inline void load( Archive & ar, STD::bitset<Bits> &t, const unsigned int /* file_version */ ){ if (ar.get_flags() & boost::archive::packed_bools) { const unsigned Bytes = Bits / 8; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Bytes; i++){ unsigned char theByte; ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("item", theByte); const unsigned int count = 8 * i; t.set(count, theByte & 0x01); for (unsigned int j = 1; j < 8; j++) { theByte = theByte >> 1; t.set(count + j, theByte & 0x01); } } // handle any partial byte const unsigned extraBits = Bits - 8 * Bytes; if (extraBits > 0) { unsigned char theByte; ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("item", theByte); const unsigned int count = 8 * Bytes; t.set(count, theByte & 0x01); for (unsigned int j = 1; j < extraBits; j++) { theByte = theByte >> 1; t.set(count + j, theByte & 0x01); } } }
void OnUserConnect(LocalUser* user) { ConfigTag* tag = user->MyClass->config; std::string vhost = tag->getString("vhost"); std::string replace; if (vhost.empty()) return; replace = "$ident"; if (vhost.find(replace) != std::string::npos) { std::string ident = user->ident; if (ident[0] == '~') ident.erase(0, 1); SearchAndReplace(vhost, replace, ident); } replace = "$account"; if (vhost.find(replace) != std::string::npos) { std::string account = GetAccount(user); if (account.empty()) account = "unidentified"; SearchAndReplace(vhost, replace, account); } if (vhost.length() > 64) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_conn_vhost", DEFAULT, "m_conn_vhost: vhost in connect block %s is too long", user->MyClass->name.c_str()); return; } /* from m_sethost: validate the characters */ for (std::string::const_iterator x = vhost.begin(); x != vhost.end(); x++) { if (!hostmap.test(static_cast<unsigned char>(*x))) { ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_conn_vhost", DEFAULT, "m_conn_vhost: vhost in connect block %s has invalid characters", user->MyClass->name.c_str()); return; } } user->ChangeDisplayedHost(vhost.c_str()); }
int main(){ // do you mind telling us in the problem statement // that there is more than one test case per input while(~scanf("%d%d",&N,&M)){ V.clear(); for(int i=1;i<=N;++i){ scanf("%d",W+i); V.emplace_back(W[i]); } std::sort(all(V)); V.erase(std::unique(all(V)),V.end()); for(int i=1;i<=N;++i) W[i]=std::lower_bound(all(V),W[i])-V.begin(); for(int i=1;i<=N;++i) adj[i].clear(); for(int i=1,a,b;i<N;++i){ scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); adj[a].emplace_back(b); adj[b].emplace_back(a); } dfs(1,-1); build(); for(int i=0,a,b,l;i<M;++i){ scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); l=lca(a,b); if(ein[b]<ein[a]) std::swap(a,b); if(a==l||b==l) qrys[i]={ein[a],ein[b],-1,i}; else qrys[i]={eout[a],ein[b],l,i}; } std::sort(qrys,qrys+M); vis.reset(); memset(cnt,0,sizeof cnt); res=0; chk(tour[1]); for(int i=0,l=1,r=1;i<M;++i){ while(r<qrys[i].r) chk(tour[++r]); while(l>qrys[i].l) chk(tour[--l]); while(r>qrys[i].r) chk(tour[r--]); while(l<qrys[i].l) chk(tour[l++]); if(~qrys[i].lca) chk(qrys[i].lca); ans[qrys[i].i]=res; if(~qrys[i].lca) chk(qrys[i].lca); } for(int i=0;i<M;printf("%d\n",ans[i++])); } }
std::bitset<BLOCK_SIZE/2> perform_round(const std::bitset<BLOCK_SIZE/2>& data, const std::bitset<ROUND_KEY_SIZE>& round_key) { // expand/permute data from 32b to 48b using e_table std::bitset<48> expansion; for (int i = 0; i < e_table.size(); ++i) { expansion.set(i, data.test(e_table[i] - 1)); } expansion ^= round_key; // perform s-box substitution on expanded data std::bitset<32> s_box_out = perform_sbox_subst(expansion); // permute using P table std::bitset<32> shrinkage; for (int i = 0; i < p_table.size(); ++i) shrinkage.set(i, expansion.test(p_table[i] - 1)); return shrinkage; }
int main() { int substr_len; //use the number of unique characters as number base int base; scanf("%d %d", &substr_len, &base); scanf("%s", str); int length = strlen(str); if(length < substr_len) { printf("0\n"); return 0; } int unique_character = 0; int index = 0; while(unique_character < base) { if(value[str[index]] == 0) value[str[index]] = unique_character++; index++; } long rolling_hash = 0; for(int i = 0; i < substr_len; ++i) rolling_hash = rolling_hash * base + value[str[i]]; mark[rolling_hash] = 1; // Calculate hash value for next window of text: Remove leading digit, add trailing digit // hash(s[i+1 ... i+m] ) = base *(hash(s[i .. s+i-1]) – s[i] * (b^(m-1) ) )+ s[i + m] //h = pow(base, substr_len - 1) int h = 1; for (int i = 0; i < substr_len - 1; i++) h *= base; //int overflow? for(int i = 0; i < length - substr_len; i++) { rolling_hash = base *(rolling_hash - value[str[i]] * h) + value[str[i + substr_len]]; mark[rolling_hash] = 1; } printf("%ld\n", mark.count()); return 0; };
/* search_missing_combinations: traverse the BitTable * to find 0 bits and print out the corresponding * character sequences */ void search_missing_combinations () { unsigned long missing_combs = 0; char buf[APPEARS_SEQSIZE + 1]; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < TABLESIZE; i++) { if (!BitTable.test(i)) { index_to_tokens(i, buf); printf(" %s (index %lu)\n", buf, i); missing_combs++; } } if (missing_combs) { printf("For total %lu missing combinations found.\n", missing_combs); } else { printf("All combinations have appeared.\n"); } }
