Ejemplo n.º 1
 * 1 = open
 * 0 = close
int ASIFW1000Hub::GetShutterPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int shutterNr, bool& pos)
   //ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   ostringstream os;
   os << "SQ " << shutterNr;
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, os.str().c_str());
   // analyze answer
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   string response = rcvBuf_;

   // If the answer is too short, there is likely no shutter card (we could do a better check)
   if (response.length() < 2)

   int x = atoi(response.substr(response.length() - 2).c_str());
   // sometimes, the controller does not answer, but sends 0. ask once more
   if (x < 16)
      ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, os.str().c_str());
      ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");
      response = rcvBuf_;
      x = atoi(response.substr(response.length() - 2).c_str());
   if (shutterNr==1)
      x = x >> 1;

   pos = x & 1;

   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int ASIFW1000Hub::SetFilterWheelPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int wheelNr, int pos)
   if (wheelNr != activeWheel_)
      // TODO: error checking
      SetCurrentWheel(device, core, wheelNr);

   const char* command = "MP ";
   ostringstream os;
   os << command <<  pos;

   // send command
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, os.str().c_str());
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   // devices echos command and returns position
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   int posread = rcvBuf_[strlen(rcvBuf_)-1] - '0';
   if ( pos != posread)
      return ERR_SETTING_WHEEL;

   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Gets the current wheels from the controller
// Also sets private variable activeWheel_
int ASIFW1000Hub::GetCurrentWheel(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int& wheelNr)
   const char* command = "FW";

   // send command
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, command);
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   // make sure there were no errors:
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");  
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)                                                     
      return ret;                                                           

   wheelNr = rcvBuf_[strlen(rcvBuf_)-1] - '0';

   if ( (wheelNr == 0) || (wheelNr == 1) )
      activeWheel_ = wheelNr;
      return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int ASIFW1000Hub::SetCurrentWheel(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int wheelNr)
   const char* command = "FW ";
   ostringstream os;
   os << command <<  wheelNr;

   // send command
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, os.str().c_str());
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   // make sure there were no errors:
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");  
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)                                                     
      return ret;                                                           
   int x = rcvBuf_[strlen(rcvBuf_)-1] - '0';
   if (x == wheelNr)
      activeWheel_ = wheelNr;
      return DEVICE_OK;
      return ERR_SETTING_WHEEL;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int ASIFW1000Hub::GetVersion(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, char* version)
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "VN ");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   // get substring containing version number.  Offset is caused by echoing of the command given
   int i=3;
   while (rcvBuf_[i]);
   version[i-3] = '\0'; // terminate the string

   // Don't know why, but we need a little break after asking for version number:
   #ifdef WIN32

   if (strlen(rcvBuf_) < 3)
      return ERR_NOT_CONNECTED;

   return DEVICE_OK;
 * The Spectral LMM5 has a silly difference between USB and serial communication:
 * Commands can be sent straight to USB.  Commands to the serial port need to converted in some kind of weird ASCI:  The command "0x1A0xFF0x000x12<CR>" becomes "1AFF0012<CR>".  Presumably, the same weird conversion takes place on the way back.  We handle this translation in this function
int SpectralLMM5Interface::ExecuteCommand(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, unsigned char* buf, unsigned long bufLen, unsigned char* answer, unsigned long answerLen, unsigned long& read) 
   int ret;
   if (portType_ == MM::SerialPort) 
      std::string serialCommand;
      char tmp[3];
      tmp[2] = 0;
      for (unsigned long i=0; i<bufLen; i++) {
         sprintf(tmp, "%.2x", buf[i]);
         serialCommand += tmp;
      ret = core.SetSerialCommand(&device, port_.c_str(), serialCommand.c_str(), "\r");
   } else  // check for USB port
      ret = core.WriteToSerial(&device, port_.c_str(), buf, bufLen);

