Ejemplo n.º 1
void CIGSeasonCallback::instanceGroupAdded(NL3D::UInstanceGroup *ig)
	// Set the season texture for all the buildings

	uint8 selectedTextureSet = (uint8) computeCurrSeason();

	const uint numInstances = ig->getNumInstance();
	for(uint k = 0; k < numInstances; k++)
		NL3D::UInstance instance = ig->getInstance (k);
		if (!instance.empty())
			instance.selectTextureSet(selectedTextureSet);  // TODO Nico : instant loading here (async not useful)
	// for all the bot objects, force to rebuild them to update their textures
	for (uint k = 0; k < CLFECOMMON::INVALID_SLOT; ++k)
		CCharacterCL *charCL = dynamic_cast<CCharacterCL *>(EntitiesMngr.entity(k));
		if (charCL && charCL->getSheet())
			std::string sheetName = charCL->getSheet()->Id.toString();
			static const  char *botObjectPrefix = "object_";
			if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(sheetName.substr(0, strlen(botObjectPrefix)), botObjectPrefix) == 0)
				for(uint k = 0; k < charCL->instances().size(); ++k)
					charCL->instances()[k].selectTextureSet(selectedTextureSet, false); // want immediate change here (frozen any way ...)
				if (!charCL->instance().empty())