Ejemplo n.º 1
MtgJsonAllSetsData::getBoosterSlots( const std::string& code ) const
    std::vector<SlotType> boosterSlots;

    if( mBoosterSetCodes.count(code) == 0 )
        mLogger->warn( "No booster member in set {}, returning empty booster slots", code );
        return boosterSlots;

    // In parse() this was vetted to be safe and yield an Array-type value.
    const Value& boosterValue = mDoc[code]["booster"];

    mLogger->debug( "{:-^40}", "assembling booster slots" );
    for( Value::ConstValueIterator iter = boosterValue.Begin(); iter != boosterValue.End(); ++iter )
        if( iter->IsArray() )
            // create a set of any strings in the array
            std::set<std::string> slotArraySet;
            for( unsigned i = 0; i < iter->Size(); ++i )
                const Value& val = (*iter)[i];
                if( val.IsString() )
                    slotArraySet.insert( val.GetString() );
                    mLogger->debug( "booster slot array[{}]: {}", i, val.GetString() );
                    mLogger->warn( "Non-string in booster slot array, ignoring!" );
            const std::set<std::string> rareMythicRareSlot { "rare", "mythic rare" };
            if( slotArraySet == rareMythicRareSlot )
                boosterSlots.push_back( SLOT_RARE_OR_MYTHIC_RARE );
                mLogger->warn( "Unrecognized booster slot array, ignoring!" );
        else if( iter->IsString() )
            std::string slotStr( iter->GetString() );
            mLogger->debug( "booster slot string: {}", slotStr );
            if( slotStr == "common" )
                boosterSlots.push_back( SLOT_COMMON );
            else if( slotStr == "uncommon" )
                boosterSlots.push_back( SLOT_UNCOMMON );
            else if( slotStr == "rare" )
                boosterSlots.push_back( SLOT_RARE );
            else if( slotStr == "timeshifted purple" )
                boosterSlots.push_back( SLOT_TIMESHIFTED_PURPLE );
            else if( slotStr == "land" )      { /* do nothing */ }
            else if( slotStr == "marketing" ) { /* do nothing */ }
                mLogger->warn( "Unrecognized booster slot type {}, ignoring!", slotStr );
            mLogger->warn( "Non-string booster slot type, ignoring!" );
    return boosterSlots;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: coco.cpp Proyecto: CUAir/edges
list loadCOCO( const std::string & name, int fold ) {
	using namespace rapidjson;
	// Load the annotations
	char buf[1024];
	sprintf( buf, COCO_ANNOT.c_str(), name.c_str() );
	// Read the json file
	Document doc;
	std::ifstream t(buf);
	std::string json_str = std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t),std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
	doc.Parse( (char*)json_str.c_str() );
	// Go through all instance labels
	std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector<int> > categories;
	std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector<float> > areas;
	std::unordered_map< uint64_t, std::vector<Polygons> > segments;
	const Value & instances = doc["instances"];
	for ( Value::ConstValueIterator i = instances.Begin(); i != instances.End(); i++ ) {
		// Get the image id
		Value::ConstMemberIterator cmi_image_id = i->FindMember("image_id");
		eassert( cmi_image_id != i->MemberEnd() );
		const int image_id = cmi_image_id->value.GetInt();
		// Get the category id
		Value::ConstMemberIterator cmi_category_id = i->FindMember("category_id");
		eassert( cmi_category_id != i->MemberEnd() );
		const int category_id = cmi_category_id->value.GetInt();
		// Get the category id
		Value::ConstMemberIterator cmi_area = i->FindMember("area");
		eassert( cmi_area != i->MemberEnd() );
		const float area = cmi_area->value.GetDouble();
		// Read the polygon
		Value::ConstMemberIterator cmi_segmentation = i->FindMember("segmentation");
		eassert( cmi_segmentation != i->MemberEnd() );
		const Value & segmentations = cmi_segmentation->value;
		// For now just use the first segmentation for each object
		Polygons polygons;
		for( Value::ConstValueIterator segmentation = segmentations.Begin(); segmentation!=segmentations.End(); segmentation++ ){
			Polygon polygon = RMatrixXf( segmentation->Size() / 2, 2 );
			float * ppolygon = polygon.data();
			for ( Value::ConstValueIterator j = segmentation->Begin(); j != segmentation->End(); j++ )
				*(ppolygon++) = j->GetDouble();
			polygons.push_back( polygon );
		if( !ONLY_CONNECTED || polygons.size() == 1 ) {
			categories[ image_id ].push_back( category_id );
			segments[ image_id ].push_back( polygons );
			areas[ image_id ].push_back( area );
	// Load all images
	Value::ConstValueIterator B = doc["images"].Begin(), E = doc["images"].End();
	const int N = E-B;
	Value::ConstValueIterator i0 = B+(fold*N/N_FOLDS), i1 = B+((fold+1)*N/N_FOLDS);
	std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Image8u> > images( i1 - i0 );
#pragma omp parallel for
	for ( int k=0; k<i1-i0; k++ ) {
		Value::ConstValueIterator i = i0+k;
		// Get the file name and path
		Value::ConstMemberIterator cmi_file_name = i->FindMember("file_name");
		eassert( cmi_file_name != i->MemberEnd() );
		const std::string file_name = cmi_file_name->value.GetString();
		Value::ConstMemberIterator cmi_file_path = i->FindMember("file_path");
		eassert( cmi_file_path != i->MemberEnd() );
		const std::string file_path = cmi_file_path->value.GetString();
		// Add the image entry
		images[i-i0] = imreadShared( coco_dir+"/"+file_path+"/"+file_name );
	// Create the python struct with the result
	list r;
	for ( Value::ConstValueIterator i = i0; i != i1; i++ ) {
		// Get the image id
		Value::ConstMemberIterator cmi_image_id = i->FindMember("id");
		eassert( cmi_image_id != i->MemberEnd() );
		const int image_id = cmi_image_id->value.GetInt();
		// Add the image entry
		const int N = categories[ image_id ].size();
		if( N > 0 ){
			dict entry;
			entry["id"] = image_id;
			entry["image"] = images[i - i0];
			entry["categories"] = categories[ image_id ];
			entry["areas"] = areas[ image_id ];
			entry["segmentation"] = segments[ image_id ];
			r.append( entry );
// 		else 
// 			printf("Image '%d' doesn't have any annotations!\n", image_id );

	return r;