Ejemplo n.º 1
    Py::Object project(const Py::Tuple& args)
        PyObject *pcObjShape;
        PyObject *pcObjDir=0;

        if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args.ptr(), "O!|O!",
            &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &pcObjShape,
            &(Base::VectorPy::Type), &pcObjDir))
            throw Py::Exception();

        Part::TopoShapePy* pShape = static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(pcObjShape);
        Base::Vector3d Vector(0,0,1);
        if (pcObjDir)
            Vector = *static_cast<Base::VectorPy*>(pcObjDir)->getVectorPtr();

        ProjectionAlgos Alg(pShape->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape(),Vector);

        Py::List list;
        list.append(Py::Object(new Part::TopoShapePy(new Part::TopoShape(Alg.V)) , true));
        list.append(Py::Object(new Part::TopoShapePy(new Part::TopoShape(Alg.V1)), true));
        list.append(Py::Object(new Part::TopoShapePy(new Part::TopoShape(Alg.H)) , true));
        list.append(Py::Object(new Part::TopoShapePy(new Part::TopoShape(Alg.H1)), true));

        return list;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static PyObject *                        
loftOnCurve(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    Part::TopoShapePy   *pcObject;
    PyObject *pcTopoObj,*pcListObj;
    float x=0.0f,y=0.0f,z=1.0f,size = 0.1f;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O(fff)f", &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &pcTopoObj,&pcListObj,&x,&y,&z,&size))     // convert args: Python->C 
//  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!", &(App::TopoShapePy::Type), &pcTopoObj,&PyList_Type,&pcListObj,x,y,z,size))     // convert args: Python->C 
        return NULL;                             // NULL triggers exception 

    pcObject = (Part::TopoShapePy*)pcTopoObj;
    MeshCore::MeshKernel M;

    std::vector<Base::Vector3f> poly;

    if (!PyList_Check(pcListObj))
        Py_Error(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");
    int nSize = PyList_Size(pcListObj);
    for (int i=0; i<nSize;++i)
        PyObject* item = PyList_GetItem(pcListObj, i);
        if (!PyTuple_Check(item))
            Py_Error(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");
        int nTSize = PyTuple_Size(item);
        if(nTSize != 2 && nTSize != 3)
            Py_Error(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");

        Base::Vector3f vec(0,0,0);

        for(int l = 0; l < nTSize;l++)
            PyObject* item2 = PyTuple_GetItem(item, l);
            if (!PyFloat_Check(item2))
                Py_Error(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");
            vec[l] = (float)PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(item2);
    PY_TRY {
        TopoDS_Shape aShape = pcObject->getTopoShapePtr()->_Shape;
        // use the MeshAlgos 

    } PY_CATCH;

    return new Mesh::MeshPy(new Mesh::MeshObject(M));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    Py::Object loftOnCurve(const Py::Tuple& args)
        Part::TopoShapePy   *pcObject;
        PyObject *pcTopoObj,*pcListObj;
        float x=0.0f,y=0.0f,z=1.0f,size = 0.1f;

        if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args.ptr(), "O!O(fff)f", &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &pcTopoObj,&pcListObj,&x,&y,&z,&size))
//      if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!", &(App::TopoShapePy::Type), &pcTopoObj,&PyList_Type,&pcListObj,x,y,z,size))
            throw Py::Exception();

        pcObject = static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(pcTopoObj);
        MeshCore::MeshKernel M;

        std::vector<Base::Vector3f> poly;

        if (!PyList_Check(pcListObj))
            throw Py::Exception(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");

        int nSize = PyList_Size(pcListObj);
        for (int i=0; i<nSize;++i) {
            PyObject* item = PyList_GetItem(pcListObj, i);
            if (!PyTuple_Check(item))
                throw Py::Exception(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");

            int nTSize = PyTuple_Size(item);
            if (nTSize != 2 && nTSize != 3)
                throw Py::Exception(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");

            Base::Vector3f vec(0,0,0);

            for(int l = 0; l < nTSize;l++) {
                PyObject* item2 = PyTuple_GetItem(item, l);
                if (!PyFloat_Check(item2))
                    throw Py::Exception(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");
                vec[l] = (float)PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(item2);

        TopoDS_Shape aShape = pcObject->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape();
        // use the MeshAlgos 
        return Py::asObject(new Mesh::MeshPy(new Mesh::MeshObject(M)));