%modifier{arguments}0".
    // The digit is a number from 0-9 indicating which argument this comes from.
    // The modifier is a string of digits from the set [-a-z]+, arguments is a
    // brace enclosed string.
    const char *Modifier = 0, *Argument = 0;
    unsigned ModifierLen = 0, ArgumentLen = 0;

    // Check to see if we have a modifier.  If so eat it.
    if (!isdigit(DiagStr[0])) {
      Modifier = DiagStr;
      while (DiagStr[0] == '-' ||
             (DiagStr[0] >= 'a' && DiagStr[0] <= 'z'))
      ModifierLen = DiagStr-Modifier;

      // If we have an argument, get it next.
      if (DiagStr[0] == '{') {
        ++DiagStr; // Skip {.
        Argument = DiagStr;

        DiagStr = ScanFormat(DiagStr, DiagEnd, '}');
        assert(DiagStr != DiagEnd && "Mismatched {}'s in diagnostic string!");
        ArgumentLen = DiagStr-Argument;
        ++DiagStr;  // Skip }.

    assert(isdigit(*DiagStr) && "Invalid format for argument in diagnostic");
    unsigned ArgNo = *DiagStr++ - '0';

    Diagnostic::ArgumentKind Kind = getArgKind(ArgNo);
    switch (Kind) {
    // ---- STRINGS ----
    case Diagnostic::ak_std_string: {
      const std::string &S = getArgStdStr(ArgNo);
      assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet");
      OutStr.append(S.begin(), S.end());
    case Diagnostic::ak_c_string: {
      const char *S = getArgCStr(ArgNo);
      assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet");

      // Don't crash if get passed a null pointer by accident.
      if (!S)
        S = "(null)";

      OutStr.append(S, S + strlen(S));
    // ---- INTEGERS ----
    case Diagnostic::ak_sint: {
      int Val = getArgSInt(ArgNo);

      if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "select")) {
        HandleSelectModifier(*this, (unsigned)Val, Argument, ArgumentLen, OutStr);
      } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "s")) {
        HandleIntegerSModifier(Val, OutStr);
      } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "plural")) {
        HandlePluralModifier((unsigned)Val, Argument, ArgumentLen, OutStr);
      } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "ordinal")) {
        HandleOrdinalModifier((unsigned)Val, OutStr);
      } else {
        assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "Unknown integer modifier");
        llvm::raw_svector_ostream(OutStr) << Val;
    case Diagnostic::ak_uint: {
      unsigned Val = getArgUInt(ArgNo);

      if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "select")) {
        HandleSelectModifier(*this, Val, Argument, ArgumentLen, OutStr);
      } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "s")) {
        HandleIntegerSModifier(Val, OutStr);
      } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "plural")) {
        HandlePluralModifier((unsigned)Val, Argument, ArgumentLen, OutStr);
      } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "ordinal")) {
        HandleOrdinalModifier(Val, OutStr);
      } else {
        assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "Unknown integer modifier");
        llvm::raw_svector_ostream(OutStr) << Val;
    // ---- NAMES and TYPES ----
    case Diagnostic::ak_identifierinfo: {
      const IdentifierInfo *II = getArgIdentifier(ArgNo);
      assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet");

      // Don't crash if get passed a null pointer by accident.
      if (!II) {
        const char *S = "(null)";
        OutStr.append(S, S + strlen(S));

      llvm::raw_svector_ostream(OutStr) << '\'' << II->getName() << '\'';
    case Diagnostic::ak_qualtype:
    case Diagnostic::ak_declarationname:
    case Diagnostic::ak_nameddecl:
    case Diagnostic::ak_nestednamespec:
    case Diagnostic::ak_declcontext:
      getDiags()->ConvertArgToString(Kind, getRawArg(ArgNo),
                                     Modifier, ModifierLen,
                                     Argument, ArgumentLen,
                                     FormattedArgs.data(), FormattedArgs.size(),
    // Remember this argument info for subsequent formatting operations.  Turn
    // std::strings into a null terminated string to make it be the same case as
    // all the other ones.
    if (Kind != Diagnostic::ak_std_string)
      FormattedArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(Kind, getRawArg(ArgNo)));