Ejemplo n.º 1
void performNodalMeshReduction(
    stk::mesh::Part &samplePart,
    stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData)
  const stk::mesh::EntityRank nodeEntityRank(0);
  const stk::mesh::MetaData &metaData = stk::mesh::MetaData::get(bulkData);

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity *> sampleNodes;
  stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(samplePart, bulkData.buckets(nodeEntityRank), sampleNodes);

  const stk::mesh::Selector locallyOwned = stk::mesh::MetaData::get(bulkData).locally_owned_part();

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity *> relatedEntities;
  typedef boost::indirect_iterator<std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity *>::const_iterator> EntityIterator;
  for (EntityIterator it(sampleNodes.begin()), it_end(sampleNodes.end()); it != it_end; ++it) {
    const stk::mesh::PairIterRelation relations = it->relations();
    typedef stk::mesh::PairIterRelation::first_type RelationIterator;
    for (RelationIterator rel_it = relations.first, rel_it_end = relations.second; rel_it != rel_it_end; ++rel_it) {
      const Teuchos::Ptr<stk::mesh::Entity> relatedEntity(rel_it->entity());
      if (Teuchos::nonnull(relatedEntity) && locallyOwned(*relatedEntity)) {
  std::sort(relatedEntities.begin(), relatedEntities.end(), stk::mesh::EntityLess());
      std::unique(relatedEntities.begin(), relatedEntities.end(), stk::mesh::EntityEqual()),

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity *> sampleClosure;
  stk::mesh::find_closure(bulkData, relatedEntities, sampleClosure);

  // Keep only the closure, remove the rest, by decreasing entityRanks
    const stk::mesh::Selector ownedOrShared = metaData.locally_owned_part() | metaData.globally_shared_part();
    typedef boost::indirect_iterator<std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity *>::const_iterator> EntityIterator;
    EntityIterator allKeepersEnd(sampleClosure.end());
    const EntityIterator allKeepersBegin(sampleClosure.begin());
    for (stk::mesh::EntityRank candidateRankCount = metaData.entity_rank_count(); candidateRankCount > 0; --candidateRankCount) {
      const stk::mesh::EntityRank candidateRank = candidateRankCount - 1;
      const EntityIterator keepersBegin = std::lower_bound(allKeepersBegin, allKeepersEnd,
                                                           stk::mesh::EntityKey(candidateRank, 0),
      const EntityIterator keepersEnd = allKeepersEnd;
      std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity *> candidates;
      stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(ownedOrShared, bulkData.buckets(candidateRank), candidates);
        BulkModification modification(bulkData);
        std::set_difference(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(),
                            keepersBegin.base(), keepersEnd.base(),
      allKeepersEnd = keepersBegin;
void performNodalMeshReduction(
    stk::mesh::Part &samplePart,
    stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData)
  const stk::mesh::MetaData &metaData = stk::mesh::MetaData::get(bulkData);

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> sampleNodes;
  stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(samplePart, bulkData.buckets(stk::topology::NODE_RANK), sampleNodes);

  const stk::mesh::Selector locallyOwned = stk::mesh::MetaData::get(bulkData).locally_owned_part();

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> relatedEntities;
  typedef std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity>::const_iterator EntityIterator;
  for (EntityIterator it(sampleNodes.begin()), it_end(sampleNodes.end()); it != it_end; ++it) {
    for (stk::mesh::EntityRank r = stk::topology::NODE_RANK; r < metaData.entity_rank_count(); ++r) {
      stk::mesh::Entity const* relations = bulkData.begin(*it, r);
      const int num_rels = bulkData.num_connectivity(*it, r);
      for (int i = 0; i < num_rels; ++i) {
        stk::mesh::Entity relatedEntity = relations[i];
        if (bulkData.is_valid(relatedEntity) && locallyOwned(bulkData.bucket(relatedEntity))) {
  std::sort(relatedEntities.begin(), relatedEntities.end(), stk::mesh::EntityLess(bulkData));
      std::unique(relatedEntities.begin(), relatedEntities.end()),

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> sampleClosure;
  stk::mesh::find_closure(bulkData, relatedEntities, sampleClosure);

  // Keep only the closure, remove the rest, by decreasing entityRanks
    const stk::mesh::Selector ownedOrShared = metaData.locally_owned_part() | metaData.globally_shared_part();
    EntityIterator allKeepersEnd(sampleClosure.end());
    const EntityIterator allKeepersBegin(sampleClosure.begin());
    for (size_t candidateRankCount = metaData.entity_rank_count(); candidateRankCount > 0; --candidateRankCount) {
      const stk::mesh::EntityRank candidateRank = static_cast<stk::mesh::EntityRank>(candidateRankCount - 1);
      const EntityIterator keepersBegin = std::lower_bound(allKeepersBegin, allKeepersEnd,
                                                           stk::mesh::EntityKey(candidateRank, 0),
      const EntityIterator keepersEnd = allKeepersEnd;
      std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> candidates;
      stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(ownedOrShared, bulkData.buckets(candidateRank), candidates);
        BulkModification modification(bulkData);
        std::set_difference(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(),
                            keepersBegin.base(), keepersEnd.base(),
      allKeepersEnd = keepersBegin;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void stk::app::use_case_14_initialize_nodal_data(stk::mesh::BulkData & mesh ,
						 const CartesianField & model_coordinates ,
						 const CartesianField & coordinates ,
						 const CartesianField & velocity,
						 double dt)
  const std::vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*> & buckets = mesh.buckets( stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK);

