Ejemplo n.º 1
void SavedataBrowser::Refresh() {
	using namespace UI;

	// Kill all the contents

	Add(new Spacer(1.0f));
	I18NCategory *mm = GetI18NCategory("MainMenu");
	I18NCategory *sa = GetI18NCategory("Savedata");

	UI::LinearLayout *gl = new UI::LinearLayout(UI::ORIENT_VERTICAL, new LinearLayoutParams(FILL_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT));
	gameList_ = gl;

	// Find games in the current directory and create new ones.
	std::vector<SavedataButton *> savedataButtons;

	std::vector<FileInfo> fileInfo;

	getFilesInDir(path_.c_str(), &fileInfo, "ppst:");

	for (size_t i = 0; i < fileInfo.size(); i++) {
		bool isState = !fileInfo[i].isDirectory;
		bool isSaveData = false;
		if (!isState && File::Exists(path_ + fileInfo[i].name + "/PARAM.SFO"))
			isSaveData = true;

		if (isSaveData) {
			savedataButtons.push_back(new SavedataButton(fileInfo[i].fullName, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::WRAP_CONTENT)));
		} else if (isState) {
			savedataButtons.push_back(new SavedataButton(fileInfo[i].fullName, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::FILL_PARENT, UI::WRAP_CONTENT)));

	for (size_t i = 0; i < savedataButtons.size(); i++) {
		SavedataButton *b = gameList_->Add(savedataButtons[i]);
		b->OnClick.Handle(this, &SavedataBrowser::SavedataButtonClick);

	if (savedataButtons.empty()) {
		ViewGroup *group = new LinearLayout(ORIENT_VERTICAL, new UI::LinearLayoutParams(UI::Margins(12, 0)));
		group->Add(new TextView(sa->T("None yet.  Things will appear here after you save.")));