Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "pose_3d");
  ros::NodeHandle node;
  ros::Rate rate(10.0);
  tf::TransformListener listener;
  static tf::TransformBroadcaster br;
  tf::Transform transform;
  tf::StampedTransform stransform;
  tf::Quaternion q;

  ros::Publisher path_pub = node.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>("/youbotPath", 15);
  ros::Publisher grid_pub = node.advertise<nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid>("/nav_map", 15);
  ros::Publisher mark_pub = node.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>("/NBVs", 15);
  ros::Subscriber sub = node.subscribe("/octomap_binary", 15, map_cb);
  ros::Subscriber flag_sub = node.subscribe("/nbv_iter", 15, flag_cb);
  ros::Subscriber grid_sub = node.subscribe("/projected_map", 15, grid_cb);
  point3d sensorOffset(0.1, 0.3, 0);
  point3d firstPos;
  /*//Create transform from sensor to robot base
  transform.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(sensorOffset.x(), sensorOffset.y(), 0.0) );
  q.setRPY(0, 0, 0);
  br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "base", "xtion"));
  br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "baseGoal", "sensorGoal"));
  const clock_t start = std::clock();
  point3d curPose(-1.1, -0.05, 0.0);
  vector<point3d> NBVList;
  vector<point3d> PoseList;
  visualization_msgs::MarkerArray views;
  transform.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(curPose.x(), curPose.y(), 0) );
  q.setRPY(0, 0, DEG2RAD(-90));
  ros::Time gTime = ros::Time::now();
  br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, gTime, "vicon", "sensorGoal"));
  //Create transform from sensor to robot base
  //transform.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(sensorOffset.x(), sensorOffset.y(), 0.0) );
  //q.setRPY(0, 0, 0);
  //br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "xtion", "base"));
  //br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "sensorGoal", "baseGoal"));
  //int x;
  //cin >> x;
  //moveBase(origin, yaw, &listener);
  cout << range << endl;
  cout << sRes << endl;
  //Setup Stuff
  //OcTree tree(res);
  cout << "Loading Sensor Model from File" << endl;
  ifstream readEm("SensorModel.bin", ios::in | ios::binary);
  while (!readEm.eof())
    int buffer;
    readEm.read((char*)&buffer, sizeof(int));
    if (buffer < 0) break;
    vector<int> tempRay;
    while (!readEm.eof())
      readEm.read((char*)&buffer, sizeof(int));
      if (buffer < 0) break;
  cout << "Finished Loading Sensor Model" << endl;
  double tempRoll, tempPitch, tempYaw;
  gTime = ros::Time::now();
  listener.waitForTransform("vicon", "xtion", gTime, ros::Duration(15.0));
  listener.lookupTransform("vicon", "xtion", gTime, stransform);
  catch (tf::TransformException &ex) {
  point3d origin(stransform.getOrigin().x(), stransform.getOrigin().y(), stransform.getOrigin().z());
  tf::Matrix3x3 rot(stransform.getRotation());
  rot.getRPY(tempRoll, tempPitch, tempYaw);
  cout << "Starting Pose: " << tempYaw << " : " << tempPitch << endl;
  visualization_msgs::Marker mark;
  mark.header.frame_id = "vicon";
  mark.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
  mark.ns = "basic_shapes";
  mark.id = 0;
  mark.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW;
  mark.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
  mark.pose.position.x = origin.x();
  mark.pose.position.y = origin.y();
  mark.pose.position.z = origin.z();
  q.setRPY(0, tempPitch, tempYaw);

