Ejemplo n.º 1
bool ML_Epetra::ValidateMLPParameters(const Teuchos::ParameterList &inList, int depth){
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameterName;
  using Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameterType;
  using Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameterValue;
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  using std::string;
  ParameterList List,*validList;
  bool rv=true;

  /* Build a copy of the list to be validated. */
  for (ParameterList::ConstIterator param = inList.begin(); param != inList.end(); ++param) {
    const std::string pname=inList.name(param);
    if (pname.find("user-defined function",0) == std::string::npos) {


  /* Get Defaults + Validate */
  try {
    validList = GetValidMLPParameters();
  catch(...) {
    std::cout << "Error in GetValidMLPParameters.  Please report this bug to the ML "
      "developers." << std::endl;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  try {
    List.validateParameters (*validList, depth, Teuchos::VALIDATE_USED_ENABLED, 
  catch(InvalidParameterName &excpt)  {/*rv=false; std::cout<<excpt.what()<<std::endl;*/}
  catch(InvalidParameterName &excpt)  {rv=false; std::cout<<excpt.what()<<std::endl;}
  catch(InvalidParameterType &excpt)  {rv=false; std::cout<<excpt.what()<<std::endl;}
  catch(InvalidParameterValue &excpt) {rv=false; std::cout<<excpt.what()<<std::endl;}
  catch(...) {rv=false;}
  delete validList;
  return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool ML_Epetra::ValidateRefMaxwellParameters(const Teuchos::ParameterList &inList){
  using Teuchos::ParameterList;
  using Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameterName;
  using Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameterType;
  using Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameterValue;
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;
  using std::string;

  ParameterList List,*validList;
  bool rv=true;
  /* Build a list with level-specific stuff stripped */
  //TODO this should be fixed
  for (ParameterList::ConstIterator param = inList.begin(); param != inList.end(); ++param) {
    const string pname=inList.name(param);
    if (pname.find("(level",0) == string::npos) {


  /* Get Defaults + Validate */
    validList = GetValidRefMaxwellParameters();
  catch(...) {
    cout << "Error in GetValidMLPParameters.  Please report this bug to the ML "
      "developers." << endl;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  try {
    List.validateParameters(*validList, 0, Teuchos::VALIDATE_USED_DISABLED,
  catch(InvalidParameterName &excpt)  {rv=false; cout<<excpt.what();}
  catch(InvalidParameterType &excpt)  {rv=false; cout<<excpt.what();}
  catch(InvalidParameterValue &excpt) {rv=false; cout<<excpt.what();}
  catch(...) {rv=false;}
  delete validList;
  return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool UpdateContFile( const string & fileName,
    const int & idStep,
    const Teuchos::ParameterList & fileParams )

  // The file to open
  ofstream oFile(fileName.c_str(), ios_base::app);

  // Writing the id
  oFile << scientific << setw(7)  << idStep;

  // Looping on the parameters
  Teuchos::map<string, Teuchos::ParameterEntry>::const_iterator i;
  for (i = fileParams.begin(); i !=fileParams.end(); ++i) 
    oFile << scientific << setw(15) << fileParams.entry(i);
  oFile << std::endl;

  // Closing

  return true;
  std::string ML2MueLuParameterTranslator::SetParameterList(const Teuchos::ParameterList & paramList_in, const std::string& defaultVals) {
    Teuchos::ParameterList paramList = paramList_in;

    RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> out = Teuchos::fancyOStream(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(std::cout)); // TODO: use internal out (GetOStream())

#if defined(HAVE_MUELU_ML) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_EPETRA)

    // TODO alternative with standard parameterlist from ML user guide?

    if (defaultVals != "") {
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(defaultVals!="SA" && defaultVals!="NSSA", Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                   "MueLu::MLParameterListInterpreter: only \"SA\" and \"NSSA\" allowed as options for ML default parameters.");
      Teuchos::ParameterList ML_defaultlist;

      // merge user parameters with default parameters
      MueLu::MergeParameterList(paramList_in, ML_defaultlist, true);
      paramList = ML_defaultlist;
    if (defaultVals != "") {
        // If no validator available: issue a warning and set parameter value to false in the output list
        *out << "Warning: MueLu_ENABLE_ML=OFF. No ML default values available." << std::endl;
#endif // HAVE_MUELU_ML

