Ejemplo n.º 1
void setDihedralRad(Conformer &conf, unsigned int iAtomId, unsigned int jAtomId,
                    unsigned int kAtomId, unsigned int lAtomId, double value) {
  RDGeom::POINT3D_VECT &pos = conf.getPositions();
  URANGE_CHECK(iAtomId, pos.size());
  URANGE_CHECK(jAtomId, pos.size());
  URANGE_CHECK(kAtomId, pos.size());
  URANGE_CHECK(lAtomId, pos.size());
  ROMol &mol = conf.getOwningMol();
  Bond *bondIJ = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(iAtomId, jAtomId);
  if (!bondIJ) throw ValueErrorException("atoms i and j must be bonded");
  Bond *bondJK = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(jAtomId, kAtomId);
  if (!bondJK) throw ValueErrorException("atoms j and k must be bonded");
  Bond *bondKL = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(kAtomId, lAtomId);
  if (!bondKL) throw ValueErrorException("atoms k and l must be bonded");

  if (queryIsBondInRing(bondJK))
    throw ValueErrorException("bond (j,k) must not belong to a ring");
  RDGeom::Point3D rIJ = pos[jAtomId] - pos[iAtomId];
  double rIJSqLength = rIJ.lengthSq();
  if (rIJSqLength <= 1.e-16)
    throw ValueErrorException("atoms i and j have identical 3D coordinates");
  RDGeom::Point3D rJK = pos[kAtomId] - pos[jAtomId];
  double rJKSqLength = rJK.lengthSq();
  if (rJKSqLength <= 1.e-16)
    throw ValueErrorException("atoms j and k have identical 3D coordinates");
  RDGeom::Point3D rKL = pos[lAtomId] - pos[kAtomId];
  double rKLSqLength = rKL.lengthSq();
  if (rKLSqLength <= 1.e-16)
    throw ValueErrorException("atoms k and l have identical 3D coordinates");

  RDGeom::Point3D nIJK = rIJ.crossProduct(rJK);
  double nIJKSqLength = nIJK.lengthSq();
  RDGeom::Point3D nJKL = rJK.crossProduct(rKL);
  double nJKLSqLength = nJKL.lengthSq();
  RDGeom::Point3D m = nIJK.crossProduct(rJK);
  // we only need to rotate by delta with respect to the current dihedral value
  value -= -atan2(m.dotProduct(nJKL) / sqrt(nJKLSqLength * m.lengthSq()),
                  nIJK.dotProduct(nJKL) / sqrt(nIJKSqLength * nJKLSqLength));
  // our rotation axis is the (j,k) bond
  RDGeom::Point3D &rotAxisBegin = pos[jAtomId];
  RDGeom::Point3D &rotAxisEnd = pos[kAtomId];
  RDGeom::Point3D rotAxis = rotAxisEnd - rotAxisBegin;
  // get all atoms bonded to k and loop through them
  std::list<unsigned int> alist;
  _toBeMovedIdxList(mol, jAtomId, kAtomId, alist);
  for (std::list<unsigned int>::iterator it = alist.begin(); it != alist.end();
       ++it) {
    // translate atom so that it coincides with the origin of rotation
    pos[*it] -= rotAxisBegin;
    // rotate around our rotation axis
    RDGeom::Transform3D rotByAngle;
    rotByAngle.SetRotation(value, rotAxis);
    // translate atom back
    pos[*it] += rotAxisBegin;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void transConformer(Conformer &conf, python::object trans) {
   PyObject *transObj = trans.ptr();
   if (!PyArray_Check(transObj)) {
     throw_value_error("Expecting a numeric array for transformation");
   PyArrayObject *transMat = reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject *>(transObj);
   unsigned int nrows = transMat->dimensions[0];
   unsigned int dSize = nrows*nrows;
   double *inData = reinterpret_cast<double *>(transMat->data);
   RDGeom::Transform3D transform;
   double *tData  = transform.getData();
   memcpy(static_cast<void *>(tData), static_cast<void *>(inData), dSize*sizeof(double));
   MolTransforms::transformConformer(conf, transform);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 PyObject *computeCanonTrans(const Conformer &conf, const RDGeom::Point3D *center=0,
                             bool normalizeCovar=false, bool ignoreHs=true) {
   RDGeom::Transform3D *trans;
   trans = MolTransforms::computeCanonicalTransform(conf, center, 
                                                    normalizeCovar, ignoreHs);
   npy_intp dims[2];
   dims[0] = 4;
   dims[1] = 4;
   PyArrayObject *res = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(2,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);
   double *resData=reinterpret_cast<double *>(res->data);
   const double *tdata = trans->getData();
   memcpy(static_cast<void *>(resData), static_cast<const void *>(tdata), 4*4*sizeof(double));
   delete trans;
   return PyArray_Return(res);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void transformConformer(Conformer &conf, const RDGeom::Transform3D &trans) {
  RDGeom::POINT3D_VECT &positions = conf.getPositions();
  RDGeom::POINT3D_VECT_I pi;
  for (pi = positions.begin(); pi != positions.end(); ++pi) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
void setAngleRad(Conformer &conf, unsigned int iAtomId, unsigned int jAtomId,
                 unsigned int kAtomId, double value) {
  RDGeom::POINT3D_VECT &pos = conf.getPositions();
  URANGE_CHECK(iAtomId, pos.size());
  URANGE_CHECK(jAtomId, pos.size());
  URANGE_CHECK(kAtomId, pos.size());
  ROMol &mol = conf.getOwningMol();
  Bond *bondJI = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(jAtomId, iAtomId);
  if (!bondJI) throw ValueErrorException("atoms i and j must be bonded");
  Bond *bondJK = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(jAtomId, kAtomId);
  if (!bondJK) throw ValueErrorException("atoms j and k must be bonded");
  if (queryIsBondInRing(bondJI) && queryIsBondInRing(bondJK))
    throw ValueErrorException(
        "bonds (i,j) and (j,k) must not both belong to a ring");