  mark.pose.orientation.x = q.getX();
  mark.pose.orientation.y = q.getY();
  mark.pose.orientation.z = q.getZ();
  mark.pose.orientation.w = q.getW();
  mark.scale.x = 0.2;
  mark.scale.y = 0.02;
  mark.scale.z = 0.02;
  mark.color.r = 1.0f;
  mark.color.g = 0.0f;
  mark.color.a = 1.0;
  mark.color.b = 0.0f;
  int NBVcount = 0;
  while (ros::ok())
    /*cout << "NBV " << NBVcount++ << endl; 
    mapReceived = false;
    startAlg = false;
    while ((!mapReceived || !startAlg) && ros::ok())
    OcTree* treeTemp = binaryMsgToMap(mapMsg);
    //OcTree treeTemp(0.01);
    cout << "Loaded the Map" << endl;
    gTime = ros::Time::now();
    listener.waitForTransform("vicon", "xtion", gTime, ros::Duration(15.0));
    listener.lookupTransform("vicon", "xtion", gTime, stransform);
    catch (tf::TransformException &ex) {
    point3d camPosition (stransform.getOrigin().x(), stransform.getOrigin().y(), 0);
    origin = NBVList.back();
    cout << "Map Loaded " << treeTemp->getResolution() << endl;*/
    point3d egoPose(0, 0, 0);
    point3d endPoint(-1.4, -1.5, 0);
    //pObj Tuning Coefficients
    double alpha = 0.5;
    double beta = 2.0;
    size_t pointCount = 0;
    //point3d origin = curPose;
    point3d camPosition(0,0,0);
    OcTree tree(res);
    for (OcTree::leaf_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs(); iter != tree.end_leafs(); iter++)
      bool flag = false;
      for (vector<point3d>::iterator nbvIt = NBVList.begin(); nbvIt != NBVList.end(); nbvIt++)
	if (iter.getCoordinate().distanceXY(*nbvIt) < 0.6)
	  flag = true;
      if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*iter)) // && (iter.getZ() < 0.03 || iter.getX() < -2 || iter.getX() > 1 || iter.getY() < -1 || iter.getY() > 1) || flag)
	tree.setNodeValue(iter.getKey(), -lEmpty);
	tree.updateNode(iter.getKey(), false);
	if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*iter))
	  cout << "Errrnk" << endl;
    cout << origin.x() << ", " << origin.y() << endl;
    origin = tree.keyToCoord(tree.coordToKey(origin));
    cout << "Origin: " << origin.x() << " : " << origin.y() << " : " << origin.z() << endl;
    if (NBVcount == 1)
      firstPos = origin;
    //Use Second Tree to store pObj entities for NBV prediction    
    OcTree tree2(tree);
    string fileName = "algMap" + to_string(NBVcount) + ".bt";
    //Cost Function Work - 2D Map Creation, Dijkstras Path
    double robotRad = 0.52;
    double minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;
    tree.getMetricMin(minX, minY, minZ);
    tree.getMetricMax(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
    point3d minPoint(minX, minY, minZ);
    point3d maxPoint(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
    cout << minX << ", " << maxX << ", " << minY << ", " << maxY << endl;
    minPoint = tree.keyToCoord(tree.coordToKey(minPoint));
    minX = minPoint.x();
    minY = minPoint.y();
    minZ = minPoint.z();
    maxPoint = tree.keyToCoord(tree.coordToKey(maxPoint));
    maxX = maxPoint.x();
    maxY = maxPoint.y();
    maxZ = maxPoint.z();
    cout << minX << ", " << maxX << ", " << minY << ", " << maxY << endl;
    int rangeX = round((maxX - minX) * rFactor);
    int rangeY = round((maxY - minY) * rFactor);
    vector<GridNode> gridMap(rangeX * rangeY, GridNode());
    vector<int> freeMap(rangeX * rangeY, 0);
    for (int x = 0; x < rangeX; x++)
      for (int y = 0; y < rangeY; y++)
	//cout << "XY: " << x << ", " << y << endl;
	gridMap[rangeX * y + x].coords = point3d(double(x) * res + minX, double(y) * res + minY, 0);
	for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 1)
	  for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 1)
	    if ((i != 0 || j != 0) && x + i >= 0 && x + i < rangeX && y + j >= 0 && y + j < rangeY)
	      gridMap[rangeX * y + x].neighbors.push_back(&gridMap[rangeX * (y + j) + x + i]);
	      gridMap[rangeX * y + x].edges.push_back(sqrt(pow(i, 2) + pow(j, 2)) * res);
	      //cout << gridMap[rangeX*y + x].neighbors.size() << ", " << gridMap[rangeX*y + x].edges.size() << endl;
    cout << "First" << endl;
    for (OcTree::leaf_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs(); iter != tree.end_leafs(); iter++)
      /*if (!tree.isNodeOccupied(*iter) && iter.getZ() > 0)
	int index = int((iter.getCoordinate().y() - minY) / res) * rangeX + (iter.getCoordinate().x() - minX) / res;
	gridMap[index].object = true;
	gridMap[index].occupied = true;
	for (double offX = -robotRad; offX <= robotRad; offX += res)
	  for (double offY = -robotRad; offY <= robotRad; offY += res)
	    if (sqrt(pow(offX, 2) + pow(offY, 2)) <= robotRad)
	      int xInd = (gridMap[index].coords.x() + offX - minX) * rFactor;
	      int yInd = (gridMap[index].coords.y() + offY - minY) * rFactor;
	      if (xInd >= 0 && xInd < rangeX && yInd >= 0 && yInd < rangeY)