   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)  
      return ret;
   if (portType_ == MM::SerialPort) 
      char strAnswer[128];
      read = 0;
      ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), 128, strAnswer, "\r");
      if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
         return ret;
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "LMM5 answered: " << strAnswer << " Port status: " << ret;
      core.LogMessage(&device, os.str().c_str(), true);
      // 'translate' back into numbers:
      std::string tmp = strAnswer;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i < tmp.length()/2; i++) {
         char * end;
         long j = strtol(tmp.substr(i*2,2).c_str(), &end, 16);
         answer[i] = (unsigned char) j;
   } else if (portType_ == MM::HIDPort) 
      // The USB port will attempt to read up to answerLen characters
      ret = core.ReadFromSerial(&device, port_.c_str(), answer, answerLen, read);
      if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
         return ret;

       // Uncomment for debugging (although port should give the same info)
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "LMM5 answered: " << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
      for (unsigned int i=0; i < read; i++)
         os << std::setw(2) << (unsigned int) answer[i] << " ";
      core.LogMessage(&device, os.str().c_str(), true);
   return DEVICE_OK;
 * The Spectral LMM5 has a silly difference between USB and serial communication:
 * Commands can be sent straight to USB.  Commands to the serial port need to converted in some kind of weird ASCI:  The command "0x1A0xFF0x000x12<CR>" becomes "1AFF0012<CR>".  Presumably, the same weird conversion takes place on the way back.  We handle this translation in this function
int SpectralLMM5Interface::ExecuteCommand(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, unsigned char* buf, unsigned long bufLen, unsigned char* answer, unsigned long answerLen, unsigned long& read) 
   int ret;
   if (portType_ == MM::SerialPort) 
      std::string serialCommand;
      char tmp[3];
      tmp[2] = 0;
      for (unsigned long i=0; i<bufLen; i++) {
         sprintf(tmp, "%.2x", buf[i]);
         serialCommand += tmp;
      ret = core.SetSerialCommand(&device, port_.c_str(), serialCommand.c_str(), "\r");
   } else  // check for USB port
      unsigned char c[2];
      ret = core.WriteToSerial(&device, port_.c_str(), c, 2);
      //ret = core.WriteToSerial(&device, port_.c_str(), buf, bufLen);

   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)  
      return ret;
   if (portType_ == MM::SerialPort) 
      char strAnswer[128];
      read = 0;
      ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), 128, strAnswer, "\r");
      if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
         return ret;
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "LMM5 answered: " << strAnswer << " Port status: " << ret;
      core.LogMessage(&device, os.str().c_str(), true);
      // 'translate' back into numbers:
      std::string tmp = strAnswer;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i < tmp.length()/2; i++) {
         char * end;
         long j = strtol(tmp.substr(i*2,2).c_str(), &end, 16);
         answer[i] = (unsigned char) j;
         // printf("c:%x i:%u j:%ld\n", answer[i], i, j);
   } else // TODO: check that we have a USB port
      // The USB port will attempt to read up to answerLen characters
      ret = core.ReadFromSerial(&device, port_.c_str(), answer, answerLen, read);
      if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
         return ret;
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "LMM5 answered: ";
      for (unsigned int i=0; i < read; i++)
         os << std::hex << answer[i];
      os << std::endl;
      core.LogMessage(&device, os.str().c_str(), true);
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * An 'A' acknowledges receipt of a command, ('N' means it is not understood)
 * Function is not really appropriately named
int CSUXHub::GetAcknowledgment(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core)
   // block until we get a response
   int ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
       return ret;
   return Acknowledge();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Queries CSU for current NIR Shutter
int CSUW1Hub::GetNIRShutterPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, bool& open)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "SH2, ?");
   // analyze what comes back:
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   open = (strstr(rcvBuf_, "OPEN") != 0);
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int CARVIIHub::GetPrismSliderPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int pos) {
    ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
    int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "rP");
    ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
    if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
        return ret;

    // CARVII echoes command, motor state is in bit 3
    pos = rcvBuf_[2];

    return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int CARVIIHub::GetShutterPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int pos) {
    ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
    int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "rS");
    // analyze what comes back:
    ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
    if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
        return ret;
    //CARVII echoes command, shutter position is in bit 3
    pos = rcvBuf_[2];

    return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int CARVIIHub::GetTouchScreenState(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int state) {
    ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
    int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "rM");
    ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
    if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
        return ret;

