bool MusicHandler::LoadFromMemory(const typeAssetID theAssetID, sf::Music& theAsset) { // Start with a return result of false bool anResult = false; // TODO: Retrieve the const char* pointer to load data from const char* anData = NULL; // TODO: Retrieve the size in bytes of the font to load from memory size_t anDataSize = 0; // Try to obtain the font from the memory location specified if(NULL != anData && anDataSize > 0) { // Load the image from the memory location specified #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) anResult = theAsset.OpenFromMemory(anData, anDataSize); #else anResult = theAsset.openFromMemory(anData, anDataSize); #endif } else { ELOG() << "MusicHandler::LoadFromMemory(" << theAssetID << ") Bad memory location or size!" << std::endl; } // Return anResult of true if successful, false otherwise return anResult; }
int InitGL() // All Setup For OpenGL goes here { glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); // Enables Smooth Shading glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glClearDepth(1.0f); // Depth Buffer Setup glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enables Depth Testing glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); // The Type Of Depth Test To Do glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST); // Really Nice Perspective Calculation glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); // Uses default lighting parameters glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, GL_TRUE); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, LightAmbient); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, LightDiffuse); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, LightPosition); glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); // and now some init I need to do for other stuff ilInit(); /* Initialization of DevIL */ // mouse stuff pointer = toGLTexture("./dati/models/textures/mirino.png"); lastx = middleX; lasty = middleY; relativeX = 0.0; relativeY = 0.0; glutWarpPointer(middleX, middleY); // put the cursor in the middle of the screen //for the menu InitMenu(); // for the text t3dInit(); // for the skybox initSkybox(); // for the blend initAssets(); // for the sounds if (!sound_hit.loadFromFile("./dati/audio/hit.wav")) return -1; if (!sound_miss.loadFromFile("./dati/audio/miss.wav")) return -1; if (!sound_youreempty.loadFromFile("./dati/audio/youreempty.wav")) return -1; if (!sound_ohno.loadFromFile("./dati/audio/ohno.wav")) return -1; music.setLoop(true); if (!music.openFromFile("./dati/audio/Rango_Theme.ogg")) return -1;; return TRUE; // Initialization Went OK }
void newGame () { music.stop(); music.openFromFile("./dati/audio/Morricone.ogg");; main_camera.setLocRot(locRot(0,0,0,0,0,0)); int j; t=reset_time(t); for(j=0; j<18; j++){ m[j]=reset_motion(m[j]); } livello=1; // for the score score = 0; gun0.bullet_number = BULLET_NUMBER; first = TRUE; return; }
bool MusicHandler::LoadFromFile(const typeAssetID theAssetID, sf::Music& theAsset) { // Start with a return result of false bool anResult = false; // Retrieve the filename for this asset std::string anFilename = GetFilename(theAssetID); // Was a valid filename found? then attempt to load the asset from anFilename if(anFilename.length() > 0) { // Load the asset from a file #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) anResult = theAsset.OpenFromFile(anFilename); #else anResult = theAsset.openFromFile(anFilename); #endif } else { ELOG() << "MusicHandler::LoadFromFile(" << theAssetID << ") No filename provided!" << std::endl; } // Return anResult of true if successful, false otherwise return anResult; }
void SoundEngine::playMusic(sf::Music & Music) { if (activeMusic == true) { Music.setLoop(true); Music.setVolume(20);; } }
void Music::Play(Music::Setting setting) { switch(setting) { case MENU:; battle_snd.stop(); break; case BATTLE: menu_snd.stop();; break; } }
void MouseClick(sf::RenderWindow &Window, sf::Music &introMusic) { int mouseX = Window.GetInput().GetMouseX(); int mouseY = Window.GetInput().GetMouseY(); if(Window.GetInput().IsMouseButtonDown(sf::Mouse::Left) && mouseX >= 350 && mouseX <= 450) { if(mouseY > 100 && mouseY < 200) introMusic.Play(); else if (mouseY > 200 && mouseY < 300) introMusic.Pause(); else if (mouseY > 300 && mouseY < 400) introMusic.Stop(); } }
void init(string path) { if ( !sound.openFromFile(path) ) { cout << "error loading music"; return; } }
