Ejemplo n.º 1
UdmComparator::UmlAttributeSet UdmComparator::getAllUmlAttributes( Uml::Class umlClass ) {

	UmlAttributeSet umlAttributeSet = umlClass.attributes();

	UmlClassSet umlBaseClassSet = umlClass.baseTypes();
	for( UmlClassSet::iterator ucsItr = umlBaseClassSet.begin() ; ucsItr != umlBaseClassSet.end() ; ++ucsItr ) {
		UmlAttributeSet baseClassUmlAttributeSet = getAllUmlAttributes( *ucsItr );
		umlAttributeSet.insert( baseClassUmlAttributeSet.begin(), baseClassUmlAttributeSet.end() );

	return umlAttributeSet;
Ejemplo n.º 2
UdmComparator::UmlAttributeSet UdmComparator::ClassNameFilter::filterUmlAttributeSet( Uml::Class umlClass ) {

	UmlAttributeSet filteredUmlAttributeSet;

	UmlAttributeSet umlAttributeSet = umlClass.attributes();

	UmlClassSet umlBaseClassSet = umlClass.baseTypes();
	for( UmlClassSet::iterator ucsItr = umlBaseClassSet.begin() ; ucsItr != umlBaseClassSet.end() ; ++ucsItr ) {
		UmlAttributeSet baseClassUmlAttributeSet = filterUmlAttributeSet( *ucsItr );
		umlAttributeSet.insert( baseClassUmlAttributeSet.begin(), baseClassUmlAttributeSet.end() );

	std::string umlClassName = umlClass.name();

	StringStringSetMap::iterator ssmItr = _inclusiveClassNameAttributeNameSetMap.find( umlClassName );
	if ( ssmItr != _inclusiveClassNameAttributeNameSetMap.end() ) {

		StringSet &stringSet = ssmItr->second;
		for( UmlAttributeSet::iterator uasItr = umlAttributeSet.begin() ; uasItr != umlAttributeSet.end() ; ++uasItr ) {
			if (  stringSet.find( uasItr->name() ) != stringSet.end()  ) {
				filteredUmlAttributeSet.insert( *uasItr );

	} else {

		StringStringSetMap::iterator ssmItr = _exclusiveClassNameAttributeNameSetMap.find( umlClassName );
		if ( ssmItr != _exclusiveClassNameAttributeNameSetMap.end() ) {

			StringSet &stringSet = ssmItr->second;
			for( UmlAttributeSet::iterator uasItr = umlAttributeSet.begin() ; uasItr != umlAttributeSet.end() ; ++uasItr ) {
				if (  stringSet.find( uasItr->name() ) == stringSet.end()  ) {
					filteredUmlAttributeSet.insert( *uasItr );

		} else {

			filteredUmlAttributeSet = umlAttributeSet;


	return filteredUmlAttributeSet;
Ejemplo n.º 3
UdmComparator::NameUmlAttributeMap UdmComparator::getNameUmlAttributeMap( Uml::Class umlClass ) {

	NameUmlAttributeMap nameUmlAttributeMap;

	UmlAttributeSet umlAttributeSet = umlClass.attributes();

	for( UmlAttributeSet::iterator uasItr = umlAttributeSet.begin() ; uasItr != umlAttributeSet.end() ; ++uasItr ) {
		Uml::Attribute umlAttribute = *uasItr;
		nameUmlAttributeMap.insert(  std::make_pair( umlAttribute.name(), umlAttribute )  );				

	UmlClassSet umlBaseClassSet = umlClass.baseTypes();
	for( UmlClassSet::iterator ucsItr = umlBaseClassSet.begin() ; ucsItr != umlBaseClassSet.end() ; ++ucsItr ) {
		NameUmlAttributeMap baseClassNameUmlAttributeMap = getNameUmlAttributeMap( *ucsItr );
		nameUmlAttributeMap.insert( baseClassNameUmlAttributeMap.begin(), baseClassNameUmlAttributeMap.end() );

	return nameUmlAttributeMap;
Ejemplo n.º 4
UdmComparator::UmlAssociationRoleSet UdmComparator::getAllUmlAssociationRoles( Uml::Class umlClass ) {

	UmlAssociationRoleSet umlAssociationRoleSet;

	if ( umlClass.stereotype() == "Connection" ) {
		Uml::Association umlAssociation = umlClass.association();
		if ( umlAssociation != Udm::null ) {
			umlAssociationRoleSet = umlAssociation.AssociationRole_kind_children();
	} else {
		umlAssociationRoleSet = umlClass.associationRoles();

