void	CDirectoryRateStat::display(NLMISC::CLog& log)
	uint	pathsize = 0;
	TDirectoryMap::iterator	first = _DirectoryMap.begin(), last = _DirectoryMap.end();
	for (; first != last; ++first)
		if ((*first).first.size() > pathsize)
			pathsize = (uint)(*first).first.size();

	NLMISC::TTime	limit = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime()-60*1000;

	std::string	format = "%-"+NLMISC::toString(pathsize)+"s %6s %10s %6s %10s";
	log.displayNL(format.c_str(), "directory", "rdfile", "read", "wrfile", "write");
	for (first=_DirectoryMap.begin(); first != last; ++first)
		uint64	rdrate = (*first).second.ReadBytes/60;
		uint64	wrrate = (*first).second.WrittenBytes/60;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	void CFileReceiver::dump(NLMISC::CLog& log) const
		log.displayNL("File requests");
		for (TFileRequests::const_iterator fit= _FileRequests.begin(); fit!= _FileRequests.end(); ++fit)
			SFileRequest& request= *(*fit);
			log.displayNL("- File: '%s' %s (%d..%d/%d)",
				(request.Emitter==NULL)? "No emitter": request.Emitter->getModuleName().c_str(),
				request.ExpectedFileSize );

		log.displayNL("Connected proxies");
		for (TProxies::const_iterator pit= _Proxies.begin(); pit!= _Proxies.end(); ++pit)
			log.displayNL("- Repository  %s (%d files): Current Request: %s",
				(pit->second.CurrentRequest==NULL)? "None": pit->second.CurrentRequest->FileName.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 3
	virtual void	run()
		NLMISC::CLog	taskLog;
		CStrDisplayer	taskDisplayer(&(Query->Result));

		ICommand::execute(Query->Query, taskLog);

		Query->Timeout = NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime();

		Query->Finished = true;
		Query = NULL;
void CBuildingPhysicalPlayer::dumpBuilding(NLMISC::CLog & log) const
	log.displayNL("<BUILDING_DUMP> CBuildingPhysicalPlayer");
	log.displayNL("Name: %s, alias: %s", _Name.c_str(), CPrimitivesParser::aliasToString( _Alias ).c_str());

	for (uint i = 0; i < _UsersInside.size(); i++)
		const TDataSetRow rowId = _UsersInside[i];
		CCharacter * c = PlayerManager.getChar( rowId );
		if ( !c )
			log.displayNL("\tError: cannot find character with row id: %s", rowId.toString().c_str());

		const string charName = c->getName().toUtf8();
		const string charEId = c->getId().toString();

		CMirrorPropValueRO<TYPE_CELL> mirrorCell(TheDataset, rowId, DSPropertyCELL);
		const sint32 cell = mirrorCell;

		IRoomInstance * room = CBuildingManager::getInstance()->getRoomInstanceFromCell( cell );
		if ( !room )
			log.displayNL("\tError: character %s %s is in cell %d but no room was found", charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str(), cell);

		CRoomInstancePlayer * playerRoom = dynamic_cast<CRoomInstancePlayer *>(room);
		if ( !playerRoom )
			log.displayNL("\tError: character %s %s is in cell %d but room is not a player room but a %s",
				charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str(), cell, room->getRoomDescription().c_str()

		log.displayNL("\tCharacter %s %s is in cell %d, room desc: %s",
			charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str(), cell, room->getRoomDescription().c_str()

	for (uint i = 0; i < _Players.size(); i++)
		CEntityId id = _Players[i];
		CCharacter * c = PlayerManager.getChar( id );
		if ( !c )
			log.displayNL("\tError: cannot find character with eid: %s", id.toString().c_str());

		const string charName = c->getName().toUtf8();
		const string charEId = c->getId().toString();

