Ejemplo n.º 1
ServerRequestInterceptor::receive_request (
    PortableInterceptor::ServerRequestInfo_ptr ri)
  // If no response is expected, then we're invoking the oneway
  // shutdown operation.  Don't bother displaying output a second
  // time.
  CORBA::Boolean response_expected =
    ri->response_expected ();

  if (!response_expected)

  PortableServer::POA_var poa;

      poa = this->poa_current_->get_POA ();
  catch (const PortableServer::Current::NoContext& ex)
      ex._tao_print_exception ("ServerRequestInterceptor::receive_request");

      throw CORBA::INTERNAL ();

  PortableServer::POA_var parent_poa =
    poa->the_parent ();

  // Make sure there is more than one POA in the POA hierarchy since
  // the servant should have been registered with a child POA, not the
  // RootPOA.
  ACE_ASSERT (!CORBA::is_nil (parent_poa.in ()));

  PortableInterceptor::AdapterName_var name =
    ri->adapter_name ();

              "POA Hierarchy:\n"

  const CORBA::ULong len = name->length ();

  // Make sure there is more than one AdapterName in the AdapterName
  // sequence since the servant should have been registered with a
  // child POA, not the RootPOA.
  ACE_ASSERT (len > 1);

  for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      for (CORBA::ULong j = 0; j < i; ++j)
        ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "\t"));

                  static_cast<char const*>(name[i])));


  // Make sure the name of the RootPOA is the first in the AdapterName
  // sequence.
  ACE_ASSERT (ACE_OS::strcmp ("RootPOA", name[(CORBA::ULong) 0]) == 0);

  CORBA::String_var orb_id = ri->orb_id ();

  ACE_ASSERT (ACE_OS::strcmp (this->orb_id_.in (), orb_id.in ()) == 0);

  CORBA::String_var server_id = ri->server_id ();

  ACE_ASSERT (ACE_OS::strcmp (server_id.in (), "ORT_test_server") == 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
ReplicaController::send_reply (
  PortableInterceptor::ServerRequestInfo_ptr ri)
  FT::FTRequestServiceContext_var ftr (
    extract_context (ri));

              "(%P|%t) Sending reply for %s with rid %i\n",
              ftr->client_id.in (),

  // Prepare reply for logging.

  CORBA::Any_var result =
    ri->result ();

  TAO_OutputCDR cdr;
  result->impl ()->marshal_value (cdr);

  Dynamic::ParameterList_var pl =
    ri->arguments ();

  CORBA::ULong len = pl->length ();

  for (CORBA::ULong index = 0; index != len ; ++index)
    //@@ No chance for PARAM_OUT
    if ((*pl)[index].mode == CORBA::PARAM_INOUT)
      (*pl)[index].argument.impl ()->marshal_value (cdr);

  CORBA::OctetSeq_var reply;

  ACE_NEW (reply.out (), CORBA::OctetSeq (cdr.total_length ()));

  reply->length (cdr.total_length ());

  CORBA::Octet* buf = reply->get_buffer ();

  // @@ What if this throws an exception??  We don't have any way to
  // check whether this succeeded
  for (ACE_Message_Block const* mb = cdr.begin ();
       mb != 0;
       mb = mb->cont ())
    ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, mb->rd_ptr (), mb->length ());
    buf += mb->length ();

  // Logging the reply and state update.

  // First send message to members.
    // Extract state update.

    CORBA::OctetSeq_var oid = ri->object_id ();
    PortableInterceptor::AdapterName_var an = ri->adapter_name ();

    CORBA::Any_var state = ri->get_slot (state_slot_id ());

    CORBA::TypeCode_var tc = state->type ();

    if (tc->kind () == CORBA::tk_null)
      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Slot update is void\n"));

      PortableServer::POA_var poa = resolve_poa (an.in ());

      PortableServer::ServantBase_var servant =
        poa->id_to_servant (oid.in ());

      Checkpointable* target =
        dynamic_cast<Checkpointable*> (servant.in ());

      if (target)
        CORBA::Any_var tmp = target->get_state ();

        if (tmp.ptr () != 0) state = tmp._retn ();

    TAO_OutputCDR cdr;

    cdr << oid.in ();
    cdr << an.in ();
    cdr << ftr->client_id.in ();
    cdr << ftr->retention_id;
    cdr << reply.in ();
    cdr << state.in ();

    size_t size = cdr.total_length ();

    CORBA::OctetSeq_var msg;

    ACE_NEW (msg.out (), CORBA::OctetSeq (size));

    msg->length (size);

      CORBA::Octet* buf = msg->get_buffer ();

      for (ACE_Message_Block const* mb = cdr.begin ();
           mb != 0;
           mb = mb->cont ())
        ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, mb->rd_ptr (), mb->length ());
        buf += mb->length ();

    CORBA::Octet* buf = msg->get_buffer ();

    // Crash point 1.
    if (crash_point == 1 && ftr->retention_id > 2) ACE_OS::exit (1);

      while (true)
          group_->send (buf, size);
          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Sent log record of length %i\n", size));
        catch (ACE_TMCast::Group::Aborted const&)
          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Retrying to send log record.\n"));
    catch (ACE_TMCast::Group::Failed const&)
                  "Group failure. Perhaps, I am alone in the group.\n"));

  // Now perform local logging.
  RecordId rid (ftr->client_id.in (), ftr->retention_id);

  // This is slow but eh-safe ;-).
  log_.insert (rid, reply);

  // Crash point 2.
  if (crash_point == 2 && ftr->retention_id > 2) ACE_OS::exit (1);