		int offIdx = yInd * rangeX + xInd;
		gridMap[offIdx].occupied = true;
      if (!tree.isNodeOccupied(*iter) && iter.getZ() > 0 && iter.getZ() <= 0.5)
	int index = round((iter.getCoordinate().y() - minY) / res) * rangeX + round((iter.getCoordinate().x() - minX) / res);
    for (int index = 0; index < rangeX * rangeY; index++)
      if (freeMap[index] < 20 && gridMap[index].coords.distanceXY(firstPos) > 0.8 && gridMap[index].coords.distanceXY(camPosition) > 0.2)
	gridMap[index].object = true;
	gridMap[index].occupied = true;
	for (double offX = -robotRad; offX <= robotRad; offX += res)
	  for (double offY = -robotRad; offY <= robotRad; offY += res)
	    if (sqrt(pow(offX, 2) + pow(offY, 2)) <= robotRad)
	      int xInd = round((gridMap[index].coords.x() + offX - minX) * rFactor);
	      int yInd = round((gridMap[index].coords.y() + offY - minY) * rFactor);
	      if (xInd >= 0 && xInd < rangeX && yInd >= 0 && yInd < rangeY)
		int offIdx = yInd * rangeX + xInd;
		if (gridMap[offIdx].coords.distanceXY(firstPos) > 0.4 && gridMap[offIdx].coords.distanceXY(camPosition) > 0.3)
		  gridMap[offIdx].occupied = true;
    cout << "Second" << endl;
    cout << rangeX << ", " << rangeY << " : " << int((origin.x() - minX) * rFactor) << ", " << int((origin.y() - minY) * rFactor) << endl;
    int origIdx = rangeX * int((origin.y() - minY) / res) + int((origin.x() - minX) / res);
    //round(((origin.y() - minY) * rFactor) * rangeX + (origin.x() - minX) * rFactor);
    cout << origIdx << "     " << gridMap.size() << endl;
    GridNode* originNode = &gridMap[origIdx];
    originNode->cost = 0;
    cout << "Got Here" << endl;
    MinHeap heapy;
    while (heapy.GetLength() > 0)
      GridNode* minNode = heapy.Pop();
      vector<float>::iterator edgeIt = minNode->edges.begin();
      for (vector<GridNode*>::iterator iter = minNode->neighbors.begin(); iter != minNode->neighbors.end(); iter++, edgeIt++)
	GridNode* nodePt = *iter;
	if ((*iter)->occupied == 0 && (*iter)->cost > (minNode->cost + *edgeIt))
	  (*iter)->parent = minNode;
	  if ((*iter)->state == 0)
	    (*iter)->cost = minNode->cost + *edgeIt;
	    (*iter)->state = 1;
	  else if ((*iter)->state == 1)
	    heapy.Update((*iter)->heapIdx, minNode->cost + *edgeIt);
    cout << "Dijkstra Path Complete" << endl;
    nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid grid;
    grid.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
    grid.header.frame_id = "vicon";
    nav_msgs::MapMetaData metas;
    metas.resolution = res;
    metas.origin.position.x = minX;
    metas.origin.position.y = minY;
    metas.origin.position.z = 0.07;
    metas.height = rangeY;
    metas.width = rangeX;
    grid.info = metas;
    cout << gridMap.size() << endl;
    for (vector<GridNode>::iterator iter = gridMap.begin(); iter != gridMap.end(); iter++)
      if (iter->occupied)
    cout << "Map Published" << endl;
    pointCount = 0;
    int cubeCount = 0;
    int emptyCount = 0;
    for (OcTree::leaf_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs(); iter != tree.end_leafs(); iter++)
      if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*iter))
    cout << cubeCount << " cubes" << endl;
    cout << "Empties: " << emptyCount << endl;
    //OcTreeCustom infoTree(res);
    //Copy all occupancy values from known nodes into pObj variables for those nodes
    /*for (OcTreeCustom::iterator iter = infoTree.begin(); iter != infoTree.end(); iter++)
    *   { *
    *   iter->setpObj(float(iter->getOccupancy()));
    int cellCount = 0;
    int unkCount = 0;
    //pointCount = 0;
    cout << "Beginning pObj Processing" << endl;
    for (OcTree::leaf_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs(); iter != tree.end_leafs(); iter++)
      OcTreeKey occKey = iter.getKey();
      OcTreeKey unKey;
      OcTreeKey freeKey;
      OcTreeNode *cellNode;
      OcTreeNode *unNode;
      if (tree.isNodeOccupied(*iter))
	for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
	  for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
	    for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
	      if (i != 0 || j != 0 || k != 0)
		unKey = occKey;
		unKey[0] += i;
		unKey[1] += j;
		unKey[2] += k;
		unNode = tree.search(unKey);
		if (unNode == NULL)
		  bool critical = false;
		  for (int u = -1; u <= 1; u++)
		    for (int v = -1; v <= 1; v++)
		      for (int w = -1; w <= 1; w++)
			if (abs(u) + abs(v) + abs(w) == 1)
			  freeKey = unKey;
			  freeKey[0] += u;
			  freeKey[1] += v;
			  freeKey[2] += w;
			  cellNode = tree.search(freeKey);
			  if (cellNode != NULL && !tree.isNodeOccupied(cellNode) && tree.keyToCoord(freeKey).z() > 0.15)
			  {//unKey is a critical unknown cell, proceed to update pObj of unknown cells in vicinity
			    critical = true;