void MasksTableGenerator::generateCombinationsForK( const std::bitset<8> & combination, unsigned char offset, unsigned char k, std::vector<mask_t> & combinationMasks) { if (k == 0) { combinationMasks.push_back(combination.to_ulong()); return; } for (auto i = offset; i < m_numSamples - (k - 1); ++i) { auto newCombination = combination; newCombination.set(i, true); generateCombinationsForK(newCombination, i + 1, k - 1, combinationMasks); } }
float Apriori::calc_support(std::bitset<NUM> bsdata) { float support = 0.0; unsigned count = 0; std::bitset<NUM> b; /* * 1. std::map<unsigned ,IndexBitSet_t> m_base_dataset; * (data,vec float) -> (data,bitset) * */ if(bsdata.none()) return 0.0; for(auto iter = this->m_base_dataset.begin(); iter!= this->m_base_dataset.end(); iter++){ b.reset(); b |= (this->m_bitset_vec[iter->second] & bsdata) ^ bsdata; if(b.none()) count++; } support = (count*1.0) / (this->m_base_dataset.size() * 1.0); return support; }
void BSO::randomFlip(std::bitset<chromoLength> ¶msBS, int type) { return; //no change int pos = 0; if(type == 0) //flip in all position { pos = rand()%chromoLength; } else if(type == 1) //flip im only { pos = rand()%imLength; } else if(type == 2) //flip pf only { pos = imLength + rand()%pfLength; } paramsBS = paramsBS.flip(pos); }
int main() { generate_sieve(); long long result = 0; for (auto prime : primes) { int n = prime - 1; bool valid = true; for (int d=1; d*d<=n && valid; ++d) { if (n%d == 0) { valid &= sieve.test(d + n / d); } } if (valid) { result += n; } } std::cout << result << std::endl; return 0; }
std::string bin_to_hex(std::bitset<4> bit) { if (bit.to_string().compare("0000") == 0) return std::string("0"); if (bit.to_string().compare("0001") == 0) return std::string("1"); if (bit.to_string().compare("0010") == 0) return std::string("2"); if (bit.to_string().compare("0011") == 0) return std::string("3"); if (bit.to_string().compare("0100") == 0) return std::string("4"); if (bit.to_string().compare("0101") == 0) return std::string("5"); if (bit.to_string().compare("0110") == 0) return std::string("6"); if (bit.to_string().compare("0111") == 0) return std::string("7"); if (bit.to_string().compare("1000") == 0) return std::string("8"); if (bit.to_string().compare("1001") == 0) return std::string("9"); if (bit.to_string().compare("1010") == 0) return std::string("A"); if (bit.to_string().compare("1011") == 0) return std::string("B"); if (bit.to_string().compare("1100") == 0) return std::string("C"); if (bit.to_string().compare("1101") == 0) return std::string("D"); if (bit.to_string().compare("1110") == 0) return std::string("E"); if (bit.to_string().compare("1111") == 0) return std::string("F"); else return std::string(""); }
void NullDerefProtectionTransformer::instrumentCallInst(llvm::Instruction* TheCall, const std::bitset<32>& ArgIndexs) { llvm::CallSite CS = TheCall; for (int index = 0; index < 32; ++index) { if (!ArgIndexs.test(index)) continue; llvm::Value* Arg = CS.getArgument(index); if (!Arg) continue; llvm::Type* ArgTy = Arg->getType(); llvm::BasicBlock* OldBB = TheCall->getParent(); llvm::ICmpInst* Cmp = new llvm::ICmpInst(TheCall, llvm::CmpInst::ICMP_EQ, Arg, llvm::Constant::getNullValue(ArgTy), ""); llvm::Instruction* Inst = Builder->GetInsertPoint(); llvm::BasicBlock* NewBB = OldBB->splitBasicBlock(Inst); OldBB->getTerminator()->eraseFromParent(); llvm::BranchInst::Create(getTrapBB(NewBB), NewBB, Cmp, OldBB); } }
void expect_op_result( std::string op, std::bitset<BITS> bits, quadset<BITS> q1, quadset<BITS> q2, quadset<BITS> quad, speed_tradeoff tradeoff = ACCURATE ) { for (bitpos i = 0; i < BITS; ++i) { if (bits.test(i) != quad.test(i)) { EXPECT_EQ(false, true) << q1.to_string() << ' ' << op << ' ' << q2.to_string() << " = " << quad.to_string() << "; expected " << bits; } } if (tradeoff != FAST) { if ((BITS & 0x3F) != 0) { for (bitpos i = BITS; i < ((BITS+63) & ~0x3F); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(false, quad.test(i)) << "found set bit (#" << i << ") out of set range in " << quad.to_string() << op; } } } }
void remove_unused_locals(Context const ctx, std::bitset<kMaxTrackedLocals> usedLocals) { if (!options.RemoveUnusedLocals) return; auto const func = ctx.func; /* * Removing unused locals in closures requires checking which ones * are captured variables so we can remove the relevant properties, * and then we'd have to mutate the CreateCl callsite, so we don't * bother for now. * * Note: many closure bodies have unused $this local, because of * some emitter quirk, so this might be worthwhile. */ if (func->isClosureBody) return; func->locals.erase( std::remove_if( begin(func->locals) + func->params.size(), end(func->locals), [&] (const std::unique_ptr<php::Local>& l) { if (l->id < kMaxTrackedLocals && !usedLocals.test(l->id)) { FTRACE(2, " removing: {}\n", local_string(borrow(l))); return true; } return false; } ), end(func->locals) ); // Fixup local ids, in case we removed any. for (auto i = uint32_t{0}; i < func->locals.size(); ++i) { func->locals[i]->id = i; } }