  for ( std::vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*>::const_iterator k = buckets.begin() ; k != buckets.end() ; ++k ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & bucket = **k ;
    const unsigned length   = bucket.size();

    double * X     = stk::mesh::field_data( model_coordinates , bucket.begin() );
    double * coord = stk::mesh::field_data( coordinates , bucket.begin() );
    double * v     = stk::mesh::field_data( velocity , bucket.begin() );

    for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < length ; ++i ) {
      v[0]     = X[0];
      v[1]     = X[1];
      v[2]     = X[2];
      coord[0] = X[0] + dt * v[0];
      coord[1] = X[1] + dt * v[1];
      coord[2] = X[2] + dt * v[2];
      X += 3;
      v += 3;
      coord += 3;
inline void createBoundingBoxesForElementsInElementBlocks(const stk::mesh::BulkData &bulk, FlaotBoxVector& domainBoxes)
    stk::mesh::EntityVector elements;
    stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(bulk.mesh_meta_data().locally_owned_part(), bulk.buckets(stk::topology::ELEM_RANK), elements);

    size_t numberBoundingBoxes = elements.size();

    stk::mesh::FieldBase const * coords = bulk.mesh_meta_data().coordinate_field();

    std::vector<double> boxCoordinates(6);

    for(size_t i=0;i<elements.size();++i)
        unsigned num_nodes = bulk.num_nodes(elements[i]);
        std::vector<double> coordinates(3*num_nodes,0);
        const stk::mesh::Entity* nodes = bulk.begin_nodes(elements[i]);
        for(unsigned j=0;j<num_nodes;++j)
            double* data = static_cast<double*>(stk::mesh::field_data(*coords, nodes[j]));
            coordinates[3*j] = data[0];
            coordinates[3*j+1] = data[1];
            coordinates[3*j+2] = data[2];
        findBoundingBoxCoordinates(coordinates, boxCoordinates);
        unsigned id = bulk.identifier(elements[i]);
        Ident domainBoxId(id, bulk.parallel_rank());
        domainBoxes[i] = std::make_pair(FloatBox(boxCoordinates[0], boxCoordinates[1], boxCoordinates[2],
                                                boxCoordinates[3], boxCoordinates[4], boxCoordinates[5]),

Ejemplo n.º 5
void use_case_5_initialize_data(
  stk::mesh::BulkData & mesh ,
  const VectorFieldType & node_coord ,
  const VectorFieldType & node_displ ,
  const VectorFieldType & node_rotat )
  const std::vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*> & buckets = mesh.buckets( stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK );

  for ( std::vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*>::const_iterator
        k = buckets.begin() ; k != buckets.end() ; ++k ) {
    stk::mesh::Bucket & bucket = **k ;
    const unsigned length = bucket.size();
    const unsigned length_3 = length * 3 ;

    double * const coord = stk::mesh::field_data( node_coord , bucket.begin() );
    double * const displ = stk::mesh::field_data( node_displ , bucket.begin() );
    double * const rotat = stk::mesh::field_data( node_rotat , bucket.begin() );

    for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < length_3 ; ++i ) {
      displ[i] = 0.1 * coord[i] ;

    if ( rotat ) {
      for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < length_3 ; ++i ) {
        rotat[i] = 0.01 * coord[i] ;
    void setup_node_coords(const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulk, const CoordFieldType& coords, const stk::mesh::Selector& selector)
        const stk::mesh::BucketVector& nodeBuckets = bulk.buckets(stk::topology::NODE_RANK);
        bucketCapacity = nodeBuckets[0]->capacity();
        unsigned nodeAllocSize = nodeBuckets.size()*bucketCapacity;

        nodeCoords = DeviceViewMatrixType("DNodeCoords", nodeAllocSize, bulk.mesh_meta_data().spatial_dimension());
        constNodeCoords = nodeCoords;
        hostNodeCoords =  Kokkos::create_mirror_view(nodeCoords);

        for(unsigned bktIndex = 0; bktIndex < nodeBuckets.size(); ++bktIndex)
            const stk::mesh::Bucket& bucket = *nodeBuckets[bktIndex];
            for(unsigned nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < bucket.size(); ++nodeIndex)
                stk::mesh::Entity node = bucket[nodeIndex];
                double *node_coords = stk::mesh::field_data(coords, node);
                unsigned nodeCoordIndex = host_get_index(node);
                for(unsigned k=0; k<bulk.mesh_meta_data().spatial_dimension(); ++k)
                    hostNodeCoords(nodeCoordIndex, k) = node_coords[k];

