void BlockManagerMaster::BlockManagerMasterActor::matcherReceiver(const MatcherMessage &message,const Theron::Address from){ cout<<"I want the proj "<<from.AsString()<<" shows:"<<message.filenameText<<" from "<<message.bmiText<<endl; BlockManagerId *bmi=new BlockManagerId(message.bmiText); BlanceMatcher *bm=BlanceMatcher::getInstance(); string res=bm->matcher(message.filenameText,*bmi); MatcherRespond resp(res.c_str()); cout<<"I will send the proj "<<res.c_str()<<" to "<<from.AsString()<<endl; Send(resp,from); }
void BlockManagerMaster::BlockManagerMasterActor::workerRegister(const StorageBudgetMessage &message,const Theron::Address from){ // 加到blockInfo中 cout<<"I receive message: nodeid"<<message.nodeid<<" and other information "<<from.AsString()<<endl; string respond="ok"; RegisterStorageRespond rsr(respond.c_str()); Send(rsr,from); }
void CellDrawActor< C >::allDrawHandler( const AllDrawMessage< C >& m, const Theron::Address from ) { std::cout << Ogre::StringConverter::toString( from.AsInteger() ) << " CellDrawActor::allDrawHandler() start" << std::endl; CellDrawActor< C >::allDraw( m ); // Информируем о выполнении TailSend( true, from ); // @test Спим, чтобы убедиться: мы в потоке и нам потоков хватает. //Sleep( 5000 ); std::cout << Ogre::StringConverter::toString( from.AsInteger() ) << " CellDrawActor::allDrawHandler() stop" << std::endl; }
void CellDrawActor< C >::gridDrawHandler( const GridDrawMessage& m, const Theron::Address from ) { std::cout << Ogre::StringConverter::toString( from.AsInteger() ) << " CellDrawActor::gridDrawHandler() start" << std::endl; CellDrawActor< GasFD >::gridDraw( m ); // Информируем о выполнении Send( true, from ); // @test Спим, чтобы убедиться: мы в потоке и нам потоков хватает. // Если потоков на отрисовку не хватает, будет пауза. //Sleep( 5000 ); std::cout << Ogre::StringConverter::toString( from.AsInteger() ) << " CellDrawActor::gridDrawHandler() stop" << std::endl; }
static void DumpMessage( const void *const data, const Theron::uint32_t size, const Theron::Address from) { printf("Unhandled %d byte message sent from address %d:\n", size, from.AsInteger()); // Dump the message as hex data. if (data) { const char *const format("[%d] 0x%08x\n"); const unsigned int *const begin(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned int *>(data)); const unsigned int *const end(begin + size / sizeof(unsigned int)); for (const unsigned int *word(begin); word != end; ++word) { printf(format, static_cast<int>(word - begin), *word); } } }
void BlockManagerMaster::BlockManagerMasterActor::blockStatusReceiver(const BlockStatusMessage &message,const Theron::Address from){ cout<<"receive a block "<<from.AsString()<<" shows:"<<message.mText<<endl; AllBlockInfo *abi=AllBlockInfo::getInstance(); abi->put(from.AsString(),message.mText); }
void BlockManagerMaster::BlockManagerMasterActor::heartbeatReceiver(const HeartBeatMessage &message,const Theron::Address from){ cout<<"receive heartbeat from node "<<from.AsString()<<" shows:"<<message.mText<<endl; string respond="ok"; HeartBeatRespond hbr(respond.c_str()); Send(hbr,from); }
void NFCActor::HandlerEx(const NFIActorMessage& message, const Theron::Address from) { m_pActorModule->HandlerEx(message, from.AsInteger()); }