Ejemplo n.º 1
void WaterMaterialGenerator::individualFragmentProgramParams(Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
	// can't set a vector2, need to pack it in vector3
	#define _vec3(prop) Vector3(prop.x, prop.y, 1.0)
	params->setNamedConstant("enableShadows", Real(1.f));
	params->setNamedConstant("waveBump_Speed_HighFreq_Spec", mDef->mProps->waveBump_Speed_HighFreq_Spec);
	params->setNamedConstant("depthPars", mDef->mProps->depthPars);
	params->setNamedConstant("depthColor", mDef->mProps->depthColour);
	params->setNamedConstant("deepColor", mDef->mProps->deepColour);
	params->setNamedConstant("shallowColor", mDef->mProps->shallowColour);
	params->setNamedConstant("reflectionColor", mDef->mProps->reflectionColour);
	params->setNamedConstant("matSpec", mDef->mProps->specular);
	params->setNamedConstant("reflVal_Refl2_Distort_Opacity", mDef->mProps->reflVal_Refl2_Distort_Opacity);
	params->setNamedConstant("fresnelPowerBias", Vector3(mDef->mProps->fresnelPower, mDef->mProps->fresnelBias, 0));
	if (needShadows())
		params->setNamedConstant("pssmSplitPoints", mParent->pApp->splitPoints);
		for (int i=0; i<mParent->getNumShadowTex(); ++i)
			params->setNamedAutoConstant("invShadowMapSize"+toStr(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_INVERSE_TEXTURE_SIZE, i+mShadowTexUnit_start);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void WaterMaterialGenerator::individualVertexProgramParams(Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
	params->setIgnoreMissingParams(true); //! workaround 'Parameter texWorldViewProjMatrix0 does not exist' - no idea why its happening
	if (needShadows())
	for (int i=0; i<mParent->getNumShadowTex(); ++i)
		params->setNamedAutoConstant("texWorldViewProjMatrix"+toStr(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_TEXTURE_WORLDVIEWPROJ_MATRIX, i);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void GrassLayerBase::_updateShaders()
  if (shaderNeedsUpdate) {
    shaderNeedsUpdate = false;

    //Proceed only if there is no custom vertex shader and the user's computer supports vertex shaders
    const RenderSystemCapabilities *caps = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem()->getCapabilities();
    if (caps->hasCapability(RSC_VERTEX_PROGRAM) && geom->getShadersEnabled()) {
      //Calculate fade range
      float farViewDist = geom->getDetailLevels().front()->getFarRange();
      float fadeRange = farViewDist / 1.2247449f;
      //Note: 1.2247449 ~= sqrt(1.5), which is necessary since the far view distance is measured from the centers
      //of pages, while the vertex shader needs to fade grass completely out (including the closest corner)
      //before the page center is out of range.

      //Generate a string ID that identifies the current set of vertex shader options
      StringUtil::StrStreamType tmpName;
      tmpName << "GrassVS_";
      if (animate)
        tmpName << "anim_";
      if (blend)
        tmpName << "blend_";
      if (lighting)
        tmpName << "lighting_";
      tmpName << renderTechnique << "_";
      tmpName << fadeTechnique << "_";
      if (fadeTechnique == FADETECH_GROW || fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHAGROW)
        tmpName << maxHeight << "_";
      tmpName << farViewDist << "_";
      tmpName << "vp";
      const String vsName = tmpName.str();

      //Generate a string ID that identifies the material combined with the vertex shader
      const String matName = material->getName() + "_" + vsName;

      //Check if the desired material already exists (if not, create it)
      MaterialPtr tmpMat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(matName);
      if (tmpMat.isNull()) {
        //Clone the original material
        tmpMat = material->clone(matName);

        //Disable lighting

        //Check if the desired shader already exists (if not, compile it)
        String shaderLanguage = ShaderHelper::getShaderLanguage();
        HighLevelGpuProgramPtr vertexShader = HighLevelGpuProgramManager::getSingleton().getByName(vsName);
        if (vertexShader.isNull()) {