	UmlClassSet umlBaseClassSet = umlClass.baseTypes();
	for( UmlClassSet::iterator ucsItr = umlBaseClassSet.begin() ; ucsItr != umlBaseClassSet.end() ; ++ucsItr ) {
		UmlAssociationRoleSet baseClassUmlAssociationRoleSet = getAllUmlAssociationRoles( *ucsItr );
		umlAssociationRoleSet.insert( baseClassUmlAssociationRoleSet.begin(), baseClassUmlAssociationRoleSet.end() );

	return umlAssociationRoleSet;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: UdmCS.cpp Proyecto: ksmyth/UDM
void GenerateNewCSInit(const Uml::Diagram &diagram,  ostream &output, string fname)
	output << "\t"		<< "public class Init" << endl;
	output << "\t"		<< "{" << endl; 
	output << "\t\t"		<< "public static bool initialized = false;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t"		<< "public static Udm.DataNetwork dn = null;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t"		<< "public static Uml.Diagram umldiagram = null;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t"		<< "static Init()" << endl;
	output << "\t\t"		<< "{"<<endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "if(initialized) return;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "initialized = true;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"		<< "if(!Uml.Init.initialized) throw new Udm.udm_exception(\"UML Diagram is not yet initialized!\");" << endl;

	string hname = diagram.name();

	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "dn = new Static.StaticDataNetwork(Uml.Init.dn.GetRootMeta());" << endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "dn.CreateNew(\"" << hname << ".mem\", \"\",ref Uml.Diagram.meta, Udm.BackEndSemantics.CHANGES_LOST_DEFAULT);"<< endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "umldiagram = Uml.Diagram.Cast(dn.GetRootObject());" << endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "umldiagram.name =\"" << hname << "\";" << endl;

	set<Uml::Class> classes = diagram.classes();
	set<Uml::Class>::iterator c;

	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ )
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta = Uml.Class.Create(umldiagram);" << endl;

	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ )	
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		set<Uml::Attribute> attributes = cl.attributes();
		//todo: non-persistent attributes
		for( set<Uml::Attribute>::iterator i = attributes.begin(); i != attributes.end(); i++) 
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << (*i).name() << " = Uml.Attribute.Create(" << cl.name()<<".meta);" << endl;

	//class attributes
	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ )
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		string ster;
		if(((string)cl.stereotype()).length()) ster = string(", \"")+(string)cl.stereotype()+"\"";
		output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta.name = \"" << cl.name() << "\";" <<endl;
		output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta.isAbstract = " << (cl.isAbstract() ? "true" : "false") << ";" << endl;
		if (!ster.empty()) 
				output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta.stereotype = \"" << cl.stereotype() << "\";" <<endl;

	//attribute attributes ;-)
	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ )	
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
//		Uml::Class tempcl(Uml::classByName(tempdiagram, cl.name()));

		set<Uml::Attribute> attributes = cl.attributes();

		for(set<Uml::Attribute>::iterator att_i = attributes.begin(); att_i != attributes.end(); att_i++)
			//nonpersistent is false for attributes coming from the real diagram
			att_i->nonpersistent() = false;

		for( set<Uml::Attribute>::iterator i = attributes.begin(); i != attributes.end(); i++) 
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << (*i).name() << ".name = \"" << (*i).name() << "\";" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << (*i).name() << ".type = \"" << (*i).type() << "\";" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << (*i).name() << ".min = " << (*i).min() << ";" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << (*i).name() << ".max = " << (*i).max() << ";" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << (*i).name() << ".nonpersistent = " << ((*i).nonpersistent() ? "true" : "false") << ";" << endl;


		const set<Uml::Association> &asss = diagram.associations();
		set<Uml::Association>::const_iterator a;
		for(a = asss.begin(); a != asss.end(); a++ )
			set<Uml::AssociationRole> ar = a->roles();
			ASSERT(ar.size() == 2);

			output << "\t\t\t{" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\tUml.Association ass = Uml.Association.Create(umldiagram);" << endl;

			Uml::Class aclass = a->assocClass();
			if (!((string)a->name()).empty())
				output << "\t\t\t\tass.name = \"" << a->name() << "\";" <<endl;
				output << "\t\t\t\tass.assocClass = " << aclass.name() << ".meta;" << endl;

			set<Uml::AssociationRole> roles = a->roles();
			for( set<Uml::AssociationRole>::iterator i = roles.begin(); i != roles.end(); i++) {
					Uml::AssociationRole zz	= Uml::theOther(*i);
					string aname(MakeRoleName(zz));
					Uml::Class cl = i->target();

					output << "\t\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << " = Uml.AssociationRole.Create(ass);" <<endl;
					output << "\t\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << ".name = \"" << aname << "\";" <<endl;
					output << "\t\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << ".min = " << zz.min() << ";" <<endl;
					output << "\t\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << ".max = " << zz.max() << ";" <<endl;
					output << "\t\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << ".isNavigable = " << (zz.isNavigable() ? "true":"false") << ";" <<endl;
					output << "\t\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << ".isPrimary = " << (zz.isPrimary() ? "true":"false") << ";" <<endl;
					output << "\t\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << ".target = " << ((Uml::Class)zz.target()).name() << ".meta;" <<endl;

