Example #1
local void diagnostics()
    bodyptr p;
    real velsq, phi0;
    vector tmpv;
    matrix tmpt;
    int ndim=NDIM;

    mtot = 0.0;					/* zero total mass          */
    etot[1] = etot[2] = 0.0;			/* zero total KE and PE     */
    CLRM(keten);				/* zero ke tensor           */
    CLRM(peten);				/* zero pe tensor           */
    CLRM(amten);				/* zero am tensor           */
    CLRV(cmphase[0]);				/* zero c. of m. position   */
    CLRV(cmphase[1]);				/* zero c. of m. velocity   */
    for (p = bodytab; p < bodytab+nbody; p++) {	/* loop over all particles  */
	mtot += Mass(p);                        /*   sum particle masses    */
	DOTVP(velsq, Vel(p), Vel(p));		/*   square vel vector      */
	if (extpot) {                           /* external potential corr. */
	    phi0 = Phi(p) + phi0;               /* extre correction         */
        } else
       	    phi0 = Phi(p);                      
	etot[1] += 0.5 * Mass(p) * velsq;	/*   sum current KE         */
	etot[2] += 0.5 * Mass(p) * phi0;	/*   and current PE         */
	MULVS(tmpv, Vel(p), 0.5 * Mass(p));	/*   sum 0.5 m v_i v_j      */
	OUTVP(tmpt, tmpv, Vel(p));
	ADDM(keten, keten, tmpt);
	MULVS(tmpv, Pos(p), Mass(p));		/*   sum m r_i a_j          */
	OUTVP(tmpt, tmpv, Acc(p));
	ADDM(peten, peten, tmpt);
	OUTVP(tmpt, tmpv, Vel(p));		/*   sum m r_i v_j          */
	ADDM(amten, amten, tmpt);
	MULVS(tmpv, Pos(p), Mass(p));		/*   sum cm position        */
	ADDV(cmphase[0], cmphase[0], tmpv);
	MULVS(tmpv, Vel(p), Mass(p));		/*   sum cm momentum        */
	ADDV(cmphase[1], cmphase[1], tmpv);
    etot[0] = etot[1] + etot[2];                /* sum KE and PE            */
    TRANM(tmpt, amten);				/* anti-sym. AM tensor      */
    SUBM(amten, amten, tmpt);
    DIVVS(cmphase[0], cmphase[0], mtot);        /* normalize cm coords      */
    DIVVS(cmphase[1], cmphase[1], mtot);
Example #2
local void diagnostics(void) {
    bodyptr p1, p2, p;
    real mp, velsq;
    vector tmpv;
    matrix tmpt;

    mtot = 0.0;					// zero total mass
    etot[1] = etot[2] = 0.0;			// zero total KE and PE
    CLRM(keten);					// zero ke tensor
    CLRM(peten);					// zero pe tensor
    CLRV(amvec);					// zero am vector
    CLRV(cmpos);					// zero c. of m. position
    CLRV(cmvel);					// zero c. of m. velocity
    p1 = bodytab + MAX(nstatic, 0);		// set dynamic body range
    p2 = bodytab + nbody + MIN(nstatic, 0);
    for (p = p1; p < p2; p++) {			// loop over body range
        mp = (testcalc ? 1.0 / (nbody - ABS(nstatic)) : Mass(p));
        // use eq. mass in testcalc
        mtot += mp;					// sum particle masses
        DOTVP(velsq, Vel(p), Vel(p));		// square vel vector
        etot[1] += 0.5 * mp * velsq;		// sum current KE
        etot[2] += (testcalc ? 1.0 : 0.5) * mp * Phi(p);
        // and PE, weighted right
        MULVS(tmpv, Vel(p), 0.5 * mp);		// sum 0.5 m v_i v_j
        OUTVP(tmpt, tmpv, Vel(p));
        ADDM(keten, keten, tmpt);
        MULVS(tmpv, Pos(p), mp);			// sum m r_i a_j
        OUTVP(tmpt, tmpv, Acc(p));
        ADDM(peten, peten, tmpt);
        CROSSVP(tmpv, Vel(p), Pos(p));		// sum angular momentum
        MULVS(tmpv, tmpv, mp);
        ADDV(amvec, amvec, tmpv);
        MULVS(tmpv, Pos(p), mp);			// sum cm position
        ADDV(cmpos, cmpos, tmpv);
        MULVS(tmpv, Vel(p), mp);			// sum cm momentum
        ADDV(cmvel, cmvel, tmpv);
    etot[0] = etot[1] + etot[2];			// sum KE and PE
    DIVVS(cmpos, cmpos, mtot);        		// normalize cm coords
    DIVVS(cmvel, cmvel, mtot);
Example #3
local void diagnostics()
    int i;
    Body *p;
    real velsq;
    vector tmpv;
    matrix tmpt;