    // CARVII echoes command, motor state is in bit 3
    state = rcvBuf_[2];

    return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * TODO: improve error reporting
int CSU22Hub::GetDriveSpeedPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int& pos)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "rsm");
   // analyze what comes back:
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   int speed = atoi(rcvBuf_);
   pos = speed;
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * An 'A' acknowledges receipt of a command, ('N' means it is not understood)
 * Function is not really appropriately named
int CSU22Hub::GetAcknowledgment(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core)
   // block until we get a response
   int ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
       return ret;
   if (rcvBuf_[1]=='N')
      return 1;
   if (rcvBuf_[1]!='A')

   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int ASIFW1000Hub::CloseShutter(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int shutterNr)
   ostringstream os;
   os << "SC " << shutterNr;
   int ret =  ExecuteCommand(device, core, os.str().c_str());
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   // Shutter will answer '0', we need to read this out or there will be trouble down the line:
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int CSUXHub::GetDichroicPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, long &dichroic)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "DM_POS, ?");
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   ret = Acknowledge();
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   dichroic = atol(rcvBuf_);

   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * 1 = closed
 * 0 = open
int CSU22Hub::GetShutterPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int& pos)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "rsn");
   // analyze what comes back:
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   int x = rcvBuf_[2];
   x = x -'0';
   x = x & 2;
   (x == 2) ? (pos = 1) : (pos = 0);
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * 1 = closed
 * 0 = open
int CSUXHub::GetShutterPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int& pos)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "SH, ?");
   // analyze what comes back:
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   if (strstr(rcvBuf_, "CLOSE") != 0)
      pos = 1;
   pos = 0;

   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int CSU22Hub::GetNDFilterPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int& pos)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "rsn");
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   int x = rcvBuf_[2];
   // ND status info is in bit 3
   x = x -'0';
   x = x & 4;
   (x==4) ? (pos = 1) : (pos = 0);

   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * Reports the maximum drive speed available from this model
int CSUXHub::GetMaxDriveSpeed(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, long& maxSpeed)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "MS_MAX, ?");
   // analyze what comes back:
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   ret = Acknowledge();
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   maxSpeed = atol(rcvBuf_);
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * Gets speed of filter wheel (0-3)
int CSUXHub::GetFilterWheelSpeed(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, long wheelNr, long& speed)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   ostringstream os;
   os << "FW_SPEED, " << wheelNr  << ", ?";
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, os.str().c_str());
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   ret = Acknowledge();
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   speed = atol(rcvBuf_);
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 22
int ASIFW1000Hub::GetFilterWheelPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int wheelNr, int& pos)
   if (wheelNr != activeWheel_)
      SetCurrentWheel(device, core, wheelNr);

   //ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "MP");
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   // TODO: error checking
   pos = rcvBuf_[strlen(rcvBuf_)-1] - '0';

   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 23
int CARVIIHub::GetIntensityIrisPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int pos) {
    ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
    int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "rV");
    ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
    if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
        return ret;

    // CARVII echoes command, iris position is in bits 3-6
    pos = rcvBuf_[3]*100 + rcvBuf_[4]*10 + rcvBuf_[5];

    // bit 3 is blank for positions <1000, equals 1 for 1000 and above
    if (rcvBuf_[2] == 1)
        pos += 1000;

    return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * The LMM5 USB HID commands are a sequence of binary bytes with no terminator.
 * The serial commands are the same bytes formatted as an ASCII hex string, two
 * characters per byte, and terminated with a CR; e.g.:
 *   USB:    "\x1a\xff\x00\x12" (4 bytes)
 *   RS-232: "1AFF0012\r" (9 bytes)
 * The opposite transformation takes place for the reply.
 * This function abstracts these differences. Note that the exact answerLen is
 * important for USB HID: reading excess bytes can result in garbage being
 * appended to the reply (at least on Windows).
int SpectralLMM5Interface::ExecuteCommand(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, unsigned char* buf, unsigned long bufLen, unsigned char* answer, unsigned long answerLen, unsigned long& read) 
   int ret;
   if (portType_ == MM::SerialPort) 
      std::string serialCommand;
      char tmp[3];
      tmp[2] = 0;
      for (unsigned long i=0; i<bufLen; i++) {
         sprintf(tmp, "%.2x", buf[i]);
         serialCommand += tmp;
      ret = core.SetSerialCommand(&device, port_.c_str(), serialCommand.c_str(), "\r");
   } else  // check for USB port
      ret = core.WriteToSerial(&device, port_.c_str(), buf, bufLen);