    // Move smoothers/aggregation/coarse parameters to sublists

    // ML allows to have level-specific smoothers/aggregation/coarse parameters at the top level of the list or/and defined in sublists:
    // See also: ML Guide section 6.4.1, MueLu::CreateSublists, ML_CreateSublists
    ParameterList paramListWithSubList;
    MueLu::CreateSublists(paramList, paramListWithSubList);
    paramList = paramListWithSubList; // swap
    Teuchos::ParameterList adaptingParamList = paramList;    // copy of paramList which is used to removed already interpreted parameters

    // Validate parameter list
      bool validate = paramList.get("ML validate parameter list", true); /* true = default in ML */
      if (validate) {

#if defined(HAVE_MUELU_ML) && defined(HAVE_MUELU_EPETRA)
        // Validate parameter list using ML validator
        int depth = paramList.get("ML validate depth", 5); /* 5 = default in ML */
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(! ML_Epetra::ValidateMLPParameters(paramList, depth), Exceptions::RuntimeError,
                                   "ERROR: ML's Teuchos::ParameterList contains incorrect parameter!");
        // If no validator available: issue a warning and set parameter value to false in the output list
        *out << "Warning: MueLu_ENABLE_ML=OFF. The parameter list cannot be validated." << std::endl;
        paramList.set("ML validate parameter list", false);

#endif // HAVE_MUELU_ML
      } // if(validate)
    } // scope

    // stringstream for concatenating xml parameter strings.
    std::stringstream mueluss;

    // create surrounding MueLu parameter list
    mueluss << "<ParameterList name=\"MueLu\">" << std::endl;

    // loop over all ML parameters in provided parameter list
    for (ParameterList::ConstIterator param = paramListWithSubList.begin(); param != paramListWithSubList.end(); ++param) {

      // extract ML parameter name
      const std::string & pname=paramListWithSubList.name(param);

      // extract corresponding (ML) value
      // remove ParameterList specific information from result string
      std::stringstream valuess;
      valuess << paramList.entry(param);
      std::string valuestr = valuess.str();
      replaceAll(valuestr, "[unused]", "");
      replaceAll(valuestr, "[default]", "");
      valuestr = trim(valuestr);

      // transform ML parameter to corresponding MueLu parameter and generate XML string
      std::string valueInterpreterStr = "\"" + valuestr + "\"";
      std::string ret = MasterList::interpretParameterName(MasterList::ML2MueLu(pname),valueInterpreterStr);

      // add XML string
      if (ret != "") {
        mueluss << ret << std::endl;

        // remove parameter from ML parameter list

      // special handling for energy minimization
      // TAW: this is not optimal for symmetric problems but at least works.
      //      for symmetric problems the "energy minimization" parameter should not exist anyway...
      if (pname == "energy minimization: enable") {
        mueluss << "<Parameter name=\"problem: symmetric\"      type=\"bool\"     value=\"false\"/>" << std::endl;
        mueluss << "<Parameter name=\"transpose: use implicit\" type=\"bool\"     value=\"false\"/>" << std::endl;

      // special handling for smoothers
      if (pname == "smoother: type") {

        mueluss << GetSmootherFactory(paramList, adaptingParamList, pname, valuestr);


      // special handling for level-specific smoothers
      if (pname.find("smoother: list (level",0) == 0) {
        // Scan pname (ex: pname="smoother: type (level 2)")
        std::string type, option;
        int levelID=-1;
          typedef Teuchos::ArrayRCP<char>::size_type size_type;
          Teuchos::Array<char> ctype  (size_type(pname.size()+1));
          Teuchos::Array<char> coption(size_type(pname.size()+1));

          int matched = sscanf(pname.c_str(),"%s %[^(](level %d)", ctype.getRawPtr(), coption.getRawPtr(), &levelID); // use [^(] instead of %s to allow for strings with white-spaces (ex: "ifpack list")
          type = std::string(ctype.getRawPtr());
          option = std::string(coption.getRawPtr()); option.resize(option.size () - 1); // remove final white-space

          if (matched != 3 || (type != "smoother:")) {
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::CreateSublist(), Line " << __LINE__ << ". "
                                        << "Error in creating level-specific sublists" << std::endl
                                        << "Offending parameter: " << pname << std::endl);

          mueluss << "<ParameterList name=\"level " << levelID << "\">" << std::endl;
          mueluss << GetSmootherFactory(paramList.sublist(pname),adaptingParamList.sublist(pname), "smoother: type", paramList.sublist(pname).get<std::string>("smoother: type"));
          mueluss << "</ParameterList>" << std::endl;

