Ejemplo n.º 1
void MongoDBTest::testInsertRequest()
	if (!_connected)
		std::cout << "Not connected, test skipped." << std::endl;

	Poco::MongoDB::Document::Ptr player = new Poco::MongoDB::Document();
	player->add("lastname", std::string("Braem"));
	player->add("firstname", std::string("Franky"));

	Poco::DateTime birthdate;
	birthdate.assign(1969, 3, 9);
	player->add("birthdate", birthdate.timestamp());

	player->add("start", 1993);
	player->add("active", false);

	Poco::DateTime now;
	std::cout << now.day() << " " << now.hour() << ":" << now.minute() << ":" << now.second() << std::endl;
	player->add("lastupdated", now.timestamp());

	player->add("unknown", NullValue());

	Poco::MongoDB::InsertRequest request("team.players");
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Utility::dateTimeSync(SQL_TIMESTAMP_STRUCT& ts, const Poco::DateTime& dt)
	ts.year = dt.year();
	ts.month = dt.month();
	ts.day = dt.day();
	ts.hour = dt.hour();
	ts.minute = dt.minute();
	ts.second = dt.second();
	// Fraction support is limited to milliseconds due to MS SQL Server limitation
	// see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/263872
	ts.fraction = (dt.millisecond() * 1000000);// + (dt.microsecond() * 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    CThostFtdcDepthMarketDataField* Exchange::GenTick()
        Poco::DateTime now;
        string date = Poco::format("%02d%02d%02d", now.year(), now.month(), now.day());
        string time = Poco::format("%02d:%02d:%02d", now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second());

        strcpy(tick->TradingDay, date.c_str());
        strcpy(tick->UpdateTime, time.c_str());
        strcpy(tick->InstrumentID, INSTRUMENT);
        tick->UpdateMillisec = now.millisecond();
        tick->LastPrice = RandomWalk(tick->LastPrice);
        tick->Volume = tick->Volume;
        return tick;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    char* prefix(char* buffer, const std::size_t len, const char* level)
        const char *threadName = Util::getThreadName();
#ifdef __linux
        const long osTid = Util::getThreadId();
#elif defined IOS
        const auto osTid = pthread_mach_thread_np(pthread_self());
        Poco::DateTime time;
        snprintf(buffer, len, "%s-%.05lu %.4u-%.2u-%.2u %.2u:%.2u:%.2u.%.6u [ %s ] %s  ",
                    (Source.getInited() ? Source.getId().c_str() : "<shutdown>"),
                    time.year(), time.month(), time.day(),
                    time.hour(), time.minute(), time.second(),
                    time.millisecond() * 1000 + time.microsecond(),
                    threadName, level);
        return buffer;
Ejemplo n.º 5
//	DisplayDateTime
void DisplayDateTime(const Poco::DateTime& dateTime, ScopedLogMessage& msg)
	msg.Message(Poco::format("            year = %d", dateTime.year()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("           month = %d\t(1 to 12)", dateTime.month()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("             day = %d\t(1 to 31)", dateTime.day()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("            hour = %d\t(0 to 23)", dateTime.hour()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("          minute = %d\t(0 to 59)", dateTime.minute()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("          second = %d\t(0 to 59)", dateTime.second()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("     millisecond = %d\t(0 to 999)", dateTime.millisecond()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("     microsecond = %d\t(0 to 999)", dateTime.microsecond()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("            isAM = %s\t(true or false)", std::string(dateTime.isAM() ? "true":"false")));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("            isPM = %s\t(true or false)", std::string(dateTime.isPM() ? "true":"false")));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("      isLeapYear = %s\t(true or false)", std::string(Poco::DateTime::isLeapYear(dateTime.year()) ? "true":"false")));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("        hourAMPM = %d\t(0 to 12)", dateTime.hourAMPM()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("       dayOfWeek = %d\t(0 to 6,   0: Sunday)", dateTime.dayOfWeek()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("       dayOfYear = %d\t(1 to 366, 1: January 1)", dateTime.dayOfYear()));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("     daysOfMonth = %d\t(1 to 366, 1: January 1)", Poco::DateTime::daysOfMonth(dateTime.year(), dateTime.month())));
	msg.Message(Poco::format("            week = %d\t(0 to 53,  1: the week containing January 4)", dateTime.week()));

