void ViewProviderFemMeshPy::setNodeColor(Py::Dict arg)
    long size = arg.size();
    if(size == 0)
    else {
        Base::TimeInfo Start;
        Base::Console().Log("Start: ViewProviderFemMeshPy::setNodeColor() =================================\n");
        //std::map<long,App::Color> NodeColorMap;

        //for( Py::Dict::iterator it = arg.begin(); it!= arg.end();++it){
        //    Py::Int id((*it).first);
        //    Py::Tuple color((*it).second);
        //    NodeColorMap[id] = App::Color(Py::Float(color[0]),Py::Float(color[1]),Py::Float(color[2]),0);
        std::vector<long> NodeIds(size);
        std::vector<App::Color> NodeColors(size);

        long i = 0;
        for( Py::Dict::iterator it = arg.begin(); it!= arg.end(); ++it,i++) {
            Py::Int id((*it).first);
            Py::Tuple color((*it).second);
            NodeIds[i]    = id;
            NodeColors[i] = App::Color(Py::Float(color[0]),Py::Float(color[1]),Py::Float(color[2]),0);
        Base::Console().Log("    %f: Start ViewProviderFemMeshPy::setNodeColor() call \n",Base::TimeInfo::diffTimeF(Start,Base::TimeInfo()));

        Base::Console().Log("    %f: Finish ViewProviderFemMeshPy::setNodeColor() call \n",Base::TimeInfo::diffTimeF(Start,Base::TimeInfo()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
MapType CyPy_Element::dictAsElement(const Py::Dict& dict)
    MapType map;
    for (auto key : dict.keys()) {
        map.emplace(key.str(), asElement(dict.getItem(key)));
    return map;
Ejemplo n.º 3
PyObject* PythonSecurity::compile_restricted(const QString& source, const QString& filename, const QString& mode)
    if(! m_pymodule)
        initRestrictedPython(); // throws exception if failed

    try {
        Py::Dict mainmoduledict = ((PythonInterpreter*)m_interpreter)->mainModule()->getDict();

        PyObject* func = PyDict_GetItemString(m_pymodule->getDict().ptr(), "compile_restricted");
        if(! func)
            throw Kross::Api::Exception::Ptr( new Kross::Api::Exception(QString("No such function '%1'.").arg("compile_restricted")) );

        Py::Callable funcobject(func, true); // the funcobject takes care of freeing our func pyobject.

        if(! funcobject.isCallable())
            throw Kross::Api::Exception::Ptr( new Kross::Api::Exception(QString("Function '%1' is not callable.").arg("compile_restricted")) );

        Py::Tuple args(3);
        args[0] = Py::String(source.utf8());
        args[1] = Py::String(filename.utf8());
        args[2] = Py::String(mode.utf8());

        Py::Object result = funcobject.apply(args);

        PyObject* pycode = PyEval_EvalCode(
        if(! pycode)
            throw Py::Exception();

        Py::List ml = mainmoduledict;
        for(Py::List::size_type mi = 0; mi < ml.length(); ++mi) {
            krossdebug( QString("dir() = %1").arg( ml[mi].str().as_string().c_str() ) );
            //krossdebug( QString("dir().dir() = %1").arg( Py::Object(ml[mi]).dir().as_string().c_str() ) );

        Py::Object code(pycode);
        krossdebug( QString("%1 callable=%2").arg(code.as_string().c_str()).arg(PyCallable_Check(code.ptr())) );
        Py::List l = code.dir();
        for(Py::List::size_type i = 0; i < l.length(); ++i) {
            krossdebug( QString("dir() = %1").arg( l[i].str().as_string().c_str() ) );
            //krossdebug( QString("dir().dir() = %1").arg( Py::Object(l[i]).dir().as_string().c_str() ) );

        return pycode;
    catch(Py::Exception& e) { 
        QString err = Py::value(e).as_string().c_str();
        throw Kross::Api::Exception::Ptr( new Kross::Api::Exception(QString("Function '%1' failed with python exception: %2").arg("compile_restricted").arg(err) ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
Py::Object CyPy_Element::mapAsPyObject(const MapType& map, bool useNativePythonType)
    Py::Dict dict;
    for (auto& entry : map) {
        if (useNativePythonType) {
            dict.setItem(entry.first, CyPy_Element::asPyObject(entry.second, useNativePythonType));
        } else {
            dict.setItem(entry.first, CyPy_Element::wrap(entry.second));
    return dict;
Ejemplo n.º 5
PyObject* Application::sAddCommand(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject *args,PyObject * /*kwd*/)
    char*       pName;
    char*       pSource=0;
    PyObject*   pcCmdObj;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "sO|s", &pName,&pcCmdObj,&pSource))     // convert args: Python->C 
        return NULL;                    // NULL triggers exception 
#if 0
    std::string source = (pSource ? pSource : "");

    if (source.empty()) {
        try {
            Py::Module module(PyImport_ImportModule("inspect"),true);
            Py::Dict dict = module.getDict();
            Py::Callable call(dict.getItem("getsourcelines"));
            Py::Tuple arg(1);
            arg.setItem(0, Py::Object(pcCmdObj).getAttr("Activated"));
            Py::Tuple tuple(call.apply(arg));
            Py::List lines(tuple[0]);

            int pos=0;
            std::string code = (std::string)(Py::String(lines[1]));
            while (code[pos] == ' ' || code[pos] == '\t')
            for (Py::List::iterator it = lines.begin()+1; it != lines.end(); ++it) {
                Py::String str(*it);
                source += ((std::string)str).substr(pos);
        catch (Py::Exception& e) {

    Application::Instance->commandManager().addCommand(new PythonCommand(pName,pcCmdObj,source.c_str()));
    try {
		Application::Instance->commandManager().addCommand(new PythonCommand(pName,pcCmdObj,pSource));
    catch (const Base::Exception& e) {
        PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, e.what());
        return 0;
    catch (...) {
        PyErr_SetString(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError, "Unknown C++ exception raised in Application::sAddCommand()");
        return 0;
    return Py_None;
Py::Dict TopoShapeFacePy::getPrincipalProperties(void) const
    GProp_GProps props;
    BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(getTopoShapePtr()->getShape(), props);
    GProp_PrincipalProps pprops = props.PrincipalProperties();

    Py::Dict dict;
    dict.setItem("SymmetryAxis", Py::Boolean(pprops.HasSymmetryAxis() ? true : false));
    dict.setItem("SymmetryPoint", Py::Boolean(pprops.HasSymmetryPoint() ? true : false));
    Standard_Real lx,ly,lz;
    Py::Tuple tuple(3);
    tuple.setItem(0, Py::Float(lx));
    tuple.setItem(1, Py::Float(ly));
    tuple.setItem(2, Py::Float(lz));