void HandleSound(){ /* Handle sound_queue and music */ if( SoundFx.getStatus() == 0 ){ //status : STOPPED if( !sound_queue.empty() ){ SoundFx.openFromFile( *sound_queue.front() );; sound_queue.pop(); } } if( ::SoundMusic.getStatus() == 0 && now_log -> music_path.size() != 0 ){; } }
void levelChanger(void) { if (score >= 100) { if(livello==3){ //musica music.stop(); music.openFromFile("./dati/audio/Stuck_In_Guacamole.ogg");; menu_id=4; } else{ changeLevel(UP); reload(); score = 0; } } return; }
static void tick() { if(currently_playing.getStatus() == sf::SoundSource::Stopped) { current_song++; swap_to_song_type(ROUND_GENERAL); } }
void Music::Initialize() { menu_snd.openFromFile("./Resources/Sounds/menumusic.ogg"); menu_snd.setVolume(60.0f); menu_snd.setLoop(true); battle_snd.openFromFile("./Resources/Sounds/battlemusic.ogg"); battle_snd.setVolume(40.0f); battle_snd.setLoop(true);; }
static void swap_to_song_type(music_purpose new_purpose) { if(new_purpose == NONE) { currently_playing.stop(); current_song = -1; return; } ///at the moment do shit int new_song = -1; for(int i=0; i<(int)file_names.size(); i++) { int song_offset = (i + current_song) % file_names.size(); music_purpose current_purpose = (music_purpose)purpose[song_offset]; if((current_purpose & new_purpose) > 0) { new_song = song_offset; break; } } if(new_song == -1) return; if(new_song == current_song && currently_playing.getStatus() != sf::SoundSource::Stopped) return; currently_playing.stop(); currently_playing.openFromFile("res/" + file_names[new_song]);; current_song = new_song; }
void ManageSound() { assert( now_log != 0 ); // null pointer is unexceptable and there is no solution //stop whatever Sound Effect playing right now SoundFx.stop(); //empty the queue if there is still any member on the queue while( !sound_queue.empty() ) sound_queue.pop(); for( unsigned i = 0; i < now_log -> soundFx_path.size(); ++i ){ sound_queue.push( &(now_log->soundFx_path[i]) ); } if( now_log -> music_path.size() != 0 ){ SoundMusic.openFromFile( now_log -> music_path ); } }
/* PRIVATE function are not supposed to be called from outside VisualNovel namespace even though it's accessible from global. it can lead to errors if called */ void Init(){ //get the image for the text's background log_background = get_image( "resource/LogBackground.png" ); //set the volume to the default global volume SoundFx.setVolume( MUSIC_VOLUME ); static bool loaded = false; if( !loaded ) //to prevent double calling { font_display.loadFromFile( "resource/PTN57F.ttf" ); log_text_display.setFont( font_display ); log_text_display.setCharacterSize( 24 ); log_text_display.setColor( sf::Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ); log_text_display.setPosition( log_x + log_padding_x, log_y + log_padding_y ); log_name_display.setFont( font_display ); log_name_display.setCharacterSize( 40 ); log_name_display.setColor( sf::Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ); log_name_display.setPosition( log_x + log_padding_x, log_y - log_to_name_y - 40 ); } }
void Music::SetVolume(float32 volume) { music.setVolume(volume); }
void play(float _volume=1.0f) { setVolume(_volume);; }
void setVolume(float _volume=1.0f) { volume = _volume; int intVol = _volume*100.0f; sound.setVolume(intVol); }
void stop() { sound.stop(); }
void setLoop(bool val) { sound.setLoop(val); }
bool Music::Load(const String& fileName) { return music.openFromFile(fileName.ptr); }
float32 Music::GetDurationInSeconds() { return music.getDuration().asSeconds(); }
void TWindows :: ResumeMenu(sf::RenderWindow& oknoAplikacji, bool& skip, sf::Music& Gmusic, int TGmusic) { while( oknoAplikacji.isOpen() ) { //CZYSZCZENIE OKNA EventsWin(oknoAplikacji, tribe, option, skip, 1); if(skip==true) if(TGmusic!=-1) { Gmusic.stop(); } sf::Texture textur; bool viewtext=textur.loadFromFile("tloczarne.png"); if(viewtext==true) { sf::Sprite blackpic; blackpic.setColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 125)); blackpic.setTexture(textur); blackpic.setScale(10,10); oknoAplikacji.draw(blackpic); } sf::Font czcionka; sf::Text costam,costam1, costam2; if(czcionka.loadFromFile("XG-pixo.ttf")) { costam.setFont(czcionka); //TEXT W MENU TYTULOWYM costam.setString("*PAUSE*"); costam.setCharacterSize(60); //costam.setStyle(sf::Text::Bold); costam.setPosition(100, 50); costam.setScale(2,2); costam.setColor(sf::Color(255,255,255)); oknoAplikacji.draw(costam); //RESUME costam.setString("RESUME"); costam.setCharacterSize(20); //costam.setStyle(sf::Text::Bold); costam.setPosition(295, 300); costam.setScale(2,2); if(option==0) { costam.setColor(sf::Color(125,125,125)); } else { costam.setColor(sf::Color(255,255,255)); } oknoAplikacji.draw(costam); //EXIT costam.setString("EXIT"); if(option==0) { costam.setColor(sf::Color(255,255,255)); } else { costam.setColor(sf::Color(125,125,125)); } costam.setPosition(340, 350); oknoAplikacji.draw(costam); } oknoAplikacji.display(); if(tribe==1 || skip==true) break; } oknoAplikacji.clear(sf::Color( 10, 10, 10 )); tribe=0; option=0; }