Ejemplo n.º 6
void ofApp::updateSunPosition(){
    Poco::DateTime now; //UTC
	ofLogVerbose() << "updating sun position :";
	ofLogVerbose() << now.day() << " " << now.month() << " " << now.year() << " " << now.hour() << " " << now.minute();

	cTime ctime;
	ctime.iYear = now.year();
	ctime.iMonth = now.month();
	ctime.iDay = now.day();
	ctime.dHours = now.hour(); //UTC
	ctime.dMinutes = now.minute();
	ctime.dSeconds = now.second();

	cLocation location;
	location.dLatitude = Manager.myCoordinates.getLatitude();
	location.dLongitude = Manager.myCoordinates.getLongitude();
	ofVec2f data = sunpos(ctime, location, &sunCalc);

    double angle = 15 * (ctime.dHours + ctime.dMinutes/60);  //convert time to angle
    sunCoordinates.x = ofMap(angle, 0, 360, 180, -180);      //map angle to longitude
	sunCoordinates.y =  -data.y *180/PI;	                 //inclination of earth - convert from rad to degrees and invert

	ofLogVerbose() << "sun coordinates: longitude " << sunCoordinates.x << " / latitude:" << sunCoordinates.y;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void SyslogParser::parseBSD(const std::string& msg, RemoteSyslogChannel::Severity severity, RemoteSyslogChannel::Facility fac, std::size_t& pos)
	Poco::Message::Priority prio = convert(severity);
	// rest of the unparsed header is:
	// "%b %f %H:%M:%S" SP hostname|ipaddress
	// detect three spaces
	int spaceCnt = 0;
	std::size_t start = pos;
	while (spaceCnt < 3 && pos < msg.size())
		if (msg[pos] == ' ')
			if (spaceCnt == 1)
				// size must be 3 chars for month
				if (pos - start != 3)
					// probably a shortened time value, or the hostname
					// assume hostName
					Poco::Message logEntry(msg.substr(start, pos-start), msg.substr(pos+1), prio);
			else if (spaceCnt == 2)
				// a day value!
				if (!(std::isdigit(msg[pos-1]) && (std::isdigit(msg[pos-2]) || std::isspace(msg[pos-2]))))
					// assume the next field is a hostname
					spaceCnt = 3;
			if (pos + 1 < msg.size() && msg[pos+1] == ' ')
				// we have two spaces when the day value is smaller than 10!
				++pos; // skip one
	std::string timeStr(msg.substr(start, pos-start-1));
	int tzd(0);
	Poco::DateTime date;
	int year = date.year(); // year is not included, use the current one
	bool hasDate = Poco::DateTimeParser::tryParse(RemoteSyslogChannel::BSD_TIMEFORMAT, timeStr, date, tzd);
	if (hasDate)
		int m = date.month();
		int d = date.day();
		int h = date.hour();
		int min = date.minute();
		int sec = date.second();
		date = Poco::DateTime(year, m, d, h, min, sec);
	// next entry is host SP
	std::string hostName(parseUntilSpace(msg, pos));

	// TAG: at most 32 alphanumeric chars, ANY non alphannumeric indicates start of message content
	// ignore: treat everything as content
	std::string message(msg.substr(pos));
	pos = msg.size();
	Poco::Message logEntry(hostName, message, prio);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void CalendarWidget::draw()
    ofSetColor(0, 200);


    std::string formatStringHourMin = "%h:%M %A";
    std::string formatStringHour = "%h:%M";
    std::string formatStringHourMinSec = "%h:%M:%S %A";

    Poco::LocalDateTime minTime(_windowInterval.getStart());
    Poco::LocalDateTime maxTime(_windowInterval.getEnd());

    Poco::LocalDateTime startQuarter = Utils::ceiling(minTime, Poco::Timespan::MINUTES * 5);


    std::vector<Poco::Timestamp> hours = Utils::getInstances(startQuarter.utc().timestamp(),
                                                             Period(Period::MINUTE, 5));

    std::vector<Poco::Timestamp>::const_iterator hourIter = hours.begin();

    while (hourIter != hours.end())
        Poco::DateTime time = Poco::DateTime(*hourIter);

        int y = _window.getHeight() * _windowInterval.map(time.timestamp());

        int minute = time.minute();

        float alpha = ofMap(std::abs(_windowInterval.map(time.timestamp()) - 0.5), 0, .2, .25, 1, true);

        if (0 == minute)
            ofSetColor(255, 80 * alpha);
            ofDrawLine(0, y, _window.getWidth(), y);
        else if (0 == minute % 15)
            ofSetColor(255, 255, 0, 80 * alpha);
            ofDrawLine(0, y, _window.getWidth(), y);
            ofSetColor(127, 80 * alpha);
            ofDrawLine(0, y, _window.getWidth(), y);

        std::string label = Utils::format(Poco::LocalDateTime(time), formatStringHourMinSec);

        int width = _font.stringWidth(label);
        int height = _font.stringHeight(label);

        if (y - height - 4 > 0)
            _font.drawString(label, _window.getWidth() - width - 4, y - 4);


    int y = _window.getHeight() * _windowInterval.map(_now);

    ofDrawLine(0, y, _window.getWidth(), y);

    std::string label = Utils::format(Poco::LocalDateTime(_now), formatStringHourMinSec);

    int width = _font.stringWidth(label);