    Standard_Real Rxx,Ryy,Rzz;
    Py::Tuple rog(3);
    rog.setItem(0, Py::Float(Rxx));
    rog.setItem(1, Py::Float(Ryy));
    rog.setItem(2, Py::Float(Rzz));
    return dict;
Ejemplo n.º 7
PyObject* Application::sSupportedLocales(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject *args)
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
        return NULL;

    TStringMap map = Translator::instance()->supportedLocales();
    Py::Dict dict;
    dict.setItem(Py::String("English"), Py::String("en"));
    for (const auto& it : map) {
        Py::String key(it.first);
        Py::String val(it.second);
        dict.setItem(key, val);
    return Py::new_reference_to(dict);
void ViewProviderFemMeshPy::setElementColor(Py::Dict arg)
    if(arg.size() == 0)
    else {
        std::map<long,App::Color> NodeColorMap;

        for( Py::Dict::iterator it = arg.begin(); it!= arg.end(); ++it) {
            Py::Int id((*it).first);
            Py::Tuple color((*it).second);
            NodeColorMap[id] = App::Color(Py::Float(color[0]),Py::Float(color[1]),Py::Float(color[2]),0);
void  ViewProviderFemMeshPy::setNodeDisplacement(Py::Dict arg)
    if(arg.size() == 0)
    else {
        std::map<long,Base::Vector3d> NodeDispMap;
        union PyType_Object pyType = {&(Base::VectorPy::Type)};
        Py::Type vType(pyType.o);

        for( Py::Dict::iterator it = arg.begin(); it!= arg.end(); ++it) {
            Py::Int id((*it).first);
            if ((*it).second.isType(vType)) {
                Py::Vector p((*it).second);
                NodeDispMap[id] = p.toVector();
Ejemplo n.º 10
MeshObject* MeshObject::createSphere(float radius, int sampling)
    // load the 'BuildRegularGeoms' module
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        Py::Module module(PyImport_ImportModule("BuildRegularGeoms"),true);
        Py::Dict dict = module.getDict();
        Py::Callable call(dict.getItem("Sphere"));
        Py::Tuple args(2);
        args.setItem(0, Py::Float(radius));
        args.setItem(1, Py::Int(sampling));
        Py::List list(call.apply(args));
        return createMeshFromList(list);
    catch (Py::Exception& e) {

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
//  DictWrapper
DictWrapper::DictWrapper( Py::Dict result_wrappers, const std::string &wrapper_name )
: m_wrapper_name( wrapper_name )
, m_have_wrapper( false )
, m_wrapper()
    if( result_wrappers.hasKey( wrapper_name ) )
        m_wrapper = result_wrappers[ wrapper_name ];
        m_have_wrapper = true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void PythonSecurity::initRestrictedPython()
    try {
        Py::Dict mainmoduledict = ((PythonInterpreter*)m_interpreter)->mainModule()->getDict();
        PyObject* pymodule = PyImport_ImportModuleEx(
            "RestrictedPython", // name of the module being imported (may be a dotted name)
            mainmoduledict.ptr(), // reference to the current global namespace
            mainmoduledict.ptr(), // reference to the local namespace
            0 // PyObject *fromlist
        if(! pymodule)
            throw Py::Exception();
        m_pymodule = new Py::Module(pymodule, true);

        PyObject* pyrun = PyRun_String(
            //"import os\n"
            //"import sys\n"
            "import __main__\n"
            "import PythonSecurity\n"
            "from RestrictedPython import compile_restricted, PrintCollector\n"
            "from RestrictedPython.Eval import RestrictionCapableEval\n"
            "from RestrictedPython.RCompile import RModule\n"

            "setattr(__main__, '_getattr_', PythonSecurity._getattr_)\n"
            "setattr(__main__, '_print_', PrintCollector)\n"
        if(! pyrun)
            throw Py::Exception();

        krossdebug("PythonSecurity::PythonSecurity SUCCESSFULLY LOADED");
    catch(Py::Exception& e) {
        QString err = Py::value(e).as_string().c_str();
        throw Kross::Api::Exception::Ptr( new Kross::Api::Exception(QString("Failed to initialize PythonSecurity module: %1").arg(err) ) );
Ejemplo n.º 13
  void copy(Py::Dict sourceRange, OutputIt targetIt)
    string key;
    string value;

    for (auto keyPy : sourceRange.keys()) {
      key = Py::String(keyPy);
      value = Py::String(sourceRange[keyPy]);
      *targetIt = {key, value};
Ejemplo n.º 14
MeshObject* MeshObject::createCube(float length, float width, float height)
    // load the 'BuildRegularGeoms' module
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        Py::Module module(PyImport_ImportModule("BuildRegularGeoms"),true);
        Py::Dict dict = module.getDict();
        Py::Callable call(dict.getItem("Cube"));
        Py::Tuple args(3);
        args.setItem(0, Py::Float(length));
        args.setItem(1, Py::Float(width));
        args.setItem(2, Py::Float(height));
        Py::List list(call.apply(args));
        return createMeshFromList(list);
    catch (Py::Exception& e) {

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
PyObject* Application::sGetExportType(PyObject * /*self*/, PyObject *args,PyObject * /*kwd*/)
    char*       psKey=0;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|s", &psKey))     // convert args: Python->C
        return NULL;                             // NULL triggers exception

    if (psKey) {
        Py::List list;
        std::vector<std::string> modules = GetApplication().getExportModules(psKey);
        for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = modules.begin(); it != modules.end(); ++it) {

        return Py::new_reference_to(list);
    else {
        Py::Dict dict;
        std::vector<std::string> types = GetApplication().getExportTypes();
        for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = types.begin(); it != types.end(); ++it) {
            std::vector<std::string> modules = GetApplication().getExportModules(it->c_str());
            if (modules.empty()) {
                dict.setItem(it->c_str(), Py::None());
            else if (modules.size() == 1) {
                dict.setItem(it->c_str(), Py::String(modules.front()));
            else {
                Py::List list;
                for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator jt = modules.begin(); jt != modules.end(); ++jt) {
                dict.setItem(it->c_str(), list);

        return Py::new_reference_to(dict);
Ejemplo n.º 16
PyObject*  MeshPy::foraminate(PyObject *args)
    PyObject* pnt_p;
    PyObject* dir_p;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", &pnt_p, &dir_p))
        return NULL;

    try {
        Py::Tuple pnt_t(pnt_p);
        Py::Tuple dir_t(dir_p);
        Base::Vector3f pnt((float)Py::Float(pnt_t.getItem(0)),
        Base::Vector3f dir((float)Py::Float(dir_t.getItem(0)),

        Base::Vector3f res;
        MeshCore::MeshFacetIterator f_it(getMeshObjectPtr()->getKernel());
        int index = 0;