FF::SearchState FF::Graph::SearchForPatterns(Graph *other, int row, Pattern &pattern, std::list<Pattern> &patterns, std::list<Node*> &affectedNodes, std::bitset<MAX_NODES> &affectedNodesBitset) { // Fetch the current node Node *node = this->m_Nodes[row]; if (affectedNodesBitset[node->Position]) { return NONE; } // Only if the pattern key is of the node's type if (this->m_Matrix[row][this->m_MatrixLength - 1] >= pattern.RequirementsLength && pattern.Key == node->Type) { // Create storage for the found matches std::list<Node*> matches; int nonTraversableMatches = 0; // Iterate of the columns for the given row #pragma omp parallel for ordered schedule(dynamic) for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < this->m_Nodes.size() ; ++i) { // Narrow our matches set by only adding matches that were not yet marked // as affected if (!affectedNodesBitset[this->m_Nodes[i]->Position]) { // If the matrix contains a connection at row,i if (this->m_Matrix[row][i] == 1) { // In case of a match if (pattern.Requirements & (1 << this->m_Nodes[i]->Type.GetId())) { matches.push_back(this->m_Nodes[i]); } // Nothing to do else { } } } else { ++nonTraversableMatches; } } int s = matches.size() + nonTraversableMatches; // If the row contains all required types if (s >= pattern.RequirementsLength && s > 0) { // Invalidate the pattern pattern.Key = NullNodeType(); ++this->m_PatternsMatched; // Mark the node as affected affectedNodesBitset.set(this->m_Nodes[row]->Position); // Insert the node into the affected nodes list affectedNodes.push_back(this->m_Nodes[row]); // Recursively search for more matches this->SearchInMatches(other, matches, patterns, affectedNodes, affectedNodesBitset); // Return searchstate return TRAVERSE; } // Row does not contain all required types, but is a leaf else if (s == 0 && pattern.RequirementsLength == 0) { // Invalidate the pattern pattern.Key = NullNodeType(); ++this->m_PatternsMatched; // Mark the node as affected affectedNodesBitset.set(this->m_Nodes[row]->Position); // Insert the node into the affected nodes list affectedNodes.push_back(this->m_Nodes[row]); // Return searchstate return LEAF; } } return NONE; }
bool set(std::bitset<N>& bset, uint32 pos) { bool old = bset.test(pos); bset.set(pos); return old; }
inline bool isprime_safe(const INT& n) const { return<size_t>(n)); }
bool getDebugFlag(DebugFlags _flag) { return g_flags.test(_flag); }
void serialize(output_archive & ar, const std::bitset<N> & bs, unsigned) { std::string const bits = bs.to_string(); ar << bits; }
namespace Tangram { const static size_t MAX_WORKERS = 2; std::mutex m_tilesMutex; std::mutex m_tasksMutex; std::mutex m_sceneMutex; std::queue<std::function<void()>> m_tasks; std::unique_ptr<TileWorker> m_tileWorker; std::unique_ptr<TileManager> m_tileManager; std::shared_ptr<Scene> m_scene; std::shared_ptr<View> m_view; std::unique_ptr<Labels> m_labels; std::unique_ptr<InputHandler> m_inputHandler; std::shared_ptr<Scene> m_nextScene; std::vector<Scene::Update> m_sceneUpdates; std::array<Ease, 4> m_eases; enum class EaseField { position, zoom, rotation, tilt }; void setEase(EaseField _f, Ease _e) { m_eases[static_cast<size_t>(_f)] = _e; requestRender(); } void clearEase(EaseField _f) { static Ease none = {}; m_eases[static_cast<size_t>(_f)] = none; } static float g_time = 0.0; static std::bitset<8> g_flags = 0; static bool g_cacheGlState = false; AsyncWorker m_asyncWorker; void initialize(const char* _scenePath) { // For some unknown reasons, android fails to render the map, if same scene is reloaded, without resetting any of // the other Tangram global resources, which is what this method does. // As a work-around, re-initialization of an already loaded scene is done along with resetting all the Tangram // global resources. // NOTE: This will be refactored completely with Multiple Tangram Instances work being done in parallel. if (m_scene && m_scene->path() == _scenePath) { LOGD("Specified scene is already initalized."); } LOG("initialize"); // Create view m_view = std::make_shared<View>(); // Create a scene object m_scene = std::make_shared<Scene>(_scenePath); // Input handler m_inputHandler = std::make_unique<InputHandler>(m_view); // Instantiate workers m_tileWorker = std::make_unique<TileWorker>(MAX_WORKERS); // Create a tileManager m_tileManager = std::make_unique<TileManager>(*m_tileWorker); // Label setup m_labels = std::make_unique<Labels>(); LOG("finish initialize"); } void setScene(std::shared_ptr<Scene>& _scene) { { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_sceneMutex); m_scene = _scene; } auto& camera = m_scene->camera(); m_view->setCameraType(camera.type); switch (camera.type) { case CameraType::perspective: m_view->setVanishingPoint(camera.vanishingPoint.x, camera.vanishingPoint.y); if (camera.fovStops) { m_view->setFieldOfViewStops(camera.fovStops); } else { m_view->setFieldOfView(camera.fieldOfView); } break; case CameraType::isometric: m_view->setObliqueAxis(camera.obliqueAxis.x, camera.obliqueAxis.y); break; case CameraType::flat: break; } if (m_scene->useScenePosition) { glm::dvec2 projPos = m_view->getMapProjection().LonLatToMeters(m_scene->startPosition); m_view->setPosition(projPos.x, projPos.y); m_view->setZoom(m_scene->startZoom); } m_inputHandler->setView(m_view); m_tileManager->setDataSources(_scene->dataSources()); m_tileWorker->setScene(_scene); setPixelScale(m_view->pixelScale()); bool animated = m_scene->animated() == Scene::animate::yes; if (m_scene->animated() == Scene::animate::none) { for (const auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { animated |= style->isAnimated(); } } if (animated != isContinuousRendering()) { setContinuousRendering(animated); } } void loadScene(const char* _scenePath, bool _useScenePosition) { LOG("Loading scene file: %s", _scenePath); // Copy old scene auto scene = std::make_shared<Scene>(_scenePath); scene->useScenePosition = _useScenePosition; if (SceneLoader::loadScene(scene)) { setScene(scene); } } void loadSceneAsync(const char* _scenePath, bool _useScenePosition, MapReady _platformCallback) { LOG("Loading scene file (async): %s", _scenePath); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_sceneMutex); m_sceneUpdates.clear(); m_nextScene = std::make_shared<Scene>(_scenePath); m_nextScene->useScenePosition = _useScenePosition; } Tangram::runAsyncTask([scene = m_nextScene, _platformCallback](){ bool ok = SceneLoader::loadScene(scene); Tangram::runOnMainLoop([scene, ok, _platformCallback]() { { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_sceneMutex); if (scene == m_nextScene) { m_nextScene.reset(); } else { return; } } if (ok) { auto s = scene; Tangram::setScene(s); Tangram::applySceneUpdates(); if (_platformCallback) { _platformCallback(); } } }); }); } void queueSceneUpdate(const char* _path, const char* _value) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_sceneMutex); m_sceneUpdates.push_back({_path, _value}); } void applySceneUpdates() { LOG("Applying %d scene updates", m_sceneUpdates.size()); if (m_nextScene) { // Changes are automatically applied once the scene is loaded return; } std::vector<Scene::Update> updates; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_sceneMutex); if (m_sceneUpdates.empty()) { return; } m_nextScene = std::make_shared<Scene>(*m_scene); m_nextScene->useScenePosition = false; updates = m_sceneUpdates; m_sceneUpdates.clear(); } Tangram::runAsyncTask([scene = m_nextScene, updates = std::move(updates)](){ SceneLoader::applyUpdates(scene->config(), updates); bool ok = SceneLoader::applyConfig(scene->config(), *scene); Tangram::runOnMainLoop([scene, ok]() { if (scene == m_nextScene) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_sceneMutex); m_nextScene.reset(); } else { return; } if (ok) { auto s = scene; Tangram::setScene(s); Tangram::applySceneUpdates(); } }); }); } void resize(int _newWidth, int _newHeight) { LOGS("resize: %d x %d", _newWidth, _newHeight); LOG("resize: %d x %d", _newWidth, _newHeight); glViewport(0, 0, _newWidth, _newHeight); if (m_view) { m_view->setSize(_newWidth, _newHeight); } Primitives::setResolution(_newWidth, _newHeight); } bool update(float _dt) { FrameInfo::beginUpdate(); g_time += _dt; bool viewComplete = true; for (auto& ease : m_eases) { if (!ease.finished()) { ease.update(_dt); viewComplete = false; } } size_t nTasks = 0; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tasksMutex); nTasks = m_tasks.size(); } while (nTasks-- > 0) { std::function<void()> task; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tasksMutex); task = m_tasks.front(); m_tasks.pop(); } task(); } m_inputHandler->update(_dt); m_view->update(); for (const auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { style->onBeginUpdate(); } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); ViewState viewState { m_view->getMapProjection(), m_view->changedOnLastUpdate(), glm::dvec2{m_view->getPosition().x, -m_view->getPosition().y }, m_view->getZoom() }; m_tileManager->updateTileSets(viewState, m_view->getVisibleTiles()); auto& tiles = m_tileManager->getVisibleTiles(); if (m_view->changedOnLastUpdate() || m_tileManager->hasTileSetChanged()) { for (const auto& tile : tiles) { tile->update(_dt, *m_view); } m_labels->updateLabelSet(*m_view, _dt, m_scene->styles(), tiles, m_tileManager->getTileCache()); } else { m_labels->updateLabels(*m_view, _dt, m_scene->styles(), tiles); } } FrameInfo::endUpdate(); bool viewChanged = m_view->changedOnLastUpdate(); bool tilesChanged = m_tileManager->hasTileSetChanged(); bool tilesLoading = m_tileManager->hasLoadingTiles(); bool labelsNeedUpdate = m_labels->needUpdate(); bool resourceLoading = (m_scene->m_resourceLoad > 0); bool nextScene = bool(m_nextScene); if (viewChanged || tilesChanged || tilesLoading || labelsNeedUpdate || resourceLoading || nextScene) { viewComplete = false; } // Request for render if labels are in fading in/out states if (m_labels->needUpdate()) { requestRender(); } return viewComplete; } void render() { FrameInfo::beginFrame(); // Invalidate render states for new frame if (!g_cacheGlState) { RenderState::invalidate(); } // Set up openGL for new frame RenderState::depthWrite(GL_TRUE); auto& color = m_scene->background(); RenderState::clearColor(color.r / 255.f, color.g / 255.f, color.b / 255.f, color.a / 255.f); GL_CHECK(glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)); for (const auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { style->onBeginFrame(); } { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); // Loop over all styles for (const auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { style->onBeginDrawFrame(*m_view, *m_scene); // Loop over all tiles in m_tileSet for (const auto& tile : m_tileManager->getVisibleTiles()) { style->draw(*tile); } style->onEndDrawFrame(); } } m_labels->drawDebug(*m_view); FrameInfo::draw(*m_view, *m_tileManager); } void setPositionNow(double _lon, double _lat) { glm::dvec2 meters = m_view->getMapProjection().LonLatToMeters({ _lon, _lat}); m_view->setPosition(meters.x, meters.y); m_inputHandler->cancelFling(); requestRender(); } void setPosition(double _lon, double _lat) { setPositionNow(_lon, _lat); clearEase(EaseField::position); } void setPosition(double _lon, double _lat, float _duration, EaseType _e) { double lon_start, lat_start; getPosition(lon_start, lat_start); auto cb = [=](float t) { setPositionNow(ease(lon_start, _lon, t, _e), ease(lat_start, _lat, t, _e)); }; setEase(EaseField::position, { _duration, cb }); } void getPosition(double& _lon, double& _lat) { glm::dvec2 meters(m_view->getPosition().x, m_view->getPosition().y); glm::dvec2 degrees = m_view->getMapProjection().MetersToLonLat(meters); _lon = degrees.x; _lat = degrees.y; } void setZoomNow(float _z) { m_view->setZoom(_z); m_inputHandler->cancelFling(); requestRender(); } void setZoom(float _z) { setZoomNow(_z); clearEase(EaseField::zoom); } void setZoom(float _z, float _duration, EaseType _e) { float z_start = getZoom(); auto cb = [=](float t) { setZoomNow(ease(z_start, _z, t, _e)); }; setEase(EaseField::zoom, { _duration, cb }); } float getZoom() { return m_view->getZoom(); } void setRotationNow(float _radians) { m_view->setRoll(_radians); requestRender(); } void setRotation(float _radians) { setRotationNow(_radians); clearEase(EaseField::rotation); } void setRotation(float _radians, float _duration, EaseType _e) { float radians_start = getRotation(); // Ease over the smallest angular distance needed float radians_delta = glm::mod(_radians - radians_start, (float)TWO_PI); if (radians_delta > PI) { radians_delta -= TWO_PI; } _radians = radians_start + radians_delta; auto cb = [=](float t) { setRotationNow(ease(radians_start, _radians, t, _e)); }; setEase(EaseField::rotation, { _duration, cb }); } float getRotation() { return m_view->getRoll(); } void setTiltNow(float _radians) { m_view->setPitch(_radians); requestRender(); } void setTilt(float _radians) { setTiltNow(_radians); clearEase(EaseField::tilt); } void setTilt(float _radians, float _duration, EaseType _e) { float tilt_start = getTilt(); auto cb = [=](float t) { setTiltNow(ease(tilt_start, _radians, t, _e)); }; setEase(EaseField::tilt, { _duration, cb }); } float getTilt() { return m_view->getPitch(); } void screenToWorldCoordinates(double& _x, double& _y) { m_view->screenToGroundPlane(_x, _y); glm::dvec2 meters(_x + m_view->getPosition().x, _y + m_view->getPosition().y); glm::dvec2 lonLat = m_view->getMapProjection().MetersToLonLat(meters); _x = lonLat.x; _y = lonLat.y; } bool lonLatToScreenPosition(double _lon, double _lat, float& _x, float& _y) { bool clipped = false; glm::vec2 screenCoords = m_view->lonLatToScreenPosition(_lon, _lat, clipped); _x = screenCoords.x; _y = screenCoords.y; bool withinViewport = _x >= 0.f && _x <= m_view->getWidth() && _y >= 0.f && _y <= m_view->getHeight(); return clipped || !withinViewport; } void setPixelScale(float _pixelsPerPoint) { if (m_view) { m_view->setPixelScale(_pixelsPerPoint); } for (auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { style->setPixelScale(_pixelsPerPoint); } } void setCameraType(int _type) { m_view->setCameraType(static_cast<CameraType>(_type)); requestRender(); } int getCameraType() { return static_cast<int>(m_view->cameraType()); } void addDataSource(std::shared_ptr<DataSource> _source) { if (!m_tileManager) { return; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); m_tileManager->addClientDataSource(_source); } bool removeDataSource(DataSource& source) { if (!m_tileManager) { return false; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); return m_tileManager->removeClientDataSource(source); } void clearDataSource(DataSource& _source, bool _data, bool _tiles) { if (!m_tileManager) { return; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); if (_tiles) { m_tileManager->clearTileSet(; } if (_data) { _source.clearData(); } requestRender(); } void handleTapGesture(float _posX, float _posY) { m_inputHandler->handleTapGesture(_posX, _posY); } void handleDoubleTapGesture(float _posX, float _posY) { m_inputHandler->handleDoubleTapGesture(_posX, _posY); } void handlePanGesture(float _startX, float _startY, float _endX, float _endY) { m_inputHandler->handlePanGesture(_startX, _startY, _endX, _endY); } void handleFlingGesture(float _posX, float _posY, float _velocityX, float _velocityY) { m_inputHandler->handleFlingGesture(_posX, _posY, _velocityX, _velocityY); } void handlePinchGesture(float _posX, float _posY, float _scale, float _velocity) { m_inputHandler->handlePinchGesture(_posX, _posY, _scale, _velocity); } void handleRotateGesture(float _posX, float _posY, float _radians) { m_inputHandler->handleRotateGesture(_posX, _posY, _radians); } void handleShoveGesture(float _distance) { m_inputHandler->handleShoveGesture(_distance); } void setDebugFlag(DebugFlags _flag, bool _on) { g_flags.set(_flag, _on); m_view->setZoom(m_view->getZoom()); // Force the view to refresh } bool getDebugFlag(DebugFlags _flag) { return g_flags.test(_flag); } void toggleDebugFlag(DebugFlags _flag) { g_flags.flip(_flag); m_view->setZoom(m_view->getZoom()); // Force the view to refresh // Rebuild tiles for debug modes that needs it if (_flag == DebugFlags::proxy_colors || _flag == DebugFlags::tile_bounds || _flag == DebugFlags::tile_infos) { if (m_tileManager) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); m_tileManager->clearTileSets(); } } } const std::vector<TouchItem>& pickFeaturesAt(float _x, float _y) { return m_labels->getFeaturesAtPoint(*m_view, 0, m_scene->styles(), m_tileManager->getVisibleTiles(), _x, _y); } void useCachedGlState(bool _useCache) { g_cacheGlState = _useCache; } void setupGL() { LOG("setup GL"); if (m_tileManager) { m_tileManager->clearTileSets(); } // Reconfigure the render states. Increases context 'generation'. // The OpenGL context has been destroyed since the last time resources were // created, so we invalidate all data that depends on OpenGL object handles. RenderState::invalidate(); RenderState::increaseGeneration(); // Set default primitive render color Primitives::setColor(0xffffff); // Load GL extensions and capabilities Hardware::loadExtensions(); Hardware::loadCapabilities(); Hardware::printAvailableExtensions(); } void runOnMainLoop(std::function<void()> _task) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tasksMutex); m_tasks.emplace(std::move(_task)); requestRender(); } void runAsyncTask(std::function<void()> _task) { m_asyncWorker.enqueue(std::move(_task)); } float frameTime() { return g_time; } }
void setDebugFlag(DebugFlags _flag, bool _on) { g_flags.set(_flag, _on); m_view->setZoom(m_view->getZoom()); // Force the view to refresh }
bool checkFlag(T f, Args ... rest) const { if (sizeof ...(rest)) return FLAG.test(f) && checkFlag (rest...); return FLAG.test (f); }
//Sets address in the binary form void IPAddress::setAddressAsBinary(std::bitset<32> ip_address) { unsigned long int value = ip_address.to_ulong(); setAddressAsUnsignedLongInt(value); }
bool TestAvailableState(EKnockBackAnimationState s) const { return x80_availableStates.test(size_t(s)); }
void SetAvailableState(EKnockBackAnimationState s, bool b) { x80_availableStates.set(size_t(s), b); }
void toggleDebugFlag(DebugFlags _flag) { g_flags.flip(_flag); m_view->setZoom(m_view->getZoom()); // Force the view to refresh }
void operator ()(Shuttler& shuttle, const char* name, std::bitset<N> value) const { std::uint64_t v = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(value.to_ullong()); shuttle.Send(name, v); }
BOOL CPEParser::AnalizeExport() { //флаги наличия имени у функции (определяется заблаговременно, чтобы не было warning'а из-за goto). static std::bitset<0x10000> NamesFlags; NamesFlags.reset(); //получить директорию экспорта PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY pDataDirectory=mpImageOptionalHeader->DataDirectory+IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT; //если экспорта нет, закончить if(!pDataDirectory->VirtualAddress || pDataDirectory->Size<sizeof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)) return TRUE; //считать дескриптор экспорта CYBER_ADDRESS DescriptorAddress=mSettings.BaseAddress+pDataDirectory->VirtualAddress; IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY Descriptor; try { mpMemory->Data(&Descriptor,DescriptorAddress,sizeof(IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)); } catch(CCyberMemoryPageFaultException) { goto error; } //создать список экспорта CImageListExports* pExportsList=new CImageListExports; //добавить его в список дополнительных объектов mpExtendMap->insert(std::make_pair(IMAGE_EXTEND_LIST_EXPORTS,pExportsList)); //получить список функций std::list<CImageListExports::CExportFunction*>* pFunctionsList=pExportsList->GetList(); //получить количество функций и имен UINT FunctionsCount=Descriptor.NumberOfFunctions; if(FunctionsCount>0x10000) goto error; UINT NamesCount=Descriptor.NumberOfNames; if(NamesCount>0x10000) goto error; //получить таблицы имен, адресов и ординалов CYBER_ADDRESS AddressTable=mSettings.BaseAddress+Descriptor.AddressOfFunctions; CYBER_ADDRESS NamesTable=mSettings.BaseAddress+Descriptor.AddressOfNames; CYBER_ADDRESS OrdinalsTable=mSettings.BaseAddress+Descriptor.AddressOfNameOrdinals; //цикл по именам for(UINT i=0;i<NamesCount;++i) { //считать имя, ординал, адрес и форвард функции LPSTR szName; LPSTR szForward; WORD Ordinal; CYBER_ADDRESS Address; //флаг форварда BOOL IsForward=FALSE; try { //считать имя szName=mpMemory->ReadASCIIZ(mSettings.BaseAddress+mpMemory->Dword(NamesTable+i*sizeof(DWORD))); //считать ординал Ordinal=mpMemory->Word(OrdinalsTable+i*sizeof(WORD)); //считать адрес Address=mpMemory->Dword(AddressTable+Ordinal*sizeof(DWORD)); //если адрес находится в пределах таблицы экспорта, значит, это форвард if(Address>=pDataDirectory->VirtualAddress && Address<pDataDirectory->VirtualAddress+pDataDirectory->Size) IsForward=TRUE; Address+=mSettings.BaseAddress; if(IsForward) //считать имя форвард-функции szForward=mpMemory->ReadASCIIZ(Address); } catch(CCyberMemoryPageFaultException) { goto error; } //указать флаг наличия имени NamesFlags[Ordinal]=true; #ifdef UNICODE //преобразовать строки в Unicode UINT NameLength=strlen(szName)+1; LPTSTR szUnicodeName=new TCHAR[NameLength]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,szName,-1,szUnicodeName,NameLength); SafeDeleteMassive(szName); UINT ForwardLength; LPTSTR szUnicodeForward; if(IsForward) { ForwardLength=strlen(szForward)+1; szUnicodeForward=new TCHAR[ForwardLength]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,szForward,-1,szUnicodeForward,ForwardLength); SafeDeleteMassive(szForward); } #define