		  if (critical)
		    //cout << "Occ: " << tree.keyToCoord(occKey).x() << ", " << tree.keyToCoord(occKey).y() << ", " << tree.keyToCoord(occKey).z() << endl;
		    //cout << "Unk: " << tree.keyToCoord(unKey).x() << ", " << tree.keyToCoord(unKey).y() << ", " << tree.keyToCoord(unKey).z() << endl;
		    tree2.updateNode(tree2.coordToKey(tree.keyToCoord(unKey)), (float)log(alpha / (1 - alpha)));
		    //New method using custom tree
		    //infoTree.updateNode(tree.keyToCoord(unKey), float(0));
		    //infoTree.search(tree.keyToCoord(unKey))->setpObj((float)log(alpha / (1 - alpha)));
		    for (double boxX = -5 * res; boxX <= 5 * res; boxX += res)
		      for (double boxY = -5 * res; boxY <= 5 * res; boxY += res)
			for (double boxZ = -5 * res; boxZ <= 5 * res; boxZ += res)
			  point3d objPoint = tree.keyToCoord(unKey) + point3d(boxX, boxY, boxZ);
			  if (objPoint.z() > 0.05)
			    double pObj = alpha*exp(-sqrt(pow(boxX, 2) + pow(boxY, 2) + pow(boxZ, 2)) * beta);
			    cellNode = tree.search(objPoint);
			    if (cellNode == NULL)
			      if (tree2.search(objPoint) == NULL)
				tree2.setNodeValue(objPoint, log(pObj / (1 - pObj)));
				if ((tree2.search(objPoint))->getLogOdds() < (float)log(pObj / (1 - pObj)))
				  tree2.setNodeValue(objPoint, log(pObj / (1 - pObj)));
				//tree2.updateNode(objPoint, max((tree2.search(objPoint))->getLogOdds(), (float)log2(pObj / (1 - pObj))));
			    *											{
			    *												tree2.setNodeValue(objPoint, cellNode->getLogOdds());
			    *												infoTree.search(objPoint)->setpObj(cellNode->getOccupancy());
    *   f *or (OcTreeCustom::leaf_iterator iter = infoTree.begin_leafs(searchDepth); iter != infoTree.end_leafs(); iter++)
    *   {
    *   iter->updateOccupancyChildren();
    *   if (iter->getLogOdds() != 0 && abs(iter->getOccupancy() - iter->getpObj()) > 0.01)
    *   {
    *   cout << iter->getLogOdds() << ", " << iter->getOccupancy() << ", " << iter->getpObj() << endl;
    *   addCube(iter.getCoordinate(), res, 0, 0, 1, 0.5);
  if (iter->getLogOdds() == 0 && iter->getpObj() > 0.001)
  addCube(iter.getCoordinate(), sRes, 0, 1, 0, 0.5);
    for (OcTree::leaf_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs(); iter != tree.end_leafs(); iter++)
      if (tree2.search(iter.getCoordinate())->getOccupancy() != iter->getOccupancy())
	cout << tree2.search(iter.getCoordinate())->getOccupancy() << ", " << iter->getOccupancy() << endl;
    cout << "Nothing Different" << endl;
    pointCount = 0;
    KeyRay cellList;
    point3d egoCOG(2.95, 1.95, 0);
    Quaternion egoTheta(point3d(0, 0, -M_PI / 2));
    endPoint = point3d(3.0, 0, 0);
    OcTreeKey myCell;
    OcTreeNode *cellNode;
    double cellLike;
    Pose6D trialPose(egoCOG, egoTheta);
    endPoint = trialPose.transform(endPoint);
    //Pre-Computing Table Stuff
    point3d rayOrigin(0.005, 0.005, 0.005);
    point3d rayInit(nRayLength * res, 0, 0);
    point3d rayEnd;
    /*vector<int> castMap;
    *   v *ector<int> logAdd;
    *   cellCount = 0;
    *   int traversed = 0;
    *   Pointcloud castCloud;
    *   for (double yaw = 0; yaw < 360; yaw++)
    *   {
    *   cout << yaw << endl;
    *   for (double pitch = -90; pitch <= 90; pitch++)
    *   {
    *   Quaternion rayTheta(point3d(0, DEG2RAD(pitch), DEG2RAD(yaw)));
    *   Pose6D rayPose(rayOrigin, rayTheta);
    *   rayEnd = rayPose.transform(rayInit);
    *   cellList.reset();
    *   tree.computeRayKeys(rayOrigin, rayEnd, cellList);
    *   //cout << "cellList Size: " << cellList.size() << endl;
    *   for (KeyRay::iterator iter = ++cellList.begin(); iter != cellList.end(); iter++)
    *   {
    *   traversed++;
    *   point3d rayCoord = tree.keyToCoord(*iter) - rayOrigin;
    *   if (rayCoord.norm() * sRes / res > 0.6)
    *   {
    *   int index = round(rayCoord.x() / res) + nRayLength + (2 * nRayLength + 1) * round(rayCoord.y() / res + nRayLength) + pow(2 * nRayLength + 1, 2) * round(rayCoord.z() / res + nRayLength);
    *   vector<int>::iterator findIt = find(castMap.begin(), castMap.end(), index);
    *   if (findIt == castMap.end())
    *   {
    *   castMap.push_back(index);
    *   castCloud.push_back(rayCoord + rayOrigin);
    *   logAdd.push_back(lFilled);
    *   cellCount++;
  int foundIndex = distance(castMap.begin(), findIt);
  logAdd[foundIndex] += lFilled;
  cout << "Cells in CastMap: " << cellCount << "out of " << traversed << "cells traversed" << endl;
  cout << "Min Index: " << *min_element(castMap.begin(), castMap.end()) << endl;
  cout << "Max Index: " << *max_element(castMap.begin(), castMap.end()) << endl;
  cout << "Max logAdd: " << *max_element(logAdd.begin(), logAdd.end()) << endl;
  cout << nRayLength << endl;
  cout << "Cloud Size: " << castCloud.size() << endl;
  cout << "Inserting Cloud..." << endl;