        Py::Dict dict;
        for (f_it.Begin(); f_it.More(); f_it.Next(), index++) {
            if (f_it->Foraminate(pnt, dir, res)) {
                Py::Tuple tuple(3);
                tuple.setItem(0, Py::Float(res.x));
                tuple.setItem(1, Py::Float(res.y));
                tuple.setItem(2, Py::Float(res.z));
                dict.setItem(Py::Int(index), tuple);

        return Py::new_reference_to(dict);
    catch (const Py::Exception&) {
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
MeshObject* MeshObject::createCylinder(float radius, float length, int closed, float edgelen, int sampling)
    // load the 'BuildRegularGeoms' module
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        Py::Module module(PyImport_ImportModule("BuildRegularGeoms"),true);
        Py::Dict dict = module.getDict();
        Py::Callable call(dict.getItem("Cylinder"));
        Py::Tuple args(5);
        args.setItem(0, Py::Float(radius));
        args.setItem(1, Py::Float(length));
        args.setItem(2, Py::Int(closed));
        args.setItem(3, Py::Float(edgelen));
        args.setItem(4, Py::Int(sampling));
        Py::List list(call.apply(args));
        return createMeshFromList(list);
    catch (Py::Exception& e) {

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void TooltablePy::setTools(Py::Dict arg)
    PyObject* dict_copy = PyDict_Copy(arg.ptr());
    PyObject *key, *value;
    Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
    while (PyDict_Next(dict_copy, &pos, &key, &value)) {
        if ( PyObject_TypeCheck(key,&(PyInt_Type)) && (PyObject_TypeCheck(value,&(Path::ToolPy::Type))) ) {
            int ckey = (int)PyInt_AsLong(key);
            Path::Tool &tool = *static_cast<Path::ToolPy*>(value)->getToolPtr();
        } else {
            throw Py::Exception("The dictionary can only contain int:tool pairs");
Ejemplo n.º 19
/* ------------ module methods ------------- */
Py::Object _backend_agg_module::new_renderer (const Py::Tuple &args, 
					      const Py::Dict &kws)
  if (args.length() != 3 )
      throw Py::RuntimeError("Incorrect # of args to RendererAgg(width, height, dpi).");
  int debug;
  if ( kws.hasKey("debug") ) debug = Py::Int( kws["debug"] );
  else debug=0;
  int width = Py::Int(args[0]);
  int height = Py::Int(args[1]);
  double dpi = Py::Float(args[2]);
  return Py::asObject(new RendererAgg(width, height, dpi, debug));
Ejemplo n.º 20
QMap<QString, CallTip> CallTipsList::extractTips(const QString& context) const
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    QMap<QString, CallTip> tips;
    if (context.isEmpty())
        return tips;

    try {
        QStringList items = context.split(QLatin1Char('.'));
        Py::Module module("__main__");
        Py::Dict dict = module.getDict();
        QString modname = items.front();
        if (!dict.hasKey(std::string(modname.toAscii())))
            return tips; // unknown object

        // get the Python object we need
        Py::Object obj = dict.getItem(std::string(modname.toAscii()));
        while (!items.isEmpty()) {
            QByteArray name = items.front().toAscii();
            std::string attr = name.constData();
            if (obj.hasAttr(attr))
                obj = obj.getAttr(attr);
                return tips;
        // Checks whether the type is a subclass of PyObjectBase because to get the doc string
        // of a member we must get it by its type instead of its instance otherwise we get the
        // wrong string, namely that of the type of the member. 
        // Note: 3rd party libraries may use their own type object classes so that we cannot 
        // reliably use Py::Type. To be on the safe side we should use Py::Object to assign
        // the used type object to.
        //Py::Object type = obj.type();
        Py::Object type(PyObject_Type(obj.ptr()), true);
        Py::Object inst = obj; // the object instance 
        union PyType_Object typeobj = {&Base::PyObjectBase::Type};
        union PyType_Object typedoc = {&App::DocumentObjectPy::Type};
        if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), typedoc.o) == 1) {
            // From the template Python object we don't query its type object because there we keep
            // a list of additional methods that we won't see otherwise. But to get the correct doc
            // strings we query the type's dict in the class itself.
            // To see if we have a template Python object we check for the existence of supportedProperties
            if (!type.hasAttr("supportedProperties")) {
                obj = type;
        else if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), typeobj.o) == 1) {
            obj = type;
        // If we have an instance of PyObjectBase then determine whether it's valid or not
        if (PyObject_IsInstance(inst.ptr(), typeobj.o) == 1) {
            Base::PyObjectBase* baseobj = static_cast<Base::PyObjectBase*>(inst.ptr());
            const_cast<CallTipsList*>(this)->validObject = baseobj->isValid();
        else {
            // PyObject_IsInstance might set an exception

        Py::List list(PyObject_Dir(obj.ptr()), true);

        // If we derive from PropertyContainerPy we can search for the properties in the
        // C++ twin class.
        union PyType_Object proptypeobj = {&App::PropertyContainerPy::Type};
        if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), proptypeobj.o) == 1) {
            // These are the attributes of the instance itself which are NOT accessible by
            // its type object
            extractTipsFromProperties(inst, tips);

        // If we derive from App::DocumentPy we have direct access to the objects by their internal
        // names. So, we add these names to the list, too.
        union PyType_Object appdoctypeobj = {&App::DocumentPy::Type};
        if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), appdoctypeobj.o) == 1) {
            App::DocumentPy* docpy = (App::DocumentPy*)(inst.ptr());
            App::Document* document = docpy->getDocumentPtr();
            // Make sure that the C++ object is alive
            if (document) {
                std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> objects = document->getObjects();
                Py::List list;
                for (std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)
                extractTipsFromObject(inst, list, tips);

        // If we derive from Gui::DocumentPy we have direct access to the objects by their internal
        // names. So, we add these names to the list, too.
        union PyType_Object guidoctypeobj = {&Gui::DocumentPy::Type};
        if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), guidoctypeobj.o) == 1) {
            Gui::DocumentPy* docpy = (Gui::DocumentPy*)(inst.ptr());
            if (docpy->getDocumentPtr()) {
                App::Document* document = docpy->getDocumentPtr()->getDocument();
                // Make sure that the C++ object is alive
                if (document) {
                    std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> objects = document->getObjects();
                    Py::List list;
                    for (std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)
                    extractTipsFromObject(inst, list, tips);

        // These are the attributes from the type object
        extractTipsFromObject(obj, list, tips);
    catch (Py::Exception& e) {
        // Just clear the Python exception

    return tips;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    Py::Object approxSurface(const Py::Tuple& args, const Py::Dict& kwds)
        PyObject *o;
        // spline parameters
        int uDegree = 3;
        int vDegree = 3;
        int uPoles = 6;
        int vPoles = 6;
        // smoothing
        PyObject* smooth = Py_True;
        double weight = 0.1;
        double grad = 1.0;  //0.5
        double bend = 0.0; //0.2
        // other parameters
        int iteration = 5;
        PyObject* correction = Py_True;
        double factor = 1.0;

        static char* kwds_approx[] = {"Points", "UDegree", "VDegree", "NbUPoles", "NbVPoles",
                                      "Smooth", "Weight", "Grad", "Bend",
                                      "Iterations", "Correction", "PatchFactor", NULL};
        if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args.ptr(), kwds.ptr(), "O|iiiiO!dddiO!d",kwds_approx,
            throw Py::Exception();

        double curvdiv = 1.0 - (grad + bend);
        int uOrder = uDegree + 1;
        int vOrder = vDegree + 1;