          //Generate the grass shader
          String vertexProgSource;

          if (!shaderLanguage.compare("hlsl") || !shaderLanguage.compare("cg")) {

            vertexProgSource = "void main( \n"
                "	float4 iPosition : POSITION, \n"
                "	float4 iColor : COLOR, \n"
                "	float2 iUV       : TEXCOORD0,	\n"
                "	out float4 oPosition : POSITION, \n"
                "	out float4 oColor : COLOR, \n"
                "	out float2 oUV       : TEXCOORD0,	\n";

            if (lighting)
              vertexProgSource += "   uniform float4   objSpaceLight,   \n"
                  "   uniform float4   lightDiffuse,   \n"
                  "   uniform float4   lightAmbient,   \n";

            if (animate)
              vertexProgSource += "	uniform float time,	\n"
                  "	uniform float frequency,	\n"
                  "	uniform float4 direction,	\n";

            if (fadeTechnique == FADETECH_GROW || fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHAGROW)
              vertexProgSource += "	uniform float grassHeight,	\n";

            if (renderTechnique == GRASSTECH_SPRITE || lighting)
              vertexProgSource += "   float4 iNormal : NORMAL, \n";

            vertexProgSource += "	uniform float4x4 worldViewProj,	\n"
                "	uniform float3 camPos, \n"
                "	uniform float fadeRange ) \n"
                "{	\n"
                "	oColor.rgb = iColor.rgb;   \n"
                "	float4 position = iPosition;	\n"
                "	float dist = distance(camPos.xz, position.xz);	\n";

            if (lighting) {
              vertexProgSource += "   float3 light = normalize(objSpaceLight.xyz - (iPosition.xyz * objSpaceLight.w)); \n"
                  "   float diffuseFactor = max(dot(float4(0,1,0,0), light), 0); \n"
                  "   oColor = (lightAmbient + diffuseFactor * lightDiffuse) * iColor; \n";
            } else {
              vertexProgSource += "   oColor.rgb = iColor.rgb;               \n";

            if (fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHA || fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHAGROW)
              vertexProgSource +=
              //Fade out in the distance
                  "	oColor.a = 2.0f - (2.0f * dist / fadeRange);   \n";
              vertexProgSource += "	oColor.a = 1.0f;   \n";

            vertexProgSource += "	float oldposx = position.x;	\n";

            if (renderTechnique == GRASSTECH_SPRITE)
              vertexProgSource +=
              //Face the camera
                  "	float3 dirVec = (float3)position - (float3)camPos;		\n"
                      "	float3 p = normalize(cross(float4(0,1,0,0), dirVec));	\n"
                      "	position += float4(p.x * iNormal.x, iNormal.y, p.z * iNormal.x, 0);	\n";

            if (animate)
              vertexProgSource += "	if (iUV.y == 0.0f){	\n"
              //Wave grass in breeze
                      "		float offset = sin(time + oldposx * frequency);	\n"
                      "		position += direction * offset;	\n"
                      "	}	\n";

            if (blend && animate)
              vertexProgSource += "	else {	\n";
            else if (blend)
              vertexProgSource += "	if (iUV.y != 0.0f){	\n";

            if (blend)
              vertexProgSource +=
              //Blend the base of nearby grass into the terrain
                  "		oColor.a = clamp(oColor.a, 0, 1) * 4.0f * ((dist / fadeRange) - 0.1f);	\n"
                      "	}	\n";

            if (fadeTechnique == FADETECH_GROW || fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHAGROW)
              vertexProgSource += "	float offset = (2.0f * dist / fadeRange) - 1.0f; \n"
                  "	position.y -= grassHeight * clamp(offset, 0, 1); ";

            vertexProgSource += "	oPosition = mul(worldViewProj, position);  \n";

            vertexProgSource += "	oUV = iUV;\n"
          } else {
            //Must be glsl
            if (lighting) {
              vertexProgSource = "uniform vec4 objSpaceLight; \n"
                  "uniform vec4 lightDiffuse; \n"
                  "uniform vec4 lightAmbient; \n";

            if (animate) {
              vertexProgSource += "uniform float time; \n"
                  "uniform float frequency; \n"
                  "uniform vec4 direction; \n";

            if (fadeTechnique == FADETECH_GROW || fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHAGROW) {
              vertexProgSource += "uniform float grassHeight;	\n";

            vertexProgSource += "uniform vec3 camPos; \n"
                "uniform float fadeRange; \n"
                "void main()"
                "{ \n"
                "    vec4 color = gl_Color; \n"
                "    vec4 position = gl_Vertex;	\n"
                "    float dist = distance(camPos.xz, position.xz);	\n";

            if (lighting) {
              vertexProgSource += "    vec3 light = normalize(objSpaceLight.xyz - (gl_Vertex.xyz * objSpaceLight.w)); \n"
                  "    float diffuseFactor = max( dot( vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), light), 0.0); \n"
                  "    color = (lightAmbient + diffuseFactor * lightDiffuse) * gl_Color; \n";
            } else {
              vertexProgSource += "    color.xyz = gl_Color.xyz; \n";

            if (fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHA || fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHAGROW) {
              vertexProgSource +=
              //Fade out in the distance
                  "    color.w = 2.0 - (2.0 * dist / fadeRange); \n";
            } else {
              vertexProgSource += "    color.w = 1.0; \n";

