Ejemplo n.º 1
// This function splits a single succeesor block following an guard and is used to
// do the following transform
//    block - cold1         block - cold1
//      \     /        =>     |       |
//     nextBlock           nextBlock nextBlock' (called tailSplitBlock below)
//         |                  \      /
//        ...                   ...
void TR_VirtualGuardHeadMerger::tailSplitBlock(TR::Block * block, TR::Block * cold1)
   TR::CFG *cfg = comp()->getFlowGraph();
   TR_BlockCloner cloner(cfg);
   TR::Block *tailSplitBlock = cloner.cloneBlocks(block->getNextBlock(), block->getNextBlock());
   if (cold1->isCold())

   // physically put the block after cold1 since we want cold1 to fall through

   // remove cold1's goto
   TR::TransformUtil::removeTree(comp(), cold1->getExit()->getPrevRealTreeTop());

   // copy the exception edges
   for (auto e = block->getNextBlock()->getExceptionSuccessors().begin(); e != block->getNextBlock()->getExceptionSuccessors().end(); ++e)
      cfg->addExceptionEdge(tailSplitBlock, (*e)->getTo());

   cfg->addEdge(cold1, tailSplitBlock);
   // lastly fix up the exit of tailSplitBlock
   TR::Node *tailSplitEnd = tailSplitBlock->getExit()->getPrevRealTreeTop()->getNode();
   if (tailSplitEnd->getOpCode().isGoto())
      cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, block->getNextBlock()->getSuccessors().front()->getTo());
   else if (tailSplitEnd->getOpCode().isBranch())
      TR::Block *gotoBlock = TR::Block::createEmptyBlock(tailSplitEnd, comp(), cold1->getFrequency());
      if (cold1->isCold())

      gotoBlock->append(TR::TreeTop::create(comp(), TR::Node::create(tailSplitEnd, TR::Goto, 0, block->getNextBlock()->getExit()->getNextTreeTop())));
      cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, gotoBlock);
      cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, tailSplitBlock->getLastRealTreeTop()->getNode()->getBranchDestination()->getEnclosingBlock());
      cfg->addEdge(gotoBlock, block->getNextBlock()->getNextBlock());
   else if (
            !tailSplitEnd->getOpCode().isReturn() &&
            !tailSplitEnd->getOpCode().isJumpWithMultipleTargets() &&
             tailSplitEnd->getOpCodeValue() != TR::athrow &&
            !(tailSplitEnd->getNumChildren() >= 1 && tailSplitEnd->getFirstChild()->getOpCodeValue() == TR::athrow)
      tailSplitBlock->append(TR::TreeTop::create(comp(), TR::Node::create(tailSplitEnd, TR::Goto, 0, block->getNextBlock()->getExit()->getNextTreeTop())));
      cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, block->getNextBlock()->getNextBlock());
      for (auto e = block->getNextBlock()->getSuccessors().begin(); e != block->getNextBlock()->getSuccessors().end(); ++e)
         cfg->addEdge(tailSplitBlock, (*e)->getTo());
   cfg->removeEdge(cold1, block->getNextBlock());

Ejemplo n.º 2
// This opt tries to reduce merge backs from cold code that are the result of inliner
// gnerated nopable virtual guards
// It looks for one basic pattern
// guard1 -> cold1
// guard2 -> cold2
// if guard1 is the guard for a method which calls the method guard2 protects or cold1 is
// a predecessor of cold2 (a situation commonly greated by virtual guard tail splitter) we
// can transform the guards as follows when guard1 and guard2 a
// guard1 -> cold1
// guard2 -> cold1
// This is safe because there are no trees between the guards and calling the caller will
// result in the call to the callee if we need to patch guard2. cold2 and its mergebacks
// can then be eliminated
// In addition this opt will try to move guard2 up from the end of a block to the
// start of the block. We can do this if guard2 is an HCR guard and there is no GC point
// between BBSTART and guard2 since HCR is a stop-the-world event.
// Finally, there is a simple tail splitting step run before the analysis of a guard if we
// detect that the taken side of the guard merges back in the next block - this happens
// for some empty methods and is common for Object.<init> at the top of constructors.
int32_t TR_VirtualGuardHeadMerger::perform() {
   static char *disableVGHeadMergerTailSplitting = feGetEnv("TR_DisableVGHeadMergerTailSplitting");
   TR::CFG *cfg = comp()->getFlowGraph();