  tree.insertPointCloud(castCloud, rayOrigin);

  //Write pre-computed tables to files for quick retrieval
  ofstream outFile("mapCast.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
  for (vector<int>::iterator iter = castMap.begin(); iter != castMap.end(); iter++)
  outFile.write((char*)&(*iter), sizeof(int));

  outFile = ofstream("logAdd.bin", ios::out | ios::binary);
  for (vector<int>::iterator iter = logAdd.begin(); iter != logAdd.end(); iter++)
  outFile.write((char*)&(*iter), sizeof(int));

  cout << "Done Writing" << endl;

  while (true)

    //Create 3D Arrays of object information for quick retrieval in infoGain calcs
    //First pass to find limits of info bounding box	
    double temp_x, temp_y, temp_z;
    tree2.getMetricMax(temp_x, temp_y, temp_z);
    //infoTree.getMetricMin(temp_x, temp_y, temp_z);
    ibxMin = point3d(temp_x, temp_y, temp_z);
    tree2.getMetricMin(temp_x, temp_y, temp_z);
    //infoTree.getMetricMax(temp_x, temp_y, temp_z);
    ibxMax = point3d(temp_x, temp_y, temp_z);
    for (OcTree::iterator iter = tree2.begin_leafs(searchDepth); iter != tree2.end_leafs(); iter++)
      if (iter->getOccupancy() > 0.001)
	//addCube(iter.getCoordinate(), sRes, 0, 0, 1, 0.5);
	ibxMin.x() = min(ibxMin.x(), iter.getCoordinate().x());
	ibxMin.y() = min(ibxMin.y(), iter.getCoordinate().y());
	ibxMin.z() = min(ibxMin.z(), iter.getCoordinate().z());
	ibxMax.x() = max(ibxMax.x(), iter.getCoordinate().x());
	ibxMax.y() = max(ibxMax.y(), iter.getCoordinate().y());
	ibxMax.z() = max(ibxMax.z(), iter.getCoordinate().z());
    /*for (OcTreeCustom::leaf_iterator iter = infoTree.begin_leafs(searchDepth); iter != infoTree.end_leafs(); iter++)
    *   { *
    *   iter->updateOccupancyChildren();
    *   if (iter->getpObj() > 0.001)
    *   {
    *   if (iter.getCoordinate().x() < ibxMin.x()) ibxMin.x() = iter.getCoordinate().x();
    *   if (iter.getCoordinate().y() < ibxMin.y()) ibxMin.y() = iter.getCoordinate().y();
    *   if (iter.getCoordinate().z() < ibxMin.z()) ibxMin.z() = iter.getCoordinate().z();
    *   if (iter.getCoordinate().x() > ibxMax.x()) ibxMax.x() = iter.getCoordinate().x();
    *   if (iter.getCoordinate().y() > ibxMax.y()) ibxMax.y() = iter.getCoordinate().y();
    *   if (iter.getCoordinate().z() > ibxMax.z()) ibxMax.z() = iter.getCoordinate().z();
    cout << "Min Corner: " << ibxMin.x() << ", " << ibxMin.y() << ", " << ibxMin.z() << endl;
    cout << "Max Corner: " << ibxMax.x() << ", " << ibxMax.y() << ", " << ibxMax.z() << endl;
    cout << "S: " << sFactor << endl;
    //Determine required size of infoChunk array and initialize accordingly
    boxX = round((ibxMax.x() - ibxMin.x()) / sRes + 1);
    boxY = round((ibxMax.y() - ibxMin.y()) / sRes + 1);
    boxZ = round((ibxMax.z() - ibxMin.z()) / sRes + 1);
    cout << boxX << ", " << boxY << ", " << boxZ << endl;
    infoChunk = vector<vector<float> >(boxX * boxY * boxZ, { 0 , 0 });
    //Second pass to populate 3D array with info values
    for (OcTree::leaf_bbx_iterator iter = tree2.begin_leafs_bbx(ibxMin, ibxMax, searchDepth); iter != tree2.end_leafs_bbx(); iter++)
      if (iter.getCoordinate().z() > 0.05 && iter->getOccupancy() > 0.001)
	int xInd = round((iter.getCoordinate().x() - ibxMin.x()) * sFactor);
	int yInd = round((iter.getCoordinate().y() - ibxMin.y()) * sFactor);
	int zInd = round((iter.getCoordinate().z() - ibxMin.z()) * sFactor);
	if (xInd < 0 || xInd >= boxX || yInd < 0 || yInd >= boxY || zInd < 0 || zInd >= boxZ) continue;
	int index = xInd + yInd * boxX + zInd * boxX * boxY;
	//addCube(iter.getCoordinate(), sRes, 0, 0, 1, 0.5);
	infoChunk[index][1] = iter->getOccupancy();
	infoChunk[index][0] = iter->getOccupancy();
    for (OcTree::leaf_bbx_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs_bbx(ibxMin, ibxMax, searchDepth); iter != tree.end_leafs_bbx(); iter++)
      int xInd = round((iter.getCoordinate().x() - ibxMin.x()) * sFactor);
      int yInd = round((iter.getCoordinate().y() - ibxMin.y()) * sFactor);
      int zInd = round((iter.getCoordinate().z() - ibxMin.z()) * sFactor);
      if (xInd < 0 || xInd >= boxX || yInd < 0 || yInd >= boxY || zInd < 0 || zInd >= boxZ) continue;
      int index = xInd + yInd * boxX + zInd * boxX * boxY;
      if (iter.getCoordinate().z() > 0.05 && tree.isNodeOccupied(*iter))
	double p = exp(iter->getLogOdds()) / (1 + exp(iter->getLogOdds()));
	infoChunk[index][0] = (-p * log2(p) - (1 - p) * log2(1 - p)) * infoChunk[index][1];
	//infoChunk[index][0] = iter->getLogOdds();
	infoChunk[index][0] = 0;
    /*for (OcTreeCustom::leaf_bbx_iterator iter = infoTree.begin_leafs_bbx(ibxMin, ibxMax, searchDepth); iter != infoTree.end_leafs_bbx(); iter++)
    *   { *
    *   iter->updateOccupancyChildren();
    *   if (iter->getpObj() > 0.001)
    *   {
    *   int xInd = round((iter.getCoordinate().x() - ibxMin.x()) / sRes);
    *   int yInd = round((iter.getCoordinate().y() - ibxMin.y()) / sRes);
    *   int zInd = round((iter.getCoordinate().z() - ibxMin.z()) / sRes);
    *   cout << iter->getLogOdds() << endl;
    *   infoChunk[xInd + yInd * boxX + zInd * boxX * boxY][0] = iter->getLogOdds();
    *   infoChunk[xInd + yInd * boxX + zInd * boxX * boxY][1] = iter->getpObj();
    cout << "infoChunk populated, uploading sensor model" << endl;
    cout << "Begin Test" << endl;
    //Search Algorithm
    vector<InfoNode> gains;
    float maxHeight = 0.62;
    float minHeight = 0.28;
    pointCount = 0;
    double maxIG = 0;
    double maxCost = 0;
    double maxPitch = 0;
    double maxYaw = 0;
    point3d bestPos(0, 0, 0);
    int viewCount = 0;
    int searchCount = 0;
    point3d searchBoxMin = ibxMin - point3d(1.5, 1.5, 1.5);
    point3d searchBoxMax = ibxMax + point3d(1.5, 1.5, 1.5);
    searchBoxMin.z() = max(searchBoxMin.z(), minHeight);
    searchBoxMax.z() = min(searchBoxMax.z(), maxHeight);
    cout << "Search Space: " << searchBoxMin.x() << ", " << searchBoxMin.y() << ", " << searchBoxMin.z() << endl;
    cout << "To: " << searchBoxMax.x() << ", " << searchBoxMax.y() << ", " << searchBoxMax.z() << endl;
    //Heuristic Search Method
    /*const clock_t searchStart = clock();
    *   i *nt neighbDist = 2;
    *   double neighborStepSize = 0.02;
    *   vector<InfoNode> neighbors(6 * neighbDist, InfoNode());
    *   tree.expand();
    *   double xMax, yMax, zMax, xMin, yMin, zMin;
    *   tree.getMetricMax(xMax, yMax, zMax);
    *   tree.getMetricMin(xMin, yMin, zMin);
    *   for (OcTree::leaf_bbx_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs_bbx(searchBoxMin, searchBoxMax, 10); iter != tree.end_leafs_bbx(); iter++)
    *   {
    *   if (iter.getCoordinate().z() < 0 || iter.getCoordinate().x() < xMin || iter.getCoordinate().x() > xMax || iter.getCoordinate().y() < yMin || iter.getCoordinate().y() > yMax || iter.getCoordinate().z() < zMin || iter.getCoordinate().z() > zMax || tree.search(iter.getCoordinate()) == NULL || tree.isNodeOccupied(tree.search(iter.getCoordinate()))) continue;
    *   searchCount++;