  RDGeom::Point3D rJI = pos[iAtomId] - pos[jAtomId];
  double rJISqLength = rJI.lengthSq();
  if (rJISqLength <= 1.e-16)
    throw ValueErrorException("atoms i and j have identical 3D coordinates");
  RDGeom::Point3D rJK = pos[kAtomId] - pos[jAtomId];
  double rJKSqLength = rJK.lengthSq();
  if (rJKSqLength <= 1.e-16)
    throw ValueErrorException("atoms j and k have identical 3D coordinates");

  // we only need to rotate by delta with respect to the current angle value
  value -= rJI.angleTo(rJK);
  RDGeom::Point3D &rotAxisBegin = pos[jAtomId];
  // our rotation axis is the normal to the plane of atoms i, j, k
  RDGeom::Point3D rotAxisEnd = rJI.crossProduct(rJK) + pos[jAtomId];
  RDGeom::Point3D rotAxis = rotAxisEnd - rotAxisBegin;
  // get all atoms bonded to j and loop through them
  std::list<unsigned int> alist;
  _toBeMovedIdxList(mol, jAtomId, kAtomId, alist);
  for (std::list<unsigned int>::iterator it = alist.begin(); it != alist.end();
       ++it) {
    // translate atom so that it coincides with the origin of rotation
    pos[*it] -= rotAxisBegin;
    // rotate around our rotation axis
    RDGeom::Transform3D rotByAngle;
    rotByAngle.SetRotation(value, rotAxis);
    // translate atom back
    pos[*it] += rotAxisBegin;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void transformAtom(Atom *atom, RDGeom::Transform3D &tform) {
  PRECONDITION(atom, "no atom");
  ROMol &mol = atom->getOwningMol();
  for (ROMol::ConstConformerIterator ci = mol.beginConformers();
       ci != mol.endConformers(); ci++) {
    RDGeom::Point3D &pos = (*ci)->getAtomPos(atom->getIdx());
  // atom->setPos(pos);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 void _copyTransform(const PyArrayObject *transMat, RDGeom::Transform3D &trans) {
   unsigned int nrows = transMat->dimensions[0];
   unsigned int ncols = transMat->dimensions[1];
   if ((nrows != 4) || (ncols != 4)) {
     throw_value_error("The transform has to be square matrix, of size 4x4");
   if (transMat->descr->type_num != PyArray_DOUBLE)
     throw_value_error("Only double arrays allowed for transform object ");
   unsigned int dSize = nrows*nrows;
   const double *inData = reinterpret_cast<const double *>(transMat->data);
   double *tData  = trans.getData();
   memcpy(static_cast<void *>(tData), static_cast<const void *>(inData), dSize*sizeof(double));
Ejemplo n.º 8
RDGeom::Transform3D *computeCanonicalTransform(const Conformer &conf,
                                               const RDGeom::Point3D *center,
                                               bool normalizeCovar,
                                               bool ignoreHs) {
  RDGeom::Point3D origin;
  if (!center) {
    origin = computeCentroid(conf, ignoreHs);
  } else {
    origin = (*center);
  RDNumeric::DoubleSymmMatrix *covMat =
      computeCovarianceMatrix(conf, origin, normalizeCovar, ignoreHs);
  // find the eigen values and eigen vectors for the covMat
  RDNumeric::DoubleMatrix eigVecs(3, 3);
  RDNumeric::DoubleVector eigVals(3);
  // if we have a single atom system we don't need to do anyhting other than
  // setting translation
  // translation
  unsigned int nAtms = conf.getNumAtoms();
  RDGeom::Transform3D *trans = new RDGeom::Transform3D;