        Kokkos::deep_copy(nodeCoords, hostNodeCoords);
    void setup_mesh_indices(const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulk, const stk::mesh::Selector& selector)
        const stk::mesh::BucketVector& nodeBuckets = bulk.buckets(stk::topology::NODE_RANK);

        meshIndices = DeviceViewMeshIndicesType("DMeshIndices", bulk.get_size_of_entity_index_space());
        constMeshIndices = meshIndices;
        hostMeshIndices = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(meshIndices);

        for(unsigned bktIndex = 0; bktIndex < nodeBuckets.size(); ++bktIndex)
            const stk::mesh::Bucket& bucket = *nodeBuckets[bktIndex];
            for(unsigned nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < bucket.size(); ++nodeIndex)
                stk::mesh::Entity node = bucket[nodeIndex];
                stk::mesh::FastMeshIndex meshIndex(bucket.bucket_id(), nodeIndex);
                hostMeshIndices(node.local_offset()) = meshIndex;

        const stk::mesh::BucketVector& elemBuckets = bulk.get_buckets(stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, selector);

        for(unsigned bktIndex = 0; bktIndex < elemBuckets.size(); ++bktIndex)
            const stk::mesh::Bucket& bucket = *elemBuckets[bktIndex];
            for(unsigned elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < bucket.size(); ++elemIndex)
                stk::mesh::Entity elem = bucket[elemIndex];
                stk::mesh::FastMeshIndex meshIndex(bucket.bucket_id(), elemIndex);
                hostMeshIndices(elem.local_offset()) = meshIndex;

        Kokkos::deep_copy(meshIndices, hostMeshIndices);
Ejemplo n.º 8
stk::parallel::DistributedIndex::KeyTypeVector get_all_local_keys(const stk::mesh::BulkData & bulkData)
    stk::parallel::DistributedIndex::KeyTypeVector localKeys;
    for(stk::mesh::EntityRank rank = stk::topology::NODE_RANK;rank < bulkData.mesh_meta_data().entity_rank_count();++rank)
        stk::mesh::EntityVector entities;
        stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(get_owned_or_shared_selector(bulkData), bulkData.buckets(rank), entities);
        for(stk::mesh::Entity entity: entities)
    return localKeys;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool bucket_part_memberships_match(const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulk, stk::EnvData& env_data)
    int numGlobalDiffs = bucket_counts_match(bulk, env_data);

    if(numGlobalDiffs > 0)
        for(size_t irank = 0; irank < bulk.mesh_meta_data().entity_rank_count(); ++irank)
            stk::CommSparse comm(env_data.m_worldComm);
            stk::CommBuffer &buff = stk::diff::get_comm_buffer_for_destination_proc(comm);
            stk::mesh::EntityRank rank = static_cast<stk::mesh::EntityRank>(irank);
            stk::mesh::EntityVector entities;
            stk::mesh::get_entities(bulk, rank, entities);
            for(int iphase = 0; iphase < 2; ++iphase)
                for(size_t i=0;i<entities.size();++i)
                    const stk::mesh::PartVector& parts = bulk.bucket(entities[i]).supersets();
                    std::string part_names_for_entity = create_string_from_parts(parts);
                    std::string string_to_send;
                    if(irank != 1 && irank != 2)
                        string_to_send = std::to_string(bulk.identifier(entities[i])) + " " + part_names_for_entity;
                        string_to_send = part_names_for_entity;
                    stk::diff::pack_string(buff, string_to_send);
                stk::diff::allocate_or_communicate(iphase, comm);

    for(size_t irank = 0; irank < bulk.mesh_meta_data().entity_rank_count(); ++irank)
        stk::CommSparse comm(env_data.m_worldComm);
        stk::mesh::EntityRank rank = static_cast<stk::mesh::EntityRank>(irank);
        const stk::mesh::BucketVector& buckets = bulk.buckets(rank);
        for(int iphase = 0; iphase < 2; ++iphase)
            pack_buckets_parts(buckets, stk::diff::get_comm_buffer_for_destination_proc(comm));
            stk::diff::allocate_or_communicate(iphase, comm);
    numGlobalDiffs += get_global_bucket_part_membership_differences(env_data.m_worldComm, 0);
    return numGlobalDiffs == 0;
inline void createBoundingBoxesForSidesInSidesets(const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulk, std::vector<FloatBox>& domainBoxes)
    stk::mesh::ExodusTranslator exoTranslator(bulk);
    size_t numberBoundingBoxes = 0;
    std::vector<int64_t> sidesetIds;

    for (size_t i=0;i<sidesetIds.size();i++)
        numberBoundingBoxes += exoTranslator.get_local_num_entities_for_id(sidesetIds[i], bulk.mesh_meta_data().side_rank());


    stk::mesh::FieldBase const * coords = bulk.mesh_meta_data().coordinate_field();

    size_t boxCounter = 0;

    std::vector<double> boxCoordinates(6);
    for (size_t ssetCounter=0;ssetCounter<sidesetIds.size();ssetCounter++)
        const stk::mesh::Part* sideset = exoTranslator.get_exodus_part_of_rank(sidesetIds[ssetCounter], bulk.mesh_meta_data().side_rank());
        stk::mesh::EntityVector sides;
        stk::mesh::Selector sel = bulk.mesh_meta_data().locally_owned_part() & *sideset;
        stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(sel, bulk.buckets(bulk.mesh_meta_data().side_rank()), sides);

        for(size_t j=0;j<sides.size();++j)
            unsigned num_nodes_per_side = bulk.num_nodes(sides[j]);
            const stk::mesh::Entity* nodes = bulk.begin_nodes(sides[j]);
            std::vector<double> coordinates(3*num_nodes_per_side,0);
            for(unsigned k=0;k<num_nodes_per_side;++k)
                double *data = static_cast<double*>(stk::mesh::field_data(*coords, nodes[k]));
                coordinates[3*k] = data[0];
                coordinates[3*k+1] = data[1];
                coordinates[3*k+2] = data[2];
            findBoundingBoxCoordinates(coordinates, boxCoordinates);
            domainBoxes[boxCounter].set_box(boxCoordinates[0], boxCoordinates[1], boxCoordinates[2],
                                            boxCoordinates[3], boxCoordinates[4], boxCoordinates[5]);