    mtot = 0.0;					/* zero total mass          */
    etot[1] = etot[2] = 0.0;			/* zero total KE and PE     */
    CLRM(keten);				/* zero KE tensor           */
    CLRM(peten);				/* zero PE tensor           */
    CLRM(amten);				/* zero AM tensor           */
    CLRV(cmphase[0]);				/* zero c. of m. position   */
    CLRV(cmphase[1]);				/* zero c. of m. velocity   */
    for (p = bodytab; p < bodytab+nbody; p++) {	/* loop over all bodies     */
	mtot += Mass(p);                        /*   sum body masses        */
	DOTVP(velsq, Vel(p), Vel(p));		/*   square vel vector      */
	etot[1] += 0.5 * Mass(p) * velsq;	/*   sum current KE         */
	etot[2] += 0.5 * Mass(p) * Phi(p);	/*   and current PE         */
	MULVS(tmpv, Vel(p), 0.5 * Mass(p));	/*   sum 0.5 m v_i v_j      */
	OUTVP(tmpt, tmpv, Vel(p));
	ADDM(keten, keten, tmpt);
	MULVS(tmpv, Pos(p), Mass(p));		/*   sum m r_i a_j          */
	OUTVP(tmpt, tmpv, Acc(p));
	ADDM(peten, peten, tmpt);
	OUTVP(tmpt, tmpv, Vel(p));		/*   sum m r_i v_j          */
	ADDM(amten, amten, tmpt);
	MULVS(tmpv, Pos(p), Mass(p));		/*   sum cm position        */
	ADDV(cmphase[0], cmphase[0], tmpv);
	MULVS(tmpv, Vel(p), Mass(p));		/*   sum cm momentum        */
	ADDV(cmphase[1], cmphase[1], tmpv);
    etot[0] = etot[1] + etot[2];                /* sum KE and PE            */
    TRANM(tmpt, amten);				/* antisymmetrize AM tensor */
    SUBM(amten, amten, tmpt);
    DIVVS(cmphase[0], cmphase[0], mtot);        /* normalize cm coords      */
    DIVVS(cmphase[1], cmphase[1], mtot);
Example #4
void snaprect(bodyptr btab, int nbody)
  matrix qmat, tmpm;
  bodyptr bp;
  vector frame[3], tmpv;
  static vector oldframe[3] =
    { { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, }, { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, }, };
  int i;

