Ejemplo n.º 1
void OperationItemSupplier::trimExcess(bool zero_or_minimum) const
  // This method can only trim operations not loading a resource
  if (getLoads().begin() != getLoads().end())

  for (Operation::flowlist::const_iterator fliter = getFlows().begin();
    fliter != getFlows().end(); ++fliter)
    if (fliter->getQuantity() <= 0)
      // Strange, shouldn't really happen
    FlowPlan* candidate = nullptr;
    double curmin = 0;
    double oh = 0;
    double excess_min = DBL_MAX;

    for (Buffer::flowplanlist::const_iterator flplniter = fliter->getBuffer()->getFlowPlans().begin();
      flplniter != fliter->getBuffer()->getFlowPlans().end();
      // For any operationplan we get the onhand when its successor
      // replenishment arrives. If that onhand is higher than the minimum
      // onhand value we can resize it.
      // This is only valid in unconstrained plans and when there are
      // no upstream activities.
      if (flplniter->getEventType() == 3 && zero_or_minimum)
        curmin = flplniter->getMin();
      else if (flplniter->getEventType() == 1)
        const FlowPlan* flpln = static_cast<const FlowPlan*>(&*flplniter);
        if (oh - curmin < excess_min)
          excess_min = oh - curmin;
          if (excess_min < 0)
            excess_min = 0;
        if (flpln->getQuantity() > 0 && !flpln->getOperationPlan()->getLocked() && (!candidate || candidate->getDate() != flpln->getDate()))
          if (candidate
            && excess_min > ROUNDING_ERROR
            && candidate->getQuantity() > excess_min + ROUNDING_ERROR
            && candidate->getQuantity() > getSizeMinimum() + ROUNDING_ERROR
            // This candidate can now be resized
            candidate->setQuantity(candidate->getQuantity() - excess_min, false);
            candidate = nullptr;
          else if (flpln->getOperation() == this)
            candidate = const_cast<FlowPlan*>(flpln);
            candidate = nullptr;
          excess_min = DBL_MAX;
      oh = flplniter->getOnhand();
    if (candidate
      && excess_min > ROUNDING_ERROR
      && candidate->getQuantity() > excess_min + ROUNDING_ERROR
      && candidate->getQuantity() > getSizeMinimum() + ROUNDING_ERROR
      // Resize the last candidate at the end of the horizon
      candidate->setQuantity(candidate->getQuantity() - excess_min, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
extern "C" PyObject* OperationItemDistribution::createOrder(
  PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict
  // Parse the Python arguments
  PyObject* pydest = NULL;
  unsigned long id = 0;
  const char* ref = NULL;
  PyObject* pyitem = NULL;
  PyObject* pyorigin = NULL;
  double qty = 0;
  PyObject* pystart = NULL;
  PyObject* pyend = NULL;
  int consume = 1;
  const char* status = NULL;
  const char* source = NULL;
  static const char *kwlist[] = {
    "destination", "id", "reference", "item", "origin", "quantity", "start",
    "end", "consume_material", "status", "source", NULL
  int ok = PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(
    args, kwdict, "|OkzOOdOOpzz:createOrder", const_cast<char**>(kwlist),
    &pydest, &id, &ref, &pyitem, &pyorigin, &qty, &pystart, &pyend,
    &consume, &status, &source
  if (!ok)
    return NULL;
  Date start = pystart ? PythonData(pystart).getDate() : Date::infinitePast;
  Date end = pyend ? PythonData(pyend).getDate() : Date::infinitePast;

  // Validate all arguments
  if (!pydest || !pyitem)
    PyErr_SetString(PythonDataException, "item and destination arguments are mandatory");
    return NULL;
  PythonData dest_tmp(pydest);
  if (!dest_tmp.check(Location::metadata))
    PyErr_SetString(PythonDataException, "destination argument must be of type location");
    return NULL;
  PythonData item_tmp(pyitem);
  if (!item_tmp.check(Item::metadata))
    PyErr_SetString(PythonDataException, "item argument must be of type item");
    return NULL;
  PythonData origin_tmp(pyorigin);
  if (pyorigin && !origin_tmp.check(Location::metadata))
    PyErr_SetString(PythonDataException, "origin argument must be of type location");
    return NULL;
  Item *item = static_cast<Item*>(item_tmp.getObject());
  Location *dest = static_cast<Location*>(dest_tmp.getObject());
  Location *origin = pyorigin ? static_cast<Location*>(origin_tmp.getObject()) : NULL;

  // Find or create the destination buffer.
  Buffer* destbuffer = NULL;
  for (Buffer::iterator bufiter = Buffer::begin(); bufiter != Buffer::end(); ++bufiter)
    if (bufiter->getLocation() == dest && bufiter->getItem() == item)
      if (destbuffer)
        stringstream o;
        o << "Multiple buffers found for item '" << item << "'' and location'" << dest << "'";
        throw DataException(o.str());
      destbuffer = &*bufiter;
  if (!destbuffer)
    // Create the destination buffer
    destbuffer = new BufferDefault();
    stringstream o;
    o << item << " @ " << dest;

  // Build the producing operation for this buffer.

  // Look for a matching operation replenishing this buffer.
  Operation *oper = NULL;
  for (Buffer::flowlist::const_iterator flowiter = destbuffer->getFlows().begin();
    flowiter != destbuffer->getFlows().end() && !oper; ++flowiter)
    if (flowiter->getOperation()->getType() != *OperationItemDistribution::metadata
      || flowiter->getQuantity() <= 0)
    OperationItemDistribution* opitemdist = static_cast<OperationItemDistribution*>(flowiter->getOperation());
    if (origin)
      // Origin must match as well
      for (Operation::flowlist::const_iterator fl = opitemdist->getFlows().begin();
          fl != opitemdist->getFlows().end(); ++ fl)
        if (fl->getQuantity() < 0 && fl->getBuffer()->getLocation()->isMemberOf(origin))
          oper = opitemdist;
      oper = opitemdist;

  // No matching operation is found.
  if (!oper)
    // We'll create one now, but that requires that we have an origin defined.
    if (!origin)
      throw DataException("Origin location is needed on this distribution order");
    Buffer* originbuffer = NULL;
    for (Buffer::iterator bufiter = Buffer::begin(); bufiter != Buffer::end(); ++bufiter)
      if (bufiter->getLocation() == origin && bufiter->getItem() == item)
        if (originbuffer)
          stringstream o;
          o << "Multiple buffers found for item '" << item << "'' and location'" << dest << "'";
          throw DataException(o.str());
        originbuffer = &*bufiter;
    if (!originbuffer)
      // Create the origin buffer
      originbuffer = new BufferDefault();
      stringstream o;
      o << item << " @ " << origin;
    // Note: We know that we need to create a new one. An existing one would
    // have created an operation on the buffer already.
    ItemDistribution *itemdist = new ItemDistribution();
    oper = new OperationItemDistribution(itemdist, originbuffer, destbuffer);
    new ProblemInvalidData(oper, "Distribution orders on unauthorized lanes", "operation",
      Date::infinitePast, Date::infiniteFuture, 1);

  // Finally, create the operationplan
  OperationPlan *opplan = oper->createOperationPlan(qty, start, end, NULL, NULL, 0, false);
  if (id)
  if (status)
  if (ref)
  if (!consume)

  // Return result
  return opplan;