   // Cache the loads for the outer guard's cold path
   TR_BitVector coldPathLoads(comp()->trMemory()->currentStackRegion());
   TR_BitVector privArgSymRefs(comp()->trMemory()->currentStackRegion());
   bool evaluatedColdPathLoads = false;

   for (TR::Block *block = optimizer()->getMethodSymbol()->getFirstTreeTop()->getNode()->getBlock();
        block; block = block->getNextBlock())
      TR::Node *guard1 = block->getLastRealTreeTop()->getNode();

      if (isMergeableGuard(guard1))
         if (trace())
            traceMsg(comp(), "Found mergeable guard in block_%d\n", block->getNumber());
         TR::Block *cold1 = guard1->getBranchDestination()->getEnclosingBlock();

         // check for an immediate merge back from the cold block and
         // tail split one block if we can - we only handle splitting a block
         // ending in a fallthrough, a branch or a goto for now for simplicity
         if (!disableVGHeadMergerTailSplitting &&
             (cold1->getSuccessors().size() == 1) &&
             cold1->hasSuccessor(block->getNextBlock()) &&
            // TODO handle moving code earlier in the block down below the guard
            // tail split
            if ((block->getNextBlock()->getSuccessors().size() == 1) ||
                ((block->getNextBlock()->getSuccessors().size() == 2) &&
                 block->getNextBlock()->getLastRealTreeTop()->getNode()->getOpCode().isBranch()) &&
                performTransformation(comp(), "%sCloning block_%d and placing clone after block_%d to reduce HCR guard nops\n", OPT_DETAILS, block->getNextBlock()->getNumber(), cold1->getNumber()))
               tailSplitBlock(block, cold1);

         // guard motion is fairly complex but what we want to achieve around guard1 is a sequence
         // of relocated privarg blocks, followed by a sequence of runtime patchable guards going to
         // guard1's cold block, followed by a sequence of stop-the-world guards going to guard1's
         // cold block
         // The following code is to setup the various insert points based on the following diagrams
         // of basic blocks:
         // start:               setup:                          end result after moving runtime guard'
         //                       |       |                        +-------+ <-- privargIns
         //                       |       | <-- privargIns             |
         //                       +-------+ <-- runtimeIns         +-------+
         //   |       |               |                            | Guard'|
         //   |       |               V                            +-------+ <-- runtimeIns
         //   +-------+           +-------+                            |
         //   | Guard |           | Guard |                            V
         //   +-------+           +-------+ <-- HCRIns             +-------+
         //       |        ===>       |                    ===>    | Guard |
         //       V                   V                            +-------+ <-- HCRIns
         //   +-------+           +-------+                            |
         //   |       |           |       |                            V
         //   |       |           |       |                        +-------+
         // Note we always split the block - this may create an empty block but preserves the incoming
         // control flow we leave the rest to block extension to fix later

         block = block->split(block->getLastRealTreeTop(), cfg, true, false);
         TR::Block *privargIns = block->getPrevBlock();
         TR::Block *runtimeIns = block->getPrevBlock();
         TR::Block *HCRIns = block;

         // New outer guard so cold paths must be evaluated
         evaluatedColdPathLoads = false;

         // scan for candidate guards to merge with guard1 identified above
         for (TR::Block *nextBlock = block->getNextBlock(); nextBlock; nextBlock = nextBlock->getNextBlock())
            if (!(nextBlock->getPredecessors().size() == 1) ||

            TR::TreeTop *guard2Tree = NULL;
            if (isMergeableGuard(nextBlock->getFirstRealTreeTop()->getNode()))
               guard2Tree = nextBlock->getFirstRealTreeTop();
            else if (isMergeableGuard(nextBlock->getLastRealTreeTop()->getNode()))
               guard2Tree = nextBlock->getLastRealTreeTop();

            TR::Node *guard2 = guard2Tree->getNode();
            TR::Block *guard2Block = nextBlock;

            // It is not possible to shift an OSR guard unless the destination is already an OSR point
            // as the necessary OSR state will not be available
            if (guard2->isOSRGuard() && !guard1->isOSRGuard())

            TR::Block *insertPoint = isStopTheWorldGuard(guard2) ? HCRIns : runtimeIns;
            if (!safeToMoveGuard(insertPoint, guard2Tree, guard1->getBranchDestination(), privArgSymRefs))

            // now we figure out if we can redirect guard2 to guard1's cold block
            // ie can we do the head merge
            TR::Block *cold2 = guard2->getBranchDestination()->getEnclosingBlock();
            if (guard1->getInlinedSiteIndex() == guard2->getInlinedSiteIndex())
               if (trace())
                  traceMsg(comp(), "  Guard1 [%p] is guarding the same call as Guard2 [%p] - proceeding with guard merging\n", guard1, guard2);
            else if (guard2->getInlinedSiteIndex() > -1 &&
                guard1->getInlinedSiteIndex() == TR::comp()->getInlinedCallSite(guard2->getInlinedSiteIndex())._byteCodeInfo.getCallerIndex())
               if (trace())
                  traceMsg(comp(), "  Guard1 [%p] is the caller of Guard2 [%p] - proceeding with guard merging\n", guard1, guard2);
            else if ((cold1->getSuccessors().size() == 1) &&
               if (trace())
                  traceMsg(comp(), "  Guard1 cold destination block_%d has guard2 cold destination block_%d as its only successor - proceeding with guard merging\n", cold1->getNumber(), cold2->getNumber());
               if (trace())
                  traceMsg(comp(), "  Cold1 block_%d and cold2 block_%d of guard2 [%p] in unknown relationship - abandon the merge attempt\n", cold1->getNumber(), cold2->getNumber(), guard2);