szName szUnicodeName #define szForward szUnicodeForward #endif //добавить функцию в список if(IsForward) pFunctionsList->push_back(new CImageListExports::CExportFunction(szName,Ordinal,szForward)); else pFunctionsList->push_back(new CImageListExports::CExportFunction(szName,Ordinal,Address)); //если функция локальная if(!IsForward) { //сформировать имя и установить метку LPTSTR szLabelName=new TCHAR[NameLength+6]; _stprintf(szLabelName,TEXT("__exp_%s"),szName); CAddressData* pAddressData=mpAddressMap->OpenAddress(Address); CLabel* pLabel=new CLabel(szLabelName); SafeDeleteMassive(szLabelName); pAddressData->SetLabel(pLabel); pLabel->Release(); //создать функцию pAddressData->CreateSubroutine(); pAddressData->Release(); } //освободить память SafeDeleteMassive(szName); if(IsForward) SafeDeleteMassive(szForward); #ifdef UNICODE #undef szName #undef szForward #endif } //цикл по функциям for(UINT i=0;i<FunctionsCount;++i) { //если функция имеет имя, значит, она уже обработана if(NamesFlags[i]) continue; //считать адрес CYBER_ADDRESS Address; try { Address=mSettings.BaseAddress+mpMemory->Dword(AddressTable+i*sizeof(DWORD)); } catch(CCyberMemoryPageFaultException) { goto error; } //добавить функцию в список pFunctionsList->push_back(new CImageListExports::CExportFunction(NULL,i,Address)); } return TRUE; //ошибка error: //раздел экспорта искажен MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("The export section in this file is non-readable.\nPE Parser coudn't parse export."),TEXT("Export parsing"),MB_ICONSTOP); return FALSE; }
/* parse_seq_file: read in the sequence stream and set * the global BitTable variable accordingly. */ bool parse_seq_file (const char* fname) { FILE* infile; char c; unsigned long lineno = 1L; index_t index; unsigned long tokens_seen = 0L; if (NULL == (infile = fopen(fname, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open input file %s for reading: " "%s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); return false; } for (;;) { bool found_token = false; c = getc(infile); if (EOF == c) { if (ferror(infile)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to read from file %s:" "%s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); return false; } break; } switch (c) { case '\n': lineno++; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': /* ignored spaces */ break; case 'G': index <<= BITS_PER_TOKEN; index |= G; found_token = true; break; case 'A': index <<= BITS_PER_TOKEN; index |= A; found_token = true; break; case 'T': index <<= BITS_PER_TOKEN; index |= T; found_token = true; break; case 'C': index <<= BITS_PER_TOKEN; index |= C; found_token = true; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: File %s: line %lu: " "Invalid character found: '%c' (0x%x)\n", fname, lineno, c, c); return false; break; } if (found_token) { if (tokens_seen < APPEARS_SEQSIZE) { tokens_seen++; } if (tokens_seen >= APPEARS_SEQSIZE) { /* register this subsequence combination */ unsigned long index_ulong = index.to_ulong(); DD("setting the %luth bit", index_ulong); BitTable.set(index_ulong, 1); } } } fclose(infile); return true; }
namespace Tangram { std::unique_ptr<TileManager> m_tileManager; std::shared_ptr<Scene> m_scene; std::shared_ptr<View> m_view; std::unique_ptr<Labels> m_labels; std::unique_ptr<Skybox> m_skybox; std::unique_ptr<InputHandler> m_inputHandler; std::mutex m_tilesMutex; static float g_time = 0.0; static std::bitset<8> g_flags = 0; int log_level = 2; void initialize(const char* _scenePath) { if (m_tileManager) { LOG("Notice: Already initialized"); return; } LOG("initialize"); // Create view m_view = std::make_shared<View>(); // Create a scene object m_scene = std::make_shared<Scene>(); // Input handler m_inputHandler = std::unique_ptr<InputHandler>(new InputHandler(m_view)); // Create a tileManager m_tileManager = TileManager::GetInstance(); // Pass references to the view and scene into the tile manager m_tileManager->setView(m_view); // label setup m_labels = std::unique_ptr<Labels>(new Labels()); loadScene(_scenePath, true); glm::dvec2 projPos = m_view->getMapProjection().LonLatToMeters(m_scene->startPosition); m_view->setPosition(projPos.x, projPos.y); m_view->setZoom(m_scene->startZoom); LOG("finish initialize"); } void loadScene(const char* _scenePath, bool _setPositionFromScene) { LOG("Loading scene file: %s", _scenePath); auto sceneString = stringFromFile(setResourceRoot(_scenePath).c_str(), PathType::resource); bool setPositionFromCurrentView = bool(m_scene); auto scene = std::make_shared<Scene>(); if (SceneLoader::loadScene(sceneString, *scene)) { m_scene = scene; m_scene->fontContext()->addFont("FiraSans", "Medium", ""); if (setPositionFromCurrentView && !