            if (renderTechnique == GRASSTECH_SPRITE) {
              vertexProgSource +=
              //Face the camera
                  "    vec3 dirVec = position.xyz - camPos.xyz; \n"
                      "    vec3 p = normalize(cross(vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0), dirVec)); \n"
                      "    position += vec4(p.x * gl_Normal.x, gl_Normal.y, p.z * gl_Normal.x, 0.0); \n";

            if (animate) {
              vertexProgSource += "    if (gl_MultiTexCoord0.y == 0.0) \n"
                  "    { \n"
                  //Wave grass in breeze
                  "        position += direction * sin(time + gl_Vertex.x * frequency); \n"
                  "    } \n";

            if (blend && animate) {
              vertexProgSource += "    else \n"
                  "    { \n";
            } else if (blend) {
              vertexProgSource += "    if (gl_MultiTexCoord0.y != 0.0) \n"
                  "    { \n";

            if (blend) {
              vertexProgSource +=
              //Blend the base of nearby grass into the terrain
                  "        color.w = clamp(color.w, 0.0, 1.0) * 4.0 * ((dist / fadeRange) - 0.1); \n"
                      "    } \n";

            if (fadeTechnique == FADETECH_GROW || fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHAGROW) {
              vertexProgSource += "    position.y -= grassHeight * clamp((2.0 * dist / fadeRange) - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); \n";

            vertexProgSource += "    gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * position; \n"
                "    gl_FrontColor = color; \n"
                "    gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0; \n";
            if (geom->getSceneManager()->getFogMode() == Ogre::FOG_EXP2) {
              vertexProgSource += "	gl_FogFragCoord = clamp(exp(- gl_Fog.density * gl_Fog.density * gl_Position.z * gl_Position.z), 0.0, 1.0); \n";
            } else {
              vertexProgSource += "	gl_FogFragCoord = gl_Position.z; \n";

            vertexProgSource += "}";

          vertexShader = HighLevelGpuProgramManager::getSingleton().createProgram(vsName, ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, shaderLanguage, GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM);


          if (shaderLanguage == "hlsl") {
            vertexShader->setParameter("target", "vs_1_1");
            vertexShader->setParameter("entry_point", "main");
          } else if (shaderLanguage == "cg") {
            vertexShader->setParameter("profiles", "vs_1_1 arbvp1");
            vertexShader->setParameter("entry_point", "main");
          // GLSL can only have one entry point "main".

        //Now the vertex shader (vertexShader) has either been found or just generated
        //(depending on whether or not it was already generated).

        Ogre::Material::TechniqueIterator techIterator = tmpMat->getSupportedTechniqueIterator();
        while (techIterator.hasMoreElements()) {
          Ogre::Technique* tech = techIterator.getNext();
          //Apply the shader to the material
          Pass *pass = tech->getPass(0);
          GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params = pass->getVertexProgramParameters();

          if (shaderLanguage.compare("glsl"))
            //glsl can use the built in gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix
            params->setNamedAutoConstant("worldViewProj", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_WORLDVIEWPROJ_MATRIX);
          params->setNamedAutoConstant("camPos", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_CAMERA_POSITION_OBJECT_SPACE);
          params->setNamedAutoConstant("fadeRange", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_CUSTOM, 1);

          if (animate) {
            params->setNamedConstant("time", 1.0f);
            params->setNamedConstant("frequency", 1.0f);
            params->setNamedConstant("direction", Ogre::Vector4::ZERO);

          if (lighting) {
            params->setNamedAutoConstant("objSpaceLight", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_LIGHT_POSITION_OBJECT_SPACE);
            params->setNamedAutoConstant("lightDiffuse", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_DERIVED_LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOUR);
            params->setNamedAutoConstant("lightAmbient", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_DERIVED_AMBIENT_LIGHT_COLOUR);

          if (fadeTechnique == FADETECH_GROW || fadeTechnique == FADETECH_ALPHAGROW) {
            params->setNamedConstant("grassHeight", maxHeight * 1.05f);

          pass->getVertexProgramParameters()->setNamedConstant("fadeRange", fadeRange);
      //Now the material (tmpMat) has either been found or just created (depending on whether or not it was already
      //created). The appropriate vertex shader should be applied and the material is ready for use.

      //Apply the new material
      material = tmpMat;

    Ogre::Technique* tech = material->getBestTechnique();
    if (tech && tech->getNumPasses()) {
      Ogre::Pass* pass = tech->getPass(0);
      if (pass->hasVertexProgram()) {
        Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params = pass->getVertexProgramParameters();
        if (!params.isNull()) {