Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Calculate the equivalent spatial force, FB_G, acting on a mobilized body specified 
   by index acting at its mobilizer frame B, expressed in ground.  */
SimTK::SpatialVec Joint::calcEquivalentSpatialForceForMobilizedBody(const SimTK::State &s, 
	const SimTK::MobilizedBodyIndex mbx, const SimTK::Vector &mobilityForces) const
	// Get the mobilized body
	const SimTK::MobilizedBody mbd    = getModel().getMatterSubsystem().getMobilizedBody(mbx);
	const SimTK::UIndex        ustart = mbd.getFirstUIndex(s);
	const int                  nu     = mbd.getNumU(s);

	const SimTK::MobilizedBody ground = getModel().getMatterSubsystem().getGround();

    if (nu == 0) // No mobility forces (weld joint?).
        return SimTK::SpatialVec(SimTK::Vec3(0), SimTK::Vec3(0));

	// Construct the H (joint jacobian, joint transition) matrrix for this mobilizer
	SimTK::Matrix transposeH_PB_w(nu, 3);
	SimTK::Matrix transposeH_PB_v(nu, 3);
	// from individual columns
	SimTK::SpatialVec Hcol;
	// To obtain the joint Jacobian, H_PB (H_FM in Simbody) need to be realized to at least position
	_model->getMultibodySystem().realize(s, SimTK::Stage::Position);

	SimTK::Vector f(nu, 0.0);
	for(int i =0; i<nu; ++i){
		f[i] = mobilityForces[ustart + i];
		// Get the H matrix for this Joint by constructing it from the operator H*u
		Hcol = mbd.getH_FMCol(s, SimTK::MobilizerUIndex(i));
		const SimTK::Vector hcolw(Hcol[0]);
		const SimTK::Vector hcolv(Hcol[1]);

		transposeH_PB_w[i] = ~hcolw;
		transposeH_PB_v[i] = ~hcolv;

	// Spatial force and torque vectors
	SimTK::Vector Fv(3, 0.0), Fw(3, 0.0);

	// Solve the pseudoinverse problem of Fv = pinv(~H_PB_G_v)*f;
	SimTK::FactorQTZ pinvForce(transposeH_PB_v);

	//if rank = 0, body force cannot contribute to the mobility force
	if(pinvForce.getRank() > 0)
		pinvForce.solve(f, Fv);
	// Now solve the pseudoinverse for torque for any unaccounted f: Fw = pinv(~H_PB_G_w)*(f - ~H_PB_G_v*Fv);
	SimTK::FactorQTZ pinvTorq(transposeH_PB_w);

	//if rank = 0, body torque cannot contribute to the mobility force
	if(pinvTorq.getRank() > 0)
		pinvTorq.solve(f, Fw);
	// Now we have two solution with either the body force Fv or body torque accounting for some or all of f
	SimTK::Vector fv =  transposeH_PB_v*Fv;
	SimTK::Vector fw =  transposeH_PB_w*Fw; 

	// which to choose? Choose the more effective as fx.norm/Fx.norm
	if(fv.norm() > SimTK::SignificantReal){ // if body force can contributes at all
		// if body torque can contribute too and it is more effective
		if(fw.norm() > SimTK::SignificantReal){
			if (fw.norm()/Fw.norm() > fv.norm()/Fv.norm() ){ 
				// account for f using torque, Fw, so compute Fv with remainder
				pinvForce.solve(f-fw, Fv);		
				// account for f using force, Fv, first and Fw from remainder
				pinvTorq.solve(f-fv, Fw);
		// else no torque contribution and Fw should be zero
	// no force contribution but have a torque
	else if(fw.norm() > SimTK::SignificantReal){
		// just Fw
		// should be the case where gen force is zero.
		assert(f.norm() < SimTK::SignificantReal);

	// The spatial forces above are expresseded in the joint frame of the parent
	// Transform from parent joint frame, P into the parent body frame, Po
	const SimTK::Rotation R_PPo = (mbd.getInboardFrame(s).R());

	// Re-express forces in ground, first by describing force in the parent, Po, 
	// frame instead of joint frame
	SimTK::Vec3 vecFw = R_PPo*SimTK::Vec3::getAs(&Fw[0]);
	SimTK::Vec3 vecFv = R_PPo*SimTK::Vec3::getAs(&Fv[0]);

	//Force Acting on joint frame, B,  in child body expressed in Parent body, Po
	SimTK::SpatialVec FB_Po(vecFw, vecFv);

	const MobilizedBody parent = mbd.getParentMobilizedBody();
	// to apply spatial forces on bodies they must be expressed in ground
	vecFw = parent.expressVectorInAnotherBodyFrame(s, FB_Po[0], ground);
	vecFv = parent.expressVectorInAnotherBodyFrame(s, FB_Po[1], ground);

	// Package resulting torque and force as a spatial vec
	SimTK::SpatialVec FB_G(vecFw, vecFv);

	return FB_G;