  cout << searchCount << " positions to calculate" << endl;
  for (OcTree::leaf_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs(11); iter != tree.end_leafs(); iter++)
  if (iter.getCoordinate().z() < 0 || iter.getCoordinate().x() < xMin || iter.getCoordinate().x() > xMax || iter.getCoordinate().y() < yMin || iter.getCoordinate().y() > yMax || iter.getCoordinate().z() < zMin || iter.getCoordinate().z() > zMax || tree.search(iter.getCoordinate()) == NULL || tree.isNodeOccupied(tree.search(iter.getCoordinate()))) continue;

  if (viewCount % 100 == 0)
  cout << viewCount << endl;
  point3d nextPos = iter.getCoordinate();
  float pitch, yaw;
  double infoGain = getInfoGain(&tree, &tree2, nextPos, &yaw, &pitch);

  if (infoGain > 0)
  gains.push_back(InfoNode(infoGain, 0, nextPos, yaw, pitch));

  if (infoGain > maxIG)
  maxIG = infoGain;
  bestPos = nextPos;
  maxYaw = yaw;
  maxPitch = pitch;

  //addCube(nextPos, 0.05, 1 - (infoGain / 40), infoGain / 40, 0, 0.9);


  cout << "First Pass: "******" views" << endl;

  sort(gains.begin(), gains.end());

  vector<InfoNode>::iterator testIt = gains.end()--;

  vector<InfoNode> searchTails;

  vector<InfoNode>::iterator iter = gains.end()--;
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
  cout << i << endl;
  InfoNode curNode = *iter;

  while (true)
  cout << ".";
  point3d curPoint = curNode.coords;
  double curGain = curNode.infoGain;
  vector<InfoNode>::iterator neighbIt = neighbors.begin();

  for (int offX = -neighbDist; offX <= neighbDist; offX++)
  for (int offY = -neighbDist; offY <= neighbDist; offY++)
  for (int offZ = -neighbDist; offZ <= neighbDist; offZ++)
  if ((offX != 0) + (offY != 0) + (offZ != 0) != 1) continue;

  point3d neighbor = curPoint + point3d(offX, offY, offZ) * neighborStepSize;
  neighbIt->coords = neighbor;

  if (neighbor.z() < 0 || neighbor.x() < xMin || neighbor.x() > xMax || neighbor.y() < yMin || neighbor.y() > yMax || neighbor.z() < zMin || neighbor.z() > zMax || tree.search(neighbor) == NULL || tree.isNodeOccupied(tree.search(neighbor)))
  neighbIt->infoGain = 0;
  float pitch, yaw;
  neighbIt->infoGain = getInfoGain(&tree, &tree2, neighbor, &yaw, &pitch);
  neighbIt->pitch = pitch;
  neighbIt->yaw = yaw;


  InfoNode maxNeighb = *max_element(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end());

  if (maxNeighb.infoGain <= curGain)
  curNode = maxNeighb;



  cout << endl;

  InfoNode hNBV = *max_element(searchTails.begin(), searchTails.end());

  const clock_t searchEnd = clock();

  cout << "Heuristic NBV: " << hNBV.coords.x() << ", " << hNBV.coords.y() << ", " << hNBV.coords.z() << endl;
  cout << "With Info Gain = " << hNBV.infoGain << endl;
  cout << "In " << double(searchEnd - searchStart) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds, for " << viewCount << "candidate viewpoints" << endl;*/
    //Original Grid Search
    time_t time1 = time(0);
    viewCount = 0;
    for (OcTree::leaf_bbx_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs_bbx(searchBoxMin, searchBoxMax, 14); iter != tree.end_leafs_bbx(); iter++)
      if (!tree.isNodeOccupied(*iter))
    vector<double> infoMap(rangeX * rangeY, 0);
    cout << searchCount << " positions to calculate" << endl;
    for (OcTree::leaf_iterator iter = tree.begin_leafs(14); iter != tree.end_leafs(); iter++)
      if (tree.search(iter.getCoordinate()) == NULL || tree.isNodeOccupied(tree.search(iter.getCoordinate())) || iter.getCoordinate().z() < minHeight || iter.getCoordinate().z() > maxHeight) continue;
      if (viewCount % 100 == 0)
	cout << viewCount << endl;
      point3d nextPos = iter.getCoordinate();
      float pitch, yaw;
      double infoGain = getInfoGain(&tree, &tree2, nextPos, &yaw, &pitch);
      if (infoGain > 0)
	double moveCost = gridMap[rangeX * int((nextPos.y() - minY) / res) + int((nextPos.x() - minX) / res)].cost;
	if (infoGain > infoMap[rangeX * int((nextPos.y() - minY) / res) + int((nextPos.x() - minX) / res)])
	  infoMap[rangeX * int((nextPos.y() - minY) / res) + int((nextPos.x() - minX) / res)] = infoGain;
	gains.push_back(InfoNode(infoGain, moveCost, nextPos, yaw, pitch));
	if (infoGain > maxIG)
	  maxIG = infoGain;
	  bestPos = nextPos;
	  maxYaw = yaw;
	  maxPitch = pitch;
	if (moveCost > maxCost && moveCost < 600)
	  maxCost = moveCost;
	/*infoCloud->points[pointCount].x = nextPos.x();
	*	infoCloud->points[pointCount].y = nextPos.y();
	*	infoCloud->points[pointCount].z = nextPos.z();
	*	infoCloud->points[pointCount].intensity = infoGain;
	*	pointCount++;*/
	//addCube(nextPos, 0.05, 1 - (infoGain / 40), infoGain / 40, 0, 0.9);
    cout << "Time for " << viewCount << " views: " << (int)time(0) - time1 << endl;
    cout << "The NBV is at (" << bestPos.x() << ", " << bestPos.y() << ", " << bestPos.z() << ") with an expected info gain of " << maxIG << endl;
    cout << maxYaw << ", " << maxPitch << endl;
    cout << "Max Cost: " << maxCost << endl;
    double maxQual = 0;
    double correctIG = 0;
    point3d NBV = origin;
    for (vector<InfoNode>::iterator iter = gains.begin(); iter != gains.end(); iter++)
      //iter->infoGain /= maxIG;
      //iter->cost /= maxCost;
      if (iter->cost < 600) iter->quality = iter->infoGain - 0 * iter->cost;
      else iter->quality = 0;
      if (iter->quality > maxQual)
	maxQual = iter->quality;
	correctIG = iter->infoGain;
	NBV = iter->coords;
	maxYaw = iter->yaw;
	maxPitch = iter->pitch;
    cout << "Time for " << viewCount << " views: " << (int)time(0) - time1 << endl;
    cout << "The corrected NBV is at (" << NBV.x() << ", " << NBV.y() << ", " << NBV.z() << ") with a quality of " << maxQual << "and IG of " << correctIG << endl;
    cout << "Yaw: " << maxYaw << ", " << "Pitch: " << maxPitch << endl;
    point3d oldBest = bestPos;
    if (maxIG < 10)
      cout << "Algorithm Complete" << endl;
    visualization_msgs::Marker mark;
    mark.header.frame_id = "vicon";
    mark.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
    mark.ns = "basic_shapes";
    mark.id = NBVcount;
    mark.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW;
    mark.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
    mark.pose.position.x = NBV.x();
    mark.pose.position.y = NBV.y();
    mark.pose.position.z = NBV.z();
    q.setRPY(0, DEG2RAD(-maxPitch), DEG2RAD(maxYaw));