        // error checking
        if (grad < 0.0 || grad > 1.0) {
            throw Py::ValueError("Value of Grad out of range [0,1]");
        if (bend < 0.0 || bend > 1.0) {
            throw Py::ValueError("Value of Bend out of range [0,1]");
        if (curvdiv < 0.0 || curvdiv > 1.0) {
            throw Py::ValueError("Sum of Grad and Bend out of range [0,1]");
        if (uDegree < 1 || uOrder > uPoles) {
            throw Py::ValueError("Value of uDegree out of range [1,NbUPoles-1]");
        if (vDegree < 1 || vOrder > vPoles) {
            throw Py::ValueError("Value of vDegree out of range [1,NbVPoles-1]");

        try {
            Py::Sequence l(o);
            TColgp_Array1OfPnt clPoints(0, l.size()-1);
            if (clPoints.Length() < uPoles * vPoles) {
                throw Py::ValueError("Too less data points for the specified number of poles");

            int index=0;
            for (Py::Sequence::iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
                Py::Tuple t(*it);
                clPoints(index++) = gp_Pnt(

            Reen::BSplineParameterCorrection pc(uOrder,vOrder,uPoles,vPoles);
            Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface hSurf;

            pc.EnableSmoothing(PyObject_IsTrue(smooth) ? true : false, weight, grad, bend, curvdiv);
            hSurf = pc.CreateSurface(clPoints, iteration, PyObject_IsTrue(correction) ? true : false, factor);
            if (!hSurf.IsNull()) {
                return Py::asObject(new Part::BSplineSurfacePy(new Part::GeomBSplineSurface(hSurf)));

            throw Py::RuntimeError("Computation of B-Spline surface failed");
        catch (Standard_Failure &e) {
            std::string str;
            Standard_CString msg = e.GetMessageString();
            str += typeid(e).name();
            str += " ";
            if (msg) {str += msg;}
            else     {str += "No OCCT Exception Message";}
            throw Py::RuntimeError(str);
        catch (const Base::Exception &e) {
            throw Py::RuntimeError(e.what());
        catch (...) {
            throw Py::RuntimeError("Unknown C++ exception");
Ejemplo n.º 22
    Py::Object meshFromShape(const Py::Tuple& args, const Py::Dict& kwds)
        PyObject *shape;

        static char* kwds_maxLength[] = {"Shape", "MaxLength",NULL};
        double maxLength=0;
        if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args.ptr(), kwds.ptr(), "O!d", kwds_maxLength,
                                        &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &shape, &maxLength)) {
            MeshPart::Mesher mesher(static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(shape)->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape());
            return Py::asObject(new Mesh::MeshPy(mesher.createMesh()));

        static char* kwds_maxArea[] = {"Shape", "MaxArea",NULL};
        double maxArea=0;
        if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args.ptr(), kwds.ptr(), "O!d", kwds_maxArea,
                                        &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &shape, &maxArea)) {
            MeshPart::Mesher mesher(static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(shape)->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape());
            return Py::asObject(new Mesh::MeshPy(mesher.createMesh()));

        static char* kwds_localLen[] = {"Shape", "LocalLength",NULL};
        double localLen=0;
        if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args.ptr(), kwds.ptr(), "O!d", kwds_localLen,
                                        &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &shape, &localLen)) {
            MeshPart::Mesher mesher(static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(shape)->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape());
            return Py::asObject(new Mesh::MeshPy(mesher.createMesh()));

        static char* kwds_deflection[] = {"Shape", "Deflection",NULL};
        double deflection=0;
        if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args.ptr(), kwds.ptr(), "O!d", kwds_deflection,
                                        &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &shape, &deflection)) {
            MeshPart::Mesher mesher(static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(shape)->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape());
            return Py::asObject(new Mesh::MeshPy(mesher.createMesh()));

        static char* kwds_minmaxLen[] = {"Shape", "MinLength","MaxLength",NULL};
        double minLen=0, maxLen=0;
        if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args.ptr(), kwds.ptr(), "O!dd", kwds_minmaxLen,
                                        &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &shape, &minLen, &maxLen)) {
            MeshPart::Mesher mesher(static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(shape)->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape());
            mesher.setMinMaxLengths(minLen, maxLen);
            return Py::asObject(new Mesh::MeshPy(mesher.createMesh()));

#if defined (HAVE_NETGEN)
        static char* kwds_fineness[] = {"Shape", "Fineness", "SecondOrder", "Optimize", "AllowQuad",NULL};
        int fineness=0, secondOrder=0, optimize=1, allowquad=0;
        if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args.ptr(), kwds.ptr(), "O!i|iii", kwds_fineness,
                                        &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &shape, &fineness,
                                        &secondOrder, &optimize, &allowquad)) {
            MeshPart::Mesher mesher(static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(shape)->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape());
            mesher.setSecondOrder(secondOrder > 0);
            mesher.setOptimize(optimize > 0);
            mesher.setQuadAllowed(allowquad > 0);
            return Py::asObject(new Mesh::MeshPy(mesher.createMesh()));

        static char* kwds_user[] = {"Shape", "GrowthRate", "SegPerEdge", "SegPerRadius", "SecondOrder", "Optimize", "AllowQuad",NULL};
        double growthRate=0, nbSegPerEdge=0, nbSegPerRadius=0;
        if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args.ptr(), kwds.ptr(), "O!|dddiii", kwds_user,
                                        &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &shape,
                                        &growthRate, &nbSegPerEdge, &nbSegPerRadius,
                                        &secondOrder, &optimize, &allowquad)) {
            MeshPart::Mesher mesher(static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(shape)->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape());
            mesher.setSecondOrder(secondOrder > 0);
            mesher.setOptimize(optimize > 0);
            mesher.setQuadAllowed(allowquad > 0);
            return Py::asObject(new Mesh::MeshPy(mesher.createMesh()));

        if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args.ptr(), "O!", &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &shape)) {
            MeshPart::Mesher mesher(static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(shape)->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape());
#if defined (HAVE_NETGEN)
            return Py::asObject(new Mesh::MeshPy(mesher.createMesh()));

        throw Py::Exception(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"Wrong arguments");
Ejemplo n.º 23
QMap<QString, CallTip> CallTipsList::extractTips(const QString& context) const
    Base::PyGILStateLocker lock;
    QMap<QString, CallTip> tips;
    if (context.isEmpty())
        return tips;

    try {
        Py::Module module("__main__");
        Py::Dict dict = module.getDict();
#if 0
        QStringList items = context.split(QLatin1Char('.'));
        QString modname = items.front();
        if (!dict.hasKey(std::string(modname.toLatin1())))
            return tips; // unknown object

