Ejemplo n.º 1
int main()
     * 1. Create a Song containing a scale

    // First, we create a scale in a PhraseEdit

    TSE3::PhraseEdit phraseEdit;
    int              note = rootNote;
    TSE3::Clock      time = 0;
    for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
        const int delta[]  = {2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0};
        const int velocity = 0x60;
        const int channel  = 0;
        const int port     = 0;

                                               channel, port, note, velocity),
             time, velocity, time+duration));

        note += delta[n];
        time += duration;

    // Now assemble the Song
    TSE3::Song    song(1);
    TSE3::Phrase *phrase = phraseEdit.createPhrase(song.phraseList());
    TSE3::Part   *part   = new TSE3::Part(0, phraseEdit.lastClock());

     * 2. Play the Song

    // Create transport objects
    // (You really want to create a MidiScheduler for your platform, perhaps
    // you'll use the UnixMidiSchedulerFactory)
    TSE3::Metronome                 metronome;
    TSE3::Util::StreamMidiScheduler scheduler;
    TSE3::Transport                 transport(&metronome, &scheduler);

    // Play and wait for the end
    transport.play(&song, 0);
    while (transport.status() != TSE3::Transport::Resting)
        // perhaps sleep here to prevent slaughtering the CPU

     * 3. Save the Song as a standard MIDI file

    TSE3::MidiFileExport mfe;
    mfe.save("export.midi", &song);

     * All done - note that there is no memory leak - when the Song is deleted
     * (it is on the stack, so this will happen automatically) all the other
     * components will be deleted by the Song's destructor.

    return 0;