    ThrowRequireMsg(boxCounter == numberBoundingBoxes, "Program error. Please contact sierra-help for support");
Ejemplo n.º 11
int bucket_counts_match(const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulk, stk::EnvData& env_data)
    stk::CommSparse comm(env_data.m_worldComm);
    int destinationProc = getDestinationProc(env_data.m_worldComm);
    stk::CommBuffer& buf = comm.send_buffer(destinationProc);
    for(int iphase = 0; iphase < 2; ++iphase)
        for(size_t irank = 0; irank < bulk.mesh_meta_data().entity_rank_count(); ++irank)
            stk::mesh::EntityRank rank = static_cast<stk::mesh::EntityRank>(irank);
            const stk::mesh::BucketVector& buckets = bulk.buckets(rank);
        allocate_or_communicate(iphase, comm);
    int num_diffs = 0;
    return get_global_bucket_count_differences(env_data.m_worldComm, num_diffs);
void testGoldValues(stk::mesh::MetaData &stkMeshMetaData, stk::mesh::BulkData &stkMeshBulkData, double alpha, double beta, double gamma)
    double goldX = initial_value1[0] * (alpha + beta + gamma);
    double goldY = initial_value1[1] * (alpha + beta + gamma);
    double goldZ = initial_value1[2] * (alpha + beta + gamma);

    stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d> &force_field = *stkMeshMetaData.get_field<stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian3d> >(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, "force");
    double tol = 1.0e-4;
    const stk::mesh::BucketVector& buckets = stkMeshBulkData.buckets(stk::topology::NODE_RANK);
    for(size_t bucketIndex = 0; bucketIndex < buckets.size(); ++bucketIndex)
        const stk::mesh::Bucket &bucket = *buckets[bucketIndex];
        double *force = stk::mesh::field_data(force_field, bucket);
        for(size_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < 3 * bucket.size(); nodeIndex += 3)
            EXPECT_NEAR(goldX, force[nodeIndex+0], tol);
            EXPECT_NEAR(goldY, force[nodeIndex+1], tol);
            EXPECT_NEAR(goldZ, force[nodeIndex+2], tol);
Ejemplo n.º 13
size_t get_entities(stk::mesh::Part &part,
                    stk::mesh::EntityRank type,
                    const stk::mesh::BulkData &bulk,
                    stk::mesh::EntityVector &entities,
                    bool include_shared,
                    const stk::mesh::Selector *subset_selector)
    stk::mesh::MetaData & meta = stk::mesh::MetaData::get(part);

    stk::mesh::Selector own_share = meta.locally_owned_part();
        own_share |= meta.globally_shared_part();

    stk::mesh::Selector selector = part & own_share;
        selector &= *subset_selector;

    get_selected_entities(selector, bulk.buckets(type), entities);
    return entities.size();
Ejemplo n.º 14
stk::mesh::EntityVector fill_shared_entities_that_need_fixing(const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData)
    stk::mesh::EntityVector sides;
    stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(bulkData.mesh_meta_data().locally_owned_part(), bulkData.buckets(bulkData.mesh_meta_data().side_rank()), sides);

    stk::mesh::EntityVector sidesThatNeedFixing;
    for(stk::mesh::Entity side : sides)
        if(bulkData.state(side) == stk::mesh::Created)
            unsigned num_nodes = bulkData.num_nodes(side);
            const stk::mesh::Entity* nodes = bulkData.begin_nodes(side);

            std::vector<stk::mesh::EntityKey> nodeKeys(num_nodes);
            for(unsigned int i=0;i<num_nodes;++i)
                nodeKeys[i] = bulkData.entity_key(nodes[i]);

            std::vector<int> shared_procs;
            bulkData.shared_procs_intersection(nodeKeys, shared_procs);
    return sidesThatNeedFixing;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void find_ghosted_nodes_that_need_to_be_shared(const stk::mesh::BulkData & bulk, stk::mesh::EntityVector& ghosted_nodes_that_are_now_shared)
    stk::mesh::EntityRank endRank = static_cast<stk::mesh::EntityRank>(bulk.mesh_meta_data().entity_rank_count());
    if (endRank >= stk::topology::END_RANK)
        endRank = stk::topology::END_RANK;

    for (stk::mesh::EntityRank rank=stk::topology::EDGE_RANK; rank<endRank; ++rank)
        const stk::mesh::BucketVector& entity_buckets = bulk.buckets(rank);
        for(size_t i=0; i<entity_buckets.size(); ++i)
            const stk::mesh::Bucket& bucket = *entity_buckets[i];
            if ( bucket.owned() )
                for(size_t n=0; n<bucket.size(); ++n)
                    const stk::mesh::Entity * nodes = bulk.begin_nodes(bucket[n]);
                    unsigned num_nodes = bulk.num_nodes(bucket[n]);
                    for (unsigned j=0;j<num_nodes;++j)
                        if (bulk.in_receive_ghost(bulk.entity_key(nodes[j])))