      // special handling for coarse level
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(paramList.isParameter("coarse: type"), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::MLParameterListInterpreter::Setup(): The parameter \"coarse: type\" should not exist but being stored in \"coarse: list\" instead.");
      if ( pname == "coarse: list" ) {

        // interpret smoother/coarse solver data.
        // Note, that we inspect the "coarse: list" sublist to define the "coarse" smoother/solver
        // Be aware, that MueLu::CreateSublists renames the prefix of the parameters in the "coarse: list" from "coarse" to "smoother".
        // Therefore, we have to check the values of the "smoother" parameters
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!paramList.sublist("coarse: list").isParameter("smoother: type"), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::MLParameterListInterpreter::Setup(): no coarse grid solver defined.");
        mueluss << GetSmootherFactory(paramList.sublist("coarse: list"), adaptingParamList.sublist("coarse: list"), "coarse: type", paramList.sublist("coarse: list").get<std::string>("smoother: type"));

    } // for

    mueluss << "</ParameterList>" << std::endl;

    return mueluss.str();
    //! @name Constructor/Destructor
    AMGXOperator(const Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra::CrsMatrix<SC,LO,GO,NO> > &inA, Teuchos::ParameterList &paramListIn) {
      RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = inA->getRowMap()->getComm();
      int numProcs = comm->getSize();
      int myRank   = comm->getRank();

      RCP<Teuchos::Time> amgxTimer = Teuchos::TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("MueLu: AMGX: initialize");
      // Initialize

      Teuchos::ParameterList configs = paramListIn.sublist("amgx:params", true);
      if (configs.isParameter("json file")) {
        AMGX_SAFE_CALL(AMGX_config_create_from_file(&Config_, (const char *) &configs.get<std::string>("json file")[0]));
      } else {
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "";
        ParameterList::ConstIterator itr;
        for (itr = configs.begin(); itr != configs.end(); ++itr) {
          const std::string&    name  = configs.name(itr);
          const ParameterEntry& entry = configs.entry(itr);
          oss << name << "=" << filterValueToString(entry) << ", ";
        oss << "\0";
        std::string configString = oss.str();
        if (configString == "") {
          //print msg that using defaults
          //GetOStream(Warnings0) << "Warning: No configuration parameters specified, using default AMGX configuration parameters. \n";
        AMGX_SAFE_CALL(AMGX_config_create(&Config_, configString.c_str()));

      // TODO: we probably need to add "exception_handling=1" to the parameter list
      // to switch on internal error handling (with no need for AMGX_SAFE_CALL)

#define NEW_COMM
#ifdef NEW_COMM
      // NOTE: MPI communicator used in AMGX_resources_create must exist in the scope of AMGX_matrix_comm_from_maps_one_ring
      // FIXME: fix for serial comm
      RCP<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> > tmpic = Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<const Teuchos::MpiComm<int> >(comm->duplicate());
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(tmpic.is_null(), Exceptions::RuntimeError, "Communicator is not MpiComm");

      RCP<const Teuchos::OpaqueWrapper<MPI_Comm> > rawMpiComm = tmpic->getRawMpiComm();
      MPI_Comm mpiComm = *rawMpiComm;

      // Construct AMGX resources
      if (numProcs == 1) {
        AMGX_resources_create_simple(&Resources_, Config_);

      } else {
        int numGPUDevices;
        int device[] = {(comm->getRank() % numGPUDevices)};

        AMGX_config_add_parameters(&Config_, "communicator=MPI");
#ifdef NEW_COMM
        AMGX_resources_create(&Resources_, Config_, &mpiComm, 1/* number of GPU devices utilized by this rank */, device);
        AMGX_resources_create(&Resources_, Config_, MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1/* number of GPU devices utilized by this rank */, device);