            // Runtime guards will shift their privargs, so it is necessary to check such a move is safe
            // This is possible if a privarg temp was recycled for the inner call site, with a prior use as an
            // argument for the outer call site. As the privargs for the inner call site must be evaluated before
            // both guards, this would result in the recycled temp holding the incorrect value if the guard is ever
            // taken.
            if (!isStopTheWorldGuard(guard2))
               if (!evaluatedColdPathLoads)
                  collectColdPathLoads(cold1, coldPathLoads);
                  evaluatedColdPathLoads = true;

               if (coldPathLoads.intersects(privArgSymRefs))
                  if (trace())
                     traceMsg(comp(), "  Recycled temp live in cold1 block_%d and used as privarg before guard2 [%p] - stop guard merging", cold1->getNumber(), guard2);

            if (!performTransformation(comp(), "%sRedirecting %s guard [%p] in block_%d to parent guard cold block_%d\n", OPT_DETAILS, isStopTheWorldGuard(guard2) ? "stop the world" : "runtime", guard2, guard2Block->getNumber(), cold1->getNumber()))

            if (guard2->getBranchDestination() != guard1->getBranchDestination())
               guard2Block->changeBranchDestination(guard1->getBranchDestination(), cfg);

            if (guard2Tree != guard2Block->getFirstRealTreeTop())

               // We should leave code ahead of an HCR guard in place because:
               // 1, it might have side effect to runtime guards after it, moving it up might cause us to falsely merge
               //    the subsequent runtime guards
               // 2, it might contain live monitor, moving it up above a guard can affect the monitor's live range
               if (!isStopTheWorldGuard(guard2))
	          // the block created above guard2 contains only privarg treetops or monitor stores if
                  // guard2 is a runtime-patchable guard and is safe to merge. We need to move the priv
                  // args up to the runtime insert point and leave the monitor stores in place
                  // It's safe to do so because there is no data dependency between the monitor store and
                  // the priv arg store, because the priv arg store does not load the value from the temp
                  // holding the monitored object

                  // Split priv arg stores from monitor stores
                  // Monitor store is generated for the caller of the method guard2 protects, so should appear before
                  // priv arg stores for the method guard2 protects
                  TR::Block *privargBlock = guard2Block;
                  guard2Block = splitRuntimeGuardBlock(comp(), guard2Block, cfg);
                  if (privargBlock != guard2Block)
                     if (trace())
                        traceMsg(comp(), "  Moving privarg block_%d after block_%d\n", privargBlock->getNumber(), privargIns->getNumber());

                     moveBlockAfterDest(cfg, privargBlock, privargIns);

                     if (HCRIns == privargIns)
                        HCRIns = privargBlock;
                     if (runtimeIns == privargIns)
                        runtimeIns = privargBlock;
                     privargIns = privargBlock;

                     // refresh the insertPoint since it could be stale after the above updates
                     insertPoint = runtimeIns;

               guard2Block = guard2Block->split(guard2Tree, cfg, true, false);
               if (trace())
                  traceMsg(comp(), "  Created new block_%d to hold guard [%p] from block_%d\n", guard2Block->getNumber(), guard2, guard2Block->getNumber());

            if (insertPoint != guard2Block->getPrevBlock())
               TR::DebugCounter::incStaticDebugCounter(comp(), TR::DebugCounter::debugCounterName(comp(), "headMerger/%s_%s/(%s)", isStopTheWorldGuard(guard1) ? "stop the world" : "runtime", isStopTheWorldGuard(guard2) ? "stop the world" : "runtime", comp()->signature()));

               block = nextBlock = guard2Block->getPrevBlock();
               if (trace())
                  traceMsg(comp(), "  Moving guard2 block block_%d after block_%d\n", guard2Block->getNumber(), insertPoint->getNumber());

               moveBlockAfterDest(cfg, guard2Block, insertPoint);

               if (HCRIns == insertPoint)
                  HCRIns = guard2Block;
               if (runtimeIns == insertPoint)
                  runtimeIns = guard2Block;
               block = guard2Block;
            guard1 = guard2;
   return 1;