    mark.pose.orientation.x = q.getX();
    mark.pose.orientation.y = q.getY();
    mark.pose.orientation.z = q.getZ();
    mark.pose.orientation.w = q.getW();
    mark.scale.x = 0.2;
    mark.scale.y = 0.02;
    mark.scale.z = 0.02;
    mark.color.r = 0.0f;
    mark.color.g = 1.0f;
    mark.color.a = 1.0;
    mark.color.b = 0.0f;
    /*transform.setOrigin( tf::Vector3(NBV.x(), NBV.y(), 0) );
    q.setRPY(0, 0, DEG2RAD(maxYaw));
    gTime = ros::Time::now();
    br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, gTime, "vicon", "sensorGoal"));
      listener.lookupTransform("vicon", "baseGoal",
				gTime, stransform);
    catch (tf::TransformException &ex) {
    point3d baseGoal(stransform.getOrigin().x(), stransform.getOrigin().y(), 0);
    m = tf::Matrix3x3(stransform.getRotation());
    double bRoll, bPitch, bYaw;
    m.getRPY(bRoll, bPitch, bYaw);*/ 
    point3d baseGoal = NBV;
    GridNode* endNode = &gridMap[rangeX * int((baseGoal.y() - minY) / res) + int((baseGoal.x() - minX) / res)];
    vector<point3d> waypoints;
    while (endNode != NULL)
      //cout << endNode->coords.x() << ", " << endNode->coords.y() << endl;
      //cout << "Cost: " << endNode->cost << endl;
      endNode->cost = 0;
      //cout << endNode->coords.x() << ", " << endNode->coords.y() << endl;
      endNode = endNode->parent;
    reverse(waypoints.begin(), waypoints.end());
    nav_msgs::Path path;
    path.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
    path.header.frame_id = "vicon";
     int state = 0;
    int oldState = -1;
    for (vector<point3d>::iterator iter = waypoints.begin(); iter != waypoints.end(); iter++)
      geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
      pose.header.stamp = path.header.stamp;
      pose.header.frame_id = path.header.frame_id;
      pose.pose.position.x = iter->x();
      pose.pose.position.y = iter->y();
      pose.pose.position.z = NBV.z();
      pose.pose.orientation.y = maxPitch;
      pose.pose.orientation.z = maxYaw;
      if (path.poses.size() > 0)
	if (iter->x() == path.poses.back().pose.position.x)
	  state = 0;
	else if (iter->y() == path.poses.back().pose.position.y)
	  state = 1;
	  state = 2;
      //cout << "State, Old State, Size: " << state << " : " << oldState << " : " << path.poses.size() << endl;
      if (path.poses.size() > 1 && state == oldState)
	//cout << pose.pose.position.x << ", " << pose.pose.position.y << endl;
      oldState = state;
    /*for (vector<point3d>::iterator iter = waypoints.begin(); iter != waypoints.end(); iter++)
      geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
      pose.header.stamp = path.header.stamp;
      pose.header.frame_id = path.header.frame_id;
      pose.pose.position.x = iter->x();
      pose.pose.position.y = iter->y();
      pose.pose.position.z = NBV.z();
      pose.pose.orientation.y = maxPitch;
      pose.pose.orientation.z = maxYaw;
      //cout << path.poses.back().position.x << ", " << path.poses.back().position.y << endl;
    cout << "Path Message Generated" << endl;
    cout << "Path Message Published" << endl;
  while (ros::ok())
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void nav_callback(const projeto::QuadStatus status)

    struct timeval stop, start;
    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
    //do stuff

    double timestamp = status.header.stamp.toSec();

    theta = Vector3d(status.theta.x, status.theta.y, status.theta.z);

    Vector3d x_new(status.position.x, status.position.y, status.position.z);

    Vector3d vel(status.vel.x, status.vel.y, status.vel.z);

