Example #1
/* { dg-do assemble { target powerpc*-*-* } } */
/* { dg-options "-fasm-blocks" } */
/* Radar 4456673 */

asm void Foo() {
  stwu r1, -64(r1)
Example #2
void AsmCall( void ) {
asm ("
    // pop off the destination instruction
    lwz		r12,0(r4)	// RG_TOP, 0(RG_OPSTACK)
    addi	r4,r4,-4	// RG_OPSTACK, RG_OPSTACK, -4

    // see if it is a system trap
    cmpwi	r12,0		// RG_TOP, 0
    bc		12,0, systemTrap

    // calling another VM function, so lookup in instructionPointers
    slwi	r12,r12,2		// RG_TOP,RG_TOP,2
                        // FIXME: range check
    lwzx	r12, r8, r12	// RG_TOP, RG_INSTRUCTIONS(RG_TOP)	
    mtctr	r12			// RG_TOP

#if defined(MACOS_X) && defined(__OPTIMIZE__)
    // On Mac OS X, gcc doesn't push a frame when we are optimized, so trying to tear it down results in grave disorder.
#warning Mac OS X optimization on, not popping GCC AsmCall frame
    // Mac OS X Server and unoptimized compiles include a GCC AsmCall frame
    asm ("
	lwz		r1,0(r1)		// pop off the GCC AsmCall frame
	lmw		r30,-8(r1)

asm ("
    bcctr	20,0		// when it hits a leave, it will branch to the current link register

    // calling a system trap
	// convert to positive system call number
	subfic	r12,r12,-1

    // save all our registers, including the current link register
    mflr	r13			// RG_SECOND		// copy off our link register
	addi	r1,r1,-92	// required 24 byets of linkage, 32 bytes of parameter, plus our saves
    stw		r3,56(r1)	// RG_STACK, -36(REAL_STACK)
    stw		r4,60(r1)	// RG_OPSTACK, 4(RG_REAL_STACK)
    stw		r5,64(r1)	// RG_MEMBASE, 8(RG_REAL_STACK)
    stw		r6,68(r1)	// RG_MEMMASK, 12(RG_REAL_STACK)
    stw		r7,72(r1)	// RG_ASMCALL, 16(RG_REAL_STACK)
    stw		r8,76(r1)	// RG_INSTRUCTIONS, 20(RG_REAL_STACK)
    stw		r9,80(r1)	// RG_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS, 24(RG_REAL_STACK)
    stw		r10,84(r1)	// RG_VM, 28(RG_REAL_STACK)
    stw		r13,88(r1)	// RG_SECOND, 32(RG_REAL_STACK)	// link register

    // save the vm stack position to allow recursive VM entry
    addi	r13,r3,-4	// RG_TOP, RG_STACK, -4
    stw		r13,0(r10)	//RG_TOP, VM_OFFSET_PROGRAM_STACK(RG_VM)

    // save the system call number as the 0th parameter
    add		r3,r3,r5	// r3,  RG_STACK, RG_MEMBASE		// r3 is the first parameter to vm->systemCalls
    stwu	r12,4(r3)	// RG_TOP, 4(r3)

    // make the system call with the address of all the VM parms as a parameter
    // vm->systemCalls( &parms )
    lwz		r12,4(r10)	// RG_TOP, VM_OFFSET_SYSTEM_CALL(RG_VM)
    mtctr	r12			// RG_TOP
    bcctrl	20,0
    mr		r12,r3		// RG_TOP, r3

    // pop our saved registers
   	lwz		r3,56(r1)	// RG_STACK, 0(RG_REAL_STACK)
   	lwz		r4,60(r1)	// RG_OPSTACK, 4(RG_REAL_STACK)
   	lwz		r5,64(r1)	// RG_MEMBASE, 8(RG_REAL_STACK)
   	lwz		r6,68(r1)	// RG_MEMMASK, 12(RG_REAL_STACK)
   	lwz		r7,72(r1)	// RG_ASMCALL, 16(RG_REAL_STACK)
   	lwz		r8,76(r1)	// RG_INSTRUCTIONS, 20(RG_REAL_STACK)
   	lwz		r9,80(r1)	// RG_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS, 24(RG_REAL_STACK)
   	lwz		r10,84(r1)	// RG_VM, 28(RG_REAL_STACK)
   	lwz		r13,88(r1)	// RG_SECOND, 32(RG_REAL_STACK)
    addi	r1,r1,92	// RG_REAL_STACK, RG_REAL_STACK, 36

    // restore the old link register
    mtlr	r13			// RG_SECOND

    // save off the return value
    stwu	r12,4(r4)	// RG_TOP, 0(RG_OPSTACK)

	// GCC adds its own prolog / epliog code
" );