    std::sort(ghosted_nodes_that_are_now_shared.begin(), ghosted_nodes_that_are_now_shared.end());
    stk::mesh::EntityVector::iterator iter = std::unique(ghosted_nodes_that_are_now_shared.begin(), ghosted_nodes_that_are_now_shared.end());
    ghosted_nodes_that_are_now_shared.erase(iter, ghosted_nodes_that_are_now_shared.end());
Ejemplo n.º 16
void assemble_elem_matrices_and_vectors(stk::mesh::BulkData& mesh,
                                        stk::mesh::FieldBase& field,
                                        stk::linsys::DofMapper& dof_mapper,
                                        fei::Matrix& matrix,
                                        fei::Vector& rhs)
  stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData &fem = stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get(mesh);
  const stk::mesh::EntityRank element_rank = fem.element_rank();

  const std::vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*>& mesh_buckets = mesh.buckets(element_rank);

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Bucket*> part_buckets;
  stk::mesh::Selector select_owned(stk::mesh::MetaData::get(mesh).locally_owned_part());
  stk::mesh::get_buckets(select_owned, mesh_buckets, part_buckets);

  int field_id = dof_mapper.get_field_id(field);

  stk::mesh::Entity& first_entity = *(part_buckets[0]->begin());
  stk::mesh::PairIterRelation rel = first_entity.relations(stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK);
  int num_nodes_per_elem = rel.second - rel.first;

  fei::SharedPtr<fei::MatrixGraph> matgraph = matrix.getMatrixGraph();
  int pattern_id = matgraph->definePattern(num_nodes_per_elem, stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK, field_id);

  std::vector<int> node_ids(num_nodes_per_elem);

  const int field_size = dof_mapper.get_fei_VectorSpace()->getFieldSize(field_id);
  const int matsize = num_nodes_per_elem*field_size*num_nodes_per_elem*field_size;
  const int vecsize = num_nodes_per_elem*field_size;

  std::vector<double> elem_matrix_1d(matsize, 0);
  std::vector<double*> elem_matrix_2d(vecsize);

  std::vector<double> elem_vector(vecsize, 0);

  for(size_t i=0; i<elem_matrix_2d.size(); ++i) {
    elem_matrix_2d[i] = &elem_matrix_1d[i*vecsize];

  //fill our dummy elem-matrix:
  //This dummy matrix will be the same for every element. A real application
  //would form a different elem-matrix for each element.
  for(size_t i=0; i<elem_matrix_2d.size(); ++i) {
    double* row = elem_matrix_2d[i];
    if (i>=1) row[i-1] = -1;
    row[i] = 2;
    if (i<elem_matrix_2d.size()-1) row[i+1] = -1;

    elem_vector[i] = 1;

  std::vector<int> eqn_indices(vecsize);

  for(size_t i=0; i<part_buckets.size(); ++i) {
      b_iter = part_buckets[i]->begin(),
             b_end  = part_buckets[i]->end();
    for(; b_iter != b_end; ++b_iter) {
      stk::mesh::Entity& elem = *b_iter;
      rel = elem.relations(stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK);
      for(int j=0; rel.first != rel.second; ++rel.first, ++j) {
        node_ids[j] = rel.first->entity()->identifier();

      matgraph->getPatternIndices(pattern_id, &node_ids[0], eqn_indices);

      matrix.sumIn(vecsize, &eqn_indices[0], vecsize, &eqn_indices[0],
      rhs.sumIn(vecsize, &eqn_indices[0], &elem_vector[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 void get_owned_nodes( std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity*> & owned_nodes ) const
   const stk::mesh::Selector select_owned( fmeta.locally_owned_part() );
   stk::mesh::get_selected_entities( select_owned, bulk.buckets(fmeta.node_rank()), owned_nodes);
Ejemplo n.º 18
     * Check for nonpositive Jacobian
    bool GeometryVerifier::isGeometryBad(stk::mesh::BulkData& bulk, bool printTable) //, stk::mesh::Part& mesh_part )
      const stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData& meta = stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get(bulk);
      const unsigned p_rank = bulk.parallel_rank();

      unsigned foundBad=0;
      jac_data_map jac_data;

      stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian> *coord_field =
        meta.get_field<stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian> >("coordinates");

      mesh::Selector select_owned( meta.locally_owned_part() );
      const std::vector<mesh::Bucket*> & buckets = bulk.buckets( meta.element_rank() );

      //for ( std::vector<mesh::Bucket *>::const_iterator ik = buckets.begin() ; ik != buckets.end() ; ++ik )
      const stk::mesh::PartVector & all_parts = meta.get_parts();
      for ( stk::mesh::PartVector::const_iterator ip = all_parts.begin(); ip != all_parts.end(); ++ip ) 
          stk::mesh::Part * part = *ip;

          if ( stk::mesh::is_auto_declared_part(*part) )

          const CellTopologyData * const part_cell_topo_data = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::get_cell_topology(*part);
          //std::cout << "P[" << p_rank << "] part = " << part->name() << " part_cell_topo_data= " << part_cell_topo_data << " topo-name= "
          //          << (part_cell_topo_data ? part_cell_topo_data->name : "null") << std::endl;

          if (part_cell_topo_data)
            jac_data[part_cell_topo_data->name] = jacData();

      for (unsigned ipass = 0; ipass < 1; ipass++)
          for ( std::vector<mesh::Bucket *>::const_iterator ik = buckets.begin() ; ik != buckets.end() ; ++ik )
              if ( select_owned( **ik ) ) {

              const mesh::Bucket & bucket = **ik ;