					Uml::Class aclass = a->assocClass();
						Uml::Class cl2 = zz.target();
						output << "\t\t\t\t" << aclass.name() << ".meta_" << aname << "_end_ = " <<
											cl2.name() << ".meta_" << MakeRoleName(*i) << "_rev = " << 
											cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << ";" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t}" << endl;


		const set<Uml::Composition> &comps = diagram.compositions();
		set<Uml::Composition>::const_iterator c;
		for(c = comps.begin(); c != comps.end(); c++ )	
			output << "\t\t\t{" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\tUml.Composition comp = Uml.Composition.Create(umldiagram);" << endl;

			if (!((string)c->name()).empty())
				output << "\t\t\t\tcomp.name =\"" << c->name() << "\";" <<endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\tcomp.nonpersistent =" << (c->nonpersistent() ? "true" : "false") << ";" << endl;

			output << "\t\t" << endl;

			Uml::CompositionParentRole x1 = (*c).parentRole();
			Uml::CompositionChildRole x2 = (*c).childRole();

			Uml::CompositionParentRole zzp = c->parentRole();
			Uml::CompositionChildRole zzc = c->childRole();
			string aname(MakeRoleName(zzp));

			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzc.target()).name() << ".meta_" << aname <<
				" = Uml.CompositionParentRole.Create(comp);" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzc.target()).name() << ".meta_" << aname <<
				".name = \"" << aname << "\";" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzc.target()).name() << ".meta_" << aname <<
				".isNavigable = " << (zzp.isNavigable() ? "true;" : "false;") << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzc.target()).name() << ".meta_" << aname <<
				".target = " << ((Uml::Class)zzp.target()).name() << ".meta;" << endl;

			string cname(MakeRoleName(zzc));
			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzp.target()).name() << ".meta_" << cname << 
				" = Uml.CompositionChildRole.Create(comp);" << endl;

			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzp.target()).name() << ".meta_" << cname << 
				".name = \"" << MakeShortRoleName(zzc) << "\";" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzp.target()).name() << ".meta_" << cname << 
				".min = " << zzc.min() << ";"<< endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzp.target()).name() << ".meta_" << cname << 
				".max = " << zzc.max() << ";"<< endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzp.target()).name() << ".meta_" << cname << 
				".isNavigable = " << (zzc.isNavigable() ? "true;" : "false;") << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t\t" << ((Uml::Class)zzp.target()).name() << ".meta_" << cname << 
				".target = " << ((Uml::Class)zzc.target()).name() << ".meta;" << endl;

			output << "\t\t\t}" << endl;

	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ ) 
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		set<Uml::Class> st = cl.subTypes();
		if (st.size())
			output << "\t\t\t" <<"Hashtable " << (string)cl.name() << "_meta_subtypes = new Hashtable();" << endl;
			for( set<Uml::Class>::iterator i = st.begin(); i != st.end(); i++) 
				output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << "_meta_subtypes[" << (*i).name() << ".meta] = " <<(*i).name() << ".meta;" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta.subTypes = " << cl.name() << "_meta_subtypes;" << endl;
			output << endl;

	output << "\t\t"		<< "}"<<endl;		//end of Init.init();
	output << "\t"	   << "}"<<endl;			//end of class Init();
	output << "}" << endl;	//end of namespace
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: UdmCS.cpp Proyecto: ksmyth/UDM
void GenerateCSInit(const Uml::Diagram &diagram,  ostream &output, string fname)
	output << "\t"		<< "public class Init" << endl;
	output << "\t"		<< "{" << endl; 
	output << "\t\t"		<< "public static bool initialized = false;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t"		<< "public static Udm.DataNetwork dn = null;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t"		<< "public static Uml.Diagram umldiagram = null;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t"		<< "static Init()" << endl;
	output << "\t\t"		<< "{"<<endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "if(initialized) return;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "initialized = true;" << endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "if(!Uml.Init.initialized) throw new Udm.udm_exception(\"UML Diagram is not yet initialized!\");" << endl;
	output << "\t\t\t"			<< "umldiagram = Uml.UmlExt.CreateDiagram();" << endl;

	set<Uml::Class> classes = diagram.classes();
	set<Uml::Class>::iterator c;

	//create classes
	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ )
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta = Uml.UmlExt.CreateClass();" << endl;

	//create attributes
	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ )	
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		set<Uml::Attribute> attributes = cl.attributes();

		//todo Non-persistent attribute support for C# UDM
		for( set<Uml::Attribute>::iterator i = attributes.begin(); i != attributes.end(); i++) 
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << (*i).name() << " = Uml.UmlExt.CreateAttribute();" << endl;