   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)  
      return ret;
   if (portType_ == MM::SerialPort) 
      char strAnswer[128];
      read = 0;
      ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), 128, strAnswer, "\r");
      if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
         return ret;
      // 'translate' back into numbers:
      std::string tmp = strAnswer;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i < tmp.length()/2; i++) {
         char * end;
         long j = strtol(tmp.substr(i*2,2).c_str(), &end, 16);
         answer[i] = (unsigned char) j;
   } else if (portType_ == MM::HIDPort) 
      // The USB port will attempt to read up to answerLen characters
      ret = core.ReadFromSerial(&device, port_.c_str(), answer, answerLen, read);
      if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
         return ret;
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 25
int ASIFW1000Hub::SetVerboseMode(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int level)
   ostringstream os;
   os << "VB " <<  level;
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, os.str().c_str());
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   int levelRead = rcvBuf_[strlen(rcvBuf_)-1] - '0';
   if ( level != levelRead)

   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 * Queries CSU for current Magnifier position
 * 0 = Position 1
 * 1 = Position 2
int CSUW1Hub::GetMagnifierPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int nr, int& pos)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   ostringstream os;
   os << "EOS_POS," << nr << ",?";
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, os.str().c_str());
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   ret = Acknowledge();
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   std::ostringstream os2;
   os2 << "Get Magnifier answer is: " << rcvBuf_;
core.LogMessage(&device, os2.str().c_str(), false);
   pos = atoi(rcvBuf_) - 1;
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 * Queries CSU for current Aperture position
 * 0 = Position 1
 * 1 = Position 2
 *        ***
 * 9 = Position 10
int CSUW1Hub::GetAperturePosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int& pos)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   std::string cmd;
   cmd = "AP_WIDTH,1,?";
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, cmd.c_str());
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   ret = Acknowledge();
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   std::ostringstream os;
   os << "Get Aperture answer is: " << rcvBuf_;
core.LogMessage(&device, os.str().c_str(), false);
   pos = atoi(rcvBuf_) - 1;
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 28
//TODO: Implement
int CSU22Hub::GetFilterSetPosition(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int &filter, int &dichroic)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "rsf");
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   // Filter status info is in bits 1 and 2
   int x = rcvBuf_[2];
   x = x -'0';
   filter = x & 4;
   // Dichroic status info is in bits 3 and 4
   int y = rcvBuf_[2];
   y = y -'0';
   y = y >> 2;
   dichroic = y & 4;

   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 * Queries CSU for current BrightFieldPort position
 * 0 - Confocal
 * 1 - BrightfieldPort
int CSUXHub::GetBrightFieldPort(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int& pos)
   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   std::string cmd;
   cmd = "BF_POS, ?";
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, cmd.c_str());
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   ret = Acknowledge();
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;
   std::ostringstream os;
   os << "Get BrightFieldPort answer is: " << rcvBuf_;
core.LogMessage(&device, os.str().c_str(), false);
   if (strstr(rcvBuf_, "OFF") != 0)
      pos = 0;
      pos = 1;
   return DEVICE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 30
//TODO: Error checking
int ASIFW1000Hub::GetNumberOfPositions(MM::Device& device, MM::Core& core, int wheelNr, int& nrPos)
   if (wheelNr != activeWheel_)
      SetCurrentWheel(device, core, wheelNr);

   ClearAllRcvBuf(device, core);
   int ret = ExecuteCommand(device, core, "NF");
   ret = core.GetSerialAnswer(&device, port_.c_str(), RCV_BUF_LENGTH, rcvBuf_, "\n\r");
   if (ret != DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

   if (strlen (rcvBuf_) < 2)
      return ERR_NO_ANSWER;

   // TODO: error checking
   nrPos = rcvBuf_[strlen(rcvBuf_)-1] - '0';
   if (! (nrPos==6 || nrPos==8))
         nrPos = 6;

   return DEVICE_OK;