              // Number of elems in this bucket of elems and elem field data
              const unsigned number_elems = bucket.size();

              double * elem_node_data = field_data( *coord_field , bucket.begin() );
              //double * elem_centroid_data = field_data( elem_centroid_field , bucket.begin() );
              //double * const coord = field_data( m_coordinates_field , *node );

              // FIXME
              if (0) { elem_node_data[0]++;}

#if 1
              const CellTopologyData * const bucket_cell_topo_data = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::get_cell_topology(bucket);
              int bucket_shardsId = ShardsInterfaceTable::s_singleton.lookupShardsId(bucket_cell_topo_data->name);

              //if (0) { std::cout << bucket_cell_topo_data->name; }
              if (0) { std::cout << "bucket_shardsId= " << bucket_shardsId << " name= " << bucket_cell_topo_data->name <<  std::endl; }

              if (0) { std::cout << "number_elems= " << number_elems << std::endl;}

              CellTopology cell_topo(bucket_cell_topo_data);
              double volEqui = getEquiVol(cell_topo);
              unsigned numCells = number_elems;
              unsigned numNodes = cell_topo.getNodeCount();
              unsigned spaceDim = cell_topo.getDimension();
              //unsigned spatialDimMeta = stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get(bulk).spatial_dimension();

              // Rank-3 array with dimensions (C,N,D) for the node coordinates of 3 traingle cells
              FieldContainer<double> cellNodes(numCells, numNodes, spaceDim);
              PerceptMesh::fillCellNodes(bucket,  coord_field, cellNodes, spaceDim);

              FieldContainer<double> volume(numCells);

              // get min/max edge length
              FieldContainer<double> elem_min_edge_length(number_elems);
              FieldContainer<double> elem_max_edge_length(number_elems);
              PerceptMesh::findMinMaxEdgeLength(bucket, *coord_field, elem_min_edge_length, elem_max_edge_length);

              /// note: we're using cubature here instead of explicitly specifying some reference points
              ///  the idea is that we'll get a good estimate of the Jacobian's sign by testing it at all the
              ///  cubature points

              DefaultCubatureFactory<double> cubFactory;                                              // create cubature factory
              unsigned cubDegree = 2;                                                                      // set cubature degree, e.g. 2
              Teuchos::RCP<Cubature<double> > myCub;
              bool hasGoodTopo = true;
              try {
                myCub = cubFactory.create(cell_topo, cubDegree);         // create default cubature
                  if (!p_rank)
                    std::cout << "WARNING: mesh contains elements that Intrepid doesn't support for quadrature, cell_topo= " << cell_topo.getName() << std::endl;
                  hasGoodTopo = false;

              FieldContainer<double> jacobian_det(numCells, 1);
              unsigned numCubPoints = 1;
              FieldContainer<double> jacobian(numCells, numCubPoints, spaceDim, spaceDim);

              if (hasGoodTopo)
                  numCubPoints = myCub->getNumPoints();                                               // retrieve number of cubature points

                  FieldContainer<double> cub_points(numCubPoints, spaceDim);
                  FieldContainer<double> cub_weights(numCubPoints);

                  // Rank-4 array (C,P,D,D) for the Jacobian and its inverse and Rank-2 array (C,P) for its determinant
                  //FieldContainer<double> jacobian(numCells, numCubPoints, spaceDim, spaceDim);
                  jacobian.resize(numCells, numCubPoints, spaceDim, spaceDim);
                  FieldContainer<double> jacobian_inv(numCells, numCubPoints, spaceDim, spaceDim);
                  //FieldContainer<double> jacobian_det(numCells, numCubPoints);
                  jacobian_det.resize(numCells, numCubPoints);

                  myCub->getCubature(cub_points, cub_weights);                                          // retrieve cubature points and weights

                  // Methods to compute cell Jacobians, their inverses and their determinants

                  CellTools<double>::setJacobian(jacobian, cub_points, cellNodes, cell_topo);           // compute cell Jacobians
                  CellTools<double>::setJacobianInv(jacobian_inv, jacobian);                            // compute inverses of cell Jacobians
                  CellTools<double>::setJacobianDet(jacobian_det, jacobian);                            // compute determinants of cell Jacobians

                  FieldContainer<double> weightedMeasure(numCells, numCubPoints);

                  FieldContainer<double> onesLeft(numCells,  numCubPoints);

                  // compute weighted measure
                  FunctionSpaceTools::computeCellMeasure<double>(weightedMeasure, jacobian_det, cub_weights);