	//create association roles
	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ ) 
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		set<Uml::AssociationRole> assocs = cl.associationRoles();
		for( set<Uml::AssociationRole>::iterator i = assocs.begin(); i != assocs.end(); i++) 
			string aname(MakeRoleName(Uml::theOther(*i)));
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << " = Uml.UmlExt.CreateAssociationRole();" << endl;

	//create composition parent roles
	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ ) 
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		set<Uml::CompositionChildRole> children = cl.childRoles();
		for( set<Uml::CompositionChildRole>::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); i++) 
			string aname(MakeRoleName(Uml::theOther(*i)));
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << " = Uml.UmlExt.CreateCompositionParentRole();" << endl;

	//create composition child roles

	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ ) 
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		set<Uml::CompositionParentRole> children = cl.parentRoles();
		for( set<Uml::CompositionParentRole>::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); i++) 
			string aname(MakeRoleName(Uml::theOther(*i)));
			output << "\t\t\t" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << " = Uml.UmlExt.CreateCompositionChildRole();" << endl;

	//end of creations,

	output << "\t\t\t" << "Udm.Object.SolveMetaDependencies();"<< endl;
	//init part

	output << "\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.InitDiagram(umldiagram, \"" << diagram.name() << "\");" << endl << endl;

	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ )
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		string ster;
		if(((string)cl.stereotype()).length()) ster = string(", \"")+(string)cl.stereotype()+"\"";

		string from;
		if(((string)cl.from()).length()) from = string(", \"")+(string)cl.from()+"\"";

		output << "\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.InitClass(" << cl.name() << ".meta, umldiagram, \"" <<
			cl.name() << "\", " << (cl.isAbstract() ? "true" : "false")<< ster << from << ");" << endl;

	output << "\t\t" << endl;

	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ )	
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
//		Uml::Class tempcl(Uml::classByName(tempdiagram, cl.name()));
		set<Uml::Attribute> attributes = cl.attributes();
		for( set<Uml::Attribute>::iterator i = attributes.begin(); i != attributes.end(); i++) 
			output << "\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.InitAttribute(" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << (*i).name() << ", " <<
				cl.name() << ".meta, \"" << (*i).name() << "\", \"" << (*i).type() << "\", " <<
				((*i).nonpersistent() ? "true" : "false") << ", " << (*i).min() << ", " << (*i).max() << ");" << endl;
	output << "\t\t" << endl;

		const set<Uml::Association> &asss = diagram.associations();
		set<Uml::Association>::const_iterator a;
		for(a = asss.begin(); a != asss.end(); a++ )	
			set<Uml::AssociationRole> ar = a->roles();
			ASSERT(ar.size() == 2);
//	{
			output << "\t\t\t{" << endl;
//		Uml::Association ass = Uml::CreateAssociation();
			output << "\t\t\t\tUml.Association ass = Uml.UmlExt.CreateAssociation();" << endl;

//		Uml::InitAssociation(ass, diagram, "AtoB");
// or : Uml::InitAssociationClass(ass, C::meta);
			Uml::Class aclass = a->assocClass();
			output << "\t\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.InitAssociation(ass , umldiagram, \"" << a->name() << "\");" << endl;
			if(aclass) {
				output << "\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.InitAssociationClass(ass, " << aclass.name() << ".meta);" << endl;

//		Uml::InitAssociationRole(A::meta_dst, ass, "dst", 0, 1, B::meta);
//								C:: meta_dst_end_ = B:meta_src_rev = A::meta_dst;
			set<Uml::AssociationRole> roles = a->roles();
			for( set<Uml::AssociationRole>::iterator i = roles.begin(); i != roles.end(); i++) {
					Uml::AssociationRole zz	= Uml::theOther(*i);
					string aname(MakeRoleName(zz));
					Uml::Class cl = i->target();
					output << "\t\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.InitAssociationRole(" << cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname 
						<< ", ass, \"" << aname << "\", " <<
						(zz.isNavigable() ? "true, " : "false, ") <<
						(zz.isPrimary() ? "true, " : "false, ") <<
						zz.min() << ", " << zz.max() << ", " << ((Uml::Class)zz.target()).name() << ".meta);" << endl;
					Uml::Class aclass = a->assocClass();
					if(aclass) {
						Uml::Class cl2 = zz.target();
						output << "\t\t\t" << aclass.name() << ".meta_" << aname << "_end_ = " <<
											cl2.name() << ".meta_" << MakeRoleName(*i) << "_rev = " << 
											cl.name() << ".meta_" << aname << ";" << endl;
//	}
			output << "\t\t\t}" << endl;


		const set<Uml::Composition> &comps = diagram.compositions();
		set<Uml::Composition>::const_iterator c;
		for(c = comps.begin(); c != comps.end(); c++ )	{
//	{
			output << "\t\t\t{" << endl;
//		Uml::Composition comp = Uml::CreateComposition();
			output << "\t\t\t\tUml.Composition comp = Uml.UmlExt.CreateComposition();" << endl;

