Ejemplo n.º 1
DynamicModel::newTrackGenerated( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
    if ( m_onDemandRunning )
        bool isDuplicate = false;
        for ( int i = 0; i < m_deduper.size(); i++ )
            if ( m_deduper[ i ].first == query->track() && m_deduper[ i ].second == query->artist() )
                isDuplicate = true;
        if ( isDuplicate )

            m_deduper.append( QPair< QString, QString >( query->track(), query->artist() ) );

        connect( query.data(), SIGNAL( resolvingFinished( bool ) ), this, SLOT( trackResolveFinished( bool ) ) );

        m_waitingFor << query.data();
        appendQuery( query );
Ejemplo n.º 2
ColumnViewPreviewWidget::setQuery( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
    if ( !m_query.isNull() )
        disconnect( m_query->track().data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), this, SLOT( onCoverUpdated() ) );

    m_query = query;
    connect( m_query->track().data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), SLOT( onCoverUpdated() ) );

    m_cover->setQuery( query );

    setVisible( true );

    m_trackLabel->setText( query->track()->track() );
    m_artistLabel->setArtist( query->track()->artistPtr() );
    m_artistLabel->setMinimumWidth( qMin( m_artistLabel->fontMetrics().width( query->track()->artist() ) +
                                          m_artistLabel->contentsMargins().left() +
                                          m_artistLabel->contentsMargins().right() +
                                          2 * m_artistLabel->lineWidth(),
                                          width() ) );
    m_artistLabel->setElideMode( Qt::ElideRight );
    m_composerValue->setText( query->track()->composer() );

    m_composerValue->setVisible( !query->track()->composerPtr().isNull() );
    m_composerLabel->setVisible( !query->track()->composerPtr().isNull() );

    if ( query->numResults() )
        m_yearValue->setText( QString::number( query->track()->year() ) );
        m_bitrateValue->setText( tr( "%1 kbps" ).arg( query->results().first()->bitrate() ) );
        m_durationValue->setText( TomahawkUtils::timeToString( query->track()->duration() ) );
        m_ageValue->setText( TomahawkUtils::ageToString( QDateTime::fromTime_t( query->results().first()->modificationTime() ) ) );

        m_yearValue->setVisible( query->track()->year() > 0 );
        m_yearLabel->setVisible( query->track()->year() > 0 );
        m_bitrateLabel->setVisible( query->results().first()->bitrate() > 0 );
        m_bitrateValue->setVisible( query->results().first()->bitrate() > 0 );
        m_durationLabel->setVisible( query->track()->duration() > 0 );
        m_durationValue->setVisible( query->track()->duration() > 0 );
        m_ageLabel->setVisible( query->results().first()->modificationTime() > 0 );
        m_ageValue->setVisible( query->results().first()->modificationTime() > 0 );
        m_yearLabel->setVisible( false );
        m_yearValue->setVisible( false );
        m_bitrateLabel->setVisible( false );
        m_bitrateValue->setVisible( false );
        m_durationLabel->setVisible( false );
        m_durationValue->setVisible( false );
        m_ageLabel->setVisible( false );
        m_ageValue->setVisible( false );

    setMinimumHeight( sizeHint().height() );
Ejemplo n.º 3
PlayableItem::PlayableItem( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query, PlayableItem* parent, int row )
    : QObject( parent )
    , m_query( query )
    init( parent, row );

    connect( query->track().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ),
                                    SIGNAL( dataChanged() ) );

    connect( query->track().data(), SIGNAL( updated() ),
                                    SIGNAL( dataChanged() ) );

    connect( query.data(), SIGNAL( resultsChanged() ),
                             SLOT( onResultsChanged() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
ScriptEngine::resolve( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << query->toString();
    QString eval = QString( "resolve( '%1', '%2', '%3', '%4' );" )
                      .arg( query->id().replace( "'", "\\'" ) )
                      .arg( query->artist().replace( "'", "\\'" ) )
                      .arg( query->album().replace( "'", "\\'" ) )
                      .arg( query->track().replace( "'", "\\'" ) );

    QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr > results;

    QVariantMap m = mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( eval ).toMap();
    qDebug() << "JavaScript Result:" << m;

    const QString qid = query->id();
    const QVariantList reslist = m.value( "results" ).toList();

    foreach( const QVariant& rv, reslist )
        QVariantMap m = rv.toMap();
        qDebug() << "RES" << m;

