Ejemplo n.º 1
  double operator[](double x) const {

    AbstractCurvePoint xpt(x);

    if (xpt <= *curve_.begin()) {
      return static_cast<double>(*curve_.begin());

    if (xpt >= *curve_.rbegin()) {
      return static_cast<double>(*curve_.rbegin());

    auto it_max = curve_.upper_bound(xpt);

    assert(!((*it_max) <= xpt));
    assert(xpt != (*it_max));
    assert(xpt < (*it_max));

    auto it_min = std::prev(it_max, 1);

    assert(!((*it_min) > xpt));
    assert((*it_min) <= xpt);

    assert((*it_min) < (*it_max));
    assert((*it_min) != (*it_max));

    if (xpt == (*it_min)) {
      return static_cast<double>(*it_min);

    return (*it_min).interpolate(*it_max, x);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Mark the given indices (ToMark) as safe in the given set of indices
/// (Safe). Marking safe usually means adding ToMark to Safe. However, if there
/// is already a prefix of Indices in Safe, Indices are implicitely marked safe
/// already. Furthermore, any indices that Indices is itself a prefix of, are
/// removed from Safe (since they are implicitely safe because of Indices now).
static void MarkIndicesSafe(const ArgPromotion::IndicesVector &ToMark,
                            std::set<ArgPromotion::IndicesVector> &Safe) {
  std::set<ArgPromotion::IndicesVector>::iterator Low;
  Low = Safe.upper_bound(ToMark);
  // Guard against the case where Safe is empty
  if (Low != Safe.begin())
  // Low is now the last element smaller than or equal to Indices. This
  // means it points to a prefix of Indices (possibly Indices itself), if
  // such prefix exists.
  if (Low != Safe.end()) {
    if (IsPrefix(*Low, ToMark))
      // If there is already a prefix of these indices (or exactly these
      // indices) marked a safe, don't bother adding these indices

    // Increment Low, so we can use it as a "insert before" hint
  // Insert
  Low = Safe.insert(Low, ToMark);
  // If there we're a prefix of longer index list(s), remove those
  std::set<ArgPromotion::IndicesVector>::iterator End = Safe.end();
  while (Low != End && IsPrefix(ToMark, *Low)) {
    std::set<ArgPromotion::IndicesVector>::iterator Remove = Low;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// Checks if Indices, or a prefix of Indices, is in Set.
static bool PrefixIn(const ArgPromotion::IndicesVector &Indices,
                     std::set<ArgPromotion::IndicesVector> &Set) {
    std::set<ArgPromotion::IndicesVector>::iterator Low;
    Low = Set.upper_bound(Indices);
    if (Low != Set.begin())
    // Low is now the last element smaller than or equal to Indices. This means
    // it points to a prefix of Indices (possibly Indices itself), if such
    // prefix exists.
    // This load is safe if any prefix of its operands is safe to load.
    return Low != Set.end() && IsPrefix(*Low, Indices);
Ejemplo n.º 4
long int nextPrime(long int after)
    auto upperBound = primes.upper_bound(after);
    if (upperBound != primes.end())
        return *upperBound;

    long int primeCandidate = after + after % 2 + 1; // next odd
    for (; !isPrime(primeCandidate); primeCandidate += 2) { }

    return primeCandidate;
void MemoryObjectStoreCursor::setReverseIteratorFromRemainingRange(std::set<IDBKeyData>& set)
    if (!set.size()) {
        m_iterator = Nullopt;

    if (m_remainingRange.isExactlyOneKey()) {
        m_iterator = set.find(m_remainingRange.lowerKey);
        if (*m_iterator == set.end())
            m_iterator = Nullopt;


    if (!m_remainingRange.upperKey.isValid()) {
        m_iterator = --set.end();
        if (!m_remainingRange.containsKey(**m_iterator))
            m_iterator = Nullopt;


    m_iterator = Nullopt;

    // This is one record past the actual key we're looking for.
    auto highest = set.upper_bound(m_remainingRange.upperKey);

    if (highest == set.begin())

    // This is one record before that, which *is* the key we're looking for.

    if (m_remainingRange.upperOpen && *highest == m_remainingRange.upperKey) {
        if (highest == set.begin())

    if (!m_remainingRange.lowerKey.isNull()) {
        if (highest->compare(m_remainingRange.lowerKey) < 0)

        if (m_remainingRange.lowerOpen && *highest == m_remainingRange.lowerKey)

    m_iterator = highest;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(){

    //insert O(log N) per element or O(1) am per element for _sorted_ elements
    //For a total of O(N log N)  or O(N) for sorted inputs
    int key;
    for(key = 0; key < 10; key++){

    //find O(log N)
    it = myset.find(3);

    //removes 3 in O(1) am post-find time
    //removes 4 from the set  O(log N) time