//		Uml::InitComposition(comp, diagram, "DtoA");
			output << "\t\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.InitComposition(comp , umldiagram, \"" << 
				c->name() << "\");" <<  endl;
			output << "\t\t" << endl;

			Uml::CompositionParentRole x1 = (*c).parentRole();
			Uml::CompositionChildRole x2 = (*c).childRole();

//		Uml::InitCompositionParentRole(A::meta_parent, comp, "parent", D::meta);
			Uml::CompositionParentRole zzp = c->parentRole();
			Uml::CompositionChildRole zzc = c->childRole();
			string aname(MakeRoleName(zzp));
			output << "\t\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.InitCompositionParentRole(" << ((Uml::Class)zzc.target()).name() << ".meta_" << aname << 
				", comp, \""<< aname << "\", " <<
				(zzp.isNavigable() ? "true, " : "false, ") <<
				((Uml::Class)zzp.target()).name() << ".meta);" << endl;
//		Uml::InitCompositionChildRole(D::meta_as, comp, "as", true, 0, -1, A::meta); 
			string cname(MakeRoleName(zzc));
			output << "\t\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.InitCompositionChildRole(" << ((Uml::Class)zzp.target()).name() << ".meta_" << cname << 
				", comp, \""<< MakeShortRoleName(zzc) << "\", " <<
					(zzc.isNavigable() ? "true, " : "false, ") <<
				zzc.min() << ", " << zzc.max() << ", " <<
				((Uml::Class)zzc.target()).name() << ".meta);" << endl;
//	}
			output << "\t\t\t}" << endl;


//		Uml::AddInheritance(A::meta, C::meta);
	for(c = classes.begin(); c != classes.end(); c++ ) 
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		set<Uml::Class> st = cl.subTypes();
		for( set<Uml::Class>::iterator i = st.begin(); i != st.end(); i++) 
			output << "\t\t\tUml.UmlExt.AddInheritance(" << cl.name() << ".meta, " << (*i).name() << ".meta);" << endl;

	output << endl;

	output << "\t\t\t" << "Static.StaticDataNetwork sdn = new Static.StaticDataNetwork(umldiagram);" << endl;
	output << "\t\t\t" << "sdn.CreateFromRootObj(\"" << diagram.name() <<"\", umldiagram, Udm.BackEndSemantics.CHANGES_LOST_DEFAULT);" << endl;
	output << "\t\t\t" << "dn = sdn;" << endl;

	output << "\t\t"		<< "}"<<endl;		//end of Init.init();
	output << "\t"	   << "}"<<endl;			//end of class Init();
	output << "}" << endl;						//end of namespace
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: UdmCS.cpp Proyecto: ksmyth/UDM
void GenerateCSApi(const Uml::Diagram &diagram,  ostream &output, string fname)
	string hname = diagram.name();
	string::iterator i;
	for(i = hname.begin(); i != hname.end(); i++) 
		if(!isalnum(*i)) *i = '_';
	output << "// CS API file " << fname << ".cs generated from diagram " << (string)diagram.name() << endl;
	output << "// generated on " << GetTime().c_str() << endl << endl;

	output << "using System;"	<< endl;
	output << "using System.Collections;"	<< endl <<endl << endl;
	output << "namespace " << hname << endl << "{" << endl << endl;

	set<Uml::Class> classes = diagram.classes();
	set<Uml::Class>::iterator c;

	for ( c = classes.begin(); c!= classes.end(); c++)
		Uml::Class cl = *c;
		set<Uml::Class> bases = cl.baseTypes();
		if (bases.size() > 1) 
			throw udm_exception("C# UDM does not support multiple inheritence!");
		bool derived = (bases.size() > 0);
		//class declaration, inheritence
		if (derived)
			Uml::Class base = *(bases.begin());
			output <<"\tpublic class " << (string)cl.name() << " : " << (string)base.name() << endl;
			output <<"\tpublic class " << (string) cl.name() << " : " << "Udm.Object" << endl;

		string cn = (string)cl.name();

		//static meta field
		output << "\t{" << endl;;
		if (derived)
			output <<"\t\tpublic static new Uml.Class meta;"<<endl;
			output <<"\t\tpublic static Uml.Class meta;"<<endl;