		log.displayNL("\t> Player registered in building at index %u: %s %s", i, charName.c_str(), charEId.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CTickProxy::receiveTockFromClient( CMessage& msgin, TServiceId senderId, bool real )
	// Receive measures of client service
	TimeMeasures.ServiceMeasures.push_back( CServiceGameCycleTimeMeasure() );
	CServiceGameCycleTimeMeasure& stm = TimeMeasures.ServiceMeasures.back();
	stm.ClientServiceId = senderId;
	if ( real )
		stm.ServiceMeasure[TickTockInterval] = accTimeToMs( getAccurateTime() - _BeginOfTickTime );
		msgin.serial( stm.ServiceMeasure[TickUpdateDuration] );
		msgin.serial( stm.ServiceMeasure[PrevProcessMirrorUpdateDuration] );
		msgin.serial( stm.ServiceMeasure[PrevReceiveMsgsViaMirrorDuration] );
		msgin.serial( stm.ServiceMeasure[PrevTotalGameCycleDuration] );
		for ( uint i=0; i!=NbServiceTimeMeasureTypes; ++i )
			stm.ServiceMeasure[i] = 0;
	//nldebug( "TCK-%u: %hu tocking", getGameCycle(), senderId );
	//time_t t; time( &t );
	_QuickLog.displayNL( "%"NL_I64"u: TCK-%u: %hu tocking", getPerfTime() /*IDisplayer::dateToHumanString( t )*/, getGameCycle(), senderId.get() );
	_TockedServices.push_back( senderId );

Ejemplo n.º 6
	void CFileReceiver::dumpFileInfo(const std::string &fileSpec,NLMISC::CLog& log) const
		// setup a vector to hold fileInfo results and call getFileInfo() to fill it in
		TFileInfoVector result;

		// display a summary info message
		log.displayNL("Result of info request '%s': %d matches",fileSpec.c_str(),result.size());
		log.displayNL("- %-32s %10s %10s %s","checksum","time","size","name");

		// iterate over results, displaying the info
		for (TFileInfoVector::iterator it= result.begin(); it!=result.end(); ++it)
			log.displayNL("- %-32s %10u %10u %s",it->Checksum.toString().c_str(),it->FileTime,it->FileSize,it->FileName.c_str());
// dumpUnaffectedFaunaDesc
void CCreatureManager::dumpUnaffectedFaunaGroups(NLMISC::CLog & log)
	for (uint i = 0; i < _UnaffectedFaunaGroups.size(); i++ )
		log.displayNL("row %d, group %d",_UnaffectedFaunaGroups[i].EntityIndex.getIndex(),_UnaffectedFaunaGroups[i].GroupAlias);
} // dumpUnaffectedFaunaDesc
void CInterShardExchangeValidator::displayAllLevelCaps(NLMISC::CLog& log) const
	log.displayNL("Level Caps:");

	// iterate over the set of level caps in our singleton
	TLevelCaps::const_iterator it= LevelCaps.begin();
	TLevelCaps::const_iterator itEnd= LevelCaps.end();
	for (;it!=itEnd;++it)
		log.displayNL("- shard: %3u  levelCap: %3u",it->first,it->second);

	if (CInterShardExchangeValidator::getInstance()->LevelCaps.empty())
		log.displayNL("- none");
Ejemplo n.º 9
// display stacked accesses
void	CFileAccessManager::displayFileAccesses(NLMISC::CLog& log)
	uint	i;
	for (i=0; i<_Accesses.size(); ++i)
		log.displayRawNL("%2d %08p %s %s %s", i, _Accesses[i], _Accesses[i]->Requester.toString().c_str(), _Accesses[i]->Filename.c_str(), _Accesses[i]->FailureReason.c_str());

void COutpostManager::dumpOutpostList(NLMISC::CLog & log) const
	for (uint i = 0; i < _Outposts.size(); i++)
		const CSmartPtr<COutpost> & outpost = _Outposts[i];
		if (outpost != NULL)
			log.displayNL("%u: %s", i, outpost->toString().c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 11
	/// Display contents
	void		display( NLMISC::CLog& log = *NLMISC::DebugLog )
		CInstances::const_iterator ici;
		for ( ici=_Instances.begin(); ici!=_Instances.end(); ++ici )
			log.displayNL( "%s: %s (%u expected, %u running)",
				(*ici).second.Expected ? ((*ici).second.isOnlineAsExpected() ? "ONLINE" : "MISSING") : "OPTIONAL",
				(*ici).second.Expected, (*ici).second.Running );
Ejemplo n.º 12
void CTickProxy::sendSyncToClient( TServiceId serviceId )
	CMessage msgout( "REGISTERED" );
	msgout.serial( _GameTime );
	msgout.serial( _GameTimeStep );
	msgout.serial( _GameCycle );
	CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( serviceId, msgout );
	//nldebug( "TCK-%u: Sync %hu", getGameCycle(), serviceId );
	//time_t t; time( &t );
	_QuickLog.displayNL( "%"NL_I64"u: TCK-%u: Sync %hu", getPerfTime() /*IDisplayer::dateToHumanString( t )*/, getGameCycle(), serviceId.get() );
Ejemplo n.º 13
LOG_ANALYSER_PLUGIN_API bool doAnalyse( const std::vector<const char *>& vec, std::string& res, std::string& log )
	// ---
	// Optional: Demo of how to get NeL logs (1/2)
	// Outside this function, include <nel/misc/debug.h> and use namespace NLMISC.
	//CMemDisplayer memdisp;
	//NLMISC::DebugLog->addDisplayer( &memdisp );
	//NLMISC::InfoLog->addDisplayer( &memdisp );
	//NLMISC::WarningLog->addDisplayer( &memdisp );
	// ErrorLog and AssertLog not needed, they stop the application.
	// ---

