// Checks if there are two disconnected linestrings which both have the 2 coplanar facets
bool joinCreatesNoHole (Polyhedron::Halfedge_handle& heH) {
	pointVector otherFacetPnts = get_facetPoints(heH);		// Get points of other facet

	Polyhedron::Halfedge_around_facet_circulator hafIt = heH->opposite()->facet_begin();
	bool nextNotBorder	= false;				// starts with heH so false
	bool difFound		= false;				// if previous was not border
	bool refound		= false;				// if two border sections found with not border in between
	bool canJoinFacets	= true;					// output
	do {
		if (difFound ^ nextNotBorder) {			// heH->facet() != hafIt->opposite()->facet()) {
			if (refound) {
				canJoinFacets=false;			//if refound twice -> discconnected borders
			refound		=  difFound;			// Set refound true
			difFound	= !difFound;			// Flip difFound
		nextNotBorder = heH->facet() != hafIt->next()->opposite()->facet();
		if (difFound && nextNotBorder &&		// if current and next are not border and point is on other facet
			std::find(otherFacetPnts.begin(), otherFacetPnts.end(),hafIt->vertex()->point())!=otherFacetPnts.end()) {
				canJoinFacets=false;			// Point is touching
	} while (++hafIt != heH->opposite()->facet_begin());
	return canJoinFacets;