Ejemplo n.º 1

    // Create thunks for callsites that have gone out of range. Use a map to
    // create one thunk for each callee since there is often high reuse.

    OffsetMap alreadyThunked(cx_);
    if (!alreadyThunked.init())
        return false;

    for (; lastPatchedCallsite_ < masm_.callSites().length(); lastPatchedCallsite_++) {
        const CallSiteAndTarget& cs = masm_.callSites()[lastPatchedCallsite_];
        if (!cs.isInternal())

        uint32_t callerOffset = cs.returnAddressOffset();
        MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(callerOffset < INT32_MAX);

        if (funcIsDefined(cs.targetIndex())) {
            uint32_t calleeOffset = funcEntry(cs.targetIndex());
            MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(calleeOffset < INT32_MAX);

            if (uint32_t(abs(int32_t(calleeOffset) - int32_t(callerOffset))) < JumpRange()) {
                masm_.patchCall(callerOffset, calleeOffset);

        OffsetMap::AddPtr p = alreadyThunked.lookupForAdd(cs.targetIndex());
        if (!p) {
            Offsets offsets;
            offsets.begin = masm_.currentOffset();
            uint32_t thunkOffset = masm_.thunkWithPatch().offset();
            if (masm_.oom())
                return false;
            offsets.end = masm_.currentOffset();

            if (!module_->codeRanges.emplaceBack(CodeRange::CallThunk, offsets))
                return false;
            if (!module_->callThunks.emplaceBack(thunkOffset, cs.targetIndex()))
                return false;
            if (!alreadyThunked.add(p, cs.targetIndex(), offsets.begin))
                return false;

        masm_.patchCall(callerOffset, p->value());

    // Create thunks for jumps to stubs. Stubs are always generated at the end
    // so unconditionally thunk all existing jump sites.

    for (JumpTarget target : MakeEnumeratedRange(JumpTarget::Limit)) {
        if (masm_.jumpSites()[target].empty())

        for (uint32_t jumpSite : masm_.jumpSites()[target]) {
            RepatchLabel label;

        Offsets offsets;
        offsets.begin = masm_.currentOffset();
        uint32_t thunkOffset = masm_.thunkWithPatch().offset();
        if (masm_.oom())
            return false;
        offsets.end = masm_.currentOffset();

        if (!module_->codeRanges.emplaceBack(CodeRange::Inline, offsets))
            return false;
        if (!jumpThunks_[target].append(thunkOffset))
            return false;

    // Unlike callsites, which need to be persisted in the Module, we can simply
    // flush jump sites after each patching pass.

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
ModuleGenerator::patchCallSites(TrapExitOffsetArray* maybeTrapExits)

    // Create far jumps for calls that have relative offsets that may otherwise
    // go out of range. Far jumps are created for two cases: direct calls
    // between function definitions and calls to trap exits by trap out-of-line
    // paths. Far jump code is shared when possible to reduce bloat. This method
    // is called both between function bodies (at a frequency determined by the
    // ISA's jump range) and once at the very end of a module's codegen after
    // all possible calls/traps have been emitted.

    OffsetMap existingCallFarJumps;
    if (!existingCallFarJumps.init())
        return false;

    EnumeratedArray<Trap, Trap::Limit, Maybe<uint32_t>> existingTrapFarJumps;

    for (; lastPatchedCallsite_ < masm_.callSites().length(); lastPatchedCallsite_++) {
        const CallSiteAndTarget& cs = masm_.callSites()[lastPatchedCallsite_];
        uint32_t callerOffset = cs.returnAddressOffset();
        MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(callerOffset < INT32_MAX);

        switch (cs.kind()) {
          case CallSiteDesc::Dynamic:
          case CallSiteDesc::Symbolic:
          case CallSiteDesc::Func: {
            if (funcIsCompiled(cs.funcIndex())) {
                uint32_t calleeOffset = funcCodeRange(cs.funcIndex()).funcNonProfilingEntry();
                MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(calleeOffset < INT32_MAX);

                if (uint32_t(abs(int32_t(calleeOffset) - int32_t(callerOffset))) < JumpRange()) {
                    masm_.patchCall(callerOffset, calleeOffset);

            OffsetMap::AddPtr p = existingCallFarJumps.lookupForAdd(cs.funcIndex());
            if (!p) {
                Offsets offsets;
                offsets.begin = masm_.currentOffset();
                uint32_t jumpOffset = masm_.farJumpWithPatch().offset();
                offsets.end = masm_.currentOffset();
                if (masm_.oom())
                    return false;

                if (!metadata_->codeRanges.emplaceBack(CodeRange::FarJumpIsland, offsets))
                    return false;
                if (!existingCallFarJumps.add(p, cs.funcIndex(), offsets.begin))
                    return false;

                // Record calls' far jumps in metadata since they must be
                // repatched at runtime when profiling mode is toggled.
                if (!metadata_->callThunks.emplaceBack(jumpOffset, cs.funcIndex()))
                    return false;

            masm_.patchCall(callerOffset, p->value());
          case CallSiteDesc::TrapExit: {
            if (maybeTrapExits) {
                uint32_t calleeOffset = (*maybeTrapExits)[cs.trap()].begin;
                MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(calleeOffset < INT32_MAX);

                if (uint32_t(abs(int32_t(calleeOffset) - int32_t(callerOffset))) < JumpRange()) {
                    masm_.patchCall(callerOffset, calleeOffset);

            if (!existingTrapFarJumps[cs.trap()]) {
                Offsets offsets;
                offsets.begin = masm_.currentOffset();
                masm_.append(TrapFarJump(cs.trap(), masm_.farJumpWithPatch()));
                offsets.end = masm_.currentOffset();
                if (masm_.oom())
                    return false;

                if (!metadata_->codeRanges.emplaceBack(CodeRange::FarJumpIsland, offsets))
                    return false;
                existingTrapFarJumps[cs.trap()] = Some(offsets.begin);

            masm_.patchCall(callerOffset, *existingTrapFarJumps[cs.trap()]);

    return true;