Ejemplo n.º 1
void EarthquakeApp::parseEarthquakes( const string &url )
	const XmlTree xml( loadUrl( Url( url ) ) );
	for( XmlTree::ConstIter itemIter = xml.begin( "feed/entry" ); itemIter != xml.end(); ++itemIter ) {
		string titleLine( itemIter->getChild( "title" ).getValue() );
		size_t firstComma = titleLine.find( ',' );
		float magnitude = fromString<float>( titleLine.substr( titleLine.find( ' ' ) + 1, firstComma - 2 ) );
		string title = titleLine.substr( firstComma + 2 );

		istringstream locationString( itemIter->getChild( "georss:point" ).getValue() );
		Vec2f locationVector;
		locationString >> locationVector.x >> locationVector.y;
		mEarth.addQuake( locationVector.x, locationVector.y, magnitude, title );		
	console() << xml << std::endl;
	//mEarth.addQuake( 37.7f, -122.0f, 8.6f, "San Francisco" );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void FlickrTestApp::setup()
	glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );

	const XmlTree xml( loadUrl( Url( "http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/groups_pool.gne?id=1423039@N24&lang=en-us&format=rss_200" ) ) );
	for( XmlTree::ConstIter item = xml.begin( "rss/channel/item" ); item != xml.end(); ++item ) {
		mUrls.push_back( item->getChild( "media:content" ).getAttributeValue<Url>( "url" ) );

	lastTime = getElapsedSeconds();
	activeTex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CanvasComponent::initFromXml(const XmlTree& xml, bool createNodes)
    id = xml.getAttributeValue<int>("id");
    // when loading a patch, update globalID so future
    // nodes will be created with a unique id
    if (globalComponentID <= id) {
        // increment global id so each component will have a unique id
        globalComponentID = id+1;
    Vec2f pos = Vec2f(xml.getAttributeValue<float>("position.x"), xml.getAttributeValue<float>("position.y"));
    Vec2f size = Vec2f(xml.getAttributeValue<float>("size.x"), xml.getAttributeValue<float>("size.y"));
    canvasRect = Rectf(pos, pos+size);
    showInputPlus = xml.getAttributeValue<bool>("showInputPlus");
    showOutputPlus = xml.getAttributeValue<bool>("showOutputPlus");
    if (createNodes)
        // add inputs and outputs
        XmlTree inputNodesTree = xml.getChild("InputNodes");
        for(XmlTree::ConstIter iter = inputNodesTree.begin(); iter != inputNodesTree.end(); ++iter)
            if (iter->getTag() == "Node") {
        XmlTree outputNodesTree = xml.getChild("OutputNodes");
        for(XmlTree::ConstIter iter = outputNodesTree.begin(); iter != outputNodesTree.end(); ++iter)
            if (iter->getTag() == "Node") {
Ejemplo n.º 4
WarpList Warp::readSettings( const DataSourceRef &source )
	XmlTree  doc;
	WarpList warps;

	// try to load the specified xml file
	try {
		doc = XmlTree( source );
	catch( ... ) {
		return warps;

	// check if this is a valid file
	bool isWarp = doc.hasChild( "warpconfig" );
	if( !isWarp ) return warps;

	if( isWarp ) {
		// get first profile
		XmlTree profileXml = doc.getChild( "warpconfig/profile" );

		// iterate maps
		for( XmlTree::ConstIter child = profileXml.begin( "map" ); child != profileXml.end(); ++child ) {
			XmlTree warpXml = child->getChild( "warp" );

			// create warp of the correct type
			std::string method = warpXml.getAttributeValue<std::string>( "method", "unknown" );
			if( method == "bilinear" ) {
				WarpBilinearRef warp( new WarpBilinear() );
				warp->fromXml( warpXml );
				warps.push_back( warp );
			else if( method == "perspective" ) {
				WarpPerspectiveRef warp( new WarpPerspective() );
				warp->fromXml( warpXml );
				warps.push_back( warp );
			else if( method == "perspectivebilinear" ) {
				WarpPerspectiveBilinearRef warp( new WarpPerspectiveBilinear() );
				warp->fromXml( warpXml );
				warps.push_back( warp );

	return warps;