                  // integrate to get volume
                  FunctionSpaceTools::integrate<double>(volume, onesLeft, weightedMeasure,  COMP_BLAS);

              jacData& jdata = jac_data[cell_topo.getName()];
              jdata.numEle += numCells;

              for (unsigned iCell = 0; iCell < numCells; iCell++)
                  mesh::Entity & elem = bucket[iCell];
                  double min_edge_length = elem_min_edge_length[iCell];
                  double max_edge_length = elem_max_edge_length[iCell];
                  double max_edge_lengthNotZero = (fabs(max_edge_length) < 1.e-20? 1.e-20 : max_edge_length);

                  double cellVolActual = volume(iCell);
                  double cellVol = cellVolActual/volEqui; // scaled so that equilateral cell has vol=1.0

                  for (unsigned iCubPt = 0; iCubPt < numCubPoints; iCubPt++)
                      double jacDet = jacobian_det(iCell, iCubPt);
                      if (hasGoodTopo && jacDet < m_badJacobian)

                      double cellVolNotZero = fabs(cellVol) < 1.e-20? 1.e-20 : cellVol;
                      double quality_measure_1 = (cellVolNotZero < 0? -1.0 : 1.0) * min_edge_length / pow(fabs(cellVolNotZero), 1./(double(spaceDim)));
                      if (0 && iCubPt==0)
                          std::cout << "quality_measure_1= " << quality_measure_1 << " cellVolNotZero= " << cellVolNotZero << " cellVolActual= "
                                    << cellVolActual << " volEqui= " << volEqui << " min_edge_length= " << min_edge_length
                                    << " max_edge_length= " << max_edge_length << std::endl;

                      double quality_measure_2 = min_edge_length / max_edge_lengthNotZero;

                      if (ipass == 0)
                          jdata.jac.registerValue(elem.identifier(), jacDet);
                          jdata.QM_1.registerValue(elem.identifier(),  quality_measure_1);
                          jdata.QM_2.registerValue(elem.identifier(),  quality_measure_2);

              if (m_dump)
                  for (unsigned iCell = 0; iCell < numCells; iCell++)
                      for (unsigned iCubPt = 0; iCubPt < numCubPoints; iCubPt++)
                          stk::PrintTable table;
                          std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Jacobian"<<" iCell= "<<iCell<<" iCubPt= "<<iCubPt << " Det= " << jacobian_det(iCell, iCubPt);

                          for (unsigned id = 0; id < spaceDim; id++)
                              for (unsigned jd = 0; jd < spaceDim; jd++)
                                  table << jacobian(iCell, iCubPt, id, jd);
                              table << stk::end_row;
                          std::cout << "P["<< bulk.parallel_rank() << "] " << cell_topo.getName() << "\n" << table;

            } // buckets

          // setup the histogram ranges and counts

        } // ipass

      for (jac_data_map::iterator itMap = jac_data.begin(); itMap != jac_data.end(); itMap++)

      //  all_reduce( mesh.parallel() , ReduceMax<1>( & error_flag ) );

      stk::PrintTable table;
      if (0)
          const unsigned rank = bulk.parallel_rank();
          std::string title = "Jacobian and Quality Table P["+toString(rank)+"]\n";
      table.setTitle("Jacobian and Quality Table\n");

      table << "|" << "Element Type" << "|"
            << "Min JacDet" << "|" << "Id" << "|"
            << "Max JacDet" << "|" << "Id" << "|"
            << "Ave JacDet" << "|"
            << "Sum JacDet" << "|"
            << "Min QM1" << "|" << "Id" << "|"
            << "Max QM1" << "|" << "Id" << "|"
            << "Ave QM1" << "|"
            << "Min QM2" << "|" << "Id" << "|"
            << "Max QM2" << "|" << "Id" << "|"
            << "Ave QM2" << "|"
            << stk::end_header;

      for (jac_data_map::iterator itMap = jac_data.begin(); itMap != jac_data.end(); itMap++)
          if (1)
              std::cout << "P[" << p_rank << "] nele = " << itMap->second.numEle << std::endl;

          table << "|" << itMap->first << "|"
                << itMap->second.jac.min << "|"
                << itMap->second.jac.min_i << "|"
                << itMap->second.jac.max << "|"
                << itMap->second.jac.max_i << "|"
                << itMap->second.jac.ave << "|"
                << itMap->second.jac.sum << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_1.min << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_1.min_i << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_1.max << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_1.max_i << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_1.ave << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_2.min << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_2.min_i << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_2.max << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_2.max_i << "|"
                << itMap->second.QM_2.ave << "|"
                << stk::end_row;

      if (!p_rank && printTable)
        //if (printTable)
          std::cout << "P[" << p_rank << "] Explanation: JacDet=det(element jacobian), QM1=min(element edge length)/(elemement vol)^(1/dim), QM2=min(element edge length)/max(element edge length)\n" 
                    << " NOTE: QM1 is normalized to 1 for ideally shaped elements, < 1 or > 1 values signify badly shaped elements\n"
                    << " NOTE: QM2 is small for badly shaped elements, normalized to 1 for ideally shaped elements\n"
                    << std::endl;
          std::cout << table;

      return (foundBad > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 19
     * Algorithm:
     *   1. for each element, loop over its edges, for each edge's node, loop over elements attached to node
     *   1a.   for each neighboring element, check if current edge is invalid
    bool TopologyVerifier::isTopologyBad(stk::mesh::BulkData& bulk) //, stk::mesh::Part& mesh_part )
      const stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData& meta = stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get(bulk);

      stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian> *coord_field =
        meta.get_field<stk::mesh::Field<double, stk::mesh::Cartesian> >("coordinates");

      //mesh::Selector select_owned( meta_data.locally_owned_part() );

      const std::vector<mesh::Bucket*> & buckets = bulk.buckets(meta.element_rank() );

      for ( std::vector<mesh::Bucket *>::const_iterator ik = buckets.begin() ; ik != buckets.end() ; ++ik )
          // if ( select_owned( **ik ) ) {...