namespace music { enum music_purpose : uint32_t { NONE = 0, ROUND_START = 1, ROUND_GENERAL = 2, ROUND_NEAR_END = 4, ///time low. Dynamically calculate which song to play based on time left ROUND_END = 8, MAIN_MENU = 16, VICTORY = 32, DEFEAT = 64, LOW_HP = 128, DRAMATIC = 256, ROUND_SPANNING = 512 ///maybe instead of this, chop life support up into 2 clips? /*METEOR = 1, INDOORS = 2, GENERAL = 4, BADTHING = 8, GOODTHING = 16, LOWAIR = 32, GAMEOVER = 64, RETRY = 128, GAMESTART = 256, MAINMENU = 512*/ }; /*static std::vector<std::string> file_names = { "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 01 Castlecool.flac", "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 11 Strutters.flac", "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 06 Search for Legitimacy.flac", ///need to adjust start "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 07 Run!.flac", "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 12 Life Support.flac", "Sam_Berrow - HEART AND SOUL -EP- - 02 Maniacle Monacle.flac", "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART I) - 06 Indilgent.flac" };*/ ///Maybe I should only have music at the start and end of rounds? And when stuff happens? ///need to get search for legitimacy but without the continuation static std::vector<std::string> file_names { "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART I) - 06 Indilgent.flac", ///start, general "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 05 Brain Journey.flac", ///general. Also for dramatic things "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 07 Run!.flac", ///near_end, low_hp, or potentially general "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 11 Strutters.flac", ///general? Not sure on this one "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 14 Trash (Trash.).flac", ///start really "Sam_Berrow - HEART AND SOUL -EP- - 02 Maniacle Monacle.flac", ///general? "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART I) - 10 Fenk.flac", /// can definitely use the first 8 seconds of this "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 01 Castlecool.flac", ///could use this is something dramatic happens "Sam_Berrow - THE EMPLOYMENT TAPES (PART II) - 12 Life Support.flac" ///only use this if I can have it span across two rounds }; static std::vector<uint32_t> purpose { ROUND_START | ROUND_GENERAL, DRAMATIC | ROUND_GENERAL, LOW_HP, ROUND_GENERAL, ROUND_START, ROUND_START | ROUND_GENERAL, VICTORY, DRAMATIC, ROUND_SPANNING }; /*static std::vector<uint32_t> purpose = { GENERAL | INDOORS, ///use bitflag GENERAL, GOODTHING, LOWAIR, GAMEOVER | RETRY, GENERAL | GAMESTART, METEOR | MAINMENU };*/ extern int current_song; extern sf::Music currently_playing; static std::string get_current_song_name() { if(current_song < 0 || current_song >= (int)file_names.size()) return ""; return file_names[current_song]; } static void swap_to_song_type(music_purpose new_purpose) { if(new_purpose == NONE) { currently_playing.stop(); current_song = -1; return; } ///at the moment do shit int new_song = -1; for(int i=0; i<(int)file_names.size(); i++) { int song_offset = (i + current_song) % file_names.size(); music_purpose current_purpose = (music_purpose)purpose[song_offset]; if((current_purpose & new_purpose) > 0) { new_song = song_offset; break; } } if(new_song == -1) return; if(new_song == current_song && currently_playing.getStatus() != sf::SoundSource::Stopped) return; currently_playing.stop(); currently_playing.openFromFile("res/" + file_names[new_song]);; current_song = new_song; } static void tick() { if(currently_playing.getStatus() == sf::SoundSource::Stopped) { current_song++; swap_to_song_type(ROUND_GENERAL); } } };
void Music::SetPitch(float32 pitch) { music.setPitch(pitch); }
void Music::SetLooping(bool isLooping) { music.setLoop(isLooping); }
void Music::Stop() { music.stop(); }
void Music::Play() {; }
void Music::Pause() { music.pause(); }
void Music::SetPosition(float32 seconds) { music.setPlayingOffset(sf::Time(sf::seconds(seconds))); }