  snapcenter(btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
  for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
    OUTVP(tmpm, Pos(bp), Pos(bp));
    MULMS(tmpm, tmpm, Weight(bp));
    ADDM(qmat, qmat, tmpm);
  eigenvect(frame[0], frame[1], frame[2], qmat);
  if (dotvp(oldframe[0], frame[0]) < 0.0)
    MULVS(frame[0], frame[0], -1.0);
  if (dotvp(oldframe[2], frame[2]) < 0.0)
    MULVS(frame[2], frame[2], -1.0);
  CROSSVP(frame[1], frame[2], frame[0]);
  printvect("e_x:", frame[0]);
  printvect("e_y:", frame[1]);
  printvect("e_z:", frame[2]);
  for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
    if (PosField.offset != BadOffset) {
      for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
	tmpv[i] = dotvp(Pos(bp), frame[i]);
      SETV(Pos(bp), tmpv);
    if (VelField.offset != BadOffset) {
      for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
	tmpv[i] = dotvp(Vel(bp), frame[i]);
      SETV(Vel(bp), tmpv);
    if (AccField.offset != BadOffset) {
      for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
	tmpv[i] = dotvp(Acc(bp), frame[i]);
      SETV(Acc(bp), tmpv);
    if (AuxVecField.offset != BadOffset) {
      for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
	tmpv[i] = dotvp(AuxVec(bp), frame[i]);
      SETV(AuxVec(bp), tmpv);
  for (i = 0; i < NDIM; i++)
    SETV(oldframe[i], frame[i]);
Example #5
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  stream istr;
  string bodytags[] = { PosTag, NULL }, intags[MaxBodyFields];
  bodyptr btab = NULL, bp;
  int nbody, nshell, n;
  real tnow, vals[3];
  matrix tmpm, qmat;
  vector v1, v2, v3;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  istr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
  layout_body(bodytags, Precision, NDIM);
  printf("#%11s %3s %11s %11s %11s\n",
	 "time", "n", "r_rms", "c/a", "b/a");
  while (get_snap(istr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, intags, FALSE)) {
    if (! set_member(intags, PosTag))
      error("%s: %s data missing\n", getargv0(), PosTag);
    if (nbody % getiparam("nbin") != 0)
      error("%s: nbin does not divide number of bodies\n", getargv0());
    nshell = nbody / getiparam("nbin");
    for (n = 0; n < nbody; n += nshell) {
      for (bp = NthBody(btab, n); bp < NthBody(btab, n + nshell);
	   bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	OUTVP(tmpm, Pos(bp), Pos(bp));
	ADDM(qmat, qmat, tmpm);
      eigensolve(v1, v2, v3, vals, qmat);
      printf(" %11.6f %3d %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f\n",
	     tnow, n / nshell, rsqrt(tracem(qmat) / nshell),
	     rsqrt(vals[2] / vals[0]), rsqrt(vals[1] / vals[0]));
      if (getbparam("listvec")) {
	printf("#\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%8.5f  %8.5f  %8.5f\n", v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]);
	printf("#\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%8.5f  %8.5f  %8.5f\n", v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]);
	printf("#\t\t\t\t\t\t\t%8.5f  %8.5f  %8.5f\n", v3[0], v3[1], v3[2]);
  return (0);
Example #6
// Execute one instruction cycle
void one_instruction_cycle(CPU *cpu) {
    // If the CPU isn't running, say so and return.
    // If the pc is out of range, complain and stop running the CPU.
  if ((*cpu).running==0){
    printf("The CPU is not running. \n");

    // Get instruction and increment pc
  int instr_loc = (*cpu).pc;  // Instruction's location (pc before increment)
  (*cpu).ir = (*cpu).mem[(*cpu).pc];

  // Making sure the instruction is 
  if ((*cpu).reg_R<0 || (*cpu).reg_R>NREG || (*cpu).addr_MM<0 || (*cpu).addr_MM>100 ) {
    printf("Error. The register or memory address given in the instruction is out of bounds.\n");

  //Decode opcode into opcode, reg_r, addr_MM, and instruction sign
  (*cpu).opcode = abs((*cpu).mem[instr_loc] / 1000);
  (*cpu).reg_R = abs((*cpu).mem[instr_loc] / 100) % 10;
  (*cpu).addr_MM = abs((*cpu).mem[instr_loc] % 100);
  // In case first instruction stored in memory is a zero, we need to give it a sign of 0.     
  if((*cpu).mem[instr_loc] != 0) {
    (*cpu).instr_sign = (*cpu).mem[instr_loc] / abs((*cpu).mem[instr_loc]);
  } else{

  // Echo instruction
  printf("At %02d instr %d %d %02d: ", instr_loc, (*cpu).opcode, (*cpu).reg_R, (*cpu).addr_MM);

    switch ((*cpu).opcode) {
	case 0: HALT(cpu); break;
	case 1: LD(cpu); break;
	case 2: ST(cpu); break;
	case 3: ADD(cpu); break;
	case 4: NEG(cpu); break;
	case 5: LDM(cpu); break;
	case 6: ADDM(cpu); break;
	case 7: BR(cpu); break;
	case 8: BRC(cpu); break;
	case 9:
	  switch ((*cpu).reg_R) {
	      case 0: GETC(cpu); break;
	      case 1: OUT(cpu); break;
	      case 2: PUTS(cpu); break;
	      case 3: dump_CPU(cpu); break;
	      case 4: dump_memory(cpu); break;
	      case 5: printf("Ignored"); break;
	      case 6: printf("Ignored"); break;
	      case 7: printf("Ignored"); break;
	      case 8: printf("Ignored"); break;
	      case 9: printf("Ignored"); break;
        default: printf("Bad opcode!? %d\n", (*cpu).opcode);