	// Analyse warnings from vec
	CLogReport MainLogReport;
	int nb = 0;
	string line;
	vector<const char *>::const_iterator iv;
	for ( iv=vec.begin(); iv!=vec.end(); ++iv )
		line = string(*iv);
		MainLogReport.pushLine( line );
	log = "Log report done.\nUse Right-Click > Select All then Copy (Ctrl+C) to copy the report from the top window.\n \n";

	// Fill report to res
	NLMISC::CLightMemDisplayer disp;
	NLMISC::CLog reportLog;
	reportLog.addDisplayer( &disp );
	MainLogReport.report( &reportLog, true );
	disp.write( res, true );
	disp.write( log, false );	

	// ---
	// Optional: Demo of how to get all NeL logs (2/2)
	//memdisp.write( log );
	// ---

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void CTickProxy::sendSyncs()
	vector<TServiceId>::const_iterator its;
	for ( its=_Services.begin(); its!=_Services.end(); ++its )
		CMessage msgout( "REGISTERED" );
		msgout.serial( _GameTime );
		msgout.serial( _GameTimeStep );
		msgout.serial( _GameCycle );
		CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( (*its), msgout );
		//nldebug( "TCK-%u: Sync %hu", getGameCycle(), *its );
		//time_t t; time( &t );
		_QuickLog.displayNL( "%"NL_I64"u: TCK-%u: Sync %hu", getPerfTime() /*IDisplayer::dateToHumanString( t )*/, getGameCycle(), its->get());
Ejemplo n.º 15
void CTickProxy::sendTicks()
	nlassert( CTickProxy::State == ExpectingMasterTick );

	vector<TServiceId>::const_iterator its;
	for ( its=_Services.begin(); its!=_Services.end(); ++its )
		CMessage msgout( "TICK" );
		CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( (*its), msgout ); // can produce the warning "Can't find selected connection id 0 to send message to METS because connection is not valid or connected, find a valid connection id", if the service is disconnecting but we aren't aware yet

		//nldebug( "TCK-%u: Tick %hu", getGameCycle(), *its );
		//time_t t; time( &t );
		_QuickLog.displayNL( "%"NL_I64"u: TCK-%u: Tick %hu", getPerfTime() /*IDisplayer::dateToHumanString( t )*/, getGameCycle(), its->get() );
	// nldebug( "Now expecting local tocks" );
	State = ExpectingLocalTocks;
Ejemplo n.º 16
//	cbRegistered
static void cbSyncFromMaster(CMessage& msgin, const std::string &serviceName, TServiceId serviceId)
	TGameTime gameTime = 0;
	msgin.serial( gameTime );
	CTickProxy::setGameTime( gameTime );

	TGameTime gameTimeStep = 0;
	msgin.serial( gameTimeStep );
	CTickProxy::setGameTimeStep( gameTimeStep );
	TGameCycle gameCycle = 0;
	msgin.serial( gameCycle );
	CTickProxy::setGameCycle( gameCycle );
	//nldebug( "TCK-%u: Master Sync", gameCycle );
	//time_t t; time( &t );
	_QuickLog.displayNL( "%"NL_I64"u: TCK-%u: Master Sync", getPerfTime() /*IDisplayer::dateToHumanString( t )*/, gameCycle );
	// user callback

} // cbRegistered //
Ejemplo n.º 17
void CTickProxy::masterTickUpdate( TServiceId serviceId )

	// increment the time and the number of cycles
	_GameTime += (TGameTime)_GameTimeStep;
	CTickEventHandler::setGameCycle( _GameCycle ); // set it for shared code

	//nldebug( "TCK-%u: Master Tick", getGameCycle() );
	//time_t t; time( &t );
	_QuickLog.displayNL( "%"NL_I64"u: TCK-%u: Master Tick", getPerfTime() /*IDisplayer::dateToHumanString( t )*/, getGameCycle() );
	//nldebug( "--GC-%u-->", _GameCycle );