        Tomahawk::result_ptr rp( new Tomahawk::Result() );
        Tomahawk::artist_ptr ap = Tomahawk::Artist::get( 0, m.value( "artist" ).toString() );
        rp->setArtist( ap );
        rp->setAlbum( Tomahawk::Album::get( 0, m.value( "album" ).toString(), ap ) );
        rp->setTrack( m.value( "track" ).toString() );
        rp->setBitrate( m.value( "bitrate" ).toUInt() );
        rp->setUrl( m.value( "url" ).toString() );
        rp->setSize( m.value( "size" ).toUInt() );
        rp->setScore( m.value( "score" ).toFloat() * ( (float)m_parent->weight() / 100.0 ) );
        rp->setRID( uuid() );
        rp->setFriendlySource( m_parent->name() );

        if ( m.contains( "year" ) )
            QVariantMap attr;
            attr[ "releaseyear" ] = m.value( "year" );
            rp->setAttributes( attr );

        rp->setDuration( m.value( "duration", 0 ).toUInt() );
        if ( rp->duration() <= 0 && m.contains( "durationString" ) )
            QTime time = QTime::fromString( m.value( "durationString" ).toString(), "hh:mm:ss" );
            rp->setDuration( time.secsTo( QTime( 0, 0 ) ) * -1 );

        rp->setMimetype( m.value( "mimetype" ).toString() );
        if ( rp->mimetype().isEmpty() )
            rp->setMimetype( TomahawkUtils::extensionToMimetype( m.value( "extension" ).toString() ) );
            Q_ASSERT( !rp->mimetype().isEmpty() );

        results << rp;
Ejemplo n.º 5
MetadataEditor::loadQuery( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
    if ( query.isNull() )

    if ( query->numResults() )
        loadResult( query->results().first() );

    m_result = Tomahawk::result_ptr();
    m_query = query;
    setEditable( false );

    setTitle( query->track()->track() );
    setArtist( query->track()->artist() );
    setAlbum( query->track()->album() );
    setAlbumPos( query->track()->albumpos() );
    setDuration( query->track()->duration() );
    setYear( 0 );
    setBitrate( 0 );

    setFileName( QString() );
    setFileSize( 0 );

    setWindowTitle( query->track()->track() );

    if ( m_interface )
        m_index = m_interface->indexOfQuery( query );

        if ( m_index >= 0 )
Ejemplo n.º 6
QtScriptResolver::resolve( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
    if ( QThread::currentThread() != thread() )
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "resolve", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(Tomahawk::query_ptr, query) );

    QString eval;
    if ( !query->isFullTextQuery() )
        eval = QString( RESOLVER_LEGACY_CODE2 "resolver.resolve( '%1', '%2', '%3', '%4' );" )
               .arg( query->id().replace( "'", "\\'" ) )
               .arg( query->artist().replace( "'", "\\'" ) )
               .arg( query->album().replace( "'", "\\'" ) )
               .arg( query->track().replace( "'", "\\'" ) );
        eval = QString( "if(Tomahawk.resolver.instance !== undefined) {"
                        "   resolver.search( '%1', '%2' );"
                        "} else {"
                        "   resolve( '%1', '', '', '%2' );"
               .arg( query->id().replace( "'", "\\'" ) )
               .arg( query->fullTextQuery().replace( "'", "\\'" ) );

    QVariantMap m = m_engine->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( eval ).toMap();

    if( m.isEmpty() )
        // if the resolver doesn't return anything, async api is used

    qDebug() << "JavaScript Result:" << m;

    const QString qid = query->id();
    const QVariantList reslist = m.value( "results" ).toList();

    QList< Tomahawk::result_ptr > results = parseResultVariantList( reslist );

    Tomahawk::Pipeline::instance()->reportResults( qid, results );
Ejemplo n.º 7
// TODO make clever (ft. featuring live (stuff) etc)
DatabaseCommand_Resolve::how_similar( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& q, const Tomahawk::result_ptr& r )
    // query values
    const QString qArtistname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( q->artist() );
    const QString qAlbumname  = DatabaseImpl::sortname( q->album() );
    const QString qTrackname  = DatabaseImpl::sortname( q->track() );

    // result values
    const QString rArtistname = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r->artist()->name() );
    const QString rAlbumname  = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r->album()->name() );
    const QString rTrackname  = DatabaseImpl::sortname( r->track() );