      AMGX_Mode mode = AMGX_mode_dDDI;
      AMGX_solver_create(&Solver_, Resources_, mode,  Config_);
      AMGX_matrix_create(&A_,      Resources_, mode);
      AMGX_vector_create(&X_,      Resources_, mode);
      AMGX_vector_create(&Y_,      Resources_, mode);


      std::vector<int> amgx2muelu;

      // Construct AMGX communication pattern
      if (numProcs > 1) {
        RCP<const Tpetra::Import<LO,GO> > importer = inA->getCrsGraph()->getImporter();

        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(importer.is_null(), MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError, "The matrix A has no Import object.");

        Tpetra::Distributor distributor = importer->getDistributor();

        Array<int> sendRanks = distributor.getImagesTo();
        Array<int> recvRanks = distributor.getImagesFrom();

        std::sort(sendRanks.begin(), sendRanks.end());
        std::sort(recvRanks.begin(), recvRanks.end());

        bool match = true;
        if (sendRanks.size() != recvRanks.size()) {
          match = false;
        } else {
          for (int i = 0; i < sendRanks.size(); i++) {
            if (recvRanks[i] != sendRanks[i])
              match = false;
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!match, MueLu::Exceptions::RuntimeError, "AMGX requires that the processors that we send to and receive from are the same. "
                                   "This is not the case: we send to {" << sendRanks << "} and receive from {" << recvRanks << "}");

        int        num_neighbors = sendRanks.size();  // does not include the calling process
        const int* neighbors     = &sendRanks[0];

        // Later on, we'll have to organize the send and recv data by PIDs,
        // i.e, a vector V of vectors, where V[i] is PID i's vector of data.
        // Hence we need to be able to quickly look up  an array index
        // associated with each PID.
        Tpetra::Details::HashTable<int,int> hashTable(3*num_neighbors);
        for (int i = 0; i < num_neighbors; i++)
          hashTable.add(neighbors[i], i);

        // Get some information out
        ArrayView<const int> exportLIDs = importer->getExportLIDs();
        ArrayView<const int> exportPIDs = importer->getExportPIDs();
        Array<int> importPIDs;
        Tpetra::Import_Util::getPids(*importer, importPIDs, true/* make local -1 */);

        // Construct the reordering for AMGX as in AMGX_matrix_upload_all documentation
        RCP<const Map> rowMap = inA->getRowMap();
        RCP<const Map> colMap = inA->getColMap();

        int N = rowMap->getNodeNumElements(), Nc = colMap->getNodeNumElements();
        muelu2amgx_.resize(Nc, -1);

        int numUniqExports = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < exportLIDs.size(); i++)
          if (muelu2amgx_[exportLIDs[i]] == -1) {
            muelu2amgx_[exportLIDs[i]] = -2;

        int localOffset = 0, exportOffset = N - numUniqExports;
        // Go through exported LIDs and put them at the end of LIDs
        for (int i = 0; i < exportLIDs.size(); i++)
          if (muelu2amgx_[exportLIDs[i]] < 0) // exportLIDs are not unique
            muelu2amgx_[exportLIDs[i]] = exportOffset++;
        // Go through all non-export LIDs, and put them at the beginning of LIDs
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
          if (muelu2amgx_[i] == -1)
            muelu2amgx_[i] = localOffset++;
        // Go through the tail (imported LIDs), and order those by neighbors
        int importOffset = N;
        for (int k = 0; k < num_neighbors; k++)
          for (int i = 0; i < importPIDs.size(); i++)
            if (importPIDs[i] != -1 && hashTable.get(importPIDs[i]) == k)
              muelu2amgx_[i] = importOffset++;

        for (int i = 0; i < muelu2amgx_.size(); i++)
          amgx2muelu[muelu2amgx_[i]] = i;

        // Construct send arrays
        std::vector<std::vector<int> > sendDatas (num_neighbors);
        std::vector<int>               send_sizes(num_neighbors, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < exportPIDs.size(); i++) {
          int index = hashTable.get(exportPIDs[i]);
          sendDatas [index].push_back(muelu2amgx_[exportLIDs[i]]);
        // FIXME: sendDatas must be sorted (based on GIDs)

        std::vector<const int*> send_maps(num_neighbors);
        for (int i = 0; i < num_neighbors; i++)
          send_maps[i] = &(sendDatas[i][0]);