	_BeginOfTickTime = getAccurateTime();
Ejemplo n.º 18
//	sendTockBack
void CTickProxy::sendTockBack( TServiceId serviceId )
	// send back a tock
	CMessage msgout( "TOCK" );
	msgout.serial( TimeMeasures );
	CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send( serviceId, msgout );
	TSockId host;
	CCallbackNetBase *cnb;
	cnb = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getNetBase((TServiceId)serviceId, host);
	if( cnb )
		cnb->flush( host );
		//nlinfo( "TOCK sent at %.6f", CTime::ticksToSecond( CTime::getPerformanceTime() ) );
	//nldebug( "TCK-%u: Tocked Master", getGameCycle() );
	static uint32 prev = 0;
	if ( getGameCycle() == prev )
		nlwarning( "Tocked master twice in the same tick!" );
	prev = getGameCycle();
	//time_t t; time( &t );
	_QuickLog.displayNL( "%"NL_I64"u: TCK-%u: Tocked Master", getPerfTime() /*IDisplayer::dateToHumanString( t )*/, getGameCycle() );
Ejemplo n.º 19
//	init
void CTickProxy::init( void (*updateFunc)(),
					   void (*syncFunc)() )
	// set the callbacks
	onTick = updateFunc;
	onSync = syncFunc;
	nlassert( updateFunc );
	nlassert( syncFunc );
	// Hide tick messages to avoid flooding
	DebugLog->addNegativeFilter ("TICK");
	DebugLog->addNegativeFilter ("TOCK");
	DebugLog->addNegativeFilter ("14+5");


	CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceUpCallback ("TICKS", cbTPTicksUp, NULL);
	CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->setServiceDownCallback ("TICKS", cbTPTicksDown, NULL);

	RecentHistory.setParam( 100 );
	_QuickLog.addDisplayer( &RecentHistory, false );
} // init
Ejemplo n.º 20
// ****************************************************************************
void CInventoryBase::dumpInventory(NLMISC::CLog & log, bool dumpItems) const
	// inventory description
	log.displayNL("Inventory: %s", INVENTORIES::toString(_InventoryId).c_str());
	log.displayRawNL("Slots: max=%u, count=%u, free=%u", getMaxSlot(), _SlotCount, _FreeSlotCount);
	log.displayRawNL("Weight: %u", _InventoryWeight);
	log.displayRawNL("Bulk: %u", _InventoryBulk);
	log.displayRawNL("Nb views: %u", _InventoryViews.size());

	log.displayNL("(DEBUG) _Items.size() = %u", _Items.size());
	if (dumpItems)
		for (uint i = 0; i < _Items.size(); i++)
			CGameItemPtr item = _Items[i];
			if (item == NULL)

			// short display of the item description
			log.displayRawNL( "%u: ", i );
			item->displayInLog( log );
Ejemplo n.º 21
bool forageTestDoExtract(
	NLMISC::CLog& log,
	uint nbIterations,
	float reqPeriod,
	float reqA,
	float reqQ,
	float absorption,
	float successFactor )
	CHarvestSource *testSource = CHarvestSourceManager::getInstance()->getEntity( TestSourceRow );
	if ( ! testSource )
		log.displayNL( "Call forageTestBegin first" );
		return true;