        // get the Python object we need
        Py::Object obj = dict.getItem(std::string(modname.toLatin1()));
        while (!items.isEmpty()) {
            QByteArray name = items.front().toLatin1();
            std::string attr = name.constData();
            if (obj.hasAttr(attr))
                obj = obj.getAttr(attr);
                return tips;
        // Don't use hasattr & getattr because if a property is bound to a method this will be executed twice.
        PyObject* code = Py_CompileString(static_cast<const char*>(context.toLatin1()), "<CallTipsList>", Py_eval_input);
        if (!code) {
            return tips;

        PyObject* eval = 0;
        if (PyCode_Check(code)) {
            eval = PyEval_EvalCode(reinterpret_cast<PyCodeObject*>(code), dict.ptr(), dict.ptr());
        if (!eval) {
            return tips;
        Py::Object obj(eval, true);

        // Checks whether the type is a subclass of PyObjectBase because to get the doc string
        // of a member we must get it by its type instead of its instance otherwise we get the
        // wrong string, namely that of the type of the member. 
        // Note: 3rd party libraries may use their own type object classes so that we cannot 
        // reliably use Py::Type. To be on the safe side we should use Py::Object to assign
        // the used type object to.
        //Py::Object type = obj.type();
        Py::Object type(PyObject_Type(obj.ptr()), true);
        Py::Object inst = obj; // the object instance 
        union PyType_Object typeobj = {&Base::PyObjectBase::Type};
        union PyType_Object typedoc = {&App::DocumentObjectPy::Type};
        union PyType_Object basetype = {&PyBaseObject_Type};

        if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), typedoc.o) == 1) {
            // From the template Python object we don't query its type object because there we keep
            // a list of additional methods that we won't see otherwise. But to get the correct doc
            // strings we query the type's dict in the class itself.
            // To see if we have a template Python object we check for the existence of supportedProperties
            if (!type.hasAttr("supportedProperties")) {
                obj = type;
        else if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), typeobj.o) == 1) {
            obj = type;
        else if (PyInstance_Check(obj.ptr())) {
            // instances of old style classes
            PyInstanceObject* inst = reinterpret_cast<PyInstanceObject*>(obj.ptr());
            PyObject* classobj = reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(inst->in_class);
            obj = Py::Object(classobj);
        else if (PyObject_IsInstance(obj.ptr(), basetype.o) == 1) {
            // New style class which can be a module, type, list, tuple, int, float, ...
            // Make sure it's not a type objec
            union PyType_Object typetype = {&PyType_Type};
            if (PyObject_IsInstance(obj.ptr(), typetype.o) != 1) {
                // this should be now a user-defined Python class
                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12233103/in-python-at-runtime-determine-if-an-object-is-a-class-old-and-new-type-instan
                if (Py_TYPE(obj.ptr())->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) {
                    obj = type;

        // If we have an instance of PyObjectBase then determine whether it's valid or not
        if (PyObject_IsInstance(inst.ptr(), typeobj.o) == 1) {
            Base::PyObjectBase* baseobj = static_cast<Base::PyObjectBase*>(inst.ptr());
            const_cast<CallTipsList*>(this)->validObject = baseobj->isValid();
        else {
            // PyObject_IsInstance might set an exception

        Py::List list(obj.dir());

        // If we derive from PropertyContainerPy we can search for the properties in the
        // C++ twin class.
        union PyType_Object proptypeobj = {&App::PropertyContainerPy::Type};
        if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), proptypeobj.o) == 1) {
            // These are the attributes of the instance itself which are NOT accessible by
            // its type object
            extractTipsFromProperties(inst, tips);

        // If we derive from App::DocumentPy we have direct access to the objects by their internal
        // names. So, we add these names to the list, too.
        union PyType_Object appdoctypeobj = {&App::DocumentPy::Type};
        if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), appdoctypeobj.o) == 1) {
            App::DocumentPy* docpy = (App::DocumentPy*)(inst.ptr());
            App::Document* document = docpy->getDocumentPtr();
            // Make sure that the C++ object is alive
            if (document) {
                std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> objects = document->getObjects();
                Py::List list;
                for (std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)
                extractTipsFromObject(inst, list, tips);

        // If we derive from Gui::DocumentPy we have direct access to the objects by their internal
        // names. So, we add these names to the list, too.
        union PyType_Object guidoctypeobj = {&Gui::DocumentPy::Type};
        if (PyObject_IsSubclass(type.ptr(), guidoctypeobj.o) == 1) {
            Gui::DocumentPy* docpy = (Gui::DocumentPy*)(inst.ptr());
            if (docpy->getDocumentPtr()) {
                App::Document* document = docpy->getDocumentPtr()->getDocument();
                // Make sure that the C++ object is alive
                if (document) {
                    std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> objects = document->getObjects();
                    Py::List list;
                    for (std::vector<App::DocumentObject*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it)
                    extractTipsFromObject(inst, list, tips);

        // These are the attributes from the type object
        extractTipsFromObject(obj, list, tips);
    catch (Py::Exception& e) {
        // Just clear the Python exception

    return tips;
Ejemplo n.º 24
Image::resize(const Py::Tuple& args, const Py::Dict& kwargs) {


  int norm = 1;
  if ( kwargs.hasKey("norm") ) norm = Py::Int( kwargs["norm"] );

  double radius = 4.0;
  if ( kwargs.hasKey("radius") ) radius = Py::Float( kwargs["radius"] );

  if (bufferIn ==NULL)
    throw Py::RuntimeError("You must first load the image");

  int numcols = Py::Int(args[0]);
  int numrows = Py::Int(args[1]);

  colsOut = numcols;
  rowsOut = numrows;

  size_t NUMBYTES(numrows * numcols * BPP);

  delete [] bufferOut;
  bufferOut = new agg::int8u[NUMBYTES];
  if (bufferOut ==NULL) //todo: also handle allocation throw
    throw Py::MemoryError("Image::resize could not allocate memory");

  delete rbufOut;
  rbufOut = new agg::rendering_buffer;
  rbufOut->attach(bufferOut, numcols, numrows, numcols * BPP);

  // init the output rendering/rasterizing stuff
  pixfmt pixf(*rbufOut);
  renderer_base rb(pixf);
  agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras;
  agg::scanline_u8 sl;

  //srcMatrix *= resizingMatrix;
  //imageMatrix *= resizingMatrix;
  interpolator_type interpolator(imageMatrix);

  typedef agg::span_allocator<agg::rgba8> span_alloc_type;
  span_alloc_type sa;
  agg::rgba8 background(agg::rgba8(int(255*bg.r),