	//theta(0) = degree_to_rad(msg_in.rotX);
	//theta(1) = degree_to_rad(msg_in.rotY);
	//theta(2) = degree_to_rad(msg_in.rotZ);

	//ROS_INFO("I heard ax: [%f]  ay: [%f] az: [%f]", vx_, vy_, vz_);

	//Vector3d velV (vx_, vy_, vz_);

	//Quaternion<double> rotQ = rotation(theta);

	//Matrix3d R = rotQ.matrix();

	//Vector3d vel = R * velV;


    //float dt = timestamp - previous_tm; //geting dt in secs

    if (x_new(0) < -10 || x_new(0) > 10 || x_new(1) < -10 || x_new(1) > 10) {

        f_vector_print("theta", theta);
		f_vector_print("x", x);
		f_vector_print("x_new", x_new);

    x = x_new;

    previous_tm = timestamp;

   // pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_1);

    Vector3d future_position;

    vector<Vector3d> trajectory = predict_trajectory2(vel, x, timestamp, timestamp + TIME_AHEAD, TRAJECTORY_DT, future_position);

    float short_dist = MAX_DIST;

    nav_msgs::GridCells gcells;
    vector<geometry_msgs::Point> obstaclerepo;

    if (!production_mode) {
        sensor_msgs::PointCloud pc;
        pc.header.frame_id = "/nav";
        pc.header.stamp = ros::Time();

        int i = 0;
        for (vector<Vector3d>::iterator it=trajectory.begin(); it!=trajectory.end(); ++it) {

            Vector3d pos = *it;

            pc.channels[0].values[i] = 0;
            pc.points[i].x = pos(0);
            pc.points[i].y = pos(1);
            pc.points[i].z = pos(2);

        gcells.header.frame_id = "/nav";
        gcells.header.stamp = ros::Time();
        gcells.cell_width = OCTREE_RESOLUTION;
        gcells.cell_height = OCTREE_RESOLUTION;


    if (control_mode) {

//        cout << "TIMESTAMP " << timestamp << endl;
//        cout << "CONTADOR " << contador << endl;
//        cout << "LIMIT " << CONTROL_LIMIT << endl;
        if (timestamp < contador + CONTROL_LIMIT) {

            double u_x = pid_x.getCommand(pos_obj(0) - x(0), timestamp);
            double u_y = pid_y.getCommand(pos_obj(1) - x(1), timestamp);
            double u_z = pid_z.getCommand(pos_obj(2) - x(2), timestamp);
            double u_yaw = pid_yaw.getCommand(yaw_obj - theta(2), timestamp);

            double cx   = within(cos(theta(2)) * u_x + sin(theta(2)) * u_y, -1, 1);
            double cy   = within(-sin(theta(2)) * u_x + cos(theta(2)) * u_y, -1, 1);
            double cz   = within(u_z, -1, 1);
            double cyaw = within(u_yaw, -1, 1);

           // f_vector_print("objetivo", pos_obj);

           // f_vector_print("posicao", x);

	   cout << "SENDING AUTOMATIC CONTROLS" << endl;

            Command cmd(cx, cy, cz, cyaw);

        } else {

            control_mode = 0;
	    cout << "CONTROL MODE OFF" << endl;

    } else {

        OcTreeKey bbxMinKey, bbxMaxKey;

        //Vector3d lim1 = x + R * Vector3d(0, -DELTA_VOL/2, -1.0);
        //Vector3d lim2 = x + R * Vector3d(DELTA_VOL, DELTA_VOL/2, 1.0);

        point3d min_vol = point3d(x(0)-DELTA_VOL/2, x(1) -DELTA_VOL/2, x(2)-1.0);
        point3d max_vol = point3d(x(0)+DELTA_VOL/2, x(1) +DELTA_VOL/2, x(2)+1.0);

        tree.coordToKeyChecked(min_vol, bbxMinKey);
        tree.coordToKeyChecked(max_vol, bbxMaxKey);

        for(OcTree::leaf_bbx_iterator it = tree.begin_leafs_bbx(bbxMinKey, bbxMaxKey), end_bbx = tree.end_leafs_bbx(); it!= end_bbx; ++it){

            //cout << "passei" << endl;

            point3d coords = it.getCoordinate();

            Vector3d wrapped_coords = Vector3d(coords(0), coords(1), coords(2));

            //if (!in_perimeter(x, wrapped_coords, 0.5)) {
            if (!production_mode) {
                geometry_msgs::Point cell;
                cell.x = coords(0);
                cell.y = coords(1);
                cell.z = coords(2);

            if (it->getValue() > OCCUPIED_PROB) {

                for (vector<Vector3d>::iterator it=trajectory.begin(); it!=trajectory.end(); ++it) {

                    Vector3d pos = *it;

                    if (there_will_be_collision(pos, wrapped_coords)) {

                        float dist = (wrapped_coords - x).norm();

			cout << "DIST " << dist << endl;

                        if (dist < short_dist) {
                            short_dist = dist;


              //manipulate node, e.g.:
              //cout << "Node center: " << it.getCoordinate() << endl;
              //cout << "Node size: " << it.getSize() << endl;
              //cout << "Node value: " << it->getValue() << endl;

            if (short_dist < MAX_DIST) {

                float ttc = short_dist/vel.norm();

                if (ttc < TTC_LIMIT) {

                    pos_obj = x;
                    yaw_obj = atan2(sin(theta(2)),cos(theta(2)));
                    control_mode = 1;
                    contador = timestamp;
	            cout << "CONTROL MODE ON" << endl;




    if (!production_mode) {
        int count_cells = 0;
        while (!obstaclerepo.empty()) {
            gcells.cells[count_cells++] = obstaclerepo.back();

    gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);

    previous_vel = vel;

    previous_theta = theta;

    //previous_omega = omega;

    gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);

    //cout << "time took: "<< stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec << "." << (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1000000 << "s" << endl;