	// Request and output results
	FILE *f = fopen( std::string(getLogDirectory() + "forage_test.csv").c_str(), "at" );
	FILE *f2 = fopen( std::string(getLogDirectory() + "forage_test.log").c_str(), "at" );
	float reqS = 1.0f / (reqPeriod * 10.0f);
	float req [CHarvestSource::NbPosRTProps];
	float abs [CHarvestSource::NbPosRTProps];
	float res [CHarvestSource::NbPosRTProps];
	static bool FirstTime = true;
	req[CHarvestSource::S] = reqS;
	req[CHarvestSource::A] = reqA;
	req[CHarvestSource::Q] = reqQ;
	abs[CHarvestSource::S] = absorption;
	abs[CHarvestSource::A] = absorption;
	abs[CHarvestSource::Q] = absorption;
	res[CHarvestSource::S] = 0.025f;
	res[CHarvestSource::A] = 0.0f;
	res[CHarvestSource::Q] = 0.0f;
	if ( FirstTime )
		FirstTime = false;
		fprintf( f, "A;Q;D;E;C;reqS;reqA;reqQ;qty;scheme;limit;\n" );
	testSource->beginExtraction( TDataSetRow::createFromRawIndex( INVALID_DATASET_INDEX ), false );
	bool eventD = false, eventE = false, eventC = false;
	for ( uint i=0; i!=nbIterations; ++i )
		TDataSetRow row;
		CHarvestSource::TRealTimeProp propDrop;
		testSource->extractMaterial( req, abs, ForageQualityCeilingFactor.get(), ForageQualitySlowFactor.get(), res, successFactor, 0, row, propDrop );
		fprintf( f, "%g;%g;%g;%g;%g;%g;%g;%g;%g;%u;%u;\n",
			res[CHarvestSource::A], res[CHarvestSource::Q],
			testSource->getD(), testSource->getE(), 0.f /*testSource->getC()*/,
			reqS, reqA, reqQ,
			testSource->quantity(), testSource->getImpactScheme()*5, 127 );
		if ( (!eventD) && (testSource->getD() > 127) )
			fprintf( f2, "D: %u\n", i );
			eventD = true;
		if ( (!eventE) && (testSource->getE() > 127) )
			fprintf( f2, "E: %u\n", i );
			eventE = true;
		/*if ( (!eventC) && (testSource->getC() > 127) )
			fprintf( f2, "C: %u\n", i );
			eventC = true;
	if ( !eventD )
		fprintf( f2, "D---\n" );
	if ( !eventE )
		fprintf( f2, "E---\n" );
	if ( !eventC )
		fprintf( f2, "C---\n" );
	fclose( f );
	fclose( f2 );

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void CMirrorService::receiveDeltaFromRemoteMS( CMessage& msgin, TServiceId senderMSId )

	// 2b. Receive delta updates from remote MSs => store them in pending deltas
	_PendingDeltas.push_back( make_pair( senderMSId, msgin ) ); // warning: msgin must be copied because below we advance the reading position of msgin
	//nldebug( "Received delta from %s", servStr(senderMSId).c_str() );

	// Get the "wait for" mode of this remote MS delta
	bool waitForIt;
	msgin.serial( waitForIt );
	if ( waitForIt ) // we assume it does not change during the lifetime of a particular remote MS
		// Check if the sender is a new remote MS (search in the "delta update expectation list")
		std::list< TServiceId >::const_iterator it = find( _RemoteMSToWaitForDelta.begin(), _RemoteMSToWaitForDelta.end(), senderMSId );
		if ( it == _RemoteMSToWaitForDelta.end() )
			_RemoteMSToWaitForDelta.push_back( senderMSId ); // _RemoteMSToWaitForDelta will not contain remote MSes for which we don't have to wait

	TGameCycle gamecycle;
	msgin.serial( gamecycle );
	//nldebug( "%u: Rcvd Delta %u", CTickProxy::getGameCycle(), gamecycle );
	_QuickLog.displayNL( "TCK-%u: Rcvd Delta %u from MS-%hu (NbExpectedDelta=%hd)", CTickProxy::getGameCycle(), gamecycle, senderMSId.get(), _NbExpectedDeltaUpdates );

	// Count this delta update for the wait test only if its tick is the current tick or +1 (see explanation below)
	// Explanation: possibles cases:
	//                  MS1                  MS2
	//                   |                    |
	//             Tick1>|              Tick1>|
	//             Delta>|>Delta <====> Delta>|>Delta
	//                   |>Tock1              |>Tock1
	//                   |                    |
	//                   |              Tick2>|
	//             Delta>|       <-----       |>Delta
	//             Tick2>|>Delta -----> Delta>|>Tock2
	//                   |>Tock2              |
	if ( CTickProxy::State == ExpectingMasterTick )
		// If sync not received yet, defer possible incrementation of _NbDeltaUpdatesReceived
		// because we can't compare now the gamecycle of the delta update with the current gamecycle
		// (see examineDeltaUpdatesReceivedBeforeSync() called when receiving the sync)
		if ( CTickProxy::getGameCycle() == 0 )
			if ( waitForIt )
				_GameCyclesOfDeltaReceivedBeforeSync.push_back( gamecycle );
		// Accept +1 only if received by advance (before the tick update)
		// Forbid >+1
		// Discard <=
		else if ( gamecycle > CTickProxy::getGameCycle() )
			nlassert( gamecycle == CTickProxy::getGameCycle() + 1 );
			if ( waitForIt )
		// Accept == if received in the same tick
		// Forbid >
		// Discard <
		if ( gamecycle >= CTickProxy::getGameCycle() )
			nlassert( gamecycle == CTickProxy::getGameCycle() );
			if ( waitForIt )