  // set the translation
  origin *= -1.0;
  // trans->SetTranslation(origin);
  // if we have a single atom system we don't need to do anyhting setting
  // translation is sufficient
  if (nAtms > 1) {
    RDNumeric::EigenSolvers::powerEigenSolver(3, *covMat, eigVals, eigVecs,
    // deal with zero eigen value systems
    unsigned int i, j, dim = 3;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
      if (fabs(eigVals.getVal(i)) < EIGEN_TOLERANCE) {
    CHECK_INVARIANT(dim >= 1, "");
    if (dim < 3) {
      RDGeom::Point3D first(eigVecs.getVal(0, 0), eigVecs.getVal(0, 1),
                            eigVecs.getVal(0, 2));
      if (dim == 1) {
        // pick an arbitrary eigen vector perpendicular to the first vector
        RDGeom::Point3D second(first.getPerpendicular());
        eigVecs.setVal(1, 0, second.x);
        eigVecs.setVal(1, 1, second.y);
        eigVecs.setVal(1, 2, second.z);
        if (eigVals.getVal(0) > 1.0) {
          eigVals.setVal(1, 1.0);
        } else {
          eigVals.setVal(1, eigVals.getVal(0) / 2.0);
      RDGeom::Point3D second(eigVecs.getVal(1, 0), eigVecs.getVal(1, 1),
                             eigVecs.getVal(1, 2));
      // pick the third eigen vector perpendicular to the first two
      RDGeom::Point3D third = first.crossProduct(second);
      eigVecs.setVal(2, 0, third.x);
      eigVecs.setVal(2, 1, third.y);
      eigVecs.setVal(2, 2, third.z);
      if (eigVals.getVal(1) > 1.0) {
        eigVals.setVal(2, 1.0);
      } else {
        eigVals.setVal(2, eigVals.getVal(1) / 2.0);
    // now set the transformation
    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
      for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
        trans->setVal(i, j, eigVecs.getVal(i, j));
  }  // end of multiple atom system
  delete covMat;

  return trans;
Ejemplo n.º 9
RDGeom::Point3D operator*(const RDGeom::Transform3D &t,
                          const RDGeom::Point3D &pt) {
  RDGeom::Point3D res = pt;
  return res;
Ejemplo n.º 10
double AlignPoints(const RDGeom::Point3DConstPtrVect &refPoints,
                   const RDGeom::Point3DConstPtrVect &probePoints,
                   RDGeom::Transform3D &trans, const DoubleVector *weights,
                   bool reflect, unsigned int maxIterations) {
  unsigned int npt = refPoints.size();
  PRECONDITION(npt == probePoints.size(), "Mismatch in number of points");
  const DoubleVector *wts;
  double wtsSum;
  bool ownWts;
  if (weights) {
    PRECONDITION(npt == weights->size(), "Mismatch in number of points");
    wts = weights;
    wtsSum = _sumOfWeights(*wts);
    ownWts = false;
  } else {
    wts = new DoubleVector(npt, 1.0);
    wtsSum = static_cast<double>(npt);
    ownWts = true;

  RDGeom::Point3D rptSum = _weightedSumOfPoints(refPoints, *wts);
  RDGeom::Point3D pptSum = _weightedSumOfPoints(probePoints, *wts);

  double rptSumLenSq = _weightedSumOfLenSq(refPoints, *wts);
  double pptSumLenSq = _weightedSumOfLenSq(probePoints, *wts);

  double covMat[3][3];

  // compute the co-variance matrix
  _computeCovarianceMat(refPoints, probePoints, *wts, covMat);
  if (ownWts) {
    delete wts;
    wts = 0;
  if (reflect) {
    rptSum *= -1.0;

  // convert the covariance matrix to a 4x4 matrix that needs to be diagonalized
  double quad[4][4];
  _covertCovMatToQuad(covMat, rptSum, pptSum, wtsSum, quad);

  // get the eigenVecs and eigenVals for the matrix
  double eigenVecs[4][4], eigenVals[4];
  jacobi(quad, eigenVals, eigenVecs, maxIterations);

  // get the quaternion
  double quater[4];
  quater[0] = eigenVecs[0][0];
  quater[1] = eigenVecs[1][0];
  quater[2] = eigenVecs[2][0];
  quater[3] = eigenVecs[3][0];

  if (reflect) {
    // put the flip in the rotation matrix
  // compute the SSR value
  double ssr = eigenVals[0] - (pptSum.lengthSq() + rptSum.lengthSq()) / wtsSum +
               rptSumLenSq + pptSumLenSq;

  if ((ssr < 0.0) && (fabs(ssr) < TOLERANCE)) {
    ssr = 0.0;
  if (reflect) {
    rptSum *= -1.0;

  // set the translation
  RDGeom::Point3D move = rptSum;
  move -= pptSum;
  move /= wtsSum;
  return ssr;