        // Debugging
        printMaps(comm, sendDatas, amgx2muelu, neighbors, *importer->getTargetMap(), "send_map_vector");

        // Construct recv arrays
        std::vector<std::vector<int> > recvDatas (num_neighbors);
        std::vector<int>               recv_sizes(num_neighbors, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < importPIDs.size(); i++)
          if (importPIDs[i] != -1) {
            int index = hashTable.get(importPIDs[i]);
            recvDatas [index].push_back(muelu2amgx_[i]);
        // FIXME: recvDatas must be sorted (based on GIDs)

        std::vector<const int*> recv_maps(num_neighbors);
        for (int i = 0; i < num_neighbors; i++)
          recv_maps[i] = &(recvDatas[i][0]);

        // Debugging
        printMaps(comm, recvDatas, amgx2muelu, neighbors, *importer->getTargetMap(), "recv_map_vector");

        AMGX_SAFE_CALL(AMGX_matrix_comm_from_maps_one_ring(A_, 1, num_neighbors, neighbors, &send_sizes[0], &send_maps[0], &recv_sizes[0], &recv_maps[0]));

        AMGX_vector_bind(X_, A_);
        AMGX_vector_bind(Y_, A_);

      RCP<Teuchos::Time> matrixTransformTimer = Teuchos::TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("MueLu: AMGX: transform matrix");

      ArrayRCP<const size_t> ia_s;
      ArrayRCP<const int>    ja;
      ArrayRCP<const double> a;
      inA->getAllValues(ia_s, ja, a);

      ArrayRCP<int> ia(ia_s.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < ia.size(); i++)
        ia[i] = Teuchos::as<int>(ia_s[i]);

      N_      = inA->getNodeNumRows();
      int nnz = inA->getNodeNumEntries();


      // Upload matrix
      // TODO Do we need to pin memory here through AMGX_pin_memory?
      RCP<Teuchos::Time> matrixTimer = Teuchos::TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("MueLu: AMGX: transfer matrix  CPU->GPU");
      if (numProcs == 1) {
        AMGX_matrix_upload_all(A_, N_, nnz, 1, 1, &ia[0], &ja[0], &a[0], NULL);

      } else {
        // Transform the matrix
        std::vector<int>    ia_new(ia.size());
        std::vector<int>    ja_new(ja.size());
        std::vector<double> a_new (a.size());

        ia_new[0] = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < N_; i++) {
          int oldRow = amgx2muelu[i];

          ia_new[i+1] = ia_new[i] + (ia[oldRow+1] - ia[oldRow]);

          for (int j = ia[oldRow]; j < ia[oldRow+1]; j++) {
            int offset = j - ia[oldRow];
            ja_new[ia_new[i] + offset] = muelu2amgx_[ja[j]];
            a_new [ia_new[i] + offset] = a[j];
          // Do bubble sort on two arrays
          // NOTE: There are multiple possible optimizations here (even of bubble sort)
          bool swapped;
          do {
            swapped = false;

            for (int j = ia_new[i]; j < ia_new[i+1]-1; j++)
              if (ja_new[j] > ja_new[j+1]) {
                std::swap(ja_new[j], ja_new[j+1]);
                std::swap(a_new [j], a_new [j+1]);
                swapped = true;
          } while (swapped == true);

        AMGX_matrix_upload_all(A_, N_, nnz, 1, 1, &ia_new[0], &ja_new[0], &a_new[0], NULL);

      domainMap_ = inA->getDomainMap();
      rangeMap_  = inA->getRangeMap();

      RCP<Teuchos::Time> realSetupTimer = Teuchos::TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("MueLu: AMGX: real setup");
      AMGX_solver_setup(Solver_, A_);

      vectorTimer1_ = Teuchos::TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("MueLu: AMGX: transfer vectors CPU->GPU");
      vectorTimer2_ = Teuchos::TimeMonitor::getNewTimer("MueLu: AMGX: transfer vector  GPU->CPU");