_setPositionFromScene) { m_scene->view()->setPosition(m_view->getPosition()); m_scene->view()->setZoom(m_view->getZoom()); } m_view = m_scene->view(); m_inputHandler->setView(m_view); m_tileManager->setView(m_view); m_tileManager->setScene(scene); } } void resize(int _newWidth, int _newHeight) { LOG("resize: %d x %d", _newWidth, _newHeight); glViewport(0, 0, _newWidth, _newHeight); if (m_view) { m_view->setSize(_newWidth, _newHeight); } for (auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { style->viewportHasChanged(); } Primitives::setResolution(_newWidth, _newHeight); while (Error::hadGlError("Tangram::resize()")) {} } void update(float _dt) { g_time += _dt; m_inputHandler->update(_dt); m_view->update(); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); m_tileManager->updateTileSets(); if (m_view->changedOnLastUpdate() || m_tileManager->hasTileSetChanged() || m_labels->needUpdate()) { auto& tiles = m_tileManager->getVisibleTiles(); for (const auto& tile : tiles) { tile->update(_dt, *m_view); } m_labels->update(*m_view, _dt, m_scene->styles(), tiles); } bool animated = false; for (const auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { if (style->isAnimated()) { animated = true; break; } } if (animated != isContinuousRendering()) { setContinuousRendering(animated); } } } void render() { // Set up openGL for new frame RenderState::depthWrite(GL_TRUE); auto& color = m_scene->background(); RenderState::clearColor(color.r / 255.f, color.g / 255.f, color.b / 255.f, color.a / 255.f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); // Loop over all styles for (const auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { // Set time uniforms style's shader programs style->getShaderProgram()->setUniformf("u_time", g_time); style->onBeginDrawFrame(*m_view, *m_scene); // Loop over all tiles in m_tileSet for (const auto& tile : m_tileManager->getVisibleTiles()) { tile->draw(*style, *m_view); } style->onEndDrawFrame(); } } m_labels->drawDebug(*m_view); while (Error::hadGlError("Tangram::render()")) {} } void setPosition(double _lon, double _lat) { glm::dvec2 meters = m_view->getMapProjection().LonLatToMeters({ _lon, _lat}); m_view->setPosition(meters.x, meters.y); requestRender(); } void getPosition(double& _lon, double& _lat) { glm::dvec2 meters(m_view->getPosition().x, m_view->getPosition().y); glm::dvec2 degrees = m_view->getMapProjection().MetersToLonLat(meters); _lon = degrees.x; _lat = degrees.y; } void setZoom(float _z) { m_view->setZoom(_z); requestRender(); } float getZoom() { return m_view->getZoom(); } void setRotation(float _radians) { m_view->setRoll(_radians); requestRender(); } float getRotation() { return m_view->getRoll(); } void setTilt(float _radians) { m_view->setPitch(_radians); requestRender(); } float getTilt() { return m_view->getPitch(); } void screenToWorldCoordinates(double& _x, double& _y) { m_view->screenToGroundPlane(_x, _y); glm::dvec2 meters(_x + m_view->getPosition().x, _y + m_view->getPosition().y); glm::dvec2 lonLat = m_view->getMapProjection().MetersToLonLat(meters); _x = lonLat.x; _y = lonLat.y; } void setPixelScale(float _pixelsPerPoint) { if (m_view) { m_view->setPixelScale(_pixelsPerPoint); } for (auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { style->setPixelScale(_pixelsPerPoint); } } void addDataSource(std::shared_ptr<DataSource> _source) { if (!m_tileManager) { return; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); m_tileManager->addDataSource(_source); } void clearDataSource(DataSource& _source, bool _data, bool _tiles) { if (!m_tileManager) { return; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_tilesMutex); if (_tiles) { m_tileManager->clearTileSet(; } if (_data) { _source.clearData(); } requestRender(); } void handleTapGesture(float _posX, float _posY) { m_inputHandler->handleTapGesture(_posX, _posY); } void handleDoubleTapGesture(float _posX, float _posY) { m_inputHandler->handleDoubleTapGesture(_posX, _posY); } void handlePanGesture(float _startX, float _startY, float _endX, float _endY) { m_inputHandler->handlePanGesture(_startX, _startY, _endX, _endY); } void handlePinchGesture(float _posX, float _posY, float _scale, float _velocity) { m_inputHandler->handlePinchGesture(_posX, _posY, _scale, _velocity); } void handleRotateGesture(float _posX, float _posY, float _radians) { m_inputHandler->handleRotateGesture(_posX, _posY, _radians); } void handleShoveGesture(float _distance) { m_inputHandler->handleShoveGesture(_distance); } void setDebugFlag(DebugFlags _flag, bool _on) { g_flags.set(_flag, _on); m_view->setZoom(m_view->getZoom()); // Force the view to refresh } bool getDebugFlag(DebugFlags _flag) { return g_flags.test(_flag); } void toggleDebugFlag(DebugFlags _flag) { g_flags.flip(_flag); m_view->setZoom(m_view->getZoom()); // Force the view to refresh } const std::vector<TouchItem>& pickFeaturesAt(float _x, float _y) { return m_labels->getFeaturesAtPoint(*m_view, 0, m_scene->styles(), m_tileManager->getVisibleTiles(), _x, _y); } void setupGL() { LOG("setup GL"); if (m_tileManager) { m_tileManager->clearTileSets(); for (auto& style : m_scene->styles()) { style->notifyGLContextLost(); } } // The OpenGL context has been destroyed since the last time resources were created, // so we invalidate all data that depends on OpenGL object handles. // ShaderPrograms are invalidated and immediately rebuilt ShaderProgram::invalidateAllPrograms(); // Buffer objects are invalidated and re-uploaded the next time they are used VboMesh::invalidateAllVBOs(); // Texture objects are invalidated and re-uploaded the next time they are updated Texture::invalidateAllTextures(); // Reconfigure the render states RenderState::configure(); // Set default primitive render color Primitives::setColor(0xffffff); // Load GL extensions GLExtensions::load(); GLExtensions::printAvailableExtensions(); while (Error::hadGlError("Tangram::setupGL()")) {} } }