		//static NULL field
		output <<"\t\tpublic static readonly new " << cn << " NULL = new " << cn << "();" <<endl;
		output << endl;

		output <<"\t\tpublic " << cn << "() {}" << endl;
		output <<"\t\tpublic " << cn << "(Udm.ObjectImpl impl) : base(impl) {}" <<endl;
		output <<"\t\tpublic " << cn << "(" << cn <<" master) : base(master) {}" <<endl;
		output << endl;
		if (derived)
			output <<"\t\tpublic static new " << cn  << " Create(Udm.Object parent)" << endl;
			output <<"\t\tpublic static " << cn  << " Create(Udm.Object parent)" << endl;

		output <<"\t\t{" <<endl;
		output <<"\t\t\treturn " << cn << ".Cast((Udm.Object.Create(ref meta, parent, Uml.CompositionChildRole.NULL)));" <<endl;
		output <<"\t\t}" <<endl;
		if (derived)
			output <<"\t\tpublic static new " << cn  << " Create(Udm.Object parent, Uml.CompositionChildRole ccr)" << endl;
			output <<"\t\tpublic static " << cn  << " Create(Udm.Object parent, Uml.CompositionChildRole ccr)" << endl;

		output <<"\t\t{" <<endl;
		output <<"\t\t\treturn " << cn << ".Cast((Udm.Object.Create(ref meta, parent, ccr)));" <<endl;
		output <<"\t\t}" <<endl;
		if (derived)
			output <<"\t\tpublic static new " << cn  << " Cast(Udm.Object o)" << endl;
			output <<"\t\tpublic static " << cn  << " Cast(Udm.Object o)" << endl;

		output <<"\t\t{" <<endl;
		output <<"\t\t\tif (Uml.UmlExt.IsObjectDerivedFromClass(o, meta))" << endl;
		output <<"\t\t\t\treturn new " << cn << "(o.__impl());" << endl;
		output <<"\t\t\telse throw new Udm.udm_exception(\"Invalid cast!\");" << endl;
		output <<"\t\t}" <<endl;


		set<Uml::Attribute> attributes = cl.attributes();
		set<Uml::Attribute>::iterator a;
		for ( a = attributes.begin(); a != attributes.end(); a++)
			string aname = (*a).name();
			string atype = (*a).type();
			string cs_atype;
			bool multiple = ((long)(*a).max() != 0) && ((long)(*a).max() != 1);

			if (atype == "Boolean") cs_atype = "bool";
			else if (atype == "Real") cs_atype = "double";
			else if (atype == "Integer") cs_atype = "long";
			else if (atype == "String") cs_atype = "string";
			else throw new udm_exception(string("Invalid attribute type: ") + atype);
			//check for the same attribute in ascendants
			output << "\t\tpublic static Uml.Attribute meta_" << aname << ";"<< endl;
			if (!multiple)
				output << "\t\tpublic " << cs_atype << " " << aname << endl;
				output << "\t\tpublic " << cs_atype << "[] " << aname << endl;

			output << "\t\t{" << endl;
			if (!multiple)
				output << "\t\t\tget {return impl.get" << atype << "Attribute(meta_" << aname <<");}" << endl;
				output << "\t\t\tset {impl.set" << atype << "Attribute(meta_"<< aname <<", value);}" <<endl;
				output << "\t\t\tget {return impl.get" << atype << "Attributes(meta_" << aname <<");}" << endl;
				output << "\t\t\tset {impl.set" << atype << "Attributes(meta_"<< aname <<", value);}" <<endl;
			output << "\t\t}" << endl;

		output << endl;
		//assoc. roles
		set<Uml::AssociationRole> aroles = cl.associationRoles();
		set<Uml::AssociationRole>::iterator b_i;
		for (b_i = aroles.begin(); b_i != aroles.end(); b_i++)
			Uml::AssociationRole arole = Uml::theOther((*b_i));
			string arname = MakeRoleName(arole);
			bool multiple = ((arole.max() != 1) && (arole.max() != 0));
			Uml::Class target = arole.target();
			string tname = target.name();

			Uml::Association parent = arole.parent();
			Uml::Class assocClass = parent.assocClass();

			if (assocClass)
				output << "\t\tpublic static Uml.AssociationRole meta_" << arname << ", meta_" <<arname <<"_rev ;" << endl;
				output << "\t\tpublic static Uml.AssociationRole meta_" << arname << ";" << endl;
			if (!multiple)
				output << "\t\tpublic " << tname << " " << arname << endl;
				output << "\t\t{" << endl;

				if (assocClass)
					output << "\t\t\tget{ return (" << tname <<")(getPointer(meta_" << arname << ", \"" << diagram.name() << "\", Udm.UdmAssocMode.CLASSFROMTARGET));}" <<endl; 
					output << "\t\t\tset{ setPointer(meta_" << arname << ", value, Udm.UdmAssocMode.CLASSFROMTARGET);}" <<endl; 
					output << "\t\t\tget{ return (" << tname <<")(getPointer(meta_" << arname << ", \"" << diagram.name() << "\", Udm.UdmAssocMode.TARGETFROMPEER));}" <<endl; 
					output << "\t\t\tset{ setPointer(meta_" << arname << ", value, Udm.UdmAssocMode.TARGETFROMPEER);}" <<endl; 