    // normal edit distance
    int artdist = levenshtein( qArtistname, rArtistname );
    int albdist = levenshtein( qAlbumname, rAlbumname );
    int trkdist = levenshtein( qTrackname, rTrackname );

    // max length of name
    int mlart = qMax( qArtistname.length(), rArtistname.length() );
    int mlalb = qMax( qAlbumname.length(), rAlbumname.length() );
    int mltrk = qMax( qTrackname.length(), rTrackname.length() );

    // distance scores
    float dcart = (float)( mlart - artdist ) / mlart;
    float dcalb = (float)( mlalb - albdist ) / mlalb;
    float dctrk = (float)( mltrk - trkdist ) / mltrk;

    // don't penalize for missing album name
    if( qAlbumname.length() == 0 )
        dcalb = 1.0;

    // weighted, so album match is worth less than track title
    float combined = ( dcart*4 + dcalb + dctrk*5 ) / 10;
    return combined;
Ejemplo n.º 8
PlayableProxyModel::lessThan( int column, const Tomahawk::query_ptr& q1, const Tomahawk::query_ptr& q2 ) const
    // Attention: This function may be called very often!
    // So be aware of its performance.
    const Tomahawk::track_ptr& t1 = q1->track();
    const Tomahawk::track_ptr& t2 = q2->track();
    const QString& artist1 = t1->artistSortname();
    const QString& artist2 = t2->artistSortname();
    const QString& album1 = t1->albumSortname();
    const QString& album2 = t2->albumSortname();
    const unsigned int albumpos1 = t1->albumpos();
    const unsigned int albumpos2 = t2->albumpos();
    const unsigned int discnumber1 = t1->discnumber();
    const unsigned int discnumber2 = t2->discnumber();
    const qint64 id1 = (qint64)&q1;
    const qint64 id2 = (qint64)&q2;

    if ( column == PlayableModel::Artist ) // sort by artist
        if ( artist1 == artist2 )
            if ( album1 == album2 )
                if ( discnumber1 == discnumber2 )
                    if ( albumpos1 == albumpos2 )
                        return id1 < id2;

                    return albumpos1 < albumpos2;

                return discnumber1 < discnumber2;

            return QString::localeAwareCompare( album1, album2 ) < 0;

        return QString::localeAwareCompare( artist1, artist2 ) < 0;

    // Sort by Composer
    const QString& composer1 = t1->composerSortname();
    const QString& composer2 = t2->composerSortname();
    if ( column == PlayableModel::Composer )
        if ( composer1 == composer2 )
            if ( album1 == album2 )
                if ( discnumber1 == discnumber2 )
                    if ( albumpos1 == albumpos2 )
                        return id1 < id2;

                    return albumpos1 < albumpos2;

                return discnumber1 < discnumber2;

            return QString::localeAwareCompare( album1, album2 ) < 0;

        return QString::localeAwareCompare( composer1, composer2 ) < 0;

    // Sort by Album
    if ( column == PlayableModel::Album ) // sort by album
        if ( album1 == album2 )
            if ( discnumber1 == discnumber2 )
                if ( albumpos1 == albumpos2 )
                    return id1 < id2;

                return albumpos1 < albumpos2;

            return discnumber1 < discnumber2;

        return QString::localeAwareCompare( album1, album2 ) < 0;

    // Lazy load these variables, they are not used before.
    unsigned int bitrate1 = 0, bitrate2 = 0;
    unsigned int mtime1 = 0, mtime2 = 0;
    unsigned int size1 = 0, size2 = 0;
    unsigned int year1 = 0, year2 = 0;
    float score1 = 0, score2 = 0;
    QString origin1;
    QString origin2;
    if ( !q1->results().isEmpty() )
        Tomahawk::result_ptr r = q1->results().first();
        bitrate1 = r->bitrate();
        mtime1 = r->modificationTime();
        size1 = r->size();
        year1 = r->track()->year();
        score1 = q1->score();
        origin1 = r->friendlySource().toLower();
    if ( !q2->results().isEmpty() )
        Tomahawk::result_ptr r = q2->results().first();
        bitrate2 = r->bitrate();
        mtime2 = r->modificationTime();
        size2 = r->size();
        year2 = r->track()->year();
        score2 = q2->score();
        origin2 = r->friendlySource().toLower();

