Ejemplo n.º 1
Ogre::Mesh* EC_Mesh::PrepareMesh(const std::string& mesh_name, bool clone)
    if (!ViewEnabled())
        return 0;
    if (renderer_.expired())
        return 0;
    RendererPtr renderer = renderer_.lock();   
    Ogre::MeshManager& mesh_mgr = Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton();
    Ogre::MeshPtr mesh = mesh_mgr.getByName(SanitateAssetIdForOgre(mesh_name));
    // For local meshes, mesh will not get automatically loaded until used in an entity. Load now if necessary
    if (mesh.isNull())
            mesh_mgr.load(mesh_name, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
            mesh = mesh_mgr.getByName(mesh_name);
        catch (Ogre::Exception& e)
            LogError("Could not load mesh " + mesh_name + ": " + std::string(e.what()));
            return 0;
    // If mesh is still null, must abort
    if (mesh.isNull())
        LogError("Mesh " + mesh_name + " does not exist");
        return 0;
    if (clone)
            mesh = mesh->clone(renderer->GetUniqueObjectName("EC_Mesh_clone"));
            cloned_mesh_name_ = mesh->getName();
        catch (Ogre::Exception& e)
            LogError("Could not clone mesh " + mesh_name + ":" + std::string(e.what()));
            return 0;
    if (mesh->hasSkeleton())
        Ogre::SkeletonPtr skeleton = Ogre::SkeletonManager::getSingleton().getByName(mesh->getSkeletonName());
        if (skeleton.isNull() || skeleton->getNumBones() == 0)
            LogDebug("Mesh " + mesh_name + " has a skeleton with 0 bones. Disabling the skeleton.");
    return mesh.get();
Ejemplo n.º 2
    AFile::addTo( Ogre::SkeletonPtr skeleton, const String& name ) const
        if( skeleton->hasAnimation( name) ) return;

        Ogre::Real length( ( m_frames.size() - 1 ) * FRAME_DURATION );
        Ogre::Animation *anim( skeleton->createAnimation(name, length ));
        uint16 track_handle( 0 );
        Ogre::Bone* bone( skeleton->getBone( "root" ) );
        Ogre::NodeAnimationTrack* track;
        track = anim->createNodeTrack( track_handle++, bone );
        Ogre::Real time;
        size_t index( 0 );
        for( FrameList::const_iterator frame( m_frames.begin())
            ;frame != m_frames.end(); ++frame )
            time = (index++) * FRAME_DURATION;
            Ogre::TransformKeyFrame* key_frame( track->createNodeKeyFrame( time ) );
            key_frame->setTranslate( frame->root_translation );
            setFrameRotation( key_frame, frame->root_rotation );
        for( uint32 i(0); i < m_bone_count; ++i )
            if (i + 1 >= skeleton->getNumBones())
                // TODO: Figure out why this happens/fix it
                LOG_ERROR("Bone " + std::to_string(i + 1) + "  is out of bounds " + std::to_string(skeleton->getNumBones()) + " for: " + name + " in: " + skeleton->getName());
                bone = skeleton->getBone(i + 1);
                track = anim->createNodeTrack(track_handle++, bone);
                time = 0;
                for (FrameList::const_iterator frame(m_frames.begin())
                    ; frame != m_frames.end(); ++frame)
                    const Ogre::Vector3& rot(frame->bone_rotations[i]);
                    Ogre::TransformKeyFrame* key_frame(track->createNodeKeyFrame(time));
                    setFrameRotation(key_frame, rot);
                    time += FRAME_DURATION;