				output << "\t\t}" << endl;

				output << "\t\tpublic Hashtable " <<arname << endl;
				output << "\t\t{" << endl;
				if (assocClass)
					output << "\t\t\tget{ return (getPointers(meta_" << arname << ", \"" << diagram.name() << "\", Udm.UdmAssocMode.CLASSFROMTARGET));}" <<endl; 
					output << "\t\t\tset{ setPointers(meta_" << arname << ", value, Udm.UdmAssocMode.CLASSFROMTARGET);}" <<endl; 

					output << "\t\t\tget{ return (getPointers(meta_" << arname << ", \"" << diagram.name() << "\", Udm.UdmAssocMode.TARGETFROMPEER));}" <<endl; 
					output << "\t\t\tset{ setPointers(meta_" << arname << ", value, Udm.UdmAssocMode.TARGETFROMPEER);}" <<endl; 
				output << "\t\t}" << endl;


		//assoc. class
		Uml::Association ass = cl.association();
		if (ass)
			set<Uml::Class>::iterator bas_i;
			for (bas_i = bases.begin(); bas_i != bases.end(); bas_i++)
				Uml::Association new_ass = bas_i->association();
				if (new_ass)
					throw udm_exception("An association class has two associations?");
			set<Uml::AssociationRole> ass_roles = ass.roles();
			set<Uml::AssociationRole>::iterator ar_i;
			for (ar_i = ass_roles.begin(); ar_i != ass_roles.end(); ar_i++)
				Uml::AssociationRole arole = *ar_i;
				Uml::Class target = arole.target();
				string tname   = target.name();
				string arname  = MakeRoleName(arole);
				output << "\t\tpublic static Uml.AssociationRole meta_" << arname << "_end_;" << endl;
				output << "\t\tpublic " << tname << " " << arname  << endl;
				output << "\t\t{" << endl;
				output << "\t\t\tget{ return (" << tname <<")(getPointer(meta_" << arname << "_end_, \"" << diagram.name() << "\", Udm.UdmAssocMode.TARGETFROMCLASS));}" <<endl; 
				output << "\t\t\tset{ setPointer(meta_" << arname << "_end_, value, Udm.UdmAssocMode.TARGETFROMCLASS);}" <<endl; 
				output << "\t\t}" << endl;

				output << endl;


		output << endl;
		set<Uml::Class> childrenkinds;
		set<Uml::CompositionParentRole> cprs = cl.parentRoles();
		set<Uml::CompositionParentRole>::iterator c_i;
		for (c_i = cprs.begin(); c_i != cprs.end(); c_i++)
			Uml::CompositionChildRole ccr = Uml::theOther(*c_i);
			string ccr_name = MakeRoleName(ccr);
			string tname = ((Uml::Class)ccr.target()).name();
			bool multiple = ((ccr.max() != 0 ) && (ccr.max() != 1 ));
			output << "\t\tpublic static Uml.CompositionChildRole meta_" << ccr_name << ";" <<endl;

			if (!multiple)
				output << "\t\tpublic " << tname << " " << ccr_name << endl;
				output << "\t\t{" << endl;
				output << "\t\t\tget{ return (" << tname <<")(getChild(meta_" << ccr_name << ", Uml.Class.NULL, \"" << diagram.name() << "\"));}" <<endl; 
				output << "\t\t\tset{ setChild(meta_" << ccr_name << ", value);}" <<endl; 
				output << "\t\t}" << endl;
				output << "\t\tpublic Hashtable " <<ccr_name << endl;
				output << "\t\t{" << endl;
				output << "\t\t\tget{ return (getChildren(meta_" << ccr_name << ", Uml.Class.NULL, \"" << diagram.name() << "\"));}" <<endl; 
				output << "\t\t\tset{ setChildren(meta_" << ccr_name << ", value);}" <<endl; 
				output << "\t\t}" << endl;

		//__kind_children calls
		set<Uml::Class>::iterator f_i, g_i;
		for (f_i = classes.begin(); f_i != classes.end(); f_i++)
			for (g_i = childrenkinds.begin(); g_i != childrenkinds.end(); g_i++)
				if (Uml::IsDerivedFrom(*g_i, *f_i) || Uml::IsDerivedFrom(*f_i, *g_i)) 
					string kindname = f_i->name();
					output << endl;
					output << "\t\tpublic Hashtable " << kindname << "_kind_children" << endl;
					output << "\t\t{" << endl;
					output << "\t\t\tget{ return (getChildren(Uml.CompositionChildRole.NULL, " << kindname << ".meta, \"" << diagram.name() << "\"));}" <<endl; 
					//no setter for kind_children calls
					output << "\t\t}" << endl;

