Ejemplo n.º 1
Item::Ptr UTransform::TransformResult::next(DynamicContext *context)

    AutoVariableStoreReset reset(context, &scope_);

    if(toDo_) {
        toDo_ = false;

        NodeSet copiedNodes = NodeSet(nodecompare(context));

        VectorOfCopyBinding::const_iterator end = transform_->getBindings()->end();
        for(VectorOfCopyBinding::const_iterator it = transform_->getBindings()->begin();
                it != end; ++it) {
            if((*it)->qname_ == 0) continue;

            Sequence values = (*it)->expr_->createResult(context)->toSequence(context);

            // Keep a record of the nodes that have been copied
            Result valIt = values;
            Item::Ptr val;
            while((val = valIt->next(context)).notNull()) {

            scope_.setVar((*it)->uri_, (*it)->name_, values);

        // Get the pending update list
        PendingUpdateList pul = transform_->getModifyExpr()->createUpdateList(context);

        // Check that the targets of the pending updates are copied nodes
        for(PendingUpdateList::const_iterator i = pul.begin(); i != pul.end(); ++i) {
            Node::Ptr target = i->getTarget();
            while(copiedNodes.find(target) == copiedNodes.end()) {
                target = target->dmParent(context);
                if(target.isNull()) {
                             X("The target node of an update expression in the transform expression is not a node from the copy clauses [err:XUDY0014]"), &(*i));

        // Apply the updates
        AutoDelete<UpdateFactory> ufactory(context->createUpdateFactory());
        ufactory->applyUpdates(pul, context, transform_->getRevalidationMode());

        // Execute the return expression
        result_ = transform_->getReturnExpr()->createResult(context);

    Item::Ptr result = result_->next(context);

    if(result.isNull()) {
        result_ = 0;
        return 0;

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
PendingUpdateList URename::createUpdateList(DynamicContext *context) const
  Node::Ptr node = (Node*)target_->createResult(context)->next(context).get();

  if(node->dmNodeKind() != Node::element_string &&
     node->dmNodeKind() != Node::attribute_string &&
     node->dmNodeKind() != Node::processing_instruction_string)
            X("It is a type error for the target expression of a rename expression not to be a single element, "
              "attribute or processing instruction [err:XUTY0012]"));

  ATQNameOrDerived::Ptr qname = (ATQNameOrDerived*)name_->createResult(context)->next(context).get();

  // 3. The following checks are performed for error conditions:
  //    a. If $target is an element node, the "namespaces" property of $target must not include any namespace binding that conflicts
  //       with the implied namespace binding of $QName [err:XUDY0023].
  if(node->dmNodeKind() == Node::element_string) {
    ATAnyURIOrDerived::Ptr uri = FunctionNamespaceURIForPrefix::uriForPrefix(qname->getPrefix(), node, context, this);
    if(uri.notNull() && !XPath2Utils::equals(uri->asString(context), qname->getURI())) {
      XMLBuffer buf;
      buf.append(X("Implied namespace binding for the rename expression (\""));
      buf.append(X("\" -> \""));
      buf.append(X("\") conflicts with those already existing on the target element [err:XUDY0023]"));
      XQThrow3(DynamicErrorException, X("URename::createUpdateList"), buf.getRawBuffer(), this);
  //    b. If $target is an attribute node that has a parent, the "namespaces" property of parent($target) must not include any
  //       namespace binding that conflicts with the implied namespace binding of $QName [err:XUDY0023].
  else if(node->dmNodeKind() == Node::attribute_string) {
    Node::Ptr parentNode = node->dmParent(context);
    if(parentNode.notNull() && qname->getURI() != 0 && *(qname->getURI()) != 0) {
      ATAnyURIOrDerived::Ptr uri = FunctionNamespaceURIForPrefix::uriForPrefix(qname->getPrefix(), parentNode, context, this);
      if(uri.notNull() && !XPath2Utils::equals(uri->asString(context), qname->getURI())) {
        XMLBuffer buf;
        buf.append(X("Implied namespace binding for the rename expression (\""));
        buf.append(X("\" -> \""));
        buf.append(X("\") conflicts with those already existing on the parent element of the target attribute [err:XUDY0023]"));
        XQThrow3(DynamicErrorException, X("URename::createUpdateList"), buf.getRawBuffer(), this);
  //    c. If $target is processing instruction node, $QName must not include a non-empty namespace prefix. [err:XUDY0025].
  else if(node->dmNodeKind() == Node::processing_instruction_string && !XPath2Utils::equals(qname->getPrefix(), XMLUni::fgZeroLenString))
            X("The target of a rename expression is a processing instruction node, and the new name "
              "expression returned a QName with a non-empty namespace prefix [err:XUDY0025]"));

  return PendingUpdate(PendingUpdate::RENAME, node, qname, this);