    // Sort by bitrate
    if ( column == PlayableModel::Bitrate )
        if ( bitrate1 == bitrate2 )
            return id1 < id2;

        return bitrate1 < bitrate2;
    else if ( column == PlayableModel::Duration ) // sort by duration
        unsigned int duration1 = t1->duration();
        unsigned int duration2 = t2->duration();

        if ( duration1 == duration2 )
            return id1 < id2;

        return duration1 < duration2;
    else if ( column == PlayableModel::Age ) // sort by mtime
        if ( mtime1 == mtime2 )
            return id1 < id2;

        return mtime1 < mtime2;
    else if ( column == PlayableModel::Year ) // sort by release year
        if ( year1 == year2 )
            return id1 < id2;

        return year1 < year2;
    else if ( column == PlayableModel::Filesize ) // sort by file size
        if ( size1 == size2 )
            return id1 < id2;

        return size1 < size2;
    else if ( column == PlayableModel::Score ) // sort by file score
        if ( score1 == score2 )
            return id1 < id2;

        return score1 < score2;
    else if ( column == PlayableModel::Origin ) // sort by file origin
        if ( origin1 == origin2 )
            return id1 < id2;

        return origin1 < origin2;
    else if ( column == PlayableModel::AlbumPos ) // sort by album pos
        if ( discnumber1 != discnumber2 )
            return discnumber1 < discnumber2;
            if ( albumpos1 != albumpos2 )
                return albumpos1 < albumpos2;

    const QString& lefts = t1->track();
    const QString& rights = t2->track();
    if ( lefts == rights )
        return id1 < id2;

    return QString::localeAwareCompare( lefts, rights ) < 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
QMap< int, float >
FuzzyIndex::search( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
    QMutexLocker lock( &m_mutex );

    QMap< int, float > resultsmap;
        if ( !m_luceneReader )
            if ( !IndexReader::indexExists( TomahawkUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( "tomahawk.lucene" ).toStdString().c_str() ) )
                qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "index didn't exist.";
                return resultsmap;

            m_luceneReader = IndexReader::open( m_luceneDir );
            m_luceneSearcher = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( m_luceneReader );

        float minScore;
        const TCHAR** fields = 0;
        MultiFieldQueryParser parser( fields, m_analyzer );
        BooleanQuery* qry = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();

        if ( query->isFullTextQuery() )
            QString escapedQuery = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->fullTextQuery() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );

            Term* term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "track" ), escapedQuery.toStdWString().c_str() );
            Query* fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

            term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "artist" ), escapedQuery.toStdWString().c_str() );
            fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

            term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "fulltext" ), escapedQuery.toStdWString().c_str() );
            fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );

            minScore = 0.00;
            QString track = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->track() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );
            QString artist = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->artist() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );
//            QString album = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( query->album().toStdWString().c_str() ) );

            Term* term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "track" ), track.toStdWString().c_str() );
            Query* fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::MUST );

            term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "artist" ), artist.toStdWString().c_str() );
            fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
            qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::MUST );

            minScore = 0.00;

        Hits* hits = m_luceneSearcher->search( qry );
        for ( uint i = 0; i < hits->length(); i++ )
            Document* d = &hits->doc( i );

            float score = hits->score( i );
            int id = QString::fromWCharArray( d->get( _T( "trackid" ) ) ).toInt();

            if ( score > minScore )
                resultsmap.insert( id, score );
//                tDebug() << "Index hit:" << id << score << QString::fromWCharArray( ((Query*)qry)->toString() );

        delete hits;
        delete qry;
    catch( CLuceneError& error )
        tDebug() << "Caught CLucene error:" << error.what();
        Q_ASSERT( false );

    return resultsmap;
Ejemplo n.º 10
AudioEngine::playItem( Tomahawk::playlistinterface_ptr playlist, const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
    if ( query->resolvingFinished() )
        if ( query->numResults() && query->results().first()->isOnline() )
            playItem( playlist, query->results().first() );

            new ErrorStatusMessage( tr( "Sorry, Tomahawk couldn't find the track '%1' by %2" ).arg( query->track() ).arg( query->artist() ), 15 ) );

        if ( isStopped() )
            emit stopped(); // we do this so the original caller knows we couldn't find this track
        Pipeline::instance()->resolve( query );

        NewClosure( query.data(), SIGNAL( resolvingFinished( bool ) ),
                    const_cast<AudioEngine*>(this), SLOT( playItem( Tomahawk::playlistinterface_ptr, Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), playlist, query );