    //iterate the set in forward order O(1) am / O(log N)
    //for a total of O(N) total
    //Note that begin() returns an iterator to the first element
    //whereas that end() returns to a dummy element after the last element
    for(it = myset.begin(); it != myset.end(); it++){
        std::cout << *it << " " ;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    //iterate the set in reverse order )O(1) am / O(log N)
    //for a total of O(N) total
    //Note that rbegin() returns an iterator to the last element
    //whereas that end() returns to a dummy element before the first element
    for(rit = myset.rbegin(); rit != myset.rend(); rit++){
        std::cout << *rit << " " ;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    //Find the first element greater than or equal to the current element in O(log N) time
    //In this case it returns 6
    it = myset.lower_bound(6);
    std::cout << *it << std::endl;
    //Find the first element greater than the current element in O(log N) time
    //In this case it returns 7
    it = myset.upper_bound(6);
    std::cout << *it << std::endl;
    // Empties the set O(N) time

Ejemplo n.º 7
int main() {
  //freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
  //freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout);
  int c, n;
  scanf("%d %d", &c, &n);
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    scanf("%d", a + i);
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
    p = m;
    for (std::set<int>::iterator it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it)
      m.insert(*it + a[i]);
  printf("%d", *(--m.upper_bound(c)));
Ejemplo n.º 8
std::set<IDBKeyData>::reverse_iterator MemoryObjectStoreCursor::firstReverseIteratorInRemainingRange(std::set<IDBKeyData>& set)
    if (m_remainingRange.isExactlyOneKey()) {
        auto iterator = set.find(m_remainingRange.lowerKey);
        if (iterator == set.end())
            return set.rend();

        return --std::set<IDBKeyData>::reverse_iterator(iterator);

    if (!m_remainingRange.upperKey.isValid())
        return set.rbegin();

    // This is one record past the actual key we're looking for.
    auto highest = set.upper_bound(m_remainingRange.upperKey);

    // This is one record before that, which *is* the key we're looking for.
    auto reverse = std::set<IDBKeyData>::reverse_iterator(highest);
    if (reverse == set.rend())
        return reverse;

    if (m_remainingRange.upperOpen && *reverse == m_remainingRange.upperKey) {
        if (reverse == set.rend())
            return reverse;

    if (!m_remainingRange.lowerKey.isNull()) {
        if (reverse->compare(m_remainingRange.lowerKey) < 0)
            return set.rend();

        if (m_remainingRange.lowerOpen && *reverse == m_remainingRange.lowerKey)
            return set.rend();

    return reverse;
Ejemplo n.º 9
	// 左对齐
	PBLOBNBOX LineFinder::findAlignedBlob(const AlignedBlobParams& p, std::set<PBLOBNBOX, BoxCmp_LT<BLOBNBOX>>& bset, PBLOBNBOX bbox){
		if (bbox == nullptr) return nullptr;
		int dx = p.vertical.x, dy = p.vertical.y;
		int dir_y = dy < 0 ? -1 : 1;

		int skew_tolerance = p.max_v_gap / jun::kMaxSkewFactor;
		int x2 = (p.max_v_gap*dx + dy / 2) / dy;
		Rect box = bbox->bounding_box();
		int x_start = box.x;
		x2 += x_start;
		int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
		if (x2 < x_start){ //向左
			xmin = x2; xmax = x_start;
			xmin = x_start; xmax = x2;
		if (dy > 0){ //向下
			ymin = box.ylast();
			ymax = ymin + p.max_v_gap;
			ymax = box.y;
			ymin = ymax - p.max_v_gap;
		xmin -= skew_tolerance - p.min_gutter;
		xmax += skew_tolerance + p.r_align_tolerance;

		logger()->debug("Starting {} {}  search at {}-{},{}  dy={} search_size={}, gutter={}\n",
			p.ragged ? "Ragged" : "Aligned", "Left", xmin, xmax, box.ylast(), dir_y, p.max_v_gap, p.min_gutter
		auto begin_blob = std::make_shared<BLOBNBOX>();
		begin_blob->set_bounding_box(Rect{ xmin, ymin, 1, 1 });
		auto end_blob = std::make_shared<BLOBNBOX>();
		end_blob->set_bounding_box(Rect{ xmax, ymax, 1, 1 });
		auto beginIter = bset.lower_bound(begin_blob);
		auto endIter = bset.upper_bound(end_blob);

		PBLOBNBOX result = nullptr;
		int min_dist = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
		for (auto iter = beginIter; iter != endIter; ++iter){
			Rect nbox = (*iter)->bounding_box();
			int n_y = (nbox.y + nbox.ylast()) / 2;
			if ((dy > 0) && (n_y<ymin || n_y>ymax)) continue;
			if (dy < 0 && (n_y < ymin || n_y > ymax)) continue;

			int x_at_ny = x_start + (n_y - ymin)*dx / dy;
			int n_x = nbox.x;
			//aligned so keep it.
			if (n_x <= x_at_ny + p.r_align_tolerance&&n_x >= x_at_ny - p.l_align_tolerance){
				logger()->debug("aligned, seeking left, box={}\n", nbox);
				TabType n_type = (*iter)->left_tab_type;
				if (n_type != TabType::TT_NONE && (p.ragged || n_type != TabType::TT_MAYBE_RAGGED)){

					int x_dist = n_x - x_at_ny;
					int y_dist = n_y - ymin;
					int new_dist = x_dist*x_dist + y_dist*y_dist;
					if (new_dist < min_dist) {
						min_dist = new_dist;
						result = (*iter);

		return result;