    _font.drawString(label, _window.getWidth() - width - 4, y - 4);

    std::sort(_currentEvents.begin(), _currentEvents.end());

    ICalendar::EventInstances::const_iterator iter = _currentEvents.begin();

    int x = 0;

    while (iter != _currentEvents.end())
        const ICalendarEvent& event = (*iter).getEvent();
        const Interval& interval = (*iter).getInterval();

        if (_windowInterval.intersects(interval))
            int y0 = _window.getHeight() * _windowInterval.map(interval.getStart());
            int y1 = _window.getHeight() * _windowInterval.map(interval.getEnd());

            ofSetColor(255, 50);

            if (interval.contains(_now))
                ofSetColor(255, 255, 0, 50);
                ofSetColor(255, 50);

            ofDrawRectRounded(x, y0, 80, y1 - y0, 5);

            ofDrawRectRounded(x, y0, 80, y1 - y0, 5);

            ofDrawRectRounded(x-1, y0-1, 80+2, y1 - y0+2, 5);

            std::string startLabel = Utils::format(Poco::LocalDateTime(interval.getStart()), formatStringHour);
            std::string endLabel = Utils::format(Poco::LocalDateTime(interval.getEnd()), formatStringHour);

            _font.drawString(event.getSummary(), x + 5, y0 + 10);
            _font.drawString(startLabel,         x + 5, y0 + 20);
            _font.drawString(endLabel,           x + 5, y0 + 30);
            x+= 84;
            if (x > _window.getWidth() - 160) x = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	void convert(const std::string& path)
		Poco::Path p(path);
		Poco::Path op(path);
		if (_output.empty())
			op = _output;
		if (_contentType.empty())
			_contentType = extToContentType(p.getExtension());
		if (_clazz.empty())
			_clazz = p.getBaseName();
		Poco::FileInputStream istr(path);
		Poco::FileOutputStream ostr(op.toString());
		ostr << "<%@ page\n"
		     << "    contentType=\"" << _contentType << "\"\n"
		     << "    form=\"false\"\n"
		     << "    namespace=\"" << _namespace << "\"\n"
		     << "    class=\"" << _clazz << "\"\n"
		     << "    precondition=\"checkModified(request)\"%><%@"
		     << "    impl include=\"Poco/DateTime.h\"\n"
		     << "         include=\"Poco/DateTimeParser.h\"\n"
		     << "         include=\"Poco/DateTimeFormatter.h\"\n"
		     << "         include=\"Poco/DateTimeFormat.h\"%><%!\n\n";
		ostr << "// " << path << "\n";
		ostr << "static const unsigned char data[] = {\n\t";
		int ch = istr.get();
		int pos = 0;
		while (ch != -1)
			ostr << "0x" << NumberFormatter::formatHex(ch, 2) << ", ";
			if (pos++ == 16)
				ostr << "\n\t";
				pos = 0;
			ch = istr.get();
		Poco::File f(path);
		Poco::DateTime lm = f.getLastModified();
		ostr << "\n};\n\n\n";
		ostr << "static bool checkModified(Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest& request)\n"
		     << "{\n"
		     << "\tPoco::DateTime modified(" << lm.year() << ", " << lm.month() << ", " << lm.day() << ", " << lm.hour() << ", " << lm.minute() << ", " << lm.second() << ");\n"
		     << "\trequest.response().setChunkedTransferEncoding(false);\n"
		     << "\trequest.response().set(\"Last-Modified\", Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(modified, Poco::DateTimeFormat::HTTP_FORMAT));\n"
		     << "\tif (request.has(\"If-Modified-Since\"))\n"
		     << "\t{\n"
		     << "\t\tPoco::DateTime modifiedSince;\n"
		     << "\t\tint tzd;\n"
		     << "\t\tPoco::DateTimeParser::parse(request.get(\"If-Modified-Since\"), modifiedSince, tzd);\n"
		     << "\t\tif (modified <= modifiedSince)\n"
		     << "\t\t{\n"
		     << "\t\t\trequest.response().setContentLength(0);\n"
		     << "\t\t\trequest.response().setStatusAndReason(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED);\n"
		     << "\t\t\trequest.response().send();\n"
		     << "\t\t\treturn false;\n"
		     << "\t\t}\n"
		     << "\t}\n"
		     << "\trequest.response().setContentLength(static_cast<int>(sizeof(data)));\n"
		     << "\treturn true;\n"
		     << "}\n"
			 << "%><%\n"
		     << "\tresponseStream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), sizeof(data));\n"
		     << "%>";