          const mesh::Bucket & bucket = **ik ;

          // Number of elems in this bucket of elems and elem field data
          const unsigned number_elems = bucket.size();

          double * elem_node_data = field_data( *coord_field , bucket.begin() );
          //double * elem_centroid_data = field_data( elem_centroid_field , bucket.begin() );

          // FIXME
          if (0) { elem_node_data[0]++;}

#if 1
          const CellTopologyData * const bucket_cell_topo = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::get_cell_topology(bucket);
          int bucket_shardsId = ShardsInterfaceTable::s_singleton.lookupShardsId(bucket_cell_topo->name);

          //if (0) { std::cout << bucket_cell_topo->name; }
          if (0) { std::cout << "bucket_shardsId= " << bucket_shardsId << " name= " << bucket_cell_topo->name <<  std::endl; }

          if (0) { std::cout << "number_elems= " << number_elems << std::endl;}

          for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < number_elems ; ++i)
              mesh::Entity & elem = bucket[i] ;
              bool isDuplicateNode = isTopologyBad(elem);
              if (isDuplicateNode)
                  std::cout << "duplicate node found: elem = " << elem << std::endl;
                  return true;
              if (0) std::cout << "elemOfBucket= " << elem << std::endl;
              const mesh::PairIterRelation elem_nodes = elem.relations( stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK );

              //const CellTopologyData * const cell_topo = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::get_cell_topology(elem);
              const CellTopologyData * const cell_topo = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::get_cell_topology(elem);
              int shardsId = ShardsInterfaceTable::s_singleton.lookupShardsId(cell_topo->name);
              if (0) { std::cout << "shardsId= " << shardsId << " name= " << cell_topo->name <<  std::endl; }

              for (unsigned iedgeOrd = 0; iedgeOrd < cell_topo->edge_count; iedgeOrd++)
                  //const CellTopologyData_Subcell& edge =

                  unsigned in0 = cell_topo->edge[iedgeOrd].node[0];
                  unsigned in1 = cell_topo->edge[iedgeOrd].node[1];

                  MyEdge<unsigned> potential_bad_edge(elem_nodes[in0].entity()->identifier(), elem_nodes[in1].entity()->identifier());
                  //if (potential_bad_edge.getId0() == 3 && potential_bad_edge.getId1() == 6)
                  if (0) std::cout << "potential_bad_edge: " << potential_bad_edge.getId0() << " " << potential_bad_edge.getId1() << std::endl;
              for (unsigned iedgeOrd = 0; iedgeOrd < cell_topo->edge_count; iedgeOrd++)
                  //const CellTopologyData_Subcell& edge =

                  unsigned in0 = cell_topo->edge[iedgeOrd].node[0];
                  unsigned in1 = cell_topo->edge[iedgeOrd].node[1];

                  MyEdge<unsigned> potential_bad_edge(elem_nodes[in0].entity()->identifier(), elem_nodes[in1].entity()->identifier());
                  //if (potential_bad_edge.getId0() == 3 && potential_bad_edge.getId1() == 6)
                  if (0) std::cout << "potential_bad_edge: " << potential_bad_edge.getId0() << " " << potential_bad_edge.getId1() << std::endl;

                  if (0 && MyEdge<unsigned>(3,6) == potential_bad_edge)
                      std::cout << "bad edge" << std::endl;

                  for (unsigned inodeOnPotBadEdge = 0; inodeOnPotBadEdge < 2; inodeOnPotBadEdge++)
                      unsigned inodeOnPotBadEdgeInElem = cell_topo->edge[iedgeOrd].node[inodeOnPotBadEdge];

                      const mesh::PairIterRelation node_elems = elem_nodes[inodeOnPotBadEdgeInElem].entity()->relations( meta.element_rank() );
                      unsigned num_elems_on_node = node_elems.size();

                      for (unsigned iele = 0; iele < num_elems_on_node; iele++)
                          mesh::Entity & elemOnNode = *node_elems[iele].entity();
                          const mesh::PairIterRelation elemOnNode_nodes = elemOnNode.relations( stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK );

                          const CellTopologyData * const local_cell_topo = stk::percept::PerceptMesh::get_cell_topology(elemOnNode);
                          int local_shardsId = ShardsInterfaceTable::s_singleton.lookupShardsId(local_cell_topo->name);
                          //if (1) { std::cout << "shardsId= " << shardsId << " name= " << cell_topo->name <<  std::endl; }

                          if (0) std::cout << "elemOnNode= " << elemOnNode << std::endl;
                          unsigned num_invalid_edges = m_invalid_edge_set[local_shardsId].size();
                          if (0) { std::cout << num_invalid_edges; }
                          for (invalid_edge_set_type::iterator inv_edge = m_invalid_edge_set[local_shardsId].begin();
                               inv_edge != m_invalid_edge_set[local_shardsId].end(); inv_edge++)
                              MyEdge<unsigned> globalIdInvEdge( elemOnNode_nodes[ (*inv_edge).getId0()].entity()->identifier(),
                                                                elemOnNode_nodes[ (*inv_edge).getId1()].entity()->identifier() );

                              if (0) std::cout << "globalIdInvEdge: " << globalIdInvEdge.getId0() << " " << globalIdInvEdge.getId1() << std::endl;
                              if(potential_bad_edge == globalIdInvEdge)
                                  return true;

      return false;