  // the image path
  agg::path_storage path;
  agg::int8u *bufferPad = NULL;
  agg::rendering_buffer rbufPad;

  double x0, y0, x1, y1;

  x0 = 0.0;
  x1 = colsIn;
  y0 = 0.0;
  y1 = rowsIn;

  path.move_to(x0, y0);
  path.line_to(x1, y0);
  path.line_to(x1, y1);
  path.line_to(x0, y1);
  agg::conv_transform<agg::path_storage> imageBox(path, srcMatrix);

  typedef agg::wrap_mode_reflect reflect_type;
  typedef agg::image_accessor_wrap<pixfmt, reflect_type, reflect_type> img_accessor_type;

  pixfmt pixfmtin(*rbufIn);
  img_accessor_type ia(pixfmtin);

    case NEAREST:
	typedef agg::span_image_filter_rgba_nn<img_accessor_type, interpolator_type> span_gen_type;
	typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa<renderer_base, span_alloc_type, span_gen_type> renderer_type;
	span_gen_type sg(ia, interpolator);
	renderer_type ri(rb, sa, sg);
	agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ri);
        case BILINEAR:
        case BICUBIC:
        case SPLINE16:
        case SPLINE36:
        case HANNING:
        case HAMMING:
        case HERMITE:
        case KAISER:
        case QUADRIC:
        case CATROM:
        case GAUSSIAN:
        case BESSEL:
        case MITCHELL:
        case SINC:
        case LANCZOS:
        case BLACKMAN:
                agg::image_filter_lut filter;
                case BILINEAR:  filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_bilinear(), norm); break;
                case BICUBIC:  filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_bicubic(), norm); break;
                case SPLINE16:  filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_spline16(), norm); break;
                case SPLINE36:  filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_spline36(), norm); break;
                case HANNING:  filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_hanning(), norm); break;
                case HAMMING:  filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_hamming(), norm); break;
                case HERMITE:  filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_hermite(), norm); break;
                case KAISER:  filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_kaiser(), norm); break;
                case QUADRIC:  filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_quadric(), norm); break;
                case CATROM: filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_catrom(), norm); break;
                case GAUSSIAN: filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_gaussian(), norm); break;
                case BESSEL: filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_bessel(), norm); break;
                case MITCHELL: filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_mitchell(), norm); break;
                case SINC: filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_sinc(radius), norm); break;
                case LANCZOS: filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_lanczos(radius), norm); break;
                case BLACKMAN: filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_blackman(radius), norm); break;
	typedef agg::span_image_filter_rgba_2x2<img_accessor_type, interpolator_type> span_gen_type;
	typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa<renderer_base, span_alloc_type, span_gen_type> renderer_type;
	span_gen_type sg(ia, interpolator, filter);
	renderer_type ri(rb, sa, sg);
	agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ri);


  delete [] bufferPad;
  return Py::Object();

Ejemplo n.º 25
    Py::Object projectToSVG(const Py::Tuple& args, const Py::Dict& keys)
            static char* argNames[] = {"topoShape", "direction", "type", "tolerance", "vStyle", "v0Style", "v1Style", "hStyle", "h0Style", "h1Style", NULL};
            PyObject *pcObjShape = 0;
            PyObject *pcObjDir = 0;
            const char *extractionTypePy = 0;
            ProjectionAlgos::ExtractionType extractionType = ProjectionAlgos::Plain;
            const float tol = 0.1f;
            PyObject* vStylePy = 0;
            ProjectionAlgos::XmlAttributes vStyle;
            PyObject* v0StylePy = 0;
            ProjectionAlgos::XmlAttributes v0Style;
            PyObject* v1StylePy = 0;
            ProjectionAlgos::XmlAttributes v1Style;
            PyObject* hStylePy = 0;
            ProjectionAlgos::XmlAttributes hStyle;
            PyObject* h0StylePy = 0;
            ProjectionAlgos::XmlAttributes h0Style;
            PyObject* h1StylePy = 0;
            ProjectionAlgos::XmlAttributes h1Style;
            // Get the arguments

            if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(
                    args.ptr(), keys.ptr(), 
                    &(TopoShapePy::Type), &pcObjShape,
                    &(Base::VectorPy::Type), &pcObjDir, 
                    &extractionTypePy, &tol, 
                    &vStylePy, &v0StylePy, &v1StylePy, 
                    &hStylePy, &h0StylePy, &h1StylePy))
                throw Py::Exception();

            // Convert all arguments into the right format

            TopoShapePy* pShape = static_cast<TopoShapePy*>(pcObjShape);

            Base::Vector3d directionVector(0,0,1);
            if (pcObjDir)
                directionVector = static_cast<Base::VectorPy*>(pcObjDir)->value();

            if (extractionTypePy && string(extractionTypePy) == "ShowHiddenLines")
                extractionType = ProjectionAlgos::WithHidden;

            if (vStylePy)
                copy(Py::Dict(vStylePy), inserter(vStyle, vStyle.begin()));
            if (v0StylePy)
                copy(Py::Dict(v0StylePy), inserter(v0Style, v0Style.begin()));
            if (v1StylePy)
                copy(Py::Dict(v1StylePy), inserter(v1Style, v1Style.begin()));
            if (hStylePy)
                copy(Py::Dict(hStylePy), inserter(hStyle, hStyle.begin()));
            if (h0StylePy)
                copy(Py::Dict(h0StylePy), inserter(h0Style, h0Style.begin()));
            if (h1StylePy)
                copy(Py::Dict(h1StylePy), inserter(h1Style, h1Style.begin()));
            // Execute the SVG generation

            ProjectionAlgos Alg(pShape->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape(), 
            Py::String result(Alg.getSVG(extractionType, tol, 
                                         vStyle, v0Style, v1Style, 
                                         hStyle, h0Style, h1Style));
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 26
PythonInterpreter::PythonInterpreter(Kross::InterpreterInfo* info)
    : Kross::Interpreter(info)
    , d(new PythonInterpreterPrivate())
    // Initialize the python interpreter.

    // Set name of the program.

    // Set arguments.
    //char* comm[0];
    const char* comm = const_cast<char*>("kross"); // name.
    PySys_SetArgv(1, comm);

    // In the python sys.path are all module-directories are
    // listed in.
    QString path;

    // First import the sys-module to remember it's sys.path
    // list in our path QString.
    Py::Module sysmod( PyImport_ImportModule( (char*)"sys" ), true );
    Py::Dict sysmoddict = sysmod.getDict();
    Py::Object syspath = sysmoddict.getItem("path");
    if(syspath.isList()) {
        Py::List syspathlist = syspath;
        for(Py::List::iterator it = syspathlist.begin(); it != syspathlist.end(); ++it) {
            if( ! (*it).isString() ) continue;
            QString s = PythonType<QString>::toVariant(*it);
            path.append( s + PYPATHDELIMITER );
        path = Py_GetPath();

#if 0
    // Determinate additional module-paths we like to add.
    // First add the global Kross modules-path.
    QStringList krossdirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "kross/python");
    for(QStringList::Iterator krossit = krossdirs.begin(); krossit != krossdirs.end(); ++krossit)
        path.append(*krossit + PYPATHDELIMITER);
    // Then add the application modules-path.
    QStringList appdirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("appdata", "kross/python");
    for(QStringList::Iterator appit = appdirs.begin(); appit != appdirs.end(); ++appit)
        path.append(*appit + PYPATHDELIMITER);

    // Set the extended sys.path.
    PySys_SetPath( (char*) path.toLatin1().data() );

        krossdebug(QString("Python ProgramName: %1").arg(Py_GetProgramName()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python ProgramFullPath: %1").arg(Py_GetProgramFullPath()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python Version: %1").arg(Py_GetVersion()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python Platform: %1").arg(Py_GetPlatform()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python Prefix: %1").arg(Py_GetPrefix()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python ExecPrefix: %1").arg(Py_GetExecPrefix()));
        //krossdebug(QString("Python Path: %1").arg(Py_GetPath()));
        //krossdebug(QString("Python System Path: %1").arg(path));

    // Initialize the main module.
    d->mainmodule = new PythonModule(this);

    // The main dictonary.
    Py::Dict moduledict = d->mainmodule->getDict();
    //TODO moduledict["KrossPythonVersion"] = Py::Int(KROSS_PYTHON_VERSION);

    // Prepare the interpreter.
    QString s =
        //"# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-\n"
        //"import locale\n"
        //"locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')\n"
        //"# -*- coding: latin-1 -*\n"
        //"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"
        //"import locale\n"
        //"locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')\n"
        //"from __future__ import absolute_import\n"
        "import sys\n"
        //"import os, os.path\n"

        // Dirty hack to get sys.argv defined. Needed for e.g. TKinter.
        "sys.argv = ['']\n"

        // On the try to read something from stdin always return an empty
        // string. That way such reads don't block our script.
        // Deactivated since sys.stdin has the encoding attribute needed
        // by e.g. LiquidWeather and those attr is missing in StringIO
        // and cause it's buildin we can't just add it but would need to
        // implement our own class. Grrrr, what a stupid design :-/
        //"    import cStringIO\n"
        //"    sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO()\n"
        //"    pass\n"

        // Class to redirect something. We use this class e.g. to redirect
        // <stdout> and <stderr> to a c++ event.
        //"class Redirect:\n"
        //"  def __init__(self, target):\n"
        //"    self.target = target\n"
        //"  def write(self, s):\n"
        //"    self.target.call(s)\n"

        // Wrap builtin __import__ method. All import requests are
        // first redirected to our PythonModule.import method and
        // if the call returns None, then we call the original
        // python import mechanism.
        "import __builtin__\n"
        "import __main__\n"
        "import traceback\n"
        "sys.modules['_oldmain'] = sys.modules['__main__']\n"
        "_main_builtin_import_ = __main__.__builtin__.__import__\n"
        "class _Importer:\n"
        "   def __init__(self, script):\n"
        "       self.script = script\n"
        "       self.realImporter = __main__.__builtin__.__import__\n"
        "       __main__.__builtin__.__import__ = self._import\n"
        "   def _import(self, name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=[], level = -1):\n"
        //"       try:\n"
        //"           print \"1===========> _Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        "           mod = __main__._import(self.script, name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)\n"
        "           mod = __main__._import(self.script, name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           if mod == None:\n"
        "               if name == 'qt':\n"
        "                   raise ImportError('Import of the PyQt3 module is not allowed. Please use PyQt4 instead.')\n"
        "               if name == 'dcop':\n"
        "                   raise ImportError('Import of the KDE3 DCOP module is not allowed. Please use PyQt4 DBUS instead.')\n"
        "               mod = self.realImporter(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)\n"
        "               mod = self.realImporter(name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           if mod != None:\n"
        //"               print \"3===========> _Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        "               if globals != None and (not fromlist or len(fromlist)==0 or '*' in fromlist):\n"
        "                   globals[name] = mod\n"
        "           return mod\n"
        //"       except ImportError:\n"
        //"       except:\n"
        //"           print \"9===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        //"           print \" \".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )\n"
        //"       return None\n"

        "       print \"_Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        "       if fromlist == None:\n"
        "           mod = __main__._import(self.script, name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           if mod != None:\n"
        "               print \"2===========> _Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        "               globals[name] = mod\n"
        "               return mod\n"
        //"           if name in sys.modules:\n" // hack to preserve module paths, needed e.g. for "import os.path"
        //"               print \"3===========> _Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        //"               return sys.modules[name]\n"
        "       print \"3===========> _Importer Trying realImporter with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "       try:\n"
        "           mod = self.realImporter(name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           print \"4===========> _Importer Trying realImporter with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s module=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules,mod)\n"
        //"           mod.__init__(name)\n"
        //"           globals[name] = mod\n"
        //"           sys.modules[name] = mod\n"
        "           print \"5===========> _Importer Trying realImporter with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s module=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules,mod)\n"
        "           return mod\n"
        "       except ImportError:\n"
        "           print \"6===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "           n = name.split('.')\n"
        "           if len(n) >= 2:\n"
        "               print \"7===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "               m = self._import(\".\".join(n[:-1]),globals,locals,[n[-1],])\n"
        "               print \"8===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "               return self.realImporter(name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           print \"9===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "           raise\n"

    PyObject* pyrun = PyRun_String(s.toLatin1().data(), Py_file_input, moduledict.ptr(), moduledict.ptr());
    if(! pyrun) {
        Py::Object errobj = Py::value(Py::Exception()); // get last error
        setError( QString("Failed to prepare the __main__ module: %1").arg(errobj.as_string().c_str()) );
    Py_XDECREF(pyrun); // free the reference.
Ejemplo n.º 27
PyObject* MeshPy::nearestFacetOnRay(PyObject *args)
    PyObject* pnt_p;
    PyObject* dir_p;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", &pnt_p, &dir_p))
        return NULL;

    try {
        Py::Tuple pnt_t(pnt_p);
        Py::Tuple dir_t(dir_p);
        Py::Dict dict;
        Base::Vector3f pnt((float)Py::Float(pnt_t.getItem(0)),
        Base::Vector3f dir((float)Py::Float(dir_t.getItem(0)),

        unsigned long index = 0;
        Base::Vector3f res;
        MeshCore::MeshAlgorithm alg(getMeshObjectPtr()->getKernel());

#if 0 // for testing only
        MeshCore::MeshFacetGrid grid(getMeshObjectPtr()->getKernel(),10);
        // With grids we might search in the opposite direction, too
        if (alg.NearestFacetOnRay(pnt,  dir, grid, res, index) ||
            alg.NearestFacetOnRay(pnt, -dir, grid, res, index)) {
        if (alg.NearestFacetOnRay(pnt, dir, res, index)) {
            Py::Tuple tuple(3);
            tuple.setItem(0, Py::Float(res.x));
            tuple.setItem(1, Py::Float(res.y));
            tuple.setItem(2, Py::Float(res.z));
            dict.setItem(Py::Int((int)index), tuple);

#if 0 // for testing only
        char szBuf[200];
        std::ofstream str("grid_test.iv");
        Base::InventorBuilder builder(str);
        MeshCore::MeshGridIterator g_it(grid);
        for (g_it.Init(); g_it.More(); g_it.Next()) {
            Base::BoundBox3f box = g_it.GetBoundBox();
            unsigned long uX,uY,uZ;
            builder.addBoundingBox(Base::Vector3f(box.MinX,box.MinY, box.MinZ),
                                   Base::Vector3f(box.MaxX,box.MaxY, box.MaxZ));
            sprintf(szBuf, "(%lu,%lu,%lu)", uX, uY, uZ);
            builder.addText(box.CalcCenter(), szBuf);
        builder.addSingleArrow(pnt-20.0f*dir, pnt+10.0f*dir);

        return Py::new_reference_to(dict);
    catch (const Py::Exception&) {
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void PythonInterpreter::extractException(QStringList& errorlist, int& lineno)
    lineno = -1;

    PyObject *type, *value, *traceback;
    PyErr_Fetch(&type, &value, &traceback);
    PyErr_NormalizeException(&type, &value, &traceback);
    if(traceback) {
        Py::List tblist;
        try {
            Py::Module tbmodule( PyImport_Import(Py::String("traceback").ptr()), true );
            Py::Dict tbdict = tbmodule.getDict();
            Py::Callable tbfunc(tbdict.getItem("format_tb"));
            Py::Tuple args(1);
            args.setItem(0, Py::Object(traceback));
            tblist = tbfunc.apply(args);
            uint length = tblist.length();
            for(Py::List::size_type i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                errorlist.append( Py::Object(tblist[i]).as_string().c_str() );
        catch(Py::Exception& e) {
            QString err = Py::value(e).as_string().c_str();
            e.clear(); // exception is handled. clear it now.
                krosswarning( QString("Kross::PythonScript::toException() Failed to fetch a traceback: %1").arg(err) );

        PyObject *next;
        while (traceback && traceback != Py_None) {
            PyFrameObject *frame = (PyFrameObject*)PyObject_GetAttrString(traceback, const_cast< char* >("tb_frame"));
                PyObject *getobj = PyObject_GetAttrString(traceback, const_cast< char* >("tb_lineno") );
                lineno = PyInt_AsLong(getobj);
            if(Py_OptimizeFlag) {
                PyObject *getobj = PyObject_GetAttrString(traceback, const_cast< char* >("tb_lasti") );
                int lasti = PyInt_AsLong(getobj);
                lineno = PyCode_Addr2Line(frame->f_code, lasti);

            //const char* filename = PyString_AsString(frame->f_code->co_filename);
            //const char* name = PyString_AsString(frame->f_code->co_name);
            //errorlist.append( QString("%1#%2: \"%3\"").arg(filename).arg(lineno).arg(name) );

            //Py_DECREF(frame); // don't free cause we don't own it.

            next = PyObject_GetAttrString(traceback, const_cast< char* >("tb_next") );
            traceback = next;

    if(lineno < 0 && value && PyObject_HasAttrString(value, const_cast< char* >("lineno"))) {
        PyObject *getobj = PyObject_GetAttrString(value, const_cast< char* >("lineno") );
        if(getobj) {
            lineno = PyInt_AsLong(getobj);

        //krossdebug( QString("PythonInterpreter::extractException: %1").arg( Py::Object(value).as_string().c_str() ) );
        krossdebug( QString("PythonInterpreter::extractException:\n%1").arg( errorlist.join("\n") ) );
    PyErr_Restore(type, value, traceback);
Ejemplo n.º 29
Transformation::nonlinear_only_numerix(const Py::Tuple & args, const Py::Dict &kwargs) {

  int returnMask = false;
  if (kwargs.hasKey("returnMask")) {
    returnMask = Py::Int(kwargs["returnMask"]);

  Py::Object xo = args[0];
  Py::Object yo = args[1];

  PyArrayObject *x = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(xo.ptr(), PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1);

  if (x==NULL)
    throw Py::TypeError("Transformation::nonlinear_only_numerix expected numerix array");

  PyArrayObject *y = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(yo.ptr(), PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1);

  if (y==NULL)
    throw Py::TypeError("Transformation::nonlinear_only_numerix expected numerix array");

  size_t Nx = x->dimensions[0];
  size_t Ny = y->dimensions[0];

  if (Nx!=Ny)
    throw Py::ValueError("x and y must be equal length sequences");

  int dimensions[1];
  dimensions[0] = Nx;

  PyArrayObject *retx = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(1,dimensions,PyArray_DOUBLE);
  if (retx==NULL) {
    throw Py::RuntimeError("Could not create return x array");

  PyArrayObject *rety = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(1,dimensions,PyArray_DOUBLE);
  if (rety==NULL) {
    throw Py::RuntimeError("Could not create return x array");

  PyArrayObject *retmask = NULL;

  if (returnMask) {
    retmask = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(1,dimensions,PyArray_UBYTE);
    if (retmask==NULL) {
      throw Py::RuntimeError("Could not create return mask array");


  for (size_t i=0; i< Nx; ++i) {

    double thisx = *(double *)(x->data + i*x->strides[0]);
    double thisy = *(double *)(y->data + i*y->strides[0]);
    try {
      this->nonlinear_only_api(&thisx, &thisy);
    catch(...) {

      if (returnMask) {
	*(unsigned char *)(retmask->data + i*retmask->strides[0]) = 0;
	*(double *)(retx->data + i*retx->strides[0]) = 0.0;
	*(double *)(rety->data + i*rety->strides[0]) = 0.0;
      else {
	throw Py::ValueError("Domain error on this->nonlinear_only_api(&thisx, &thisy) in Transformation::nonlinear_only_numerix");

    *(double *)(retx->data + i*retx->strides[0]) = thisx;
    *(double *)(rety->data + i*rety->strides[0]) = thisy;
    if (returnMask) {
      *(unsigned char *)(retmask->data + i*retmask->strides[0]) = 1;



  if (returnMask) {
    Py::Tuple ret(3);
    ret[0] = Py::Object((PyObject*)retx);
    ret[1] = Py::Object((PyObject*)rety);
    ret[2] = Py::Object((PyObject*)retmask);
    return ret;
  else {
    Py::Tuple ret(2);
    ret[0] = Py::Object((PyObject*)retx);
    ret[1] = Py::Object((PyObject*)rety);
    return ret;