		output << endl;
		set<Uml::CompositionChildRole> ccrs = cl.childRoles();
		set<Uml::CompositionChildRole>::iterator d_i;
		bool was_parent = false;

		for (d_i = ccrs.begin(); d_i != ccrs.end(); d_i++)
			Uml::CompositionParentRole cpr = Uml::theOther(*d_i);
			string cpr_name = MakeRoleName(cpr);
			string tname = ((Uml::Class)cpr.target()).name();

			bool new_required = false;
			new_required = derived && (cpr_name == "parent");

			if (!was_parent && cpr_name == "parent") was_parent = true;
			output << "\t\tpublic static Uml.CompositionParentRole meta_" << cpr_name << ";" <<endl;

			if (new_required)
				output << "\t\tpublic new " << tname << " " << cpr_name << endl;
				output << "\t\tpublic " << tname << " " << cpr_name << endl;
			output << "\t\t{" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\tget{ return (" << tname <<")(getParent(meta_" << cpr_name << ", \"" << diagram.name() << "\"));}" <<endl; 
			output << "\t\t\tset{ setParent(meta_" << cpr_name << ", value);}" <<endl; 
			output << "\t\t}" << endl;

		if (!was_parent)
			if (derived) 
				output << "\t\tpublic new Udm.Object parent" <<endl;
				output << "\t\tpublic Udm.Object parent" <<endl;

			output << "\t\t{" << endl;
			output << "\t\t\tget{ return getParent(Uml.CompositionParentRole.NULL, \"" << diagram.name() <<"\");}" <<endl;
			output << "\t\t\tset{ setParent(Uml.CompositionParentRole.NULL, value);}" << endl;
			output << "\t\t}" << endl;


		output << "\t}" << endl;//end of class

Ejemplo n.º 8
std::string UdmComparator::ObjectName::operator()( Udm::Object udmObject ) {

	static StringSet reportedClassNameSet;

	Uml::Class umlClass = udmObject.type();
	Uml::Attribute umlNameAttribute;

	UmlClassNameAttributeMap::iterator cnmItr = _umlClassNameAttributeMap.find( umlClass );
	if ( cnmItr != _umlClassNameAttributeMap.end() ) {

		umlNameAttribute = cnmItr->second;

	} else {

		NameUmlAttributeMap nameUmlAttributeMap = getNameUmlAttributeMap( umlClass );
		NameUmlAttributeMap::iterator numItr = nameUmlAttributeMap.find( "name" );
		if ( numItr != nameUmlAttributeMap.end() ) {

			umlNameAttribute = numItr->second;

		} else {

			numItr = nameUmlAttributeMap.find( "Name" );
			if ( numItr != nameUmlAttributeMap.end() ) {

				umlNameAttribute = numItr->second;

			} else if (  static_cast< std::string >( umlClass.stereotype() ) != "Connection"  ) {

				std::string className = umlClass.name();
				if ( reportedClassNameSet.find( className ) == reportedClassNameSet.end() ) {
					std::cerr << "WARNING: Class \"" << className << "\" has no \"[Nn]ame\" attribute." << std::endl << std::endl;
					reportedClassNameSet.insert( className );
				return "";



		_umlClassNameAttributeMap.insert(  std::make_pair( umlClass, umlNameAttribute )  );


	std::string udmObjectName = "";
	if ( umlNameAttribute != Udm::null ) {
		udmObjectName = udmObject.getStringAttr( umlNameAttribute );
		if (  umlClass.stereotype() == "Connection" && udmObjectName == static_cast< std::string >( umlClass.name() )  ) {
			udmObjectName = "";

	if ( udmObjectName == "" && umlClass.stereotype() == "Connection" ) {

		UmlAssociationRoleSet umlAssociationRoleSet = getAllUmlAssociationRoles( umlClass );

		for( UmlAssociationRoleSet::iterator arsItr = umlAssociationRoleSet.begin() ; arsItr != umlAssociationRoleSet.end() ; ++arsItr ) {
			UdmObjectSet udmObjectSet = udmObject.getAssociation( *arsItr, Udm::TARGETFROMCLASS );
			for( UdmObjectSet::iterator uosItr = udmObjectSet.begin() ; uosItr != udmObjectSet.end() ; ++uosItr ) {

				if ( !udmObjectName.empty() ) udmObjectName += ":";
				udmObjectName += (*this)(*uosItr);



		if ( umlNameAttribute != Udm::null ) {
			udmObject.setStringAttr( umlNameAttribute, udmObjectName );


	Udm::Object udmObjectParent = udmObject.GetParent();

	if ( udmObjectParent != Udm::null ) {
		const auto& it = ObjectNameCache.find(udmObjectParent);
		if (it != ObjectNameCache.end())
			udmObjectName = it->second + "/" + udmObjectName;
			udmObjectName = operator()( udmObjectParent ) + "/